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F. PUAETOlliaS, AD. MWUX, AUO. MlJKIiliEll, FHI 101)11.
Dk. eberhard nestle.
or THB
Theological ubrart
■ ^^^
Had I alono been concerned, I should not have
undertaken a new edition of the Syriac Porta. For
what we need for Syriac, as for most other Semitic
languages, is the investigation of special questions,
linguistic, historic and other, similar to those which
de Lagarde has given us on the figtree and Astarte
or Wellhausen on the remains of Arabic heathendom,
and not fresh presentations of what everybody knows.
Moreover, since the appearance of the first edition
(1881), I have ceased to have occasion to Jecture on
Syriac. On the otlier liaud, the speedy sale of my
book showed me that it really supplied a want, and
accordingly I have done what I could for the new
edition. Like other parts of the Porta, the Syriac
grammar no longer appears in Latin but in German
and English — wliich explains the arrangement of the
second half of the book. The part comprising the
G-rammar, notwithstanding the addition of a few ob-
servations on the Syntax, occupies less space than in
tlie first edition. As regards the BihUographyi I thought
first of omittiDg almost entirely sections I and II
(pp. 3 — 30), retaining only such books as are still of
importance; finally, however, I resolved to make the
bibliography in these and the other divisions as com-
plete as possible. Somewhere, it seems to mo, one
ought to find such a record of the labours of our
predecessors. Up to p. 30, books which I have not seen
myself are indicated as before by an asterisk. The diffi-
culties with which I had to contend, in having to work
at a distance from a library, can only be understood
by those who are similarly situated; even Klatt's Bi-
bliography was not accessible. On the other hand I
have here to thank a number of friends, particularly
abroad, most of them personally unknown lo mo, who
have helped me by sending me their publications, a
number of which will be found in the "appendicula";
I would specially thank Prof. I. H. Hall of New York
for the aid he has rendered me in the Bibliography.
This section of the book, large enough as it is, I
could easily have increased in one direction at least,
for I have made a practice of noting down all the
reviews with which I have become acquainted; of
these, however, I have only occasionally cited one or
two, it being still worth while to see, for example,
what a scholar like de Sacy had to say to the elder
Iloifmann in 11 pages of the Journal des Suvants.
From A. Miiller's new Oriental Bibliography (I, 1 — 3)
I might have added a few more titles; I mention the
following as having been overlooked: Baethgen, F.,
Siebenzehn makkabaische Psalmen nach Theodor von
Mopsuestia ZfdatW. 87, 1-— 60; Cardahi, Gabriel,
AI-Lobab. Dictionnairo syriaque-arabc. Vol. 1 [Con-
tient les onze i^rcniieres lettres.] Beyrouth, impr.
catholique 1887. fr. 30. — Wright, W., Notulae
Syriacao [Cambridge] Christmas 1887. "Only 150
copies printed for private circulation." 15 pages.
In the Chrestomathy I have retained the first
four chapters of Genesis, notwithstanding the ob-
jections raised by Socin; such translations are ex-
ceptionally well adapted for a comparative study both
of the vocabulary and of the grammar (with the ex-
ception of the Syntax), in the same way as the four
versions of the Psalter so conveniently arranged by
de Lagarde for Arabic. A systematic comparison of
tlie versions of the bible would give us more and fuller
information concerning the relation of the Semitic
idioms, as regards their respective vocabularies, than
the stray observations and notes on which we have
hitherto had to rely. — The extract from the N. T.
occupies more space with the Leipzig types, than I
could calculate from the American impression from
whicli it is taken; still an extract pointed in this
way was needed to familiarise the student with the
Nestorian punctuation, particularly the distinction
between I and ^, e.
In this edition I have given the Vitce Ftophetanim
in full, notwithstanding their somewhat unattractive
contents. With regard to these fragments it has
quite recently been suggested that the Syriac texts
are the original, the Greek texts only a translation.
The latter, in different recensions as in Syriac, will
be found — not reckoning the editions of Epiphanius
(e, g. Migne vol. 43, not in DindorPs edition)— in
Tischendorf s Anecdota 110, in the Joum. of theExeget.
Society 1887, 1 ff. by Hall; best, however, in the cod.
vat. 2125 (Marchalianust).
Of the legends of the finding of tJie Cross I give
two new recensions with appendix, for wliich I am
indebted to the kindness of Wright, Martin and
Uickell. I still hope to fuKil the promise I made in
the preface to the first edition, to publish a collection
of the various fragments. I have left the text precisely
as it is given in the manuscripts; e. g, in 113, 12.
116, 57. 117, 78. 124, 222. 131, 76. The extracts- in
the first edition from Jacob of Edcssa (Sevorus) and
Daniel of Salach, I have here omitted as being too
difficult; all the words of the first edition, however,
have been retained in the glossary, which has in
consequence become more comprehensive, and has
unfortunately, I cannot doubt, brought with it many
of the mistakes of the earlier edition.
There will also, no doubt, bo things in tlie grani-
mar which need change or correction [v. below].
In § 3 I regret not to have done Jacob of Edessa the
honour to adduce his mnemonic sentence
^1 wn^o! (BH Gr. 1, 194/5); for the Nestorian cf. de
Lagarde, Mittheilungen 2, 27. 183 ... . Nestorian
'Abdiso' (p. 25, n. 1) appeai*s to stand under Arabic in-
fluence. § 25, 3 b cf. de Lagarde, Agathangelus 133, n. 2,
where, however, the influence of r seems to be over-
looked ... I hope also, that the printing, which,
towards the close, had to be done very hastily, will
be found pretty correct.
Ulm a. D., 18. April 1888.
The Englisli edition of the Syriac Grammar has
had the benefit of a revision of tlic proofs by Prof.
G. Hoffmann of Kiel. Some of his remarks have
ahon.<ly been inserted in ilic text, others I am allowed
to put together here:
§ 2. The name Estrangela H. explains on the
ground of Fihrist 1, 12, 11 "yl ^ \ U ... t «« oTpoYyoX-y)
(j^eip) i. e. the oldest bookwriting as opposed to still
older forms of writing e. a, the ^^aniQ "it^ of the stone-
inscriptions. The passages of Bar Ali and Bar Bahlul
(Payne Smith) go all back to Iso'bar Nun of the
9t'h cent., wlio already combined Estrang(e)laya with
"Evangelium", but wrongly, because ho did not under-
stand the word. Uh^ meaning ''Linear- oder Eritzel-
schrift" has nothing to do with it. Paule (sic) bar
'Anqa of Edessa (^1^1^ the Arabic name of the bird
Phoenix), perhaps a brother of the Petros bar *Anqa,
who is known as a copyist of MSS. in the 6*** and 7*^
centuries (Wright, Gatal. 474) seems to have written
in the l^ij-^? )^^q^) propably a cloister of the Gap-
padocians (of Armenia, v. de Lagarde, Abhandhmgen
254), from which this mode of writing has also the name
IzL^inJ (de Lagarde, Praetermissa OG). Regarding
the dissemination of ^yriac in Armenia v. Hoffmann,
Kirchcnversammlung in Ephosus 12, 40 (the Armenians
had a school in Edessa) [and Agathangelus ed. de
Lagarde 77, 5].
For ic^t^)!^ (Arabic f=i^=:^^) we find in
Wright Catal. 3, 1302 w^gl4.-,-^*, elsewhere (Land, Anecd.
1, 11) (jmsmii; cf. also Asscmani in P. Siuitli 790.
The Syrians called themselves as exiles in a strange
land Gersonides after Moses among the Midianites.
§ 3. The chief point as to the Nestorian voca-
lization is this, that the Nestorians, besides short 6~
s, had also long cz^--^^ —~ ov — ; BII understands by
-7 the e which according to later and West-Syrian
pronunciation had become' i. Many examples of long
^, in Mss. and in the writings of BH, but not as yet
noticed with sufficient accuracy.
§11. With the modern Nestorians when reading
the Pesiit&, the stress-accent of an isolated word
keeps its proper place; but the accentuation of the
sentence displaces it as in Neo-Syriac. In both
cases very often the ultimate is accentuated, e, y.
in nouns and verbs un, an, m, en, iV" (adv.): ainaihiin,
qitUi^y hddin &c.
§ 15, Syriac verse proves the contrary; even
the ancient Syrians certainly pronounced two con-
sonantK at the beginning sans gene, mleV* &c.; T^^t;^)
hren; cf. also foreign words like ^quJl^, lixamool;*^,
p. 29, n. 1« ^aia2»o, Ma{jL(jLQ>v seems to be a foreign
word from the Phoenician tDDtt ^money^ ; compare the
inscription of Esmunazar (Corp. Inscrr. Scm. n. 3, p. 14, 6)
and that of md^M ("Toftmi", Rev. Arch. 1887, p. 2) xssn te^
*'awd (or) any moiiey^'; tDDti perhaps — - vo|jLi(o)jjLa.
§ 40 a that the verbs as have passed into Ja is
the old view; mine is, that via is older and o in the
Anlaut in Syriac and Arabic a later formation.
Thus far G. Hoffmann; of others of his remarks
I may perhaps make use on another occasion.
In the Bibliography add to p. 20, 37c cf.
Bon sly, The missing fragment of the Latin translation
of the fourth book of Ezra (Cambridge 1875) p. 3 n.
p. 23 (cf. 64) Bagster's Syriac N. T. appeared
first 1828. 568 pp.; then frequently without date.
For other omissions v. The Independent (New-
York) July 19. 1888. p. 17; for new books A, Miiller,
Orientalische Bibliographie , Berlin, Reuther.
It would be ungracious of me not to express, in
conclusion, my indebtedness to Prof. Kennedy for the
pains he has taken with the translation and for his
assistance in correcting the proofs.
Ulm a. D., 15. Oct. 1888.
E. Nestle.
Table of Contents-
§ 1. Introduction 1
I. Orthography and Phonology (§§ 2—18).
A. Orthography (§§ 2—13).
§ 2. The Consonants 2
3. Vowel Notation 6
4. Pronunciation of the Consonants 7
§ 5. Olassincalioii of the Consonants 7
§ 6. The Vowels 8
§ 7. T]ie Fhu'al points. Diacritical point .... 12
§ 8. QuRsaya and liakkak**a 13
§ 9. Marh^tana and M^hagg^yana 16
§10. Puncta eztraordinaria 17
§11. Position of the Tone 17
§ 12. The Accents 17
§ 18. Numerical Signs 18
B. Flwnology (§§ 14—18).
§ 14. Laws affecting Uie Consonants 18
§ 16. The Syllable 19
§ 16. Changes in the Consonants 19
§ 17. Weak Consonants 21
§ 18. Laws affecting the Vowels ....•• 22
II. Moriiliology (§§ 19-49).
A, Pronoun (§§ 19—23).
§ 19. Personal Pronoun 23
§ 20. Demonstrative Pronoun 24
§ 21. InteiTOgative Pronoun 24
§ 22. Belative Pronoun 24
§ 23. Possessive Pronoun 24
B. Noun (§§ 24—33).
§ 24. Substantive and Adjective 24
§ 25. Nominal Forms 25
§ 26. Gender 29
§ 27. Dual . . 29
§ 28. Plural 29
§ 29. Absolute, construct and emphatic states ... 30
§ 30. Poininine :»2
§ 31. Nominal BufAxes 34
§ 32. Irregular Substantives 35
§ 33. Numerals 36
C. Verb (§§ 34-48).
§ 34. Tenses 39
§ 35. Stems (Conjugations) 40
§ 36. Inflexion 40
§ 37. Moods 41
§38. Strong Verb 41
§ 39. Strong Verb with Sufflxes (Paradigm p. 44. 45) . 47
§ 40. Weak Verbs 48
§ 41. Verbs primse | . . . ' 48
§ 42. Verbs primse ^ 49
§ 43. Verbs mediae geminatos 51
§ 44. Verbs primas o and ^ 52
§ 45. Verbs mediae ) 53
§ 46. Verbs mediae o 54
§ 47. Verbs tertise ) 56
§ 48. Doubly weak and defective Verbs 59
D. Of the Particles (§49) . . . 63
III. Notes on the Syntax (§§ 50—56).
§ 50. The Syntax in general 65
§ 51. Pronoan . . • 65
§ 52. Verb 66
§ 53. Auxiliary Verb 67
§ 54. Object 68
§ 55. Noun 68
§ 56. Miscellaneous 69
Reading Exercise .... 70
Aids to Translation .... 70
Litteratura Syriaca.
I. Qrammaticae, Chrestomatliiae et Lexica .
II. BibUa
1. versio simplex, Peshitto
2. versio Thomae Heracleensis, Philoxeniana
3. versio hexaplaris Paul! Tellensis (a. 616/7)
4. versio palaestinensis
III. Libri ecclesiastici (liturgici, rituales)
IV. Litteratura Syroi*um generalis . . . .
I. Quattnor prima capita Gheneseos .
II. Evangelil Matthaei caput quintnm
ill. Vitae Prophetamiu 86
lY. Historia inventioiiis sanctae cmcis 108
i. e cod. Paris 234 108
2. e cod. Mas. Brifc. Add. 14644 113
3. e cod. Vat syr. 148^ . 127
Menses anni syriaci 132
Syriac, i. e. the language of the Christian Ara- i
uuuaiis, who had their licadquartcrs in Edessa in ^
northern Mesopotamia, is, in the first place, histor-
ically important, since it was through the medium of
Syriac literature that christian and philosophic learning
])assed to the Arabs and Persians, and even to India
and China. In the second place, as a member of the
North-Semitic group of languages, Syriac has a certain
linguistic importance, which would only be enhanced,
if what holds good in the department of Teutonic phi-
lology, viz: that the Low, as opposed to the High,
German represents an earlier linguistic development,
should be proved to hold good also in Semitic philo-
logy. Such, at all events, appears to be the relation of
Aramaic to Hebrew and Phoenician.
Of. TaopO(;--the name of a moantain in Asia Minor —
with Aramaic ^^, Ilebr. (PhoBn.) "^^22; Lagarde, Mitteilungen
I, 00.
Moreover, although Syriac as a national language b
has been supplanted by the speech of the Arab in-
vaders, it is still spoken — in a much altered form,
it is true — in certain localities, e. g, on the shores
Nestlo, Syrifto Qrammar. ^
of Lake Urumiyah, on the Tur'abdiii (mountain of the
monks) and here and there in the Lebanon district. Con-
sequently it affords, even more than Hebrew, material
for the investigations of the linguistic historian.
BegardingNeo-Syi'iac v, especially Th.NdldekOi Grammatik
der neusyrischen Sprache am Urmiasee imd in Kurdistan. Leipz.
1868. A. Socin und E. Prym, Der neu-aramaische Dialekt des
Turabdin. Q5ttingen 1881. A. Socin, Die neu-aramiiischen Dia-
lekte von Urmia bis Mosul. Texteund t)bersetzungen. Tiib. 1882.
n, 224 S. 40. ZDMQ. 21, 183.
c Although a few traces of different dialects may
still be found, the distinction between the eastern or
Nestorian and the western or Jacobile tradition is
rather that of different schools, as in Hebrew, than of
real dialects.
(§§ 2-18.)
A. ORTHOGRAPHY. (§§ 2—13.)
2 The Jacobite character, now most frequently
emidoyed in Syriac printed books, is rather a cursive
character, while the Nestorians have more faithfully
preserved the old uncial forms of the so-called Estran-
gelo. The 22 letters of the Syriac alphabet^ are read
and written from right to left, and assume somewhat
different forms according as they are joined to the
letter preceding, or to the letter following, or to both.
It was at one time usual in some cases to write from
the top downwards by turning the page to the left
through an angle of 90®.
The names, forms, sounds and numerical value of
the Syriac letters are given in the accompanying table.
The names of the letters (jiLq^'L), |zo ^f) are almost b
the same as in Hebrew (cf. esp. Hebr. Res not Mi^
Ncildeke ZDMG. 32, 592); for ^ aiaf we find also
v^ alef, ^; ddla(f alongside of i^J ddlai^. Liga-
tures are scarcely to be found; we note here only ]J
l-i-dlaf^ X (llaf-^rJ^ and X / at the end of a word
joined to the initial dlaf of the next.
The earliest traces of this special Syriac character, c
which has a common origin with that of Palmyra,
are apparently to be met with on coins of Ed ess a
dating from the first Christian century. In the manu-
scripts that are still extant, the oldest of which, now in
the Ui'itish Museum, is dated Edrssa 411 A.D., we find
two, and even three, forms of the Syriac character:
1 Elias of Tirban gives the number as 30, obtained by add-
ing the 6 aspirated letters b g d k p t and the Gk. 7 and ic.
F u r 111
to lMI«r I to fr*. Tio Utt«i|
pre- oeding \. „
cedin g 'ft. follg. touowg
a £«^A
" G&mal
t^ Ddlath
0)0 Vav
^ Zain
lJ. Cheth
-oJ Nun
X"<-"" Semkath
ei Tau
F. P
1 !< \.ri\
I •
01 CD I OL Cfl
Q. a
o G
1 *
h 1
1 1
m Uk
A &
£b i\
▲ X ^
' spiritas lenis 1
b, p 2
g. T 3
d, 8 4
h 5
T, W 6
Z in zero 7
cll, ll 8
t • 9
y 10
k, X ' 20
1 j 30
m I 40
n I 50
s GO
' guUiirnl sound 70
p, f 80
S emphatic 90
q 100
r 200
sh, s 300
t, a 400
1) the oldest Majuscle, known as Estrangelo,
Gospel- character (VllsL^J^Laf = |-^^of l4r», J- ^' Mi-
chaelis, not from oxpoYYuXoc Asseniani N/ or oxpaYya-
Xia), said to have been invented by Paul bar (xo:!
of Edessa, and to have been re-introduced by the
brothers Emmanuel and Nuche, and Johannes of Kar-
temin about 988.^ From it was developed the char-
acter of the Nestorians, still in use among the
Syrians of Lake Urumiyah. 2) A smaller character, Se-
uiiminuscle, adopted by the Jacobites. 3) The char-
acter of the Malkites, which, according to Land, is
an imitation of the Greek, according to Duval and
others has more faithfully preserved the oldest forms.
It is used onlv for Palestinian Svriac.
Arabic and Malayaliin in Syrinc cliiinictcra is oaUed Gar-
shuni y^y^^ [cf. Gerson, Ex. 2, 22.]; on the cryptography of
Dardcsaiics v. D § 13.
The indication of the vowels in MSS. and printed ^
books likewise follows a twofold system.
1 N in the seqael = Noldeke (kurzgefasste syrische Gram-
iiiatik, Leipzig 1880), D = Buval (Traitc de Gi*ammaire Syriaqne,
Paris 1881), H = G. UoffDiann, ZDMG ==: Zeitschrift der deutschen
morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.
3 BO [= Bibliotheca Orientalis v, Litt] 2, 352. 3, 2, 8.78.
Lagarde, Fraetermissa 95, 73, BH [= Bar Hebraeus v. Litt.], chron.
ecci. 1,417. G. Hoffmann, LCBl 79, 1708. Khajjath, Syri orientales
143. Lagarde, Mitteilungen 2, 257.
1) The Jacobite with the help of Greek vowels;
2) the Nestorian, which has arisen iVoui Iho more
ancient employment of a single diacritical point.
Barhebrseus^ gives the following table:
Sign Particle Verb
• • •
•• • •• ^
]ai) %aalZ |iU
I )
. 1
East Syrians West Syrians
» V
p » ».
,P 7 IT
,p R r , V
|ZwA^^ e|o
p r
*» "
According* to the above, the Jacobites distinguish
only the five vowels a""^ o\ e^, i\ /(% contained in the
mnemonic word ol^l-^ or sS.]^ s^a^ f^; the
Nestorians seven, in some cases six or even eiglit, by
giving a double sound to e, i and m. Mnemonic sentence :
lixJL^s ^ V-l ^nn«^q1 (on rt v. § 6 C).
— is only another form of — , although later Nest, giam-
marians make — equivalent to l^'i — to Kn i» ; see the list
of BH and 6 c,
1 The last and most important national grammarian (f 1286)
V. infra.
The pronunciation of tbe various consonants 4
is widely different according to time, place, and their
position in the word.
1 between two vowels is pronounced almost as y
(^\ which is not unfrequently written instead.
vjD was in later times no longer audible after u:
I ^^^ ^ = suna.
For the six consonants Las^^ v: § 8.
serves, like s* in the middle and ) at the end of
words, as mater lectionis. As consonants o and v.
approacli tlie English w and y respectively.
1 before smooth consonants is pronounced as a
smooth (tenuis); vice versa a» before medials is pro-
nounced as a medial (media) , before ^ *s , , e. g.
Ijila^?, li>jS, Cpi; 1^ (shame), ^o^aiai etc.; ^
before medials as ^ ; ^ before medials as w, before t
as ^^ and by the Palestinian Syrians almost as 1.
For ^ we find a pronunciation indicated sometimes
like w*., sometimes like | — the latter especially before m.
^ often like Arab. ^, Engl. > (D p. 29 n. 3);
aspirntod z nhnost as /*, e. f/. |?zi 'afrd, cf. Theodore
— Feodore.
The Syrian grammarians divide the consonants 5
1) according to the organs of speech by which
tiiey are produced (^Sioaaio? l2o?zf) into gutturals
(l^lf^, ]Ll^oJ^) ^ s^ 01 1; palatals (VLI?) wd ^ ^;
8 6. VOWKI.S.
^dentals (liX?) or sibilants (iLlilj^) ^a. ^ U9 ];
**lingual8 ^>4 >; ***labials u» >o ^s.
* with open mouth ^ o; with the middle of the tongue
and upper part of the palate ^.
** with the point of the tongue and upper and lower teeth ^.
*** with the point of the tongue and upper teeth «.
So Elias of Soba; others only slightly different.
2) According as they accord with each other in the
root, or not, into friendly )£iaJ*9 and hostile )z)jj0
3) According to their signification into radi-
)£uiX4,*^ or l^iiMi,^, and servile )ft>iSn^Z)j^,
.p p pQ r * ^p p pp y
6 The vowels were, in the earliest period, only par-
tially indicated by s* © ]; afterwards words written
with the same consonants but having a different pro-
nunciation were distinguished by a diacritical point
(lljCjAio l^fioJ), whicli is already employed in P«nlmy-
rene to distinguish j (r) and > (d). The point over the
word served to indicate the stronger and more obscure
pronunciation, under the word, the lighter and clearer.
^' tnan^ _io men; iuo hdh^ oud heh; jjaljao malkd,
)^v<^ melkd; ooi hau, ooi hu; ^oi hat, ^40l lii; ojoi hanon^
• • • \
Qjoi lienon; jj^j dina^ lalj dayyiind; p<aL \uUa^ }3ai.
'avvdld; |^ >^ Hisd^ \ ^ . '^ hdy'$d. This or a similar
system is usually adopted in the oldest existing MSS.
6. VOWELS. 9
from the beginniDg of the fifth century, and also em-
ployed in printed books, partly alongside of the system
that was afterwards elaborated.
About the end of the seventh or beginning of the ^
eighth century, when translations from the Greek were
being made in great numbers, it would seem that Ja-
cob of Edessa (f 708) hit upon the idea of using the
Greek vowel-letters A E II OY to indicate the pro-
nunciation of the SyriacJ Hence arose the Jacobite
vowel-signs given above. Their present recumbent po-
sition is owing to the fact that in those days one still
wrote from top to bottom.
The introduction of these signs has also been ascribed to
Theophilus of Antioch (f 785/6), who is said to have trans-
lated tlie two books of the poet Homer on the capture of lUon
into Byriac; thus still 1) § 73. Latest authority for Jacob, Wright
Byr. Lit 840, n. 20—24. (Encyclop. Brit. vol. 22.)
Regarding the pronunciation of the vowels, the ^
following may be noted:
I f P^ihdhd is with all Syrians a clear, short a.
f i (also )) Z'qafa is pronounced by the western
Syrians as an obscure o, like Qames by the Polish
Jews; by the eastern Syrians as a long «, e, g. |L.jl^^
1 Before this, or perhaps at the same time, Jacob made an
unsuccessful attempt in the same direction, in which the Mandoean
system, according to Wright, the Greek, according to D, served
as his model.
10 6. VOWELS.
Peshiiio or -in; the latter pronunciation lias been
proved on historical and philological grounds to be the
older ([lapavaOa, xaXiOa). The representation of the
long vowel by the short Greek o ((jiixpov) on the part
of the western Syrians is explained, like ^ in Hebrew, by
the fact that in the choice of signs the quality and not
the quantity of the sounds was the determining factor.
.For [ the eastern Syrians have sometimes | (= ^,
e, — ), sometimes |, in later times also 1 (both = ^,
7], -^), without any clearly marked distinction.
Besides the names given above we Anil also Iijlj^ or |Laj^
fi^ji*£j^9 for I, as distinguished fromV^^9 ILa-^ = ) ; also ]joja\
for 1^9 andpi^ 1^^^^ together.
In correct M8S. and prints ) (e) accompanies the prefor-
mative of the verb ^a.{LaJ, V^uoZ) ; but 1 p. impf. sometimes
yoio] , >o.uo) : also in the form £w^^ , %-^) ; but part,
regularly \,^,n and ending of 1 pf. £i^.^« On the other
hand with the passive part, and the derived stems of verbs )] wc
i)nd I e. ^. ]L^, 1^, )jqJ£^; elsewhere) in shut and sharpened
syllables. On the contrary ) is found before every quiescent
I or s*, especially in the prefixes of verbs )1»: '^] pf.; r^P)
^) impf.; also for western " e. g, rr^y Pr**1) ]'.V®> l-^r^.i
^% • • •
To the western o| corresponds the eastern ©) u or
o) 0, the former also named l^^^^^ c]o or )^lL^, the
latter also )^ci or {.Isf.
not u appears e, g. in the irapf. Peal ^o^laJ, in the pron.
and snff. of 2 and 3 pers. .eoi, .&a &c. ; u on the other hand in
the termination ^S^nl of the impf. -whereas from )J| on account
of the contraction, i0^.aJ; o in the nomenagentis |)<l{l^, near a
guttural, &c.
NoTB 1. Regarding the transcription of Greek words see the
Lexicon. The representation of Ok. e hy Syr. oi Qi)e admits of a
simpler explanation than that given hy D p. 47 n. 1. A closer
examination of these transcribed words throws much light on
the pronunciation both of Syriao and of Qrcok.
Note 2. The Syriao names of the vowels imply nothing
regarding the quantity of the Syr. vowels (in our sense of the
word). The majority () and | being the minority) whether with
or without matres lectionis, give no clue to their quantity;
whether e, g, the in {.▲9Q-0, ^Oh^ucJ, ^oojdJ be long or short
can only be determined by the laws of Inflexion.
As diphthongs may be noted: ^
1) an e|, for which the E. Syrians always write
op, rioio manta^ not till a later period pronounced mo-,
hence t always with Q. {v. § 8).
2) ai J|, >*f, \iLJi baitd also wilh Q. ; to be dis-
tinguished from iuijD bet^; solitary exception ^-f, pro-
nounced 'ay^, „how**.
* Also before consonantal o with a vowel, and even before
« .• •• .•
o doubled, the Nestorians always write for a e.g, v*a^, ^ofo^,
• • •
)Za^. \ the only exceptions ace. to BH are the pass, parts,
pa^, peoi &c.
.12 7. AhDlllONAL 81UNS.
3) di 4, .*— ; specially frequent in the termina-
tions of adjectives.
4) With suffixes we find additional combinations
of vowels, v*oio— , ^oia-— , >^a-— and, particularly in
Greek words, o) eu or ew, Cf. also in the N. T. words
such as ^^oa^oa, psol^, |X»ia^, Ul^'f^, ol^i^ol^
•• ^ .• .• .* ••
e For the Ilebr. Scwa, whether mobile or quiescent,
as well as for the doubling there is no special sign
in Syriac any more than in Ethiopic (Gram. iBthiop.
§§ 7. 9). The want of a sign corresponding to Dag.
forte is all the more comprehensible since the doubling
ceased to be audible among the Western Syrians at a
tolerably curly period.
7 Additional signs. Several of these are clearly
extensions of the simple diacritical point. First, the
plural points (lioj)!^ N«pQj)\ employed equally
by E. and W. Syrians, particularly with the noun,
when the singular and the plural havo the same con-
sonants: )n\^ malktu l-^"^^ malhe (with s : l^rJ), l^ii;^^
malk'^a, \iA<i^ malkdtf'd\ also with collectives jiil *dnd
sheep^ ).la¥ rah^§d horses. They are likewise used with
the verb ^. ^. 3 f. pi. pf. ^h2 ku^db^j especially witli
verbs |i, where .^^^ (/^latj 3 f. pi. pf. might be con-
founded witli ^^v (/'Idtj imp. sg.
^ The name Ilibbai N«as9 was first given to these points
by later Maronite grrammarians from the Hebrew.
8. QU6SaT(A) and IlUKKAKn(A). ]l^
A further extension is the diacritical points
with the Verb. We have already seen (§ 6a) how a
point over the word was used to distinguish the more
fully vocalised forms, such as the part. act. Peal and
the Ethpaal from the perf. Peal and the Ethpeel ac-
companied by a point wider the form (ws^a, j^l, jL
kd^eb^y ^dmar^ gale from wsLs, jiol, |L^ kU^ab^j 'emar,
gHd^ V^Lozl ei^qattal from V^lozI e^q^tel). We have
now to add that two points (often called U^.^^ or
l^os) rendered it possible to distinguish a third form
with the same consonants, e. g. the passive part, of
|] llJ g^le (in addition to gale and g^ld above) or in the
sing. perf. ^!:^ 1 m., £^2^^^ 2 m., '^"^^^ 3 f. (last
form written by the Nestorians with two points under
2^!bi.^). Tliis system was of course still inadequate
inasmuch as ^'^^ ^ may equally well represent three
forms of the Pacl. Simihirly jouil is 1 p. impf. Peal,
?oud) perf. Afel, 9oua^ part. Pael, jouai^ part. Afel. Cf.
D 67.
1) Much more important is the sign for the harder 8
and softer pronunciations of the 6 ^.as,^, correspond-
ing to the Ilcbr. Dagesh lone and Rafe. It consists
of a small point, generally coloured red by the Nes-
torians, placed over — Q us say (a) jl^oi hardening —
or under — Rukkak^(&) |^o? softening — these con-
14 8. qi)2^^ay(a) and uukkak"(a).
Jacob of liidessa seems to have been tlio first both to in-
trodace the )j|.«^lo and to distinguish the harder pronunciation
(by a point).
2) The rules for the pronunciation of the Begad-
kephath are not so constant as in Hebrew but the
following hold good in the main : Q. stands
a) at the beginning of a word after a vowelless
consonant 1^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ; hence after h mappicatum of the
3 pers. pron. 'm and «*;
b) likewise in the middle of a word li!:ikLo, Lot2
mai'kd^ ket^-het^^ particularly after diphthongs and
c) when a consonant is doubled ^iLo saOhar, ^)
appeq^ except at the end of a word ^^\ ^achelt(h).
3) 11., on the other hand, is found
a) at the beginning of a word after a vowel loou
b) likewise in the middle of a word, even after
the slightest vowel sound, hence, in particular, after
a doubled consonant and when preforniatives have
been added, e. //. sja-.|5!a and v-^i^^j ;
c) always with the suffixes of the 2 pi. i^ and
^^, except after the diphthong J of the plural.
Note 1. Thus far the Syriac usage is the same as the
Hebrew; an important distinction, however, appears in the fact
that in Syriac even unaccented syHables with a long vowel may
be shut, t. e. may be followed by Q., e. g, stat, eniph, and fern, of
» p p p. p
the part. ^^, M^^p, ^if>/r) (£xceptionB § 38^); while, on
9. maru"tXka and m>uaqo'^yana. 15
the other 'band, the femmine jL may be aspirated after syllables
with a short vowel.
2. By 2 b and 3 b is explained the diffei'ence between \^t^
and JJD^ (j;j and j«J)^ X^ and l^jiS (cf. ^sbo and ^dIj?
from d*^5^»).
3. After a the fem. Z has mostly XI. : j/|nib^, jft.^n|Sn
(Exception |£bd|^alA); in exceptional case§ after S, e.g. |£^^; B.
alway^s with Z of the adjectival termination pZ; Q. always with
Z in the feiu. of adjs. in |-*, \l^ — .
4. An additional helping-vowel does not affect the earlier
pronunciation; thus (ftnni and |\*inl, I^Vini* and |}lLV>ni>^
*k. *♦
^a^]J and ^Q^)J (in poetry).
P V P 9 . at ^
5. For the distinction between ^Z|.2i^ and ^^|.^^, ^fiy^;^)!
p « r
and ^£>Mi^9( v, §§ 39. 47c; for the hardening of the first radical
in the 1 impf. Pael § 88, of the vowelless prefix of the impf. after
o and ? § 49.
6. Of x.^ and ^s we find a third and even a fourth pronun-
ciation current.. AVhile aspirated v^ corresponds to the modern
Ok. cp, the Ok. tz is harder than s.a with Q, and ui accurate MSB. is
indicated sometimes by a point in the C9, sometimes, among the
Kestorians, by two points under it, and, finally, in Palestinian
Syriac by an inverted cl^ (so also with 7), while the Nestorians
, p 7
indicate by ^ the almost vocalic .s in such words as | 4^1,
wJ::k&.aJI, ]|mqm, \^aS Mt. 3, 12 etc. cf. ZDMO 32, 746.
The signs jl^oii^ and llLki^, chiefly used in 1^
poetry, indicate respectively the shorter or more hurried,
and tlic l()nji[cr or fnller pronunciation of a word or of
a consonant without or with vowels. The former is a
horizontal or (Nestor.) sloping stroke over the con-
sonant, e. g.: \h^^ ^es-q^^dy not ^e-seq-^ a; the latter
the same stroke under the consonant: )L!^9^^-c/r^/-<V/,
not dech-lH^d or dechl^d^ .©oijiG^ chamerhon ^ not
chamrhon. Both strokes are in frequent use to dis-
tinguish the Ethpeel from the Ethpaal.
b The so-called lineola occultans^ an extension
of Ij^oi^, is placed by some authors over, by others
under a silent consonant; it is especially frequent with
01 of the enclitic auxiliary verb )om, with ) of the
pron. of the 1 and 2 pers., with m of the 3 pers., with
s.^lf, )jg^f, wAOUi, ^fJS &c.
c In accurate MSS. other signs are found, sucli as a hyphen
hetween two words, corresponding to the Hehr. Makkeph: also
a line above the end of a word l?Q^) meant to draw the tone
to the following word; another under, p -'*^*-^ meant to retain
the tone on the first, e. g, \£ijkt jN*>Ns? and X^^Jk^} j^'^^^
(malkta dSabba and malhtat Sabbd) &c.
^ Not unfrequent is the sign of abbreviation 'ubias|
10 Of the so-called puncta extraordinaria the
follg. may be named:
1. a point is placed, as in Gk. and Ileb. MSS., over
every letter that is to be deleted ;
2. words requiring to be transposed are indicated
11. THE TONS. 12. TEB AC0BNT8. 17
either by three points placed under them, or by the
letters ^s i;
3. for quotations there are special marks », which,
in theological MSS., vary according as the quotation is
taken from an orthodox or an heretical author.
The ancient grammarians are silent as to the posi- H
tion of the tone.' We may however regard it as a rule
that in general the penult is accented, never the ante-
penult ; the ultimate only where the preceding syllable
has only a half-vowel or a helping- vowel, e. g. in the
noun, w«*p like f<^^ in the verb VjLo, w^II, >eal3.
There is no doubt, however, that originally the tone lay
on long terminations like ^ -'^^^ ^^v^^ Zak^.
W6 find rhetorical accents mentioned as early 12
as the 5^^ century; at a later period, i. c. from about
GOO A. D. onwards, there existed a very elaborate
accentual system with as many as 30 to 40 accents
and marks of interpunction. The four principal are
^ooLb, closing the apodosis or second half (li^^os),
and iILmz, closing the protasis or first half of the
sentence ()^9o<u^); (l!^ dividing the former, )Ia^^ or
|Jo^ dividing the latter into several members, as re-
presented in the following scheme.
• -
I) Naiuo fiiicl form correspond to the Hebrew oewa.
Nestle, Sjrriao Urammar. 3
In some printed books t is found at the end of an
interrogative sentence. For details Phillips, Martin,
D. pp. 137 — 161 may be consulted.
13 The numbers were in early times represented by
the letters of the alphabet, the numerical values of
which have been given in the table. For 500 it was
customary to write ^^ for GOO iz, for 900 ^2J.. The
stroke over the respective groups seizes to distin-
guish them from vocables having the same letters. In
recent times dates are written in the Arabic manner
,mAA\ 1888. Special numerical signs and ciphers, the
so called Arabic ciphers, are found at a tolerably early
date in ancient inscriptions and in certain manuscripts.
Cf. ZDMG. 16, 577. Land, Anecd. I, Tab. 25. Wright's
B. :tHONOLOGY. (§§ 14—18.)
j[4 The relation of the Syriac consonants to those of
<* Arabic and Hebrew is represented in the following
table, which is confined to the sibilants and the dentals.^
6 6 4 8 2 1
ab a babo abab
Arab, ib io ^ \jo \j!* jj«jj«v«>4>vd>v;y
Hebr. t{ti) tD S » te(D) « r T K «J n
tiyr. ^ s4 % ^ uo s^ uo } 9 ? z z
1 Of. § 1 and the remarks of G. Hoffmann LOBl 87, 18, 606
on Ndldeke's "Semitic Languages".
The student should look up illustrations in Gen.
It is to be noted that when, in a root, %^^ b
comes into contact with another %, the first ^ becomes
1; cf. Lagarde, Semitica I, 22, N. ZDMG. 32, 405.
^JL^ - i^bs « ^; gjJus, yi^s, i^?icf.
Every syllable begins with a consonant and withl5
one only. Apparent exceptions, such as \Lk, (Q.), have ^
frequently a helping vowel prefixed, in this case e
]lj.U l4<WiI-J^f ; elsewhere n, as often in }^>^f =
y^p% ^-.^M. A- ^°d similar forms are pronounced
as if written — as they frequently are — J::^^} &c.
Syriac diflFers from Hebrew in the following points: h
1) Short vowels remaining in the tone-syllable are
not confined to the Verb Vjus (lleb. b'Djj) e. g. ^<nj =
2) Short vowels before the tone are not lengthened
but (Iropped Vjlo = btDg, ^ocn? = anj.
3) A long vowel may stand in a shut syllable
As in Hebrew, a syllable cannol end in more than c
one consonant, except in such forms as K\^, 2jf.
Consonantal Changes. As in the other Semitic 16
languages the ^ of the reflexive, when the first radical
is a sibilant, takes the place of the latter and assumes
the same degree of hardness: ^£:»), 9>L^[., ^h]fj
^.£^J from y^, ij^, ^)^, ^^^.p ^^^ s®^ ^^^'''^^ ^•
& In many other cases a consonant is assimilated to
a following one in pronunciation; t;. § 4.
.'c Yowelless j is assimilated to the following con-
sonant, which is thereby doubled: ^If for an-pek,
^aJ for genb, \iSji Sattd^ Yl]2ivice versd a doubling
is sometimes dissolved by j (or ! U^''!* ^- '^'^^^)
<I The following are not pronounced: 1) ) in the
beginning of words like ^} , ^| ; so |i) when standing
without accent after or instead of a verb; 2) <n of the
unemphatic pronouns ooi, s^oi, in the suff. of the 3. pers.
v4oiol«f 'td^au^ wnL»j^ q^rdiy in the auxiliary verb )ooi,
in the irregular v^oTI (v. § 48); 3) ^ in ^ {v. § 19);
4) % in %il (v. § 48) and b in jl^I (§ 32) and ^ioi
(§ 48^).
e By aphaeresis ), >«, and j disappear in the imper.
of the corresponding verbs (v. § 41 if.), as also in cer-
tain nominal forms ]jl^^ ]£llJ (H. n^$, nsiD); by con-
traction very frequently \ after preformatives «><^^
= nfallef, jzoia^) "^o^l I ^at; [one of the double con-
sonants in stems v^, ^^ « ^^V^^? 1q^ ; >a:^, ^;] the
fern. JL in zli» new, f. Iz^ h'd*'altd. Apocope is
chiefly found in the 3 pL, where V^lo is frequently
written for al^ or J^^. The Hebr. feminine ending
m appears in the stat. abs. only as o'', oaljio,
similarly in a few cases ^" for JT'-t-.
I may be prefixed to foreign words beginning f
with two consonants, and to verbs Js, and is frequently
inserted as a mater lectionis : -^^-"^if dalliidni^ ^^)^
part. Finally we note the addition of a paragogic ^ to
certain parts of the verb, e.g. 1 p. pi. ^jl!:^.d for vf^^^
3, in imper. 2 pi. ^olLjlfi, ^-^2:1^ for o^^la, J::^^^.
The gutturals do not affect the vocalization to 17
the same extent as in Hebrew; they even seem to have ^
been originally capable of being doubled. They prefer
a to e^ e. g. in the part. Peal ^) for Vjld, in the Pa^l,
kie\ v^jf for a^neh\ (m) is frequently retained in
the impf. ; the E. Syrians often write a for e^ even when
there is no guttural, 1^^, )i:^, ]£joii^^
The quiescent consonants are pretty much as in 6
1. ), like the Hebr. n, stands for a and e at the
end of words U!^^, Ul^' « malkd, malke.
2. In the beginning of words, where it has always
a helping- vowel, it surrenders its vowel to vowelless
prefixes jkXo valahd, >o?jl Id^dm ; the Nestorians how-
ever, v'^'aldhd, l'^dd^dm\ but when two prefixes xjomo
together they also wrote .ooia^lJo |.al^P;)^ l^'elfd v^labHhon.
\ • ••
> List in Martin, Syriens Orientaax et Occidentaux (1872)
Tables 1 — 8.
2i2 18. QUANTITY.
H. Without IX vowel ), in the middle of a word,
quiesces not only in a, \ilu\:ii(iovfn''ass^i/md)yh\\tsi\so
in e, lll^od^, and i, ]l^):>o (but Nest, memra).
4. In Afel it becomes ©, more rarely ^: vSof,
Jk^\ ; for 1 between two vowels v. § 4.
5. For o in the beginning of words v. § 44^/, for o
in the middle and for the changes it undergoes § 4G2^;
for w* § 46 a. Except \L^ to live and perhaps ^ to
set, there are no verbs mediae ^, but very many tertise
^ ; on the other hand there are no verbs tertite o.
18 Since the Quantity (long or short) of the vowels
like the doubling of the consonants, is in most cases
no longer recognisable by outward and visible signs,
no unfailing rule can be given regarding their per-
manence and disappearance; vowels in sharpened syl-
lables are of course equally unchangeable with those
naturally long. Noteworthy, however, is the case with
which the characteristic vowel of a form may change
its position, e, g. in the segolate forms ^, "C^*,
w^olo, alongside of \\£il^ |L?, )^a^; and in the fe-
minines 1 >>; ^ <^ ^ 1^"^=^) jL^aia alongside of I^^a!::^,
jAwro^, }£LA9as; in the imper. ol^ajuo, v^oiQl^^a^.
II. MORPHOLOaY. (§§ 19-49.)
A. PBONOUN. (§§ 19—23.)
The Personal Pronoun (jJsaooxo, (iotfa?) used 19
independently :
I |J[ we ^, ,^^1^1
thou ijf, f. s^f you ^oXjf, f.^Sjf
he o(n, she ^m they oJoi, f.--jLioi
After the participle, and more rarely after the adjeotivei <K
the pronouns are used euclitically with shortened forms. This
usage is most frequent with the pronouns of the first person,
least so with those of the third. Exx. )J) |^), )J|J^) I say, so
almost always even in the oldest translation of the Gospels (Oure-
tonian) which, instead of the elsewhere usual ^1 •|V>f, or ,^»|Vf
^JLm (lu)Ui ~ VxmVtnan), still frequently writes , 1 m3| ), hut can
hardly have any longer read anachnan or enachnan; AaSSd «»
v*2j) ) r \Sn; 'bliJ^ Lk. 1, 28r=ski) >f^^, hut here »=
>a2uI] i^i^ ; ^^aSnl as .62ul) ,^>So| ; before enclitic eoi and
^01 a becomes a, oqi p) 'enau, it is I, among the Nestorians.
The 3 pi. has special enclitic forms .oJ)) f. ^^1, which
are also used , instead of suffixes, to express the object.
The personal pronouns in Syriac are employed much more I)
frequently than e.g. in Hebrew to express the copula: p) |J}
and on p|, o^ooi for ooi. en. .
For the suffixes of the noun (}ii&^z£^, Xm^^ c
1 See Jacob of Edessa ed. Phillips 7, 13, Elias of Sobha c. 3.
24 20 — 23. PROH. DXM., INTXRROG., BELAT., P088B88. 24. MODN.
affixa relationis) r. § 31, for those of the verb (\jL^
llSll) V. § 39.
20 Demonstrative pronoun (|ISp>0^):
a) this ^,.|Ja f. (901) )?ai pi. C. ^^01
b) that ooi f. Jm pi. m. ^joi, f> ^^ioi.
Very rare ^o^ and ^ojm.
21 The interrogative pronoun (llS^oj^) is ^
who? and ^ (also written ^ mdn) \Li what?; inter-
rogative adverb U^ how? and adjective )x»f, f. )^i,
pi. ^^I^f, which (man (fee.)?
22 AH the functions of the relative pronoun arc
discharged by », ^ (H. nt), generally alone, though
frequently preceded by ^n, oa, |JLf ; ? ^ every one that.
23 A set of possessive pronouns much used in later
translations is compounded of ^9, an older form of 9
• *
the dative particle %, and the suffixes: .^1^9; >flL;,
►j; ovii^?, aCi^j\ ^^?; ^aa^?, v, i n\ i?; ^oovi^?,
B. NOUN. (§§ 24—38.)
24 Substantive and Adjective. Nouns ()ot:l.*.)
are partly primitive (^fi^J^^^, )z^, )a1sa \llai£3j),
partly derivative (lila^^iS, ^Ll:^ illiaz). The
latter class may be derived from verbs or from other
substantives, and that in various ways. They may be
composed simply of the consonants of the root with
one or more vowels, long or short, or may be formed
by the doubling of a radical or by prefixing, inserting,
or affixing one or more consonants.
Certain formations are employed as adjectives and
participles or in particular significations.
The following list, in which the forms from strong 25
stems are followed by those from weak stems, and the
masculine by the feminine forms, does not profess to
give more than the most frequently occurring nominal
forms in Syriac.
1. With a short vowel:
a) qatl, qetl, qutl, or qtal, qtel, qtul^: .^1;^,
l^^; VTs )L^>; ^^.o^, |^?a^; a in abs. and constr.
states almost entirely confined to final gutturals and r:
jitf, 1^; ^?f, \is\\ s^p, Uil; s^s (ace. to Ncstorian
pronunciation fri, ace. to the Jacobite rll)^ \£^\y rarely
with a |iL; >oii, l^oJ; ^, ^ul, but from jL^ st.
CStr. ljL£i\ p^, {Ja!^, ).ba^; >.^lu^, U^^.
The feminines of the strong form take the vowel
with the first or the second radical as may most con-
duce to ease of pronunciation: IzSIaI:^, iLs^ as well
as Ui^, Jfiui^? alongside of li^S U?^ (Q. because
origin<ally U?r«" which was also in use), ]Lmq^ and
* Cf. Heb. 'naSi and "naa etc., ^«a and 'nia, DSttS and wittJ; Nest
, alongside usual ^0 a ig nS
I^s^gla; )£u2^p«; U^oz, ]h\ i o; )lio^, IfiLso?; )i^^,
b) With these, as a rule, coincide the forms with
(originally) two short vowels (Hebr. Gr. § 25), since
traces of the second vowel can only be detected here
and there, where the second radical lias a or the third
R.; ^(n9, ipoif; ^], |.Ld]; but >^£a, \1'lL) adjective
zIm, ]1JL (pronounced hatd),
Feminines: )£bi^, \t^'i}j Ui^, )£j^, )^I:^p^; iLs^aS,
)L^ (from )ma^).
2. With a long vowel:
a) after the first consonant:
a) qatal y:^^ | ^^^ ; rare in Syriac.
P) q&tel, the usual form of the active participle of
the Qal, y^iL, 1^^; r^f; >oCo; stC; pl^.
f) q&t5l, nomina agentis )fa^, \!lo^.
b) after the second consonant:
qetal: J^a:., |^»), )i^|; U^, lioi; J-.^-; Uju..
^) qattl: tlie usual passive participle of the Qal:
V^^, ^.^^1, i->^^, Xluo, subst. )£bia^; 1.^:^.
m ^ t ae * at •
•)f) qatul, the Ileb. passive part, rare in Syriac;
3. With the middle radical doubled :
a) qattal, qettal intensive adjectives and nomina
• /» «PPLf ,ppy P. »' ,p p r ,pp*
opificum: ijj), |.i-»; -ii; Ir^i 1r*»-
b) quttal, nomiQa actionis II li^o^ )JLa£, and
colour names V^of.
c) qattil, very many adjectives -^LI, ^A-ii, .^,
^.Jibe, and part pcrf. >^zf, £u£ll.
X at
d) qattul ifoJlT, Uiol^, |?aii^.
4. With formative additions:
a) with preformatives :
1) with m:
a) the infinitives,
p) the participles of the derived stems,
Y) many substantives ^^nv, jin^v; )^U^, l^^<^,
\^r^; Iv^nv, ti:^, ^£ulJ; with long vowel in the stem
w^i|:ai:^, > '^^^ ^ ]i^ ^ ^^^ ) V ^ ^ J ; with long vowel in the
preformative |iiifl2»o\ cf. liolio, H. nip'a.
2) with /, derived from III and V lab*iD^!i, |y ,\\\Zj
]^oLd1'^ very many feminines )a.^2a^z, ]Umq1ia,X
b) With aflFormatives :
1) with an for substantives: ^^?, li^ol, {J^^a,
especially from stems )]: |1I:^?, it is also the favourite
' Ace. to Lagarde GGA. 1884, 278 because = ^olao):^ for
^V>SSr>, from a stem corresponding to the Arabio ^^4^.
2 With y a few (foreign?) names of animals and plants
(N. 127,2); with n ts9aJ, a few biblical proper names commencmg
in Hebrew with y su»£ua3, ^^m; on Niuirod v» Lag. Arm. 8t.
]). 112.
28 25. NOMINAL F0B1I8.
termination for the formation of nomina agentis from
the derived participles and from adjectives, in which
a fem. i has often been preserved or, in cases, inserted
^Wa-i, ^i^^*-, ,^aa^, ^1
P • K * . P K.
Note. Besides an also on: iJOiinl, po.*^^ (Loan-words?)
see Lagarde GGN. 1882, 400/404; Bahlfs, BH za den salomonischen
Bchriften Leipz. 1887, N LOBl. 87, 25, 851.
on is the usual diminutive ending po n W>, more rarely 08
t»^nn« or both combined.
2) dy for derived adjectives, \1L:^ f. !?»•.> n\v,
pi. ]2Ua^^.
1) and 2) may be combined anay^ ]lilohj IIKj].
3) f, f. tth ; )£u*fa£?, )£JIas|.Lo. Masculine abstract
substantives with y (J) are also formed from verbs
llaxiL, iJj^o^, )Jj^<4, of which a st. abs. apparently
does not occur.
4) Feminine abstract nouns in uth o*) st. cstr.
zo— , St. emph. lio— )iaAlu2>o, specially frequent in
scientific terminology.
Forms with more than three radicals are not un-
frequent, but they are too irregular to be properly clas-
sified. A few rare examples of compound words are
to be met with, as IzCafiLi^ foundation, jA^^vC^ enemy;
one or two with Vlt), co9, ^4.), none with co) and ^);
1 QH., ZDMG. 32, 755.
26. GENDERS. ,27. DUAL. 28. PLURAL. 29
Greek words and proper names have found their way
into Syriac in great numbers.
c) On the vocalisation of the feminines see § 18
and GH., ZDMG. 32, 750.
As regards the two genders, the usage is essenti- 26
ally the same as in Hebrew. A considerable number
are common gender (D. 269, N. 87). Among feminines
without the feminine termination are the names of
members of the body occurring in pairs, names of
places and materials (D. 268, N. 84), and the numbers
from 3 — 10; c. g. v.^, ^f, j-i.^, Sol.
The dual has left a trace of itself only in ^Iz 2, 27
^^z\L 200 and ^i^.
The plural has two terminations, m. ^-^9 f- •— ; 28
io^, ^Iq4; |1*^, ^r^* Masculines from |f stems *
ending in the sing, in e take ^— , feminines in o— and
^_L take .© — and ^ — ; jU, ^^-^J^; n n \v, ^0 nSv ; '
Many nouns with a masculine form in the singular b
take the feminine termination in the plural; va^ bed,
pi. ^'^; izf place, ^5>zf, la] physician, ^lif; vice
vend many feminines take the masculine plural, e. g.
|Lo, )2C:^ word; pi. ^-v"^ mellin; ]liZ^ ]i>il week,
^^ihA>; M cubit, ^-.«^f; |^i^, )^<^:^ cave, ^ip^.
A few have both forms in the plural: |^f father, v.
§ 32, ^ horn, ^*fi and ^^r^; ^ hand, ^^f and
30 29. CA8B.
^oi^f; vsol day, ^^ol and ^^^>qL; V^ strength,
^-"^— J St. cmph. (v. infr.) )JLJ, hence ^^-^, ^'^
heart, ^>^^ and .ol^.
^ A few substantives are used only in the singular
]2L^ sin, \h^(il and jy^^ truth, jioiiLm faith;
others only in the plural ^-H** life, ^^io water (i;.
§ 32), ^-^-S mercy; ]1^ heaven is construed both
as sing, and as plural.
29 There are no case -endings in Syriac any more
than in Hebrew. The various cases (l^^oaito, v. Gott-
heil, Elias of Soi)ha u. 32 ff.) are expressed by means
of prepositions, the dative and often the accusative by
%, the genitive by ?. The genitive relation, moreover,
was still expressed by the shortened form of the Noun
in the so-called construct state. This, the usual method
in Hebrew, was called }ioiol^^ I011I4/? k^^ (am-
putation of the noun in annexion). The short
independent form of the noun was known as the absolute
h In addition to these, we have in Aramaic a third
form, the so-called emphatic state which supplies
the place of the prefixed definite (determining) article
(wanting in Aramaic) and which is formed by affixing
the termination // \— to the noun. The masculine
plural ends in e \— (st. cstr.+a 6H. in LCBl. 87, 18,
607) , from stems aiyd (ayya) ]L—. This form, we
may add, has become so common that it frequent]}'
stands where determination is not implied, and in many
cases is the only form in use.
The following tabic gives a summary of the various c
classes of nouns and their inflexion :
8t. abs. and cstr. at. emph.
St. abs.
a ;<^^ king
b V^i foot
c ^^o^ sanctuary
,2:^ child
jooi day
>al sea
9OU0 witness
^•^^^ banquet
]^^ vision
y Q
St. cstr. St. emph.
9 *
F « k
X y
« 7
y., y
« Y
Y —V
^ ** «k
^ M P
There is little to add by way of detail :
a) Class I comprises the nouns with one short
vowel, from which those with (originally) two short
vowels (§ 25 1 V) can no longer be distinguished. From
e and a of the shorter form, it is impossible to infer
the vowel of the longer form : V^^ %^ \ t^ l^il:^ ;
r p ♦ *
32 30. THE rBMIHlMB.
b) Like ^^ is inflected the diminutive |v^ vV st.
cstr. >GuJ^^; )Li^ takes p^; from )jo(n reason and
|jaJ colour the W. Syrians form .001 and JL.
c) Nouns from v:^ stems repeat the consonant only
in the plur. of |^ people and |^ sea.
d) The part, of verbs )] deserves special attention
The active is |U, l-i^, v"^; the passive |L, |Il^,
d Peculiar are certain masculine plurals with an in-
serted, with which Phoenician and Assyrian may be
compared, such as > i^^^ ruler \^t-^^^ n^9 great,
with reduplication |ls9o^ ; see the list in N. 71.
30 The Feminine. The rarely occurring stat. abs. ends
in the sing, in a, like the emph. state of the masc,
the constr. in — tz^ the emph. in 1 + a ]2.
Sing. Plur.
8t. aha. ciiti*. ompli. nhs, vsiv, oiiipli.
]JL»|^ City bJL^fi^o |o^^ ^r^ pjUf^ )^l-«r^
II ll^M*^ widow t^h] 1^1:^9] .^j] t^^Ui^
a I jjauil companion (f.) — l4r^ yl^ — —
b ii^caif - r^ ^ _ _
c pljl knowledge — ]hJf^ ^'^ — —
d llVfcJ maiden — Ifi^^ ^^1^ — —
e lor-joy — Uor- yo^ — —
[y oklijj kingdom Zni'Sv l/nnSSn ^onSv — —
8t. abs.
■ a a2>o? image
p *
.p p..
V <b dii^ request
c v*^ creation
, X
p <«
VI lLo part
p r«»
Note 1. Glass I suffers no change becanse the last syllable
begins -with a consonant.
2. Glass II, on account of the two consonants, requires some-
times a as |£l^^^9|, sometimes e as MubsZ, fA^ajLa^ request —
in thiH respect, however, the eastern pronunciation is often at
p *» •
variance Avith the western — sometimes u as in | m n 4»Z (does it
occur?) t&.ii6fi.4>Z. For the uncertainty as regards Q. and B. of
the Z, see above.
3. Glass III comprises the segolate feminines with the change
in the position of the vowel mentioned in § 18. To this class
belong also the forms under Y and YI from |] stems, which must
not be confounded with those of class lY.
4. l\)r the double plural of certain subsUutivcs \u §28&; to
tlieseadd Uo^V), UofStf, b<aJ and Uo^oJ. )z| sign, \^oA\\
V^^^'i |Zoa^; ||.^ hundred |^o|.^ have only the feminine form.
\h^^ takes l^-i-^l.
^ P »B P •»
5. Adjectives in ^-. form the feminine in |ZL* : ^a^i^,
/»rrP<* ^ l» P— O t^ P p
|LjJ.^|m^, pi. |ibw.*JL4^|» ; those in >.* , <^ , on the other hand,
JP P -P PP p P <* p i» P m .PPPP-M>
take|&^, pi. ]b^: ^^l^rv '^^'^^rv |A-iJ-^p^.
1 On U .^ «• PhiUppi, ZDMG. 40, 650; de Lagarde, Mitt.
2, 358 f., xaaurac » l^^ojua.
MoHilo, Syr. Oraiiim. G
•• • •
3J The appending of the suffixes presents little diffi-
culty. The singular forms given in §23 (withv»f) when
joined to the plural of nouns become ^
v^oia-., ola.; ^^^) v ^^*^ * > ^-aAa—J ^01-*.,
b With the suffixes the noun generally assumes the
form of the st. emph., dropping the terminations a and
e\ no change occurs except where ease of pronunciation
demands the insertion or restoration of a vowel, or a
change in its position, especially before the vowelless
and consonantal suffixes v>; .o^, ^^; .ooi, ^n. In the
case of the masculines, in the above paradigms e. ^.,
the position of the vowel is shifted only in .oaX^
compared with .aa^l^. Insertion in ^»v^<v ^^aUo ;
similarly in ^.j^f, ^<nblf alongside of ^i/f, ^©oiuf; in
II and . .v^^kl my burden from |i^nv, v*r^l^)
Ij^ etc.
c Nouns from )j stems form with the suffix of the
first person . ^^m, st^n^ ^-^-^^ ^^^^ which the
Jacobites pronounce — ^^ {/abt^ SeU, the Nestorians
ffab^f Sel; with ^ooi and ^: ^oa^IL^, .oa^?, ^m^Znnm;
so also .Guu^jkio, but Nest .aa^^^, because in the st.
abs. -i^^, which is, at the same time, the form with
the suffix of the 1 pers. ; in the same way v^^oa.
In the plural of these words the radical y is some-
times dropped and sometimes retained, - ^^i and ^^"^i
vftoia^ and ^oialb4) ^oioaLm and stmolsaJi; with sub-
stantives, as distinguished from adjectives and parti-
ciples, it seems to be more frequently dropped: ^2^,
Of the fe mi nines those ending in ut^ it, at always d
remain unchanged, as do the restalways before the vocalic
suffixes, frequently also before ^, while they generally
insert a helping- vowel before the 2 and 3 plur.; in this
case they assume the same form as in the st. constr.
Thus we find alongside of each other ^Lb!:^,
N«£^9a£, and ^£lX^) ^Z'fA^y y^iAiisil'j so v*£^T, ^^^r^,
^b^ alongside of ^lJ?, >^£J:^, ^^mIijv, >a£jL^; ^m^I^,
.ooiZ|^^ alongside of ^<nz^^. Cf. also ^1:^0] my
maid, but >^zyD my daughter.
More or less irregular in their formation are a 32
number of subsUntivcs, of which the following arc the
most important.
\si] father, wanting (ace. to BII) in abs. and const.,
with suff. 1 p. .-^1, before the others o^jf, thus ^cif,
iiasr, .ar?f; in the pi. ^ovcf, iSiif and, metaphorically,
-otsf, \lai£>\\ then pronounced abba.
)ulf brother, with suflF. like |I?[, pi. ,^f; in the
same way :^, \}am father-in-law, with suflF. of 1 p.
, before other sufif. o:^, pi. ]aCA^.
]h^ Sister, pi. ^cu»), \zq^}.
p'J^I another, f. |^^1, pi. |j-^j, f. ]P^[^[.
I^tff mother, ^^^ tni^U pl- Uoi^l-
\pjui] mnid, pi. jiocJf.
l^f or jiaif* (pronounce 'atf^d, ata) woman,
cstr. 2£l(^ pi. .^^, 1^.
)Li^ house, £ui^, contracted v^, pi. ^k^, iL^^
(note Q.).
^ son, 1^, ^i^, ^^, oip5, ^o^r^j !>•• <^;^»
9*» . »T
)ii^ daughter, cstr. z^, ^^r^s, but ^z^, pl^^i^,
)1^ lord, cstr. )^; w discarded before suft*., thus
^ji^, ^JiS, ^JiS (1 Cor. 16, 21), pi. }p^ and |^, ^-^
or liojio, fern li^ (Map&a, Q.).
)I:^ water, ^^, ^, bef. suffixes with or without
liA, v^oioJtf or ^010 iV.
1^^^ city, abs. )^, cstr. aI^oI; pi. )I)qJ, ^^VoI.
33 The Numerals. The cardinals (}i-'<^ simple)
^ from 1 to 10 have separate forms for both genders,
and, as in the other Semitic languages, in the case of
the numbers 3 to 10, the feminine forms are used with
masculine substantives and vice versd. They are placed
in apposition sometimes before — the more usual
position — sometimes after the object numbered.
1 In inscriptions also oiZ^) ZDMG. 36, 147.
-.u \i:i^z \:^
l\n*> UlU),£ lSA>/,
fi y
• ^
p m.
G . 7 . 8 .. 1) , 10 ,
To form the numbers from 11 to 19 ^ is added h
fur the masculine, |*^a^ for the feminine, to a shortened
form of the units.
masc. ^«wv^>. |jBi:k^z jjai^zC^z
fem. Ifxii^H* \fai^zhz Vftt:!»^w2^^
r y X V V r v y
14 |ja:^2^?f 15 \m\hk^L 16
y .9
fem. lymsA^?! y^^^Lks.^
masc. ^wsn4. ^wsivz ^ ms iJz
masc. 17 ^w^^nA> 18 jwsmw i<) \vi(\ii2,
J. .♦'^v ••vf> ,».»^
lem. lyrmSn^ V|'mMV^ ly.wS4>Z
Several variations are found in the orthography,
especially of the feminine; e. g. * is often wanting over
:^ of )|j9i:^.
The tens are the plural forms of the units, (in- c
eluding -(ja:^) and are of the common gender, ^'i^ 20,
^^r^Cz 30, ,^>f 40, ^,lw,l 50, ^Li. 60, ^.sniT 70,
^^^^> , also written ^Uiez 80, ^ ^^^ 90.
They are joined to the units in such a way that
the larger number is placed first, followed by the
smaller, which shows the gender and is always accom-
panied by o, e, g, ^o -J*^^ and |1mo -J'^^ The object
numbered is generally placed after in the absolute
d The remaining cardinal numbers are used as proper
1).:^ 100, in St. emph. )i|^=Fr. une centaine (pi.
lioVi) ^iizJ (dual!) 200, l^zia^^z 300, ijii^M' 400,
11^'-^" 500 &c.; wai:, emph. ^ 1000, ^^^'^ ^vz
2000, ^,^'V ]i:1a 3000, ^.^V ]LsA] 4000 (fee; (izob?
10000; .AiLl IzLdV 50000).
e Tlic numbers from 2 to 10 receive tlic deter-
mination by means of suffixes, which occasion ceitaiu
changes in the form: .aL.iz you two, mJ^z they
two, ^^^Wa; ^6oi^L:Iz (with anomalous Q.) &c.
/ The ordinal numbers (^loa^, |.^*^) are formed
by the ending
masc. fem. masc. fem.
1.9'' T ,r P F /» PC « .P '■ w
2i^^r .1 •'• ■ ^^ ft •<>* ■ •'
>p '^ ■
4-0'»« ,PP« yv ,PP« -PWat
5-PP « ,f>PK -« PPX ^PP*"
p p *
1 Barely U^^
34. V£an. 39
KoTE. In 4, 6, 7 the Neiiorians pronounced the second con-
sonant bard.
Further formations of this kind are preferably
avoided, and even for those given above ^5-^? ©«, ci
]t^2^ &c. were often used.
The cardinal numbers also serve to indicate the
day of the month ^, ^^l^ or pj^, ILi^aIa, )^£Jb^£ya
(Esth. 3, 12) &c.*
The distributives are expressed by repetition of ^
the numeral: ^ ^, )^ \^ (pi. )J^^, f. jklS^yJ
some), more rarely by Lj^^ ^^^ Ljls each.
A few fractional numbers are found as in Hebrew:
)k^ol, \Lsiob (with silent ^£ § 6) l^o^l ; once and twice
^ivio iLii];— fold is expressed by ^1 with ^ e. g,
sevenfold jlruLd ^, hundredfold ))^ ^.
For the names of the days and months see the
C. VEBB (iLisji) (§§ 34-48).
In addition to the two verbal forms of the perfect 34
and imperfect, Syriac employed, more than did the
other Semitic languages, the participle with or
without the auxiliary verb to be to express the pre-
sent, in this respect approaching the Indo-Germanic
family. The Syriac grammarians under Greek in-
fluence even went the length of regarding the above con-
struction as a third tense, which they named ^0(^9 lin}
(present, in addition to -^s^] \xs\ past and ^.a::^^ \isi\
•^5 The Syriac conjugations or stems may be most
conveniently arranged in three groups of two, in all
six conjagations. These are: the simple stem, the
intensive stem, and the causative stem, each with
its corresponding reflexive or passive, as represented
in the usual paradigm:
1. Peal %Ia and Ethpeel %i^4f
2. Pael %ii and Ethpaal vLizf
3. Aphel vL»f and Ettafal vLai^)
To these we must add a few other formations, e. g.
a second causative form, the Saphel and its reflexive,
Estaphal (Aethiop. Oram. § 43), in some cases a Paiel
or Panel (Aeth. 6r. § 40) and other quadriliteral forms.
36 The inflectional endings are:
a) in the perfect:
1 2 f . 2 m. 3 f . 3 m.
Sing. hr^~ ^iL tk ^-— _
Plur. Q)^^ ^B; ^oJ; (^)._ (^o)c_
b) in the imperfect:
Sing. — 1 ^-^ — ^ — ^ — ^
Plur. — I ^^JL v?--^ v"-"^ V® — ^
37. M00D8. 88. STRONO VERBS. 41
c) in the imperative:
Plur. Sing,
f. m. f. m.
(^)— (^o)e_ — _
Note. Wliere longer and shorter endings are found side by
side, the former are to be regarded as secondary or derived. *
The Syrians distinguish two moods (lli] or ]^y]yS7
also ]lli^), the indicative (jiajaa) and imperative ^
(l?ans). The jussive^ and the apocopated and emphatic
forms of Arabic are wanting; the infinitive and the
participle (\iaa, aJ^, l^^ajj^) belong rather to the
The strong verbs are called by the Syrians jzLoj^, b
the weak ]l^ls>.
Verbs of the simple stem arc cither transitive 38
(jLIi.^), or intransitive Qil^j); the latter have ^
generally 6' in the perfect Vilj fear,^«jlr5 be pregnant;
in some cases the vowel varies according to the signi-
fication: ^^ lay waste, wsj-i»be waste; in other
cases there is no change: >^(jivertere and se vertere,
w£^ part and go apart.
There is no reflexive with n, corresponding to the b
Ilebr. Niphal. Tlie significations of the derived stems
1 GH, ZDMG. 32, 757.
3 Are traces of it to be found Jer. 10, 11 and in the in-
scription of T e i m a 1 1 (V-notlsi)? Berl.Sitz.Ber. 84,817. 87,448.
42 38. 811101IOVERII8
present the same variety as in Hebrew; thus the Pael
is frequentative, intensive, causative &c., while the
reflexive takes the place of the passive, which is wanting.
c Forms with more than three radicals are derived
to a large extent from nouns; even words like ^^^J^f,
^^^zf, ^"sflj^v^'^ are invented by the theologians
and cited by the grammarians.
For Paradigm see following page.
Notes a) ^^i^ Ib more suitable for a model than %.^ or
S4^ ^T^ aocount of B. and Q.
b) In the MSB. the silent endings o and ^~the latter especi-
ally — in the plural of the perfect and in the imperative are frequently
omitted. For proofs that they were once audible see note to § 16 e
and compare Mk. 5,41. xaXiOa xoufit (cod. AD), with xoufi. (K BO).
On the longer forms in ^ — , ^ — , and ^ of the 1 pers. v.
§ 86 note.
c) Intransitive verbs with e retain their vowel (so in Arab,
but not in Hebr. 54^ and Aeth. 56). }qad Job 7, 5. 30, 30 is cited
by the grammarians as solitary example of an intrans. perfect
med. o; ace, to K also >oQi}] (but Q., v. 1) p. 225 n. 1),
d) In the impf. and imper. the intransitive have usually a,
„ * „ r *
which is treated quite as the u of the paradigm X;^;, ^.m^;
but y^Dh^A*^ wxoAtiAJ, w^^y-o, w£ej.Qj \ uot many have e as: ^^l
sell and ^sL> make, ^p and .nSI, with a few ^ t;. § 42.
e) The eastern Syrians write 6 t. e. o not o in the pf. .6£w2£c2,
impf. and imp. \J^oIaJ^ , w^soAls ; o u, on the other hand, in
.as£u£j, ^lO^ffi^ {v. P and p. 10); the prefix of the impf. they
point with -::- (8, later X).
•b* .b' r*^
i: I- !■
.6 .6
p p* f ^
1 4 'K
^0 ^„ S2, B
B hi ^ *
1 r: ir^
IT* P* r'
^' r r
t r: r
h^ b^
.IT' e:
•— ^ — ^»
/I A
f ^' I'
h' P- -^
£, r> E^
G L«
.r r^ .r
f -^ r..
ifei^^ in
> ^ ^
^ P CD
tr^ CD P
CD »-• •-•
^ »XJ hj
tJ^ 2- SL
CD *^
r ^ •''-
—^ K'« b.
p^ hj hj
g- CD. g,
o -^
I— •
• 43-
A\ ,1
. J; a a - ^1 a .a-. J;
"1 a a a a
,6 •Q* *^ »«4 %>4
.6 .6 1 .6
a ';:a a a .a-
'•9 "-^ J 4 4
^a. .3 J a a
•i .a: J .3- . J
'• ^. i '
"3. '3. .3 a J
^•9 i v3 .3 4
"3. J
.ti q-
1- '1
■] 1 I I 'I
^<3. ^a. a -t
1 ^1 ^3 4
^ 1 1
6 <44 S
CO CO <N d
t3, 1.3; ^^3.
1 4 .f
^ a t^ Q ui
i-H p^ CO CO 01 C4
1 1
1 '3
'31 ll
■J -J -3 4
s '3 1
9 H
1 '6
3 'I
*3 , :3 '3-
3 3 3
g) a ^ g a e^
•»i4 00 CQ »— • CO 00
CO P-i
1 I
'3 "3
o o
o o
1 1
•■3 '3
S- N.
. — a>
.t '3.
" o
CS '«
'3 '3 a a J
S* N. o o o
'9- '9- '9' -9" :T
1 11
4 4 'I '4 1 4 '^ 4
i 1 1 '3- 'J '9 :j '9
11"; 1 *^ 1 ^
-J a
46 38. STUONO VERllS.
f) The fonimtioii of a in. Hg, iinpf. by n iiiMtuiul ot i/ (lieiico
alwuy8=Bl pi.) distingaislies the Syrlac of Edessa together with
the Mandaean not only from Hebr., Arab., Ethiop. and Pho^u., but
also fh>m the western dialects of Palmyr., Aramaic-Palest., Samarit.,
Habat. Whether there is any analogy between it and the forms of
the impf. with b in biblical Aramaic and in Talmudic is doubtful
(cf. D§181, Kautzsch, Bibl. Aram. §47).
g) For Q. of the first radical in the 1 imp£ Pael, and of the
third in the part. v. § 8 A. 5. As exceptions to the latter we find
cited ,^>g.nN, y^fcOiS, ■ i^N,, ■ i.^^^n. It is to be observed,
ftirther, that when the tone is thrown forward the passive
participles of Pael and Aphel are not to be distinguished from the
participles active. On the union of the participle with the pronoun
and the ensuing contractions, see § 19 a.
h) Pael and Aphel present no difficulty. »iiin4>f find may
be regarded as Peal with prosthetic ) or as Afel with e for a, cf.
]bjkf and l^uk^f, m in > JiriiV and M^^ in Daniel.
i) No confusion can arise between the reflexive or passive
forms of the simple stem and those of the intensive, that is, between
Ethpeel (\£azf, with the diacritical point Vl^^]) and Ethpaal
(V:^^), V^aZl) if the second or third radical is one of the
.£. In other cases, the 3 f. and 1 sg. of the perf., the 2 f.
sg. and the 3 and 2 pi. of the imperf. and generally the imperative
are written alike, so that £b^4^'^i > ^u^^^^^l n^ay l>e i*ead either
as el^qatlat^f et^qatle^ of the simple stem, or as et^qatt^lat^t
et^^qatt^lcl^^ot the intensive. When the vowel of the iiiiper. is thrown
hack, JiowoYor, wu can distinguinU butwtiuii ^rL4u*Z) of thu .siiiiplo,
and < n a »Z) of the intensive stem. The Eastern Syrians give the
latter form a second vowel on account of the doubling and conse-
quenUy do not distinguish it from the perfect. The W. Syrians do
the same in cases like >aM9zf. In printed texts the diacritical
point developed into a diacritical line over (Ethpaal) and nnder
(Ethpeel) the middle radical.
k) The Ethpeel often takes the place of the Ettaphal
(V\fiy/.f) ; in the 8 f. and 2 m. and f. impf. of the latter only
two fs are written >J^,tLs2Z\ it is, however, like the Estaphal,
comparatively rare.
The strong verb with suffixes. 39
Notes on tlie paradigm (pp. 44—45).
a) One or two of the forms are found only in the works of
tiyriaii grammarians; the snff. 2 f. pi. is omitted, since it is treated
exactly like the masc.; ^) and ^i«J) serve as suffixes of the 3 pi.
h) In the perfect the 8 f. sg. is distinguished trova the
1 sg. with suffixes of tlie 2 and 3 pers. only by the B. of the Z;
from the 2 m. with 1 pers. by B. and the difference of vowel.
In the 3 pi. suffixes are also appended to the lengthened forms
9 h^ V o t*. y p tt.y
^AUosAbS, y*\\ •o&ba &c., which others point as .^1 iP^n ; cf. in
the imperative wuJgl-aZcuo alongside of .•! In no^us.
d) When the impf. represents the imper., it takes the suflQxes
of the latter, hence the 2 impf. often in ordinary cases aX«Js&.aZ.
e) For v«aL> and saoioui we find, especially in the dialect of
the Feshitta, oi — , ols&aJ, olLsAuaJ; the form (saoioui — }
is also found in some instances with the inf., which, with the ex-
ception of the suff. of the 1 pers., is otherwise treated like a noun
f) Pael, Aphel and the derived stems append their suffixes
after the analogy of the Peal. In the m. sg. and in the lengthened
plural forms, the imper. Pael frequently retains the vowel of the
48 40. GUTTURAL VERllS. 41. VERUS }j9.
second radical il i m^a^^ so soiiietiiues the iiiipf. Veal; of.
^•li'So^i KvD. ed. Wright [v. litter, p. 57] 160 n. 3; 172 u. 12.
40 Verbs with gutturals are not to be reckoned in
^ Syriac among the weak verbs since those prlnuc guiU
and in most cases those m^f^/^i^^ti//. present no deviation
from the inflexion of the strong verb. Even those unUv
gutt. differ from the above only in respect that they
take a 1) for e (part. act. Peal, Ethpeel, Pael, A^^hel)
and 2) often for o (impf. and imp.) — the latter especi-
ally in verbs ending in oi. In some cases we find both
and a {^^o^Lal and >-v%^X ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ alone.
It is not always possible to say with certainty whether
a given form is an example of 1) or of 2); e. g. in waL],
wA^p, the former may represent an original z'^eq^ or the
latter may be for nez^oq; but cf. Hebr. p?s, p?af\
b In a few verbs ) appears as third radical: xH
comfort, jjj^ defile (both Pael), and gives up its
vowel to the second radical when the latter isvowelless:
^p^ (3 f.) 2):^^ (2 m.); in the pi. o)Ls, ace. to the
Syrian grammarians, the o is still audible, perhaps
hayya'u. (In the same category we would place the
subst. \]ia hater, cf.§30c,^.). \\im (as original part.)
is found alongside of the later jlv, llia^ ^-^^
41 In verbs |!^, the \ at the beginning of the word
takes a full vowel instead of a Sewa, viz: in the part,
pass, of the Peal (i^)) and in the imper. with 6, Sai),
42. VKBIIS ^. 49
^ittf, and e in the perf. Peal and in Ethpeel, ^f , sJf ,
%ilif &c.; in a few perfects a is written by the E.
Syrians for e^ as ^ for ^ &c.
The E. Syrians further distinguish the perfect i:»2|
from the imperative i:^!.
After the preformative, ) quiesces in e when the h
vowel of the second radical is o, in t when it is a: \if,
%ai|i; iiif, ^|i; the foUg. have o\ %if, j^f, ^\, ^\,
^f , ^; >aL; <s\^ the foUg. a : S^f, jiif , ^^f , ^f . Only
one I is written in the first pers. of the imperf. lSmo),
so in the Pael ^ V
In the Pael ) in Western Syriac gives up its c
vowel to the preformative, according to §§ 16. 17, and
is thereafter frequently dropped, especially in .nV;
V&)j, VaM>^; ^^1^; so in the Elhpool and Ethpaal:
Valzf, V^1?J; vSlzf, VsILj, in which, however, it
is now and then assimilated to the z: ^2^f, r^^fii;
wiozl, >^Mi2,h:io. (H-Julian [vid. Litt. p.57] 8, \, 5 &c.)*
Aphel and Saphel with their reflexives follow the d
analogy of verbs Js: Vsof, ^e), ^^^ %Jo1j1(.
For )Z), s«£L») and S]) t?. § 48. The first coDsoiiant of e
■ ViiOi, from ^^h points to a Hebrew origin.
Verbs ^. 42
The first consonant is apocopated in the imper. a
Pcal, and assimilated to the second wlien it would other-
Nostlo, Syr. Uramm. 1)
60 42. VSBUfl
wise stand without a vowel in the close of a syllable;
hence there is no irregularity in the perf. and part.
Peal, in the Pael, Ethpeel and Ethpaal.
b Assimilation does not take place in a considerable
number of verbs, especially those with oi for the middle
radical: ^cou, )nj ; the same applies to the apocope in
the imper. (thus ^6^ notwithstanding impf. )6^),
especially with such verbs as are also tertiae >«.
c The vowel of the imper. follows that of the impf.;
a is often found even where the perf. has a] e.g. wr^
take, >.A», y^smi; |4J keep, ^, ^ and ii^, jqS^;
upa«, wooaj; zou*, Jisu^; With e p^, ^; Vd, VaJ.
Doubly weak are e. g. |ij, )^, pu.
Peal. Imp. of ^aaJ : ^^oi, a.ocL», .A^as, uAos.
of j.^: j^, of i^^j: ^^
impi. ^^a«), i^iPiftZ, uoaaZ, uoa«Z, wxo^
wxoaJ, ^oAi^, ^oniZ, y«ftq.l, ^ouoaJ.
In£ ux^.
Aphel. Perf. &A>f, .^t^)' Laif, ^if, ui>f
Imp. .^*aij, *fli?, .u»i|, uoil.
impi. wAsf, ■ inft2, woaZ, uiaZ, v r>m
\T\^\ ^OA^, ^AsZ, ■ n.fil, ^ookJ.
Inf. olasJ; Part. act. ■ ^^^^ pass. uia^J.
43. VKIIU8 "^X 51
Ettaphal. Perf. ^^A^i^f, Impf. . nt>Vf^i, Imp.
Verbs ^. 43
In the part. pass. Peal, in the Ethpeel, Pael, and a
Ethpaal — instead of the two last often Palpel and
Ethpalpal — verbs of this class present no irregularity,
except that in such Ethpeel forms as .o^^fij, i?^£^
the double radical is written only once, .ofoAJ.
Elsewhere the identical consonants are fused into b
one, and the vowel thrown back on the first radical.
ThehUter after preformatives is pronounced hard, which
is the case with the other radical in the perf. and part,
only when it was originally followed by a vowel. Thus
waoii, uaaf, cf. Hcbr. nD"); £Jia, Ls^ but ana and .oLit,
.oaoa; on the other hand again ^-^^
luiper. and impf. have a\ o appears in So^, Sa^; c
for e is cited only |i, ^, .o^.aS, imp. ^ .o^i, forms
which D § 185 assigns to a root ^ (but cf. I^oi, T^).
The uninflected part. act. Peal is formed like that d
of verbs al: ^ajla, but Vas, ^^^; still we find, especi-
ally with V:!, also ^>"^)^ In the Aphel, too, there
frequently appears a similar ) : ^aI).^, ^^\2.
48. 44. VRiiM3 V:^ ^aA.
Part. Peal
Sing. 3 m.
sg. m. wafi
2 m.
f. ^
pi. m. ^r^^
Plur. 3 m.
r F •
2 m.
Part. Aph.
net. sjs^
pass. yJS^
Sin{,^ 3 ni.
Plur. 3 m.
« .F *
k F *
Part. Ett.
F I' *
^ p F •
Peal. ..«anso
Sing. m.
Aph. ola&iS
Plur. m.
Ett. 4£-i£^
44 Verbs o^ and >^.
a There remain but two as verbs in Syriac, the
defective participle 0o it is becoming, and the Pael
^o assemble with its passive. As in Hebrew, verbs
oA have passed into the class >^, from which they
are sciivcely to be distinguished except in the Aphel.
44. 45. VERBS wui, pL 53
The first radical, where it should have Sewa, takes b
an f, which passes over to the vowelless consonant of
the proforniativc, zjl \rel^ not tjiret^, also frequently
written zLf , Ethpeel r^if (Nest. J^z) ). In tiie perf.
Peal non-gutturals take e^ in the impf. accordingly a^
] being written in place of s^: ^)i, so inf. |^i^.
In the Aphel ^^ f and S^f alone show the e
original y, v appearing in all tlie others : ^of, 2io\ &c.
^2J and ^[1 apocopate the >« in the iinper. Peal, d
while after preformatives it is assimilated to the follow-
ing consonant: V) ^\ >^A Q^^^'^r^) w^Taj, %^, s^iii2.
In other respects they follow the usual inflexion of the
For s^oLA V. § 48, g 5.
Verbs jl. 45
These transfer (with the Jacobites) the vowel of
the I to the preceding vowelless consonant, and have
usually e in the perf. w^Vs, ^)4, .U^; ) between two
vowels is pronounced as ^, and in some cases the
latter consonant is written instead, e. g. Pael ^tlIs.
Imp. .^)i, impf. ^)jIS; part. act. ^j!^, ]AJiy pass.
• ^-' In the Aphel, in many cases either the ) is
dropped or it is placed before the first radical ^j.^ (cf.
§43^); similarly the Ethpeel of ,^]^ is notunfrequently
written ,^\2]; so ^\2 it displeases for ^1.
46. VBBD8
46 Verbs
a A verb med. %j is perhaps to be seen in >&» set
{v, § 17,5), for its imper. is >a^ and its impf. >a^ ;
in the perf., inf. and is not to be distinguished
from the other verbs of this class.^
h When the first radical is vowelless, o unites with
the following a to form a ; with e and t it becomes f ,
with u and o, it becomes u\ when it would be doubled
in Pael and Ethpaal it usually becomes ^, as also in the
part. act. Peal before inflectional additions. The pre-
formative of the Etlipeel is usually written with two z's,
so as to reach the same weight with the strong verb.
Sing. 3 m.
2 m.
Plur. 3 m.
2 m.
• p
- p
m, »
m »
<» 9
tit y
• F
*^ r
* y
«* r
». my
1 On these verbs v. A. Miiller, ZDMG. 33, 698, N51deke,
ib. 87, 525; Hebr. Gr. §§ 71, 72.
46. YBBBS O^
Imp. Sing.
* F
Sing. 3 m.
* r
M r.
Plur. 3 m.
fc r
ft» ff I'
Part. act.
l.^n*n, >oto
r ^^
Note 1. The verb ZaJ^ die has alone retained in the perf.
Feal a trace of the intransitive pronunciation A«iV>, ZAuJmo, ^fiw^lfi,
%aZ£ui^ &c., elsewhere quite as >ajD.
2. A attend forms its Aphel like verbs ^^.^ Al) And
similarly the first radical must be pronounced hard after the pre-
form, in \..A^| measure and ^^] make ready, while other-
wise the preforms, are Yowelless; only in poetry do we find here
and there ^ooaJ &c.
3. The inf. Feal is sometimes written with an o to which it
tkP K P
has no claim: qJ|^, ^r^^*
4. Instead of the doubled s* (Qebr. Or. 71, b), o appears
, *F '*'7 »9 yy y V
in .001, wo], «.j^q4 ) 'A^ means dazzle, ^i^^ wake.
5. o remains in verbs whose third radical is i, a guttural or
]: |odi be, ^OiM show, oioZ, ^oZ be astonished, ^o) rejoice
P V 9
(but ].^), S^M bo white (but |.^ sco). According to N. these
66 46. 47. VKRB8 clL, P^.
are mostly denominativest and by no mean traces of a formation
older than that of ordinai-y med. e verbs.
6. A Palpel and an Eth palpal are formed e, g, from yoh
be high, >e^( raise, W^lA't from No], N}^^ shake,
7. In the Ethpeel frequently but one Z is written, and in-
version and assimilation are dispensed with in the case of sibilants,
thns >a^^r, V.«l4^, ^^^^^ ; but in Ethpaal vJf^f) >al£j«f .
47 Verbs |S.'
a This class comprises the two classes of Hebrew
verbs, r\"h (originally *»"b, o no longer appears in Syriac
as third radical) and m'^, which are treated in all
respects like verbs n"b. On the few that retain 1 see
h The paradigm shows in the intransitives
'y' as a consonant in the 3 f. sg. perf., but in all
the other forms it has become fused with the
preceding i to form s*~ ; in the transitives it be-
comes ^, hi in the 3 sing., disappears entirely in the
3 pi., and forms a diphthong with the preceding a in
the other persons. According to the traditional teach-
ing of the grammarians, the termination o in q^^v and
alL is still audible, thus : s'g^tu^ g^ldu.
Note Q. in £ul^»2 sg. to distinguish it from
fiu^» with R.=l sg., following the analogy of the strong
47. VERBS i!^
The iinper. of |L one expects to end in ay^ which, d
however, is now found only in -^* swear and ^Lft.f
drink. In the Ethpeel, the E. Syrians, following the
analogy of the strong verb, pronounce ei^'gal^ which
they usually write >.k2i^z|, in place of ^^liL^f. The
W. Syrians do the sahie in certain words c. g. ^^zf
or ^4 ^ 6, 5. The lengthened form is frequently found
in tiie plural of the imper., and is usually written with
Aleph: o^ and .o^iao, .o)]^ ; in the fern, the lengthened
form alone occurs ^^•^.
The vocalisation of the impf. is in all verbs the ^
sanie. The plural differs from the corresponding Hebrew
in showing a trace of the last radical, namely in the
ending of 3 m., which is pronounced (by the East
Syrians) on (^6) not xm (.©). The e ].* of the passive
forms (also in the part. pass. Peal) is written by the
E. Syrians — not — ; so here and there in otlier forms.
The i of the 1 p. s. pf. they write — i^v
Sing. !{ m.
2 m.
2 f.
•k "V'
7 *
^^ i^
47. VKRM (^
Plur. 3 m.
2 m. e
3 m.
3 m.
• .r
A'. ^
« F
« 7
O 7
7 9
<•- • F
K. pr
■ -F
p .r
7 -K
fc 7
.7 7
K- P 7
n <^ ^
/" How the suffixes are appended is shown by tlic
table on pp. GO — 61.
Note 1. In the inf. Peal, in the Pael and Aphel (3 m. and f.
8g. and pL of perf.) the y retains its power as a consonant, except
hefore .aa and ^^^) thus: v i I <| n V, ^|ji:^, - " "* ^ ^ - 1 ; ^^ *
2. The A of the 2 s. perf. is hard.
3. The decomposed diphthong au (dm. pi. perf. and pi. imper.)
is written o) or oo — , or even oof.
4. BarhebrseoB does not admit the lengthened forms of the
3 m. pi. perf. with safRxes of the 2 and 3 pers., ^ooX^, i>or yet
the short forms of the fem. pi. imper. » i1*\^, n iS^ and
5. jLiJD usually forms u*Jfa^, ^M^i u*Jo|iAfi, hut also
^OlOJLiJD, u*Jofa^.
Doubly weak and defective Verbs. 48
When, in a verb, two weak consonants immediately a
follow each other, the first of the two is not treated
as a weak letter (sec, however, §/*); cf. ^ and ^^, ,j,
^ and ol, ^^Qj, ^i ; so al and P;^ \ojk, ; we need only
discuss )ooi be and ^m live.
looi is, as a rule, regular, except that in the perf. h
the 01 is not pronounced when the verb is used enclitic-
ally. The o is sometimes dropped in the impf., especially
in the jussive and in poetry: lou, loiz, ^ou, ^<nz.
Besides the active participle we find the passive ]ooi,
)Jooi created, and (ace. to N 183) the verbal adjective
^ooi, \^om oeen.
« .lb « .!•
h*w **|* lk<W »k*W ll*w
•« *.f .J J J
.6 ^H .B
« .!• *^ ftk .I* ft, .lb H .!•
'^ *B. ^'^ A i^
I J J »•
'5 »B
kX »>tL t.M ft.1 »^|L
i-^ *■% t.% t.% »-IL
*r J '-J ♦'^ H
^ ?
a •!• « .la
^1 *^
► 1
1 ^^ 'J -^
».!L ^o* k.x b^j.
'5 'd *^ *^
•^ a
fa a <^-
»-< g^ CO 00 CQ c^
'4 1
«n ««s| t«sj «n (n
1/ * J .J .5 U
1 1
O at
lb «jL «jb k!L b>X *jL
^•1 -2
41* 4*L X
1 ^ :^
#r| ♦•s| #\| «r|
444 4
4IL Hb
O a 1
N Jb
fO 4 cJ
N •<• ft
.b ft .b k .«• K*w ft :l»
J "J <0 fO IJ
^ '. Ill
• ri4 CO
bo .
.9 a
e )Im is regular in the perf. and imper., but the ini-
perf, is formed as if from a verb ^ or ^^ (cf. Hebr.
Gr. § 76 c) and is written il|j, \^ or |^U (£. Syr. ^a),
\Z1, Uli; inf. US. Aphel ^T, i^^-, impf. UJ, \^^
part. \^ ; imp. |^) ; mf. o...!^.
d Verbs which are at the same time ^ and |!L, ^
and (."L, w^ and ^ share the peculiarities of the two
classes to which they respectively belong.
1. |^injure,^(Pael)tempt,)p quarrel,^
forget; impf. |ii, )^, ^^i. Aphel w^Xl", Jif, part.
2, |if come, )if bake, |]f bewail.
lif, ^if (E. Syr. zi)), ^i|, 1 ^if; ©if, w.if; imp.
• ••'
li, ^i, oi, ^i (v^^); ^"^P^- )^^' ^^^- )^^* ^Phel
^Lif, )iLJ, imp. ]iJi\ inf. oIiLio; Ettaf. Jh^'l^].
}if, }iU, Uf (Lev. 26, 26 by some ^)i) ; Ethpe.
l13]JL)^ iil^2^, «-Ia)£blo.
jjf, pi. f. w2^, 1 ■ iV; impf. .aL)j; imp. ^.^X, u^.
wotf) Pael, heal; impf. ^|j,^f; imp.^j, Ethpa. ^\jl].
e p^ swear, \:lZ (H. Ms;*) bud; oiHando^;
impf. ^]i, ^]j; inf. ^)i^, ^^; imp. ^..lU (r. § 47 //j,
f. <.a1aI; Apb. waioof, ^of; so also ^?o1^.
/ |1 and jL: ]|i scold, J^ be weary; perf. o|i
impf. ||iS; imp. ^|i, inf. )]iio, part. )t^; Ethpe. s*}i^)
Pa. ^jS; 3 f. aJjI,.2 m., 1 iJ$; pi. a-p, -Jjl; impf. ^Si
Aph. J^(. ))j, \1]^; ^^ ^C &re found only in the
participle; so with |)o be becoming, s^f^, ll^] be
The following arc irregular: 1) '^if go, in which S ff
is silent, whenever ^ can receive its vowel |^]f ^dzd,
^^]f 'dzJn; pf. hjL}^ ^ezat\ impf. ^^|J ntziin (Nest
j); imp. %^. 2) ^<'"» go up with assimilation of /
wherever w» can take its vowel, thus impf. - r«^v and
consequently .oattS; imp. um, ^.jau; Aphel s^]\
.'0 s^mLa.] find, impf. . ^>r.; (,;. §38/^). 4) ^alA^f drink,
part. ]fill, impf. ]£*i; imp. v^iL^f (§ 47 d); Aph. ^..jJjJi.
5) v^(^ give, in poetry also v^kl, without impf. and
inf., vjsoiio only as inf. absol., ^olI, £j5oiJ; imp. ^(n,
wlSoi, oooi, ^aiAoi, with o: v.2010, with SUfF. oiosoi,
saciqjljsoi, ace. to others ^oi^n, oui^n. Alongside of the
above we have C) ^2j give, only impf. and inf. "^i:^.
7) y^mb run, forms its iiiiper. by omittiug the r, which
however is written after the initial 01, thus v-^^m, o^bm hatt.
The lexicon must be consulted for the list of 49
particles ()*^f) ; we give here only those that undergo ^
grammatical change.
The inseparable prepositions wa, ^ %, with the b
copula o, comprised in tho mnemonic "^o^, before a
64 49. PABTlCLEd.
vowelless consonant receive a, rarely e (the latter
e. g. before {la. (§ 15 a) six). Of t with ? there is still
a trace in %^9 §23. With suffixes w«js; ^, ...^; ou£,
(TLO ; ^ ; ^OLAfi, ^-^^ ; similarly with %.
c On Q. with the a of the impf. after I and ? t;. §38^;
on words beginning with | § 172^2.
d hi has been introduced from the Palestine Targum
into 15 passages as sign of the definite
accusative (Gen. 1, 1. 1 Chr. 4, 41, the rest in Eccles.
and Cant.); also \hL being, nature used reflexively;
oil! ^ of one's own accord.
e ^ is not joined to the following word except in
a few expressions such as )!^ instantly (seldom
1^ ^), ]^ from here, ^alLi^ whence? V*^ or
Vi2:^ thus, >eoL^ something.
/ %a^ on account of, before suffixes £^a^, e.g.
naLIm^l^, ^^^J^oj^J^, oi^b^aJL^,
9 "%Jum!^ (st. cstr., also 9 (L^o^) over against,
^ The following also take the suffixes of the singular :
^ from, >qL with, zal^ to, towards, zo^f like,
9^^, ^Lofi behind^ after (with a retained before 1 sg.,
2 and 3 pi.); with the plural suffixes V:! over, ^aiL.
instead of, »^ around, ^" after, . vv^ except,
?n^\^ only, ^o^ before, zaiz {h^J) under.
Syriac resemblos Ethiopic in the greater freedom 50
it enjoys in regard to the arrangement of the different
members of the sentence as compared with Arabic and
Hebrew. In later writers, however, imitation of the
Greek sentence construction resulted in a style so
clumsy — and th*at not alone in translations from Greek
authors-— as to give rise to complaints among the
Syrians themselves.
The pronoun is more extensively employed than 51
in Hebrew, eg, for the subject comprised in the
verbrjiJf ^5 ©«; for the article, especially in trans-
lations from Greek (cf . Ethiop., French [iljle, Ital. il[la])
we find (on and) oln. Again, the pronoun is used to
anticipate a Genctive \^'^^t <nr^) or the object of
the verb with or without ^; also to accompany in-
dependent prepositions with ?, or with repetition
of the preposition with or without emphasis l^alc n^
on t'hat (very) day. Finally we note the employment
of tlie pronoun to express the so-called Ethic Dative
fli^ "^if, «<»d its reflexive use in expressions like
(ni(i4!L»)9 .nssniC Simcou of his pillar==Simeon the Stylito.
The position of the demonstrative pronoun is 6
sometimes before, sometimes after the substantive.
Nosile, Byr. Uraniin. Jji
66 62. THB VKBD.
e In the case of a genetive with its nom en regens,
the suffix is always appended to the second sub-
stantive when the first is in the construct state, jjo^jAI
^mJLoX^fn their want of faith; in most cases, also,
when 9 is used, ^iajov; ]k!1^'Z our necessary bread*
^ The following are used to express emphasis : ^^^
(Hebr.), w^o^; l^ole, |io^|i, but especially ^, nature.
Is ipse eoi ^ ooi.
A. One, TIC w*if, nobody ^f |i and p v^f, even
^f lifijf a certain woman, >o^ something (N.
Mand. Gram. § 150). For the reciprocal pronoun we
find yl^ and \1^ ^'companion*', not confined to
persons; ^ool!^ every day,|^al ^llxsthe wholeday.
52 The Verb.
a The impersonal finite verb stands generally in
the feminine, iiuJ,-r and^^L accidit, the participle
(and adjective) more frequently in the masculine (§ 48/.) ;
these verbs also show a fondness for the pa3sive:
^ r^)if, rr^ ^ -^-, ^ooCl^a. 1^2^:^, dixi, audivimus,
quaesiverunt; more rare are expressions like ooi
s.jdopJ ^\^h Lagarde, Psalt. Hier. p. 156.
b The perfect has the force of a future-perfect in
the protasis of a conditional sentence, but it is seldom
found in the apodosis; the perfect of emphatic assur-
ance is rare, except in the Old Testament.
Our present is scarcely ever expressed by the <?
imperfect; on the other hand, after verbs requiring
another verb to complete their meaning (such as will,
begin, &c.) the imperfect is regularly found, with and
without ; or o. Either both verbs stand in the same
mood, with or without o, or the second appears in the
imperf., with or without ? ; the participle and the in-
finitive with :i^ are less frequent in this construction.
? frequently serves to introduce direct speech.
The proper form for the present is the participle, d
which completely supplanted the imperfect in later
Syriac. It also stands in dependent clauses, even after
an imperative ^iijz ^^l q^q^ let both grow.
To express a condition or state, it is usually preceded
by Ji. The passive participle differs from the active
in jfrequently expressing the past — 4^ dying, t^
dead — or the gerundive.
The infinitive absolute is found as in Hebr. e
both b«»fore and (rarely) after the finite verb; when
depending on another verb, the infin. is always preceded
by ^. It stands frequently after |ooi, £uif, £uill it is
or is not (possible); after a preposition it requires
1^; e. g. Gen. 4^ 13 . nn^snS? ^.
)ooi is employed as auxiliary verb: 53
a) quite pleonastically to strengthen the negative
P: \om )), also ^f\m\A — ]oa P not only.
68 54. OIUBCT. 55. NOON.
b) for the imperative, joined to iin adjective or
participle, >^-^- L^om Ippcoao.
c) Tlie perfect looi expresses:
a) with another perfect, the pluperfect (Matt.
14, 3) or the simple perfect;
6) with an imperfect, the conjunctive of the
present ;
Y) with a participle, the imperfect of the indi-
cative, in conditional sentences the conjunctive.
d) The imperfect with participles and adjectives
denotes the subjunctive.
e) For be M* with suffixes is more usual than )ooi,
^oioiLf he is; \im Auif (he) it was.
54 The object, especially when definite^ but often
also when not definite (undetermined), is introduced
by 1^; instead of the suffix of the object we find as
frequently ^.
55 The Noun.
a Adjectives and participles in the predicate still
appear in the absolute state, although no longer
without exception; the same applies to the substantive
in adverbial expressions, especially after p, to numbers,
and to the names of the months; (infinitive).
h The conistruct, which may stand, us in Ilebr.
before a preposition (jJo^ waL^o aicoXoY(a), is sup-
planted in Syriac, more and more^ by the emphatic state
5(t. MI8GKIJ.ANB0UA. 69
followed by 9: ]oi^ i^^h )o«^? I^-^^?* or )(^f oii!^^9.
In this construction, a great variety of small words —
especially the copula (pron.) — may stand between the
two substantives, and the genctive may even^ as in
Greek, precede its nomen rcgcns (cf. Aeth. Gr. § 132).
The position of the attributive adjective is generally c
after its substantive, as often before it, however, when
expressing an honourable title or quality. The adjective
usually agrees in state with the substantive, but, in
exceptional cases, both the other possible variations
occur, least frequently the eniph. st. of the adjective
with the absolute of the noun.
Miscellaneous. 56
Instead of ^ in the comparative, we often find, a
as a result of Greek inilucnce, of, ^ Matt. 11, 22. 24.
In addition to the simple negative )) there is the h
more emphatic form )o<n )] (jlo — )J neither — nor),
oil; |:md ne serves as subjective negative, and is em-
ployed in questions implying a doubt (|xiqti), and in
]^^\ yo] in clauses expressing fear or purpose.
To introduce impossible conditional clauses we find c
cAI and )i (xB^, also ? p oS^.
The relative » is very seldom omitted. d
READING EXERCISE. Matt. 6, 10—13.
r • mPr y .'••' «.' ."^ F ,p#r rp ^^
Li. u^lj Uiuf ^a-* ^ ...Mja^o .ilioo- ^^a»?
i^jStin df^aimdyd^ ne&qddda! S*ma%. ttS-e malkud-ax;
nehveh se^yanSx, aikdnna h*^a!mdya ai^ Vdr a. hd^-lan
Idhma ^sunqunan yaumina; vaS'^dq-Ian haubain aikdnna
h^mf) hnan i'^aqn Ifhayya^ain, v'la i)dlan I'ncsyona^ dila
(bdssdn men bUa; mettul d'Hlax-hi malkiS-a v'haila
v^&eibdhia I' alam ifmin, amen.
^wf § 32. — ^il.^%«, § 22 + v.£) § 49ft + ]1^^
heaven, which though always plural iu form is also
construed as singular (§ 28c); st. abs. ^-^^^ cstr.
-^^ — ..^^AJ 3 m. sg. impf. Ethpaal from denomin-
ative verb w^^ (Pael) ; indicative and jussive are not
distinguished. — <^ia^ from yciZ name^ with suff. 2 m. sg.,
emph. 1.^, with suff. aIaa^, .oa^, in the plural, with
inserted oi, ^oC^T.^., I^iIaa., cf. ^f, p^f § 32.— ]^]i, E.
Syr. ]jL]Zj 3 f. sg.impf. Peal from )if come, § 48 ^,2. —
^io^vj^, abstract feminine od!^ § 30 IV + suff. 2 sg.
m.; note Q. of the a as distinguished from Hebr.
tPch'Q, — looii 3 m. sg. impf. of |o<n §§ 47, 48 b. — ^^ILd^,
m. subst. in ^, |i^ from |^, wish, will, with sufF.,
§ 25, 4, 6, 1. — liluf how? interrogative adverb used
relatively with following >, cf. §§ 21. 22.— ^f also,
cf. Hebr. and Aram. t|K. — \:Li]^ (E. Syr. llits).=: \ih\
cmph. from ^([=»Hebr. f^K, Aram. yiK, K^pK, Arab.
^^f (§ 14 a; 26 fem.) + prep. ^ § 1762.
^<5 § 48^5—^ § 496; in later Syriac written as
one word ^^^<n. — ii^L^, st. emph. from abs. >q1!;^,
H. onb — ^,J[aja»?=? to express thegenetive (§ 556) +
-Ajotf, IxaJotf m. subst., need, necessity, from the
stem sMia need — of Peal only part. pass, in uso+
suffix, which in such a combination is almost always
appended to the second member, although belonging
strictly to the first or to the whole expression (§ 51 c).
— iLooI, adj. ace. to § 25, 4 6 1 from >oaI, |:»dqJ § 29, 1, e.
wDi£)j^o imp. sg. m. of ^.n^ pardon; for 6 v.%6c;
38 c, ^ ; the prefixing of o docs not produce a firmly
closed syllable^ lience >^ witli U. — ^ v. supra. —
Dajl, our debts, from |.£qJ, St. cstr. and abs.
: § 30, I Cj pi. ^oi, p^ol+suflf. 1 p. pi.; the E.
Syrians write ^^oJ ace. to §6^1, so pistoaJ above.
— ? ^lurand wsf V. sup. — .JL § 19 — ,^nn4> shorter
form of the 1 pi. perf, § 36 a. — ^^^v'Lv our debtors;
dative par tic. ::^+plur. of intensive noun ^^lLI § 25,3 /i
from a root med. o, the o passing into ^ § 46 2».
))o and not, )l»non and ne — ^^^ / lead us
2 m. sg. impf. Aphel (V^i) from the root ^^^ witli
sufF. of ] per. pi., § 43. As in Ilebr., the imper. cannot
stand with the negation. — jioltti:^ prepos. 2:^, whicli
also denotes motion and direction + |illai»H. 'p*i&;
§ 25, 42^, 1 note, from the root (.uj, only in Pael— |jf
but, doubtless contracted from A if and )i not. — .^
deliver us, m. sg. imp. Pael of \^ with suff. 1 p. pi.,
§47. — lljjD ^ from the evil (one); preposition
^ § 4i)^; iJLiD St. abs. msc. of • ^-'^ (cf. Aram. tD2$a);
if to be rendered "from evil" (neutr.), we should
expect iLjui (§ 26),— Vj^ prep., (from ^oj^, ]1q4^
with :i^, V]4^) on account of (§ 49 /); with follg.
? becomes a conjunction. — ,^> § 23. — ^^ the fcni.
pron. (§ 1ft), as copula more correctly written as
enclitic v.5i. — |LJ § 28b\ 29, 1, f. — }k^A^.7 (ace. to
others z with R.) § 30 A. 2, plur. {Ll^i of Pael ^.iJi^
praise. — >cuil st. constr., which still appears, especi-
ally in a connexion like the present (§ 29, lla). — ^>v^f
we prefer to derive from the Gk. afx'^v, rather than
from tlie Ilebr. "jtoK in spite of Jer. 28, C.
*Hebediesu [f 1318], tractafcas continens catalogum librorum chal-
daeoi'um, tain ecclesiasticorum quam profanoruiUi ed. Abraham
ficchollensis. Bom, 653. 12^ sh. 5. M. 7. 50.
Index of lUblical :iiid I'Jrclcsisiatical Writings, Drawn up by Mar
Abd Ycshnay ]Mctro])oUtan of iNisibis nnd Armenia, A. D. 1298.
Appendi.v A. in O. P. Badga', the Nestorians and their Kituals.
1852. 2, p. 361—379.
Joseph Sitnoniiis Assemanua Syrus Maronita [f 1768], Bibliotheca
orientalis clementino-vaticana, in qua manuscriptos codices 8}rriaco8
recensuit . . . Bom, fol. I, 719 de scriptoribus syris orthodoxis II,
721 de scriptoribus syris monophysitis III, 1, 725 de scriptoribus
Nestorianis cont. Oatalogum Ebediesu. Ill, 2, 728 de Syris
Ncstoriania. Vol. I. M. 15. M. 200. 400, 425.
J, S. Assemanns oricntalischo bibliothek odcr nachrichten von syri-
schen schriftstollern. in einen auszug gebracht voii Auff. Friedr,
r/cfffer. Krlangcn, 770, 2 ps. [8 + 16] 594 8.
M. 1 . 50. 2. 4. 4. 50.
Bihliothecae aposiolicae vaticanae codicum manuscriptorum catalogus
in tres partes distributus. Steph. Evodius Aussemanus archiepi-
scopus Apameensis et Jos. Sim. Ass, Bom, fol. Partis I tomus II,
758 et Partis I tomus III, 759 complectens codices chaldaicos sire
[Anffdo Mai (f 1854)], scriptorum veterum jaova coUectio e yaticanis
codicibus cdita. Tom. V, Bom, 831. 4®. Oodices chaldaici
sivo syriiici val.i«nu assomaniniii, p. 1* — 82*.
Indices alpliabctici auctoruni ct oporuni codicibus syriacis,
hobrairis, ct copticis <*onjprplicnsoruni. T. V. p. 243/51.
Bninnia rudicuiii oricntaliunt vaticanoixini in Tomo IV et V de-
scriptoruin, additis ctiani hcbraicis et syriacis, quos Assemanus
tribus tonus inipressis descripsit . . . Syriaci 459. T. X (2) 874.
*) Po aairrisoo Tldo prnofatlonom.
2 Tjitteratura.
Biblioihecae Medieeae Laurentianae et Palatinae codicum mss. orien-
taliam eatalogus . . . Steph. Evod. Assemanus archiep. Apameae
reoenioit . . . AnUmio Francisco Qorio curante. Flor. 742 fol.
cum tabb. M. 25.
Catalogs codicam manuacriptoram orientalium qui in Muaeo Bri-
tannico asservantur. Pars prima codices syriacos et carslmnicos
amploctens [od. Rosen et For8liall|. iiond. 88 fol. sh. 12.
Catalogue of Uie syi'iac manuscripts iu tlie British Museum acquired
' since the year 1838. By W. Wright. [Loud.] 3 ps. 70. 71. 72.
4U. (70 sh.) M. 50. 70. vol. 2. M. 15.
*T, J, Lamy, les iiianuscrits syriiuiuos du Mus^o britiiuuique. liulletiii
Acad, d'arch. belgique. 49« ann^e, 2« 86rie, 1880.
Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Bod^anae pars sexta,
codices syriacos, carshunicos, mandaeos complectens. Oonfecit
B..Pajfne Smith, Ozon. 64. 4^, [sh. 21.] M. 16.
Manuscrits orientauz. Catalogues des manuscrits syriaques et sab^ens
(mandait«s) de la bibliothdque nationals [ed. H, Zotmberg],
Paris 74. 40. 8. 246. [2]. M. 10.
Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Kuraes Yerzeichnis dor Sacliau'sclien
Bammlunii^ syrischer Handschriften von E. Sacfuiu, Nebst Uber-
sicht des alten Bestandes. Berlin, 85. 28, 35. M. 1. 50.
*K, Kiidifftsr, (jb. d. orivntid. llanduchrii'toii uus Mliouno Uiiiitruiiii^ro'!}
Nachlass in Munuhen. 8<\ br. Extr. (Biill). tl. — . 50.
B. Dom, tiber 4 von der kaiserlichen dffentl. Bibliothek zu St. Peters-
burg im Jahr 1852 erworbene 83rr. Handschiiften. St. Peters-
burg 1854. A. 16 pag. M. — 60.
De codice palimpsesto gi^aeco-lat.-syriaco cf. Oozza, Sacr. Bibl. Vet.
fragm. 1867; de codice evangeliorum Gerhai'diuo: Jrmiseherf
Handschriften-Katalog der Kbniglichen XJniversitats-Bibliothek zu
Erlangen n. 19.
J, Fr, Oaabf Uber dio Litteratur der chrisUicheu Syror. Paulus,
Neues Bepertorium. 3 (1791) 358 if,
Andr, Theoj))i. Hoffmann^ kurzo guscliiclito dor syrisclion litcnitnr
vide Berthold, Journal XIY (22) 225/91.
O. V, LenfferkBf de studio litteraiiim Syriacarum theologis quam
maxime commendando comment. 1. 2. 2 part. Begim. 1886.
M. — . 50. 1.
Chist. Bickell, conspectus rei Syrorum literariae additis notis biblio-
graphicis et excerptis anecdotis. Monast. 71. 112. M. 2. 40.
(Pars I, p. 1 — 58 separatim prodiit.)
Neve^ F,, de la renais.snn<'0 des 6tndcs Myriaqnos. Paris 1854.
ha litt6nituro syruujue. lU)p. fraiiy. 1870, Jan. 7.
L'abb6 P. Martin^ Biipport sur les progi'^s des 6tude8 Aj'am6ennes.
Oompte rendu de la l^re Sess. du congr^ d. Orient. 1878. t IL
— Pierre Dowai' et la poesie sacr6e chez les Maronites ibid.
Litteratura. 3
P. Pickf Syriac Litterature. Mac Glinstock & Strong's Cyclop. Vol.
10. (1881).
Frotkingham f A, L,, Historical Sketch of Syriac Literature and
Gnlture I. Amer. Joum. of Philol. Y, 2, 200 — 220.
W, Wright, Syriac Litci*atnre. Encyclopedia Britannica. vol. 22.
p. 824 — 85(3. [opus plenissimuni, 1237 notae marginales.]
*1 \b^9 Ambrosiua^ Theseus , . . , introductio in chaldaicam linguam,
syriacara atque armenicam et decern alias linguas. [Papisie] fol.
(Wcigcl 15 11.) M. 18. 22.50. 25.50.
2 1554 AngeUis Canintus, institutioncs linguae syriacae, assyriacae
atque tlialniudicae, unii cum aethiopicoo atque ai'abicae collatione.
Paris, Stephnnus. 4^* M. 2.
3 1556 [Joh. Alb, Widmanstadtiiis] Syriacae linguae . . . prima
olemonta. quibus adjectae sunt christianae religionis solennes
quotidianaeque precationes. Viennae Austriacae. 4^. [56 pp.]
M. 2.50. 4.50. 6. 10. 11. 30.
*4 1560 Joh» JderceruSf tabulae in grammaticen linguae dialdaeae,
quae et syriaca dicitur. Paris, Morelli. 40.
5 1569 Grammatica chaldaea et syra Immanuelis Tremellij [Genevae],
Stcpbanus [in appcndice Ni T^ et seorsiin]. M. 2. 10. 4. 80.
6 1571 ivyrorum pecttlium, hoc est vocabula apud syros scriptores
passim usurpata: targumistis vero aut prorsus incognita: aut in
ipsorum vocabul.iriis adliuc non satis explicata. Andr, Masius
|Du Mas f 1573J sibi suae memoriae juvandae caussa colligebat.
Antverp., Plantin. fol. (in Bibl. Polygl. T. VI).
6 1571 Grammatica linguae syriacae inventore atque auctore Andrea
Masio: opus novum, & k nostris hominibus adhuc non tractatum
. . . Antverp., Plantin. fol. (in Bibl. PolygL T. VI).
7 1572 Dictionaiium syro-chaldaicum Quidone Fctbrido Boderiano
[Fevre de la Boderie] collectore et auctore. Antverp., Plantin.
fol. fin nibl. Polygl. T. VI]. [do siutogniphis Pabri ct Masii cf
Borajwuiii 45. 10. 272.J [4 11*.] 23 pp. M. 10.
8 1572 [Joh. Alb, Widmanstadt et Guido Fevre de la Boderie]
Syriacae linguae prima elementa. Antverp., Plantin. 4®. cf. n. 3.
9 1574 Bonavent. Cornel, Bertramus^ "ryVa comparatio g^mmaticae
hebraicae & aramicao,- atque adeo dtalectorum aramicarum inter
se: concinnata ex hebraicis Antonii Oevallerij praeceptionibus,
aramicisque doctorum aliorum obsei*vationibus. [Genevae,] Vig-
Mon. 4". M. 4. 20. 4. 50.
4 liitteratnra.
*10 1570 Joh, MereeriiiSf tabulae in grammaUcon lingiuio chaldaicac,
quae et lyriaca dicitur. Vitoberij^. 8^. cf. 4.
11 1594 InstituUo linguae syrae ex oi)timi8 quibusque apud Syros
ecriptoribue, in primis Andrea Masio collecta a Caaparo Wasero
Tigurino. Lugd. Bat. 40.
*12 1594 Victoriua Petrua paradigmata de quatuor linguis orientalibus
praecipuis arabica, armenn syra aotliiopicii. Paris. 4°. M. 12.
13 1596 Grammatica syriaca sive chaldaica Georgii Michaclis Amirae
Bdenensis e Libano. llomae. 4®.
*14 1602 Grammatica chaldaica desciipta ex tabulia Mereet-i . . . ita
mutata . . . ut plane nova grammatica dici possit (opera Druaii,)
15 1606 L'harmonie etymologique dee languee hebraXque, chaldiuque,
syriaque, grecque, latine, fran^oise, italienne, espagnole, allemande,
flamende, angloise etc. par M. Estienne Chnehard, Paris.
16 1611 Gymnasium syriacum ... ex novo testamento syro et aliis
rerum syriacarum scriptoribus collecta novis & genuinis charac"
teribuB adoi-nata a M, GhrihtopK Oi-inesio, Schlaccowoldo-lluhomo
Wittebergae. 40. M. 2.
*17 1612 •- 9. Amstelodami. 4^.
18 1612 Lexicon pentiglotton, bebraicum, clialdaiciim, syriacum, tal-
mudico-rabbinicum et arabicum ... ex testamento novo syriaco . . .
condnnatnm a . . . Valentino Schindlero Oederano . . . opus novum
nunc post authoris obitum ex ipso autographo fidelissime descrip-
tum. Hanoviae. foh sh. 10. M. 7. 75.
*19 1612 « 18. Prancofurti. fol. M. 7. 75.
20 1612 Lexicon syriacum, e novo testamento et rituali Severi
patriarchae quondam Alexandrini syro collectum . . . nt()ue . . .
tredecim disputatiouibiis propositum, auctorc et praosido M, Chri'
stoph, OrtHesio. Witteber>^ae. 4®.
21 1015 Joh, BuHmJi [liliij ^^nuiinialicao (tlmliluicao ot syi'iac;to
libri III. liusiloao. M. 2.
22 1616 Joh, Oasbar Myrieaeua, prima elementa linguae syriacae . . .
quibus adjecta sunt exercitia etc. Colon. Allobrog.
*23 1617 Grammatica aramaea li. e. chaldaicae et syriacae elementa.
*24 1619 B 22. Genevae. ^^, (Grammaticae syro-chaldaeae libri
duo.) M. 2. 4.
♦25 1619 « 11. C. WascTf grammatica Syra. Leidae. 4<^.
all. 7. 6 d.
'''26 1619 Henr, Opitiua^ Syriasmus restitutus et hebraismo cbaldais-
moque harmonious Lips. 4®. M. 3.
27 1622 Lexicon chaldaicum et syriacum; quo voces omnes . . .
Litteratura. 5
quolquot ... in novi testamenti translatione syrlaca reperiuniur . . .
a M. Joh. Buxiorfi4) jun. Baaileae. 4^, M. 4. 4. 50. 10.
28 1622 Joh, Bapt Ferrari, Nomenclator syriacus Bomae. 4®.
29 1623 Mart IVost, lexicon syriacum ex inductione omnium exem-
})lonnn novi testamenti syriaci aclomatum. Cothenis Aniialtino-
rnm. 4». M. 2. X 4. 10.
30 1627 Hteron, Avianus^ davis poeseos sacrae, tiium principalium
linguarum orientalium, hebraeae, chaldaeae ac syrae rhythmos
exhibens. Lijis.
*31 1627 Herm. Nicolaif idea linguarnm aramaearum per compara-
tionem . . . Copenli.
32 1628 Abrahami Ecchellensis coUegii Maronitarum alumni linguae
syriacae sivd chaldaicae perbrevis institutio ad eiusdem nationis
studiosos adolescent^'S. Bom. \2^, ' M. 3.
*'k\3 1028 Ijtidt)vui de JJicti gmmniaticii ]inn;iiannu uiicnt.'U., llobraeo-
mm, Chaldneor. et Syror. inter se collatarum. Lugd. Bat.
*ti4 1()28 Jif. Thorn ac Krx)a\ii graninintica clialdaca :ic syra opera efc
ciu-ii Constnnihu VKmiicrcnr de Oppijk S, H. T. 1). ct L, U. ac
C. P. in Acid. Lugduno Batav. in iucem edita.
o5 1635 JIarb. lliorndyke, epitome lexici hebraici, syriaci, rabinici et
arabici uniH cum observationibus circa linguam hebraeam et grae-
cam. Londin. fol.
36 1635 Sehindleri lexicon pentaglotton ... in epitomen redactum
4 G. A. [Gulielmus Alabaster]. Lond. fol.
37 1636 Thomas d Novaria Obicinus, thesaurus arabico-syro-latinus.
Bomae :
Index alphabeticus <ad formam dictionarii pro thesauro ... a
P. ¥. Marco Bouclio Lucensi editus ib. eod.
38 ]03(t Isaac Sciadrousis, M:u*onit:i o Libnno, ai'chiepisc. Tripolis
Syriao, grammatica linguae syriacae. Bom.
39 1637 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti syriacae graecae latinae cum
observationibus. quibus praemittuntur rudimenta gnunmaticae sy-
riacae opera Joh, Mich, Dilherri. Jenae. 12^.
40 1638 Eclogae sacrae novi testamenti', syriacae, graecae latinae.
cum notis et observationibus ita explicatae ut . . . adhibitis gram-
maticao syriacae mdimentis anteliac excusis attentus lector linguam
syrinc'iiti proprirt ni:irt.() \m9s\t .'uldisccro. Addunliu* indices locu-
plciisHiiiii ct iiKinnalo li'xici syriaci. Juiku;. 12".
*40^ 1643 SenertiiSy >!., Trosti gramniatica ebraea eaileniq. univers.
liy|H)ty|H>sis bannoiiica linguaiinii Orient Chaldaeae, Syrao, Ara-
biciicquo c. niatrc .Kbniea. 4^. M. 2.
41 1646 Circulus conjugationum peifectarum orientalium, ebraeae,
cJialdaeae, syrae, arabicae, aethiopicae juxta methodum Schickardi.
Jenae. 4<*.
42 1647 Schirkard, institulJones linguae ebraeao novitcr recognitae
6 Litteratura.
et auctae. ace. harmonia perpetua aliaram lin^arum orientalinm,
chaldaeae, syrae, arabicae, aetliioxiicae oi>ora Joh, Em, (Hrhardi,
Jenae. 4**.
48 1647 Joaephua AcurensiSf grammatica linguae syriacae. Bom.
*44 1647 Christ. BaviSf discourse on the original tongues, viz. Ebrew,
Samaritan, Oaldo, Syriac, Arabic and AethiopiCi together with n
gouoi'ui Gr.inniiHr of the ssud tongiiu8. Lund. ]2''.
Hb 1649 = 18. Uanoviao. fol.
46 1649 [Joh, ISm. Gerhard] }lKtaypa^ia linguae syro-cluildaicae cum
analyseos syriacae spocimine. llollis Saxon. 4.
*46b 1649 « 42. (Witteberg[?]). M. 1.80.
47 1 650 Joh, Buxtorfl grammaticae chaldaicae et syriacae libri III. . . .
editio secunda auctior ot emendatior. Basileae. M. 1. 1.20. 2.
48 1651 Andr. fifenner^, grammatica chaldaica et syra. Witteubwg. 4<'.
49 1652 Juh, Henr. Hottinger^ Tigurinus, grammaticae chaldaeo-
syriacae libri duo; cum triplici appendice chaldaea, syra et rabbi-
nica. Tiguri.
*50 1653 Briani Waltont introductio ad lectionem lingual*, orient.
Hebr. CliaUI. Samaritan. Syriuc. Arabic. Persic. Armenio. Goptictie.
Londin. 120.
51 1653 = 18 etc. Francof. ful. M. 5. 7.20.
52 1658 Eelot/ae saerac iiovi tustamonli syriius'io graocjio iatin:u)
cum observationibus. quibus * pruemittuntm* iTidimenta grammaticae
syriacae opera Joh, Mich. Dilherri. Jenae. 12®. [ed. 3*] 26.
250. (4) pp.
53 1658 Joh. Leuaderif scholae syriacae libri tres. xmk cum disser-
tatione de Uteris et lingua Samaritanorum. UltrajectL
M. 1. 1.76. 3.
54 1658 OtUielm. Beveridgiua^ grammatica sjrriaca tribus libris tra-
dita . . ut menstruo spatio . . ipsa linguae medulla exugatur . .
in usum bibliorum iroXu7Xcorrarcov WalUmicnsiniu. | Act'etlil oiusdoni:
do lingiuurum orioiit;t)ium prnosoi'tini Iiobr., chalcl., syr., antb. ot
samar. juiioshuitia niHUtSHitato ot ntilitato.) Ijondon. M. 3.
55 1658 Joh, Jlenr, JloUinffer, giumniutica quatuor hiiguarum
hebraicae, chaldaicae, syriacae et arabicae harmonica . . . accedit
technologia linguae arabicae theologico-historica. Heidelbergae. 4®.
*5S!^ 1659 TJi, ErpeniuSf grammatica hebraea generalis ed. ni, cui
accessit Grammaticae syrae et chaldaeae eiusd. auctoris ed. II.
L. Bat. [sec. BriU.] fl. 1. 25.
56 1661 Joh, Henr. Hottinger^ etymologicum orientale; sive lexicon
harmoiiicum ivTayktoTrov^ quo . . ot chaldaicae s^'riacoe . . . dialoc-
torum . . . voces juxta soriem radicum liebraicarum exhibentur
. . . accessit brevis apologia contra Abrahamum Ecchellensem
Maronitam. Francofiuti. 4^.
57 1662 Eclogae sacrae novl testamenti, syriacae, graecae latinae.
liitteratura. 7
cum notis et obsenrationibns ita explicatae ut . . . adhibitis gram-
maticae syriacae rudimentis antehac excusis attentus lector lingnam
syriacam proprio marte possit addiscere. Adduntur indices locu-
pletiffiimi et manuale lexici syriaci opera J» M, DiVicrri , . . qui
novam addidit PraefatioDein. Jenae. 12^.
"^58 1664 es 56 Hottinger^ Etymologicum orientale. Taric. 4<).
'*'51) 1064 Amh\ Hennni^ Rcriitininm lin^pinrnni orioiitalitim cbraeo-
chaldaeo-syro-arabico-porsico-aethiopicao. Yitebergae. 4'*.
60 1665 M, Dav. Qraf under, grammatica syriaca cum Syntaxi.
Wittcbcrffftc. M. 1.60.
'''61 1666 Andr, Seniiertj Grauimatica orientalis cadcmque harmo-
nica etc. seu (ab altera tituli parte) Ebraismus, Cbaldaismus,
Syriasmus, Arabismus etc. Wittenberg. 4^. M. 3.
62 1667 Aegid. Chitbivy lexicon syriacum continens omnes N. T. syriaci
dictionos et particulas . . . Hamburgi. M. 2. 30.
63 1669 Kdm, Castle, lexicon heptaglotton, hebraicum, chaldaicum,
Hyriacum, samaritanum. aethiopicum, arabicum conjunctim, et
persicum separatim . . . cui acccssit brevis et harmonica . . .
grammaticae omnium praecedeutium linguarura delineatio. Authore
Edmundo Castello, 8. T. D. . . . Londini, Boycroft fol. (Appendix
Bibl. Polygl. Walt.) M. 75. £ 2. 16. 4. 4.
64 1670 Joh. Friedr, Nicolai, Hodegeticum orientale harmonicum
quod complectitur I Lexicon linguarum ebraicae, chaldaicae,
syriacae, arabicae, aethiopicae et persicae harmonicum II gramma-
ticam linguarum earundem . . . Ill dicta biblica . . . Jenae. 4®.
M. 4.
65 1(i72 Joh. Letisdcn, scliola syriac:i una cum s^'nopsi clialdaica et
disnertatJono do litciis ct lingua S.amaritanorum.- Editto sccunda.
Ultrajccti. M. — . 50. 1. 20. 2. 50.
'^'66 1676 Jac. Ailing ^ synopsis insliUitiununi chaldacarum ct syrarum.
*67 1677 Ghristoph CeUariuSf porta Syriae. Gizae. 4^.
68 1678 Henr, Opitiua, syriasmus facilitati et integritati suae resti-
tutus simulque hebraismo et chaldaismo harmonicus, regulis iisdem
quinquaginta absolutus. . . . cura M. Daniel. Hasenmulleri ^<Xa>
varoX/ifoyXcoTTou. Lipsiae. 4^'. M. 3.
69 1679 JoU, With, IfilUger, summarium linguae nraniaoao i. e.
clialdaeo-syro-sauiaritanac. Wittcbei'gac. 4^, M. 1. 50.
70 1682 Ghristoph, CeUarius, porta Syriae patentior sive granmia-
ticae novae . . . editio secunda. Cizae. 4".
M. — .80. 1.20. 1.25. 1.50. 2.20.
71 1683 Ch't'istoph, Cellariits, glossarium syro-latinum, nuper vulgatis
utriusque testamenti excerptis accommodatum. Cizae. 4®.
M. — . 75.
8 Litteratura.
72 1683 Ludov, de Dieu . . . grammatica linguanini oriontalium
Hobraoonmi . ChaUlaoornm ot Byroriiin ivitd* so CH>11atjiriiiii. ux
reconsiono David Clodii. Francoiuitt. 4".
73 1686 Edmund Castle , lexicon heptaglotton . . . Londini impr.
Th. Boycroft, sumptibua Bobeiti Scott, fol. = 63 cum novo titulo.
^^74 1686 /. Nieolai, Hodegetici Orientalis pars II. editio 2. inscripta:
criiica sacra. Francof. et Hamburg.
75 1686 Car oil 8ch<iaf opus aramaeum complectens grammaticam
chaldaico-syriacam : selecta targumim . . . lexicon chaldaicum . . •
Ludg. Bat. sh. 7. M. 3. 4. 50. 6. 7. 50.
*76 1689 Joh» Aug. DanZy aditus Syriiie reclusus. Jenac. M. — . 70.
77 1601 Henr, OpitiuSf syriasmus etc. [» 26] secunda vico multis
in locis auctior editus. Lipsiae. M. 1. 1. 50. 2. 10.
'''78 1694 Hcnn, von der JSardt, syriacae linguae fundamenta. Helmst.
79 1695 Valent. Sehindlerj Lexicon Pentaglotton. Francofurti. fol.
80 1695 Andr, MuUer, opuscula nonnulla orientalia uno yolumine
comprehensa. Francof. ad 0. 4^. [cf. ZDMa. 35, XY. N. 19].
81 1696 Brevis institutio linguae syriacae, J. H. Maji hebraicae atque
chalduicae nu]tor oinissis liannonica itd (•ollogionini iksiuu ('4>'.ri|*tii
a M. G. 0. li. I'nuuofiiiii. 4».
*82 1699 Christ, Ludovicus^ hobraisnms , chaldaismns, tnvgmuico-
talnmd.-rubbinisiu. et syriasm. hurniou. etc. iii|is. a. a. (1690?)
(? ■■ Wittebergae 1699. 4*^. Ludoviciy Chr, Syiiasmus ex Opitio
in compendium redactus. 4^. M. 1). M. 1.50.
83 1700 Joh, Aug, Dang, Aditus Syriae reclusus . . . editio secunda.
84 1701 Jae, Alting^ synopsis institutionum chaldaeai'um et syrarum.
Francofurti. in: Fundamenta etc. ed. sexta.
85 1702 Geo, Otho^ palaestnv lingnaiaini orionUdium, h. o. quntuor
primoiiim capituin Genoseus 1 toxtus originulis 1£ Uu'guuiim
I clialdaicae . . 11 syrinca . . . e\ bibliis puly glottis anglicanis
Francofurti ^^ [accj glossarium linguurnm oricntaliuui octuplex.
M. 2. 2. 40.
86 1706 Sim, Ockleij\ iutroductio ad liuguas orientales. Cantabrig.
'''87 1707 Jofi, Phil. Hartmanni hebraicae, chald. syr. et samaritanae
linguaiiim institutio harmonica. Francofurti. 4^.
88 1709 Carol, Sehaaf^ lexicon syriacum concordantiale . . . (cum
novo tcstamento). Lugd. Bat. 4^. M. 10. 12. 15.
'^88** 1714 Element, lingg. syr. sam. aeth. Patav. 120.
*89 1715 Joh. Aug, Dam, aditus Syriae reclusus editio 3. Jenae.
90 1717 Carol, SchaaJ\ lexicon syriacum concordantiale . . . editio
secunda, priori emendatior et auctior. Lugd. Bat. 4^.
M. 22. 40.
91 1717 Jae, Alting, synopsis institutionum chaldaearum et syrarum.
Francofurti. M. 1. 50.
Litteratura. 9
92 1722 J*. A. Dang, Aditus Syriae reclusus. editio quarta Jenae.
M. 1. 75.
93 1725 Sam. Fridr, Buehery thesaurus orlentis s. compendiosa et
facilis mefchodus linguarum hebraeae, chaldaeo-tai^micaA, talmu-
dico-ralibinicao, syriae, sninaritaiiac, nrabicac, pcrsicae. Fmocofurti
ofc Jii|»si;io. 4^.
94 M'M) Jac, AHintj^ 8yiioji.si8 olc. hi: FiiudaitmiUi udiiio ucUva.
*94'' 1731 F. MascWf grammatica hebr. ... 2 voll. Ed. U. Ace
grammat chald. syr. et samaritana. Paris. M. S. 50. 6.
95 1741 Christ, Bened, Michaelis^ syriasmus id est grammatica linguae
syriacae. Halae Magdeburgicae. 4^.
M. 1. 1.20. 1.25. 1.40. 1.50.
96 1742 iin^. ^Tioltm, grammatica syriaca. Pataviae. 4^. M. 1.50.
97 1742 Ant. Znnoh'ni, Icjcicon syriacnm. ibid. M.-4.
98 1746 Jac. AUing ^ synox>sis etc. in: Fundnmoiita oditio uuiia
99 1747 Jae, Alting^ id. ]^[. 3.
100 1751 J. A. DanZj Aditus B3Tinc reclnsus. editio novissima. iimu-
meris. in locis correctior et cmendatior reddita a M. Joh. Cliristoph,
Mylio. Pranrofurti.
*101 1754 Jac. Scherkivfff Nyckelen til de fyra Oriental Spraken,
Uebraik, Gh:ilil:iik, Syriak, och Arabisk. Skara.
'''102 1758 J. Q. KaUy Grammatica Hebraeo-haimonica cum Arab,
et Aramaea. Amstel.
103 1759 Jffn. Weitenauer, luerolexicon linguarum orientalium hebrai-
cao, cbaldiucao ct syriacae . . . et cujusquo haruni linguarum
grammatica. August. Vind.
104 1759 Iffn. Weitenauer^ trifolium syriacum, sive nova gramma-
ticao mctbodus qua intra aliquot boras cxplicaro ciuionom biblio-
rum syriacum possis ibid.
*105 1762 Jffn, Weitenauer, 8. J., Hexaglotton geminum intra bre-
vissimum tempus docens linguas Gallic. Ital. Hispan. Graec Hebr.
Chald. Anglic. German. Belgic. Latin. Lusit. Syriacam etc.
August. Vind. et Frib. Brisg. 4^ 2 voll. M. 4.
106 et 107 1768 Joh. Dav. MicJyxdis, abhandlung von der syrischen
s])rache, und ihrem gebrauch: nebst dem ersten theil einer syri-
schou clircstomatliic. Ootfingcn, Barmeior 768.
M. 1. —.75. 1.50.
107l> 1791 J. Fr. Qaabj Conjecturen iiber einige StcUen in dor syr,
Chrestoniathie von Michaelis. Paulus, Neues Repert. 3 (1791)
360 m
108 1772 Joh. Dav. MieJuieliSf id. Gottingen, Yaudenhoeck [novus
109 1773 Joh. Lor. laenhiehl, beobachtungen von dem gebrauche
des syrischen puncti diacritici bei den verbis. G5ttingen. 4^.
1 Litteratuiu.
110 1783 Joh, Dav* Miefuielu, s^'riadio clirostomatliiit, vntov tlioil.
Kwoito iinvonliidci'to unllago. (luU in.!j;uii.
111 1784 Joti, Dav. Micftaeli^t ^i*aininatica syruicu. Jlaluo. 4".
M. 1. 1.20. 1.50. 2.
112 1784 Jae. Qe. Christ Adler^ breyis lin^^uae syriacae insUtatio
in uBuin tironum edita. Altonae. M. 1.
113 178G Joh, Dav, MieJiaeliaj abliandlung von dor syrischou spraclie
. . . zweite auflage mit zusatzen. GdttingeD. 124. 118 pp.
M. 2. 50 [pretiam reductum M. I].
*l\4 1787 ct 1789 Innoc. i^es^Zm, Institutiones linguai*. orient. Hebr.
Cliald. Byr. ot Arab. Vratisl. Ualis ot Jen.
115 1788 Edm. Caatelli lexicon syriacum ex eius lexico lie])tagloUo
seorsim typis describi curavit atque sua adnotata adjecit Joann,
Dav. Miehaelis, Gbttingae. 4^, pan I. pp. YIIL 1 — 476.
para II. pp. 477-980. (P. 1. M. 6. 8.)
M. 25. 30. 45. 50. 53. 54. 58. 60. 70. 75.
fr. 45. ah. 32. 42.
115^ J, Fr, Qaabf Wiinsche bei Oastellna syriscliem Lexikon nach
Michael is Ansgabe. Paulus Momorabilion. 1 (1791) 82 fP.
1150 Q^ W, Larsbach, Aw\\\\ : Ubor dieMiingoldcs syiisclion Wiii'tor-
buches von Oastellus. 100 pp. M.4.
110 1788 Joan, Oodqfr, llasse^ IccUuues 8yro-ai*al>i(M)-winuu'itaiio-
aotliiopicae. llegiomonti ot Lipsiao. M. 1. 1. 50.
117 1788 Wilh, Wriedr, Hezel, syi'ische sprachlehre, durchaus nach
seiner liebraischen eihgerichtet. Lemgo. 4^. M. 1. 1.50.
118 1789 Oeo, Ouil. Kirseh, chrestomathia syriaca maximam partem
historici argumenti cum lexico syriaco. Hofae.
M. 1. 1.50. 1.80.
119 1789 Jos, Ant, 8ehnellei\ fiores pliilologici ox lingiiis l)obi*aica|
syriacjii clialdaica ot gnioca . . collecti. Dillingiu).
"^119^ \1%^ J, A,VessUr /wxaiiiviit. luiguar. oriontiil. Iiobr., chald., syr.
ct arable. 2 partes. Yratislav. » 114. M. 1.80.
120 1791 Joh, Oottfr, llasse, })i'aktiscluis handbucli dor anuiiiiiscluui
oder syriscli-chaldaisch-samaritanischen spraclie. des praktiscbon
unterrichts der gesammten orientalischen Bprachen dritter theil.
Jena. (S) 203 (4). M. l.;20. 1. 50.
121 1793 Olai Qerh, TycJiaen elementale syriacum sistens gramma-
ticam clirestomathiam et glossarium, subiunctis novem tabulis
aere expressis Bostocliii. M. 1. 20. 1.25. 1.50.
122 1793 Joh, Jahn, aramaische oder chaldS.i8che und syrische sprach-
lohre fiir anfangor. Wicn. M. 1. 1. 50.
123 1795 llcinr, Adolf Grimm, neue syrisclie clurestomathie mit
glossarium. Lemgo. M. 1. 50. 2.
124 1802 Friedr, Theod, Bink und Joh, Sever, Voter, arabisches,
syrisches und chald&isches lesebnch . . . mit verweisungen auf
Litteratura. 1 1
die grammatik und mit erklarenden wortregistem. Leipzig. Pan
chald. et syr. pp. 1—72. M. 1.60.
125 1807 Oust KfUiSf chrestomathia syriaca maximam partem e
codicibus manu scriptis collecta. Gotting. M. 3 pret. reduct. 1.
*126 1816 C, M,Agrdli, Otiola Syriaca (de particulis ling. Syr., de
ratione, qua Syri verba alioruin refcnint etc.) Lund. 4*^. M. 1.50.
127 1817 Joh. Sev, Vaier^ handbuch der hebr&ischeni sjrrischen, chal-
daischen und arabischen grammatik. zweite ausgabe. Leipzig
(pars syr. et chald. p. 99 — 246). M. 4.50.
"'128 1819 Thomas Yates ^ Syriac Gi*ammar principally adapted to
the new Testament in that language. Lond. M. 3. 50.
129 1820 JoannisJahn, . . . elementa aramaicae seu chaldaeo-syria-
cae linguae latine reddita et nonnullis accessionibus aucta ab
Andrea Oberleitner. Yiennae. (M. 8.)
M. 1. 1.20. 1.50. 1.75. 2. 3. 4. Liie 4.
"^130 1824 Hamxms TvJUberg, Klonieutalc Syr. P. I et XL Lond.
131 1825 Xif^. llahn ct Friedr, Lud, Sie/fert, chrcstomatliia syriaca
sive S. Eplimenii cannina selectti edideiiint notis . . et glossario
locupletissimo illustraverunt. Lipsiae. (M. 4.)
M. 1. 1.50. 1.75. 2. 2.25. fr. 2. 50.
132 1826 Paul Ewald^ Lehrbuch der syrischen Sprache. Erlangen.
M. 1. 20.
133 1826/7 Aiidr, Oberleitner^ chrestomathia syriaca una cum glossa-
rio synaf'o-lakiiu) biiic chrosf^niattiino arconutiodato, Vionnan.
i'nrs prior, cUrostoinatliiani cont. 20. posterior jiars, glossarium
coiit. 27 (M. 21). vol. 1. M. 2. M. 5. G. 7.75. 8. 9.
134 1827 Avdr. Thfoph. Hoffmann^ ^-nnunaticao syriacac libri III.
cum tribus tabulis varia scripturae aramaicae genera oxliibentibus.
Halae. 40. IG, 418 pp. M. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Leipz. Lit. Ztg. 1829, 1538 ff., de Sacy, Journal des Savants
1829, 579/90.
'''135 1829 Christ, Betted, Michaelis, grammatica Syriaca Bomae [« 94].
fr. 2. 50.
136 1829 yoh, Dav, Miehaelis, clirestomathia syriaca. editio tertia
glossario adnotationibusque instnicta a J. C, C, Doepke, Qottingae.
Joh, Christ, Carol, Doepke, glossarium chrestomathiae syriacae
J. D. Mich, accommodatuni. ib. 4. 192 pp.
M. 2. 50 pret. reduct 1.
H[ofrmann] Jen. Lit. Ztg. 1830. 12.
137 1829 Friedr, Uhleniann^ elementarlehre der sjrrischen sprache, mit
vollstandigen paradigmen, syrischen lesestiicken und dem dazu
gehorenden wdrterbuche fiir akademische vorlesungen bearbeitet.
Berlin. (M. 6.) 26. 254. 23. 19 pp. M. 1. 50. 1.80. 2. 2. 50.
1 2 Littcratura.
""IS?^ 1831 A.Brunton, Kxliticts from tlio Old TvhL with oiitlinos
of liobi'ow, clmUloo mid syriat*. {^niniiuur. 3d edit. Kdiiib. M. i).
M. 1.80.
138 1832 Geo, Heinr, Aug, Ewald, Abhandlungen zur orientaliscben
und biblischen literatur. Erster [einzjger] theil. Gottingen.
„III. Ueber das syrische punktationssystem nach syrischeu liaiid-
schriften." p. 55—129. M. — . 75. 2.
139 1832/6 Oe, Ouil, KirseJm, chrestomathia syriaca cum lexico dcnuo
edidit Qe, *Henr, Bernstein, Lipsiae. pars prior, cbrostomalliia
ex codicibus manu8crJi)ti8 emondata ct aiicta 1832. pai^s i»osturior.
lexicon |)euitu8 novatum. 1830. 8, 582. 220. 12 pp.
. M. 5. 50. 6. 50. 7. 7. 50. 8. 10.
140 18S3 ^^^ wa^f) XLl^ piberabecedariu8]lithogr. Malta 1833.
M. 1.50.
141 1834/38 Garoli Magni Agrelliif supplemeuta qmtaxeos syriacae
praefatus est Joann, Qodofr, Ludov. Koaegarten. Gryphiswaldiae.
appendicula ad supplementa sua ibid. 1836. appendicula posterior
ibid. 1838. * M. 4.
""142 1836/7 H. K, Tullberg, initia linguae syriacae. 3 partes Lund.
M. 3. 50. 4. 50.
^"143 1837 Qeorge Thillijta [f 1880]', olomonts of syriao gniuimar.
Oambridgo. (sh. 5.) M. 2. 5. (i.
144 1838 Aemil, Roediger, chrestomathia syriaca edita et glossario
explanata ab Ae. B. annexae sunt tabulae grammaticae. Halls
Saxon. M. 1. 50. 2. 2. 50. 3. 4.
145 1839 C, M. Agrelliif supplementa ad lexicon syriacum castellianum
ed. Lindgren. Fasc. I. Ups. 4^, M. 2.
146 1843 Qregorii Barhebraei qui et Abulfarag grammatica linguae
syriacae in metro Ephraemeo. textum e cod. bibl. Qottingensis
edidit vertit, annotatione instruxit Em. Bertheau. Gottingae.
16, 135. M. 2.75 pret. reduct. 1.20.
147 1843/5 Henr. An dr. Ohr, Ilaevemick^ supplementoram ad lexica
syriaca particula prima Begiomonti Borussoram 43; particula
secunda ib. 45. 4<>. [programmata universitatis.] I. M. — . 40.
M. 1.30.' 2.50.
^"148 1845 Qe, Phillips ^ elements of syriac gprammar. second edition.
Cambridge. sh. 7. 6.
*149 1845/6 J, G, Stoyghuisen-Oroenewoudt institutio ad grammaticam
aramaeam (cum append, specimina vers. syr. Peschito). 2 voll.
Traj. ad Bhcn. (M. 12.) M. 6. 9.
150 1847 [Lagarde, Paulus de], horae aramaicae: scripsit Paulas
Boetticher. Berolini.
II explicatio vocabulorum CX e Unguis jafeiiticis in dialectos
aramaicas transsumptorum p. 16 — 46. M. 1. 1.75.
Littoratnra. ] 3
151 1848 [Lagarde, Pavltts de], rudimenta mythologiae semiticaei
Bupplementa lexici aramaici scripsit P. B. BeroUni.
M. 1. 1.50.
'''152 1854 Uhlemann's syriac grammar, translated from the german by
Enoch Hutekinsoti^ with a course of exercises in syriac gran^niar,
and a chrestomathy and brief lexicon prepared by the translator.
New- York & Edinburgh. sh. 14.
153 1857 Friedr, Uhlemannj grammatik der syrischen sprache mit
vollstaodigen paradigmen, chrestomathie und wSrterbuch f!ir
akademische vorlesungen und zum selbststudium bearbeitet.
zweito iiberarbcitete und vermehrte ausgabc. Berlin. 12, 276.
64. 63. pp. M. 7. 60. 10. fr. 12. 50.
154 1857 Lexicon linguae syriacae coUegit digessit edidit QecHenr,
Bernstein. Yolumen primum Fasciculus I [at II, 1, 240 coll.]
Bcrolini. fol. sli. 7. M. 2. 2. 5u. 3. 3. 60. 5.
'''155 1858 B. Harris Cotoperf syriac grammar translated and abridged
from Hoffmann. London. sh. 7. 6.
1860 C. M. Affrellif supplementa. Berolini.
156 1860 Jos, (htriel^ elementa lingune chaldaicae, quibus accedit
series patriai'charum Ghaldaeorum a J. G. exarata. Bom. 256 pp.
M. 4. 50.
157 1866 Joann. Bapt, Wenig^ S. J., schola syriaca complectens chre-
stomathiam cum apparatu grammatico et lexicon dircstomathiae
accommodatum. pars prior, chrestomathia cum apparatu gramma-
tico. Oeniponte. M. 5. 7. 50.
158 18r»0 [AbocfMlarium cum ])rcoibus nonnul1i.<i of. ]»flahni8] titulo caret.
Alep imprinicrie Maronite.
*158'» 1866 Phillips [= 143. 8] 3d edit, revised and enlarged. M. 6.
169 18ri7/70 Adtilb. Mvra'f ijranimatica syriaca, qiiani post opiis HolT-
nianni refocit A. M. llalis. particula prima 07. part, socunda 70.
8. 387 pp. M. 10. 11. 16.
160 1868 Chrestomathia syriaca quam glossario et tabulis grammaticis
explanavit Aem. RoedigcTf editio altera aucta et emendata. Halis.
(M. 7. 50.) M. 4. 25. 5.
'''160^ 1869 ]l^r^ ^nlflSSn? \tt\LA, (filaments de lecture . . .)
[grammatica syriaca per Abdyesum Khaiath] Mossoul impr. des
161 1 870 llertn. ZschoJcke^ institutioncs fundanienUiIes linguae aramaicao
scu dialectorum chaldaicae ac syiiacae in usum juventutis acade-
micae editao. Yindobonae. (lire 6. 25.) lire 4. M. 3. 50. 5.
*162 [1871] Fragments of ).i»9oiJ jiNVtV t'o^ or syriac grammar
of Jacob of Edessa^ edited from mss. in the British Museum and
the Bodleian library by IV. Wright^ LLD. Only fifty copies
printe<l for private circuhition. [London.] 4^ M. 3.
] 4 Tiitteratuni.
168 1871/3 Ghrestomathia syriaca edita a P. P/o ^m^etZe. Bomae. 71.
Lexicon syriacum in usum chrestonuithiiio suae elaboratum a
P. P. Z. Romae. 73. (M. U.)
M. 12. I Lire 6. 50. ah. 9. II ah. 3. 6.
164 1872 Oeuvres grammaticalea d'Abou 'Ifaradj dit Bar Hebreus Mi-
tres par M. rabb6 Martin Tome I contenant le k'tovo d'tsem'he.
61. 271. Tome II contenant la petite granimairo eu vers do
sept syllabea et le traits „de vocibuB aequivocis" texto et com-
mentaire. Paris [authograph.] 16. 127 pp.
M. 20. 22. sh. 27.
cf. Th. Koldeke ZDMG. 26. 828/35.
165 1873[74] AbbS P. Martin, syro-chaldaicae institationes seu intro-
ductio practica ad stadium linguae aramaeae. Parisiis 73. [alius
titulus: grammatica chrestomathia et glo&sarium linguae syriacae
a P. M. Paris 74.] 7. 102 pp.
166 1874 Syrisch-arabiscbe glossen. erster band autographie einer
gothaischen handschrift, enthaltend Bar Alt's lexicon von alaf
bis mim herausgegeben von Oeorff Hoffmann, Kiel. A^, (M. 20.)
[cum novo titulo 1886. Id. lOJ. 6'. 284 ])p.
167 1876 Livre de lecture syrien. Mossoul, imp. des pdres Bominl-
cains (Paris, Ghallamel).
168 1876 Frid. Fiefdf Otinm Norvlconso ])ai*s lUtcm tentjimon do
quibusdam vocabulis syro-graecis in B. Payne Smith S. T. P.
Thesauri Syriaci fasciculis I — HI reconditis. Oxonii [non
prostat]. 40. 4, 28 pp.
169 18[68— ]7U llteaaurtis Syriaeus collegenntt Stephantta M, Quatre-
mere Oeorgitis Henrietta Bernstein O, W, Lorshaeh Alberttis
Jae. Amoldi Oarolus M, Agrell F, Field Aemilitts Boediger
auxit dlgessit exposuit edidit B. Tayne Smithy S. T. P. Tomus
I. 1—^. Oxonii. (M. 105.) col. 1—1866. M. 82. 85.
fasc. 6 (1883) col. 1867— 2266 >aiifc 7 (1886) — 2700. ^
Ad fasc. 2 vide do liagnrdo GGA. 71. 28. 1081—1114 « 8ym-
micta(I) 78— 99. ad fasc. 6 J. Loew, ZDMG. 37. (83) 469/76;
ad fasc 7. 41. 369—364. 1—7. M. 125.
170 1879 Eliae Nisibeni interpres. vide P. de Lagarde^ praetermisso-
rum libri duo. Gottingae. pp. 1 — 96.
*nO^ 1879 Grammaire de la lan«;ue Aram6enne selon les deux dia-
lectes syriaque et chaldaique comp. avec I'arabe, Th^breu et le
babylonien par sa Grandeur Mgr. David Archevdqne Syrien de
Damas. Mostfoul, impr. dcs P6res Doniiniaiins. [arabico.] M. 6.
171 1880 {.A^^QJD i^^^^ j}^'^ ^^^ syrische grammatik des Mar
Eliaa von Tirhan. herausgegeben und iibersetzt von Fried/rich
Baethgen, Leipzig. jSl. 47 pp. M. 7. 10.
LUteiatura. 15
172 Alb, SehvltenSf insUtotiones aramaeae. p. 1 — 232 [a. 1. et a. in-
ter aimos 1745 et 49]. 4^
173 )JqXd ok!^^ ^aaSiSn? \L >al^^ Jin :]Lji^hQJO y ini^ViV|,^
)^!^ai09 \\ A\£i |lSv»>. [Grammatica syriaca in dialecto neo-
syriaca. Urmia 96 pp. 4^. perfect?]
174 A syriac lexicon to the new testament by E, Henderson,
London, Bagster ca. 1865. sh. 1. 6. (sli. 2. 6.) M. 2. 75.
175 [c. 1851] Syriac Beading Lessons: consisting of copious Ex-
tracts from tlie Pesliito version of the Old and New Testaments;
and the Crusade of Bichard I from the Chronicles of Bar
Hebraeus, grammatically analysed and translated: with the
Elements of Syriac Grammar. By B. Davidson. London,
Bagster. sh. 5. sh. 3. 6. 1. 6.
17G 1880 I ^yJ:^^ U^snJ^ iXib-**J\ u3r^ (3 | fl^^V\
i^y^\ ^ ;yLUiJl ^\>yi}\ J^^ ^\ UlJL)
I ^^ Al 'Yhkam seu linguae et aitis metricae Syrorum institu-
tionos auctore P. Oabriele Gardahi Libnnensi linguarum arabicae
et syriacae in Collegio Urbano do Propaganda Fide professore.
Bomac ex typographia polyglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide
MDOCCUiXXX. 82 + 1.8. Loadicr. M. 3. 75. 5. 6.
177 1880 Th. NoldekCf Kurzgcfassto syrischo Gratmnatik. Hit cinor
Sclireibtafel von Julius Euting. Leipzig, Weigel. 32. 279 (2).
GGA. 1880, 51. P. Maitin, Bullet, ciit. 81, 7. H. Strack,
TliLBl. 82, 5. G. Hoffinann, LCBl. 82, 10. M. 9. 12.
178 1881 Eb, Nestle, Brcvis linguae syriacae gi'araroatica, litteratura,
chrestomathia cum glossario. In usum praelectionum et studio-
rum x^rivatorum scripsit. Carolsruhae et Leipzig. Beuther. 6. 78.
. 128. — Porta linguarum orientalium. Pars V. M. 4. 5. 40.
Bull. crit. 81, 7. 132/4; Fr. Baethgen, DLZ. 81, 9; Athenaeum
2783, 296; H. Strack, ThLBl. 82,5; V. Byssel, ThLZ. 82, 5;
LOIU. 83, 11.
prior cdiliu pracsontis operis.
179 1881 Traits de Grammaire Syriaque par Rtd/ens Duval, Paris,
Vieweg. 40, 447. M. 20.
H. Derenbourg, Bev. Crit. 81. 49. 433 — 447; E. Drouin, Bev.
de Ling. 15 Janv. 82.
180 O. R. Brmon, an Aramaic method Ps. 2. Elements of grammar.
Chicago, Am. Publ. Soc. of Hebrew. 98 p. 120. cloth 1 D.
180b 1884 OntliucR of Syriac Grammar. For the use of Classes in
l!:iiiiii(4)n 'rh(M)l()gti*al Boniinary. !)y N. Iluniham. ]LM.niiH4)n,
1 6 Litteratura.
N. Y., Van Slycki ])nnt(;r ]loi>ublicaD Ofilco. 8^ 34 pp. cnin
Ootora Qmminaticoruin indigonaioiin oi)ora e. gr. lluuaiui Uoi^
theni Eliae Sobhensis vide sub IV.
181 J. O, Wakiiy korse Anzeigan^, wie nemlich die uralte teutsche
Spi*atibe moistentheils ihren Urspning a. d. Coltisch- od. Ohal-
daischon hal>e, ii. dtis Bayorische voiu Syriseheu liorkomiiio. lleg.
1713. Hpgt M. 8.
182 Alb» Homoetf Encomium linguae Aramaeae. Messopoli Zelando-
ram 1726. 40.
183 J, H, Lysiua, Be usu linguae syi'iacae. Begiom 1726. 4^.
M. — . 60.
1 84 M. J, O. Haase, de dialectis linguae sjoiacae diss. 4®. Begiom.
1787. M. — .75.
185 E, Qttatremere^ Journal Asiatiquo Janvier-Mai's 181i5.
180 Dr. F» harttoWf BocietiUis Asiaticao Pariaioiisis sodalis, Do Di:i-
lot^toiiiiu lingn.'io Byriacao roliquiis. lOonnis oxprussniii a«'ado-
niiae rogiao lioroHneiisis 1841. 1 — 28. 4^.
Einladung des Gymnasiums sum grauen Klosier.
M. — . 76. 1. 1.50. 2.
187 Tornberg^ de linguae ai-amaeae dialectis. Upsala 1842. 4^.
M. 1. 50.
188 P. de Laffarde, Beitrage zur baktrischen Lexikographie (1868)
p. 79 sq.
189 De linguae Syriarae recentissimae indole ot strut' tnra cum anti-
quiore couiparatis. Sciipsit Otto Fraatz ClausMialiousis. Goiii-
luenUtio (loUingae, 184a. VI. 41. 4».
190 Th, NbldekCf Beitriige zur Konntniss der araiuaisi'lion Dialei'te.
ZDMG. 21 (67) 183—200. 22 (68) 443~f*27. iJ. Uubor OrUio-
grapliio und Biirailio der raliiiyrener 24 (70) 85 — lUU.
191 M. I'abbi Martin, Syriens orientaux et occidentaux. Essai sur
les deux principaux dialectes Aram6ens. Paris 72. 183. 20tabb.
Journal Asiatiqne extrait no. 4. Avi'il-Mai 305 — 488.
192 M, VabU Martin, Tradition Karkapliienno, ou la Massore dioz
les Byriens. Paiis 70. 135. 19. 7 tabb. Journal Asiatique
exti-ait no. 13. (1869.) Oct Nov. VI B6r. torn. XIV. 245—379.
193 M, ValM Martin, ITistoiro do la Ponftuation ou do la Massoro
chez les Byiiens. Paris 75. 128. VI. Journal Asiatique exti'ait
no. 3. F6vrier-mars-avril 75.
194 Zur geschichte der syiischen punctation. von dr. Eberhard Nestle*
ZDMO. 30. (76) 525—33.
Litteratui-a. 17
195 CaroU M. A^rell, 8. Th. Doct. Oonnneniatio de varletate generis
et tinmeti in U. oo. Hebraea, Arabica et Sjiiaca. P. I. YI.
1 — 82. Lundae MDCCCXV. Litteris Berlingianis. Pars posterior
ibid. eod. 83—146. (1).
196 Conradus Kessler^ de fomiatione quonindain noininum syriacomm.
Marpiii^i ail IiO«|^:iu.ain 75. .'>8. 8". M. 1.50.
rf. Th. Noldoke /iDMd. 20. (75) 046—54.
197 Siegmund Frankel, die Aramaiscben Frenidworter iui Arabischen.
(Eine von ^^let Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten
en Wctenscliapi^en" gekriinte Preisst'brift.) Leiden, Biili.
fl. 5.25.
198 J*. A, Corcoran J Synac Grammars Am. Cath. Quart. Bev. Oct.
I. versio simjylex, Pesekittho.
a. tola hiblia,
1 Biblia polyglotta Parisiensia Michaeiis le Yay. Lutetiae, yitr6
1645. foi. Syriace.
Ventatenchus T. VI. 632. Josue-Paralii)omcna T. VII. 642.
Kstlras-Sirach T. VIII. 635. Isaia-Maccliab. T. IX. [645]. Nov.
Test. T. V, 1 ISvv. 630. V, 2. Act. Kpp. Apoc 633.
T. VT. M. 10.
2 Biblia sacra poly «;:Iotla Londincnsia Brian i Walton Londinii, Boy-
croft. 657.
T. I PenUteuchus 654. T. II 655, III 656 ceteri libri cano-
nici T. IV 657 libri deuterocanonici T. V Nov. Test T. VI appen-
dix. [T. Vn et VUI Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton].
£24. 42. M.500. 510. — T. V M. 48. T. VI M.45.
3 Londini 823/6. 4^ [sic] Va.«£^ {Jom^J^?? (jd'Aws oi \^^fA jLlsAws
)Z|.j*o. vide 7. M. 7.
b. paries hibliorum,
4 Epitome hibliorum continens insigniora veteiis ac novi testamenti
dicta hebraice chaldaice syriace graece latine et germanice in usum
scholarum collccta . . . a ilf . Valentino Schindfejlero Oederensi.
Vitcbergao 578.
N n H 1 1 0. It
18 Litteratura.
*5 G«neseos capita V. priora cum aliis dictis Biblicis [Dt. 6, 3. Mt
4, 10] hebraice, chaldaice, syriace, arabice, aothiopice ct x>ersic6
por JoK Frider, Krebitiuin, Jenao 6U2.
*6 Valentinua Frideriei, dicta sacrae sciipturae, hebraea, chaldaea ac
syra secundum articulornm theologicorum aeriem intra privatos
parietes, Beo adjuvante resolvet, eadcm non minus philolo^ce
quam theologice illustraturus. Lipsiae, s. a. pp. 32.
c. vetita Uatamenium,
7 Yetus Testamentum syriacd eos tantum libroa sistens, qui in
canone hebraico habentur, ordine vero quoad fieri potuit, apud
Syros usitato dispositos. In usum ecdesiae Syitirum Malabareu-
sium jussu societatis biblicae recognovit et ad fidem codicum
mss. emendavit, edidit 8, Lee, Londim24. 4^. [alia ezz. 1828]
705 pp. M. 20. 28. fl. 5.
[saepe cum novo testamento colligatum cf. n. 3.]
bJ\^£LL, [Yetus testamentum syriaceetneosyriace. nrmiae52. 4<^.]
9 Translatio syra Poscitto veteris testamonti ex cixlico Ambrusiano
soc. fore Yl iiliotolithoji^rapliice oditsi ennuito ot adiiotiuito Hnc.
Obi. Antonio Maria Ceriani. Bfediolani. fol.
Pars I. 76, II. 77; III. 79, lY. 83. 330 if. k M. 40, in charta
grandiore k M. 60.
d. partes veteris testamenti.
10 Excerpta veteris testamenti syriaci cum latina interpretatione nova
ct adnotationibus Gbrist. Cellarii Cisae (>82. 4".
M. 1.20. 1.50. 2.20. 4.
11 Pentateuchus syriaco ex polyglottis anglicanis summa fido edidit
M. Oeo, Quil, Kirsch, Hofao . . . Lipsiae 787. 4". M. :J. 4.
12 Qeo, Otho, palaestra linguarum oricntalium Francofurti 702. 4*\
vide I, 85.
'^'IS [tit syr. Psalterium syriacum et carshunicum. typis monasterii
St. Antonii do Kozchaya mentis Libani 1585.] fol.
'*'14 [tit syr. idem, ibidem 1610.] fol.
15 [tit. syr. Liber psalmorum syro-latinorum, odi<1it Qalriel Sionita
Edencnsis.] Parisiis mense martio 624. 4^ [Kosentlial 35, 33^0.
1625. 275 <f. 4». M. 18.|
16 pHaliiii Davidis rc^is el [a'<»plieltu) liiigiui Hyn.u'a niuu'. priniuiii
ex antiquissimis codicibus manuscrix>tis in lucem cditi a Tlumia
Erpenio qui et versionem latinam adjecit. Lugd. Bat. 625. 4^.
(8) 346 pp. M. 3.
Littei*atura. 19
17 Liber psalmoninfi Davidis idiomate syro verbo divino salvatoii
nostro dicatus (por Thomam Evam), Romae 737. 4®.
M. 1. 1. 50. 1. 80.
18 Psalterium syriacum recensuit et latine vertit Thomas Erpenius
notas philologicas et criticas addidit Joan. Aug. Dathe, Halae 768;
40, 324. {2). M. 1. 1.50. 1.80.
19 rsnltcTiuiii Syriacc. Londini, Hoc. l^ibl. 822. [pj). 251 cum
])s. 151. 1
20 Psaltcpnm Syriaco. Londini, Soc. Bibl. 825. [pp. 249.]
M. 2. 3.
21 [tit. syr. Liber psalmomm beati David regis et prophetae. Urmiae
1841. 4^. (cum canonibus.)]
*2l'' Psalterium Chaldaicum Romae 42 vide inter libros eccle-
*22 [Liber Psalmorum Constantinopoli editus a Alar Jacob ante 860.]
"'23 [Liber Psalmorum Mausili 866 (cum canonibus)]. 12<>.
Wr^h )£^jJQ-*^^^£^ 1i^?? |liiV»wn 1868. 143. 80. [neo-syr.]
23<^ lUl^^l? :tH^? I^T*i ^fi^ yob^Z] ^ojj XioJ^yao} IsiLs
^] ]LjLM^^aJiiO |M4n [1874] 151 pp.
nova impressio 1878, revisa 1886.
24 Psalterium syriacum ad fidem i)lurium optimorum codicum Iiabita
ratioiio iN)iiHsimuni Iw^brnici toxtus nunc nccuratissiino cxactum a
Joseyho David cborepiscoiw Syro Mausiliensi cui acceduut X
cantira sacra Mansili 77. .W. 'MiS pp. M. 5. 9.
*ll\ PsaHcrinm S3ri;u'uin (? nxlico AinbroMJaiio snt'uli furo soxti in nsusi
acadcmicos iinpninendum curavit Jiiberardus Nestle. Lugduni
Batavorum, Tubingae. 79. 4^. M. 3. 50.
"^28 Pstilmus VI octoglottos, et quidem gallice, arabice, graece,
hebraice, latine, chaldaice, anglice et syriace [ed. Jac. Gerscho-
vius]. Gryphiswaldiae 636. 4".
*27 Psjiltcrii Davidici lioxaglotti et dccastyli decas prima, cum hcxa-
glotUiruni ct of?dostylanim coucordantiarum Conturiis quinquo . . .
1 0(1. 1 Jacobus Tjaurcritii F. Michnclis N. GerscJioviua. Gryphis-
waldiae. 1540 iol.
"^28 Septem x)salmi pocnitentiales. llomae 584.
*29 iidem ibidem 1G42.
30 l^salmi poenitentiales sjTiaci cum versione latina v. cl. Thomae
Erpenii et punctis vocalibus atque latina interlineari expressione
in usum facilioris et accuratioris lectionis instructi a M. D.
H[asenmiiller]. [Lipsiae et Francofurti 678]. 4®.
:i1 Vsahiius (JXIX ] I cbraicc, chaldaice syriace arabicc cum commen-
20 Litteratuni.
Uuriis hebmcis Bal. Jarclii et Abcn Ezrao . . . o^jei-a Balthasmis
Sckeid, Argentoi-ati 700. 4^. faliis leu^l. M. 1.20.
81*» — 89.
*81^ Vieeara decapla in p8alntt>8: sive comment, ex X Unguis; (hebr.,
arab., syriac, chald., rabbin., grace., i*om., itul., hispan. et gallic.)
Una c. specim. ling, copticae, penic. et anglic. Fol. London
1655. M. 7. 75.
82 Specimen philologicum, quo Ohadieta propheta hebraice chaldaice
syriace et arabice cum commentariis rabbinomm Jarchi, Kimchi
et Aben Esrae . . . exhibctur a lAuUmco Michaele Oroeio, Ilremac-
673. 4".
'*'8S Jonae dk Obadia oracula syriace. Notas pliilologicas et crlticas
addidit H, A. Orimm, Duisburg 805.
'*'34 The book of Jonah in four oriental versions ; namely chaldee,
syriac, aethlopic and arable with corresponding glossaries edited
by W, Wright. London 57. (sh. 7. 6.) sh. 4. K. 3. 50. 5.
'*'84^ Die 5 Megilloth nebst dem syr. Targum gen. ^Peschito** s. erst.
Male in liebr. Quadratschrift mit Inteqmnctation edirt etc. Prag
1806. 80. M. 8.
e. libri apocryphi veteria testament i.
35 Libri yeteris testamenti ai)ocryphi syriace o recognitione Fault
Antonii de Lagarde, Lipsiae et Londinii 61. 39. 271^ pp.
(M. 20.) M. 14.
*35* Bas Buch Sirach mit aramaischer t^bersetzung und Erklarung.
Breslau 1798. M. 2.
*85 ^ Josua ben Siradi hebraisch deutsch und aramaisch iibersetzt von
Ben Sew. 2. verb, und vermehrte Auflage. Wien 1807.
*^^ The first eptsHe of Baruch translated from the syriac witli an
introduction by the Bev. Br. Joloincz, London 55 (Syro-Egj'p-
tian Society).
37 Monumenta sacra et profiina ex codicibus praesertim Bibliothecae
Ambrosianae Mediolani. 4. torn. Y. fasc. 2 (71?) Liber lY
Esdrae Syriace p. 41 — ill, Apocalypsis Baruch syriace 113 — 180.
ed. M. A. Geriani.
37^ Parvd Geneais: Monumenta 2, 1. p. 9.
37^ Jul. Oaea. Sealiger. Libroiiim Earae admirabile uc divinnm
Ooiniiendium apud mo ost, Syra coiiscriptuiu lingua. Exon-. 308 .
37^ Some apocryphal Psalms in Syriac. By Professor Wright.
Beprinted from the ^Proceed, of the Soc. of Bibl. Avcli.,"
Juno, 1887. II pp.
f. novum teatamentum.
of. Jae. Oeo, Christian Adler, Novi Testamenti Yersiones
Syi'iacae Simplex, Philoxeniana et Hierosolymitana. Benuo exa-
Litberatura. 2 J
minatae et ad fidem codicnm manu scriptorum Bibliothecarom
Yaticanae, Angelicae, Assemanianae, Mediceae, Begiae aliamm-
que novis observationibus atqne tabulis aere incisis illustratae.
Hafniae 1789. (8) 206. (4) 8 tabb. 40. M. 1.80.
:->8 Liber sacrosancti evangelii de Jesu Ghristo domino et dec nostro
. . . <1iv. Ferdinandi Horn. imi)oratoi*i8 desigimti jussa & libenn-
litate diaractcribus et lingiia syni . . . 8crix>torio prclo dUigenter
expressa [ab Jo. Alb. Widmanstadt et Moses Mardinensis] Yiennae
Aiistriae 655. 4® Ed. Pr.
[alia exemplaria a tergo primi foiii „ Yiennae Austriae excudebat
Michael Zymmermann . . . Anno 1562**. Quae f. 2^ sub Y. YII
citantur ^dedicationes** in omnibus desunt exemplaribus, quae
sub III, ill roultis. Pauli epistolae XTITT locum variant.]
sh. 7. 6. 14. M. 10. 45. 50. 54.
:*i9 71 Hatyjj ha%r,Kri testamciitum novum Ktl^M KpTl*^*! auctore Imman.
Tremellio. excudebat Henr. Stephanus. anno 569. fol. M. 7.
"^'40 eadem editio. Lugduni in bibliopolio Salamandrae 571. foL
41 rr,ff Kanrfl ha%r,Kri9 arravTa. ^]jif.j^ \a^L^^ novum Jesu Christi
D. N. tcstamcntum. sacrorani bibliomm tonius quintus. Aut-
vcrjiiae, Plantinus 571 Kal. Febr. fol. [editor Guide Fevro de
la Boderie].
42 5^nnn Kp'^n'il typis hebr. titulo caret. [Antverp., Plantin. c. 573],
43 Kn^ Mp'^n'^1 novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum
9yri:icc. Antverpiae, Plantin. 57.'». lO®. (lit. liebr., in fine: variao
lectiones ex N^ T^ syrici manuscripto codice Coloniensi nupei* a
Fi-anr. ll;iph|'elongio] collectae. M. 2. 4. 50. 6.
44 Xmn i^pTi'iT rj KunfYi ha^rfxri iiovuiii »Jesu Christi 1). N. testa-
mentum ex editione Guidonis Fabricii Boderiani. Pai-isiis apud
Jo. Benenatum. Excud. Steph. Prevosteau. 584. 40. alia exx.:
ap. Hil. Le Bouc et Jo. Gueffier. 1586. 40. Fi. 3. 75.
45 Novum testamentum dni nri Jesu Christi syriace, ebraice, graece,
latine, germanice, bohemice, italice, hispanice, gallice, anglice,
(lanicc, polonice studio et labore EUae Ifutteri Germani. Nori-
hcrgao M»9. fol. 2 voll. M. 21. 24.
46 Novum domini nostri Jesu Cliristi testamentum syriace cum ver-
sione latina, ex diversis editionibus diligentissime recensitum.
accesscrunt in fine notationes variantis lectionis ex quinque im-
])ressis editionibus diligenter collectae a Marlino Trostio. Cothenis
Anhaltinorum 621. 40. M. 2. 50 3.
47 — ut 46, in fine operis eodem die „26 Sept." sed „1622*'. M. 3.
48 a) Novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum syriace, cum
22 Tiitteratnrn.
|)unctis vocalibiis & vei'siouo latiiia Matthaei . . . plciio ot t'lneii-
dato editum, accurante Aegidio QutbiriOj SB. Th. V. & Prof.
P. Glavis operis, lexicon, grammaticam syr. & notes com])lexa,
seorsum prodit. Hambut^ 664. pp. »606*'; praecedit alius titulus
aere incisus „anno M.DO. LXIII."
b) alia exemplaria pp. 604. M. 2. 2. 50. 3. 3. 80. 4. 4. 50.
Neacio quot impro»8ione8 exstaiit luini „\QM*^; magnoporo inter w
difleraiifc cxoinplaria:
a. quoad tilulam 1) Gulbirio 88. TIi. B. ot Prof. P S) I), ot Gymn. llamb.
Prof. P. 3) D. Log. Metaph. et lingnarum orieut. Prof. P.
b. quoad praofationem : 1) prima plaga d«sinit: hujua formulae et arabica
aothlopicMiue Tcrba pagiiiau 17 hobraicia aoribuiitur litoris. 2) prima
plaga deaiuit auaptcm ulioujua et pag. 17 arabioi aetbiopiciqne charac-
terea iuyeniuntor. 8) ut 2) aed prima plaga minutioribua Uteris ex-
pretaa Mt.
c. quoad sifroa margiiialea Bvangelii Matthaei 1) sunt minntissimi. 2) aunt
majorea, iidem qui iu reliquia libria.
d. quoad pagioationem 1) a 623 ad 626 uaque 606 pergit. 2) paginae xecte
numeratae auot 628 naqoe 604.
0. quoad textum: i) Apbo. 21, 24 in ima pagina 604 (d, 1) una linea omissa,
deiode extra formam paginae addita eat S) bac linea in aequentem
pagiuam tranapoaita onuea linoae uaque ad ftnem libri ano loco motno aunt.
f quoad coioplionom ayrincuin I) quatuor liuciti (21 vorbib) constnl. L') qnin-
que verbia conalat.
49 fctMH Kp**rv»l novum domini nostrl Jesu Christi testenientum
syriacc. Sulzbaci, ox oiYiciiia Job. IIoLst 1684, i>ro8tet Muriii-
bergae apud Wolfg. Endtemm. 12^>. 1U2 pp. lit. hebr.
M. — . 60. 1.50.
*50 e» 48 novo titulo. Hamburgi 694.
51 Novum Jcsu (Jliristi tostamentuiii juxta oditionciii iMilyglottem cU*.
Londini, ap. Smith et Walford 698. fol. [<» 2 torn. Y. novo titulo.J
52 Sacrosancta Jesu Christi evangolia jussu sacrae congregationis de
propaganda iido ad usum ecclesiae nationis J^liirouitanim edita.
Bomae 703. ful. (syriace et carshunicc.) (31) 341. (14) pp.
M. 39.
pars 2, acta apostolonim epistolae catholieae ot divi Panli cum
apocalypsi d. Joamiis ibid. cod. (16) 519 [»4'4 (*») VV-
58 "- 48. Hamburgi 706. novo titulo. M. 3.
54 Novum domini nostri Jesu Christi testamentum syriacum cum
versione latina cura et studio JoJumnis Leuaden et Caroli Schac^
editum. Ad omnes editiones diligonter recensitum et variis lec-
tionibus magno laboro collectis adornatum. Lugd. Bat. 709. 4*'.
Ace. Schaaf, C, Ticxiex)a syriacum concordautinic ihid, tod.
:» il. M. 10. r.O. 12. 3U.
55 Biblia sacra quadriliuguia novi tcstauicuti gracci cum vcrsionibus
syriaca, graeca vulgari latina et germanica . . . s}'riacis ex poly-
glottis anglicanis et ed. Schaafii petitis . . . accurante M. Chri-
stiano Reineccio. Lix)siae 713. fol. M. 6. 6.60.
Iiitteratur.1. 2«3
56 « 49, novo titalo Norunbergae, suuiptibus Wolfg. Maur. Eudteri
715. 120. M. 1.
57 B 54 novo titalo: secunda editio a mendis purgata. Lugd. Bat
717. 4". [10] 799 pp. 7 fl. M. 15.
f,8 e 48 novo tltulo. Prancofurti 731. M. 2. 50. 3.80. 4,
50 c-^ r»5 vovo titulo. 1ii|i8iao 747. 24, DrtS pp.
00 » "18 novo iitiilo. Ilamburgt 74U. 004 [i[h
(>1 Novum testamentnm syiiace donuo recognituni atcjuc iul iidem
codicnm mauuscriptornm cmendatum. Loudini, (soc. bibl.) Watts.
816. 40. 552 (1) pp. M. 4. 5. 6. 8. 50
(ti tolas latinas in multis exx. decst; item notitia „Brevi prodi-
bunt codicam mas. colJationos ad quoram iidem emendata est
haec editio"; „denuo" respicit ad Nr. 71. cf. The Syriac Now
Testament of the British Foreign and Bible Society. Reprinted
from the „ Quarterly Ilei'ord," Nr. 55, of tlie Trinitarian Bible
Society for January, 1874. 8 pp.)
|£lS9 ]iXJL*|^ UDL»9{.AS ^t^Z\ •>)ijJ9'^7 \^r^} )r^
pp. (N. T. syr. et carsh. cur. Silv. de Sacy Paris 1824. 40.]
M. 14. 20. 24. 40.
63 [tit. syr. Novum testamentum syriace. Londini, soc. bibl. 26.
300 pp. 4". I
•.xrr^^a^ p"Bb laiiijj s'^iQtoa r\r«!5a 120. foil, yp N. T. syr.
lit-tcris licbrnicis (Miicintosh |1]836).
04 Syriao New testament. London, Bagster [40 ?J. 40. sh. 2.
65 [tit. syr. Novum testamentum syriace et ncos^iiace. Urmiae 46.]
4". 829 pp. M. 10.
65** \^^t] ^ {.A^oa .| »^4V) "^OJL^ .^9 )Z|.4« ]^^V \^^^
|iAaS9 : i^JQ.^? ^019 ^Ik )j&s9a^o : |£u^»«mA^ l^r^ l^nq? s#oi
1808. Nov. Test. syr. New York 621. 8". [ueo-syr.]
I •. jJ^I N. T. syriace. Now York 1874. 637. [accedunt Psalmi].
— altera nnprossio 1878, tertia revisa 1886.
24 Littenitura.
66 The syrlac new testament with an english translation, in parallel
columns. London, Bjigster \'i], 4^. 1870.
g, partes novi teatamerUi,
67 Edogae sacrae novi testament! syriacae graeeae latinae. cum uotis
et observationibus ita explicatae ut . . . adhibitis grammaticae
syriacae rudimentis antehac excusis attentus lector linguam syriacam
proprio marte ])ossit addiscere. Adduntur indices locupletissimi et
manuale lexici syriaci. Opera Joh, Mich. Dilherri, Jenao 6H8. 12^.
(oditio aimi G4U, Ifuluu ot typis Oclschlugclianis graniiiuiticiuii
[et manuale] sistit, eclogas omittit.)
*68 — Jenae 658.
69 — Jonae 662. (86) 503 [-b523] (111) pp.
70 Excerpta novi testamenti syriaci cum latina interpretatione auctore
Ghriatoph. Cdlario, Gizae 682. M. 1.
71 Evangelia sancta, nee non Acta Apostolorum syriace, cum inter-
pretatione latina, Broxboui'no, Soc. Bibl. (Watts). 815. 4. 519 pp.
[curavit JBucliunAn]. M. 5. 8. 15.
'*'72 Novum testanientum triglottum graece syriace et latuie (vulg.
ed.). Aco. subsidia critlca. Evangelia. Londini 28. 4^,
(curavit Qrocnfiold; Evv. tAutumj. !M. 7. 50.
72 [tit. syr. Quatuor evangelia syriace diai-acteribus nestorianis exa-
rata.] Londini, soc. bibl. 29. 4. sec. codicem ms. Jos. Wolf ed.
T. Pell Piatt. 284 pp.
'''73^ B. Schulttf Ho Emreh daloho (Verba dei ad peccatores ex 4
evangelistis collecta). S>'riace. Halae. 8^. M. 1.50.
*73^ Clavis*Syriaca: a Key to the Ancient Syriac Version, Galled
„Peshito", of the Pour Holy Gosi)c1s. By the llev. Henry F.
Whish, M. A., Gorxms Ghristi Gollogo, Canibrid^o. Jjondon:
George Bell and 8ons. (/unibridgu: Doightoii, WvW and Go.
1883. 12".
74 Sanctus Matthaeus syriace graece latine germanice bohemice italice
hispanice gallice anglice danice polonice ex dispositione et ador-
natione Eliae Hutieri Gei*mani. Norlbergae 599. 4<^.
*75 S. Matthaeus syriace et latine. Gothenis Anhaltinorum 621. 4^^
76 Evangelium s. Matthaei syriacum una cum punctis vocalibus . . .
editum accurante Aegidio Outlnrio, olim imx)ressuni Hamburgi
typis et impensis autoris anno 663 nunc iuvenitur Lungosalissae
Thuring. apud haeredes Qutbirianos, ubi totum quoque novum
tcstamentuin syriacum prostiU.
77 Uanctus Marcus syriace graece latine . . . [ut 74]. Noribergae
600. 40.
78 S. Marci evangelistae evangelium syriace. Uteris et punctis hebrai-
cis apposita e regione versione latina. in gratiam linguarum orien-
FiiUeratura. 25
ta]ium tyronum seorsim .excusum. Gothenis Anhaltinorum 622. 4^,
56 pp. M. 6.
79 PostiUa sacraxnentalis ab amicis dicta |)ol3'glotta, herfturgej^eben
von Qothofrido Kiliani, pastom in Gliickstadt. Gliickstadt, in
verlejBTung des autoris, druckts Melchior Koch. 668. 4^.
'*'80 a) Fassio domini nostri Jesu Christi syriace, juxta qnatuor evan-
gelistas. Pm-isiis Anton Yitr6. 635. 12.
b) — idem, ibidem ab eodem 672. 12.
><1 Historia passionis et mortis Jesu Christi ejusque resurrectionis et
siscensionis in coelum ex lingua lusit-anica in syriacam transcripta
et secundum quatuor evaugelistas collccta opera et studia B[en-
jamin] S[chu]tz]. Halae Magdeburgicae 755. M. 1.
''81-' Historia Passionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Ex textu syriaco
desuintn. Cum elementis linguarum syriacac, somariticae et aethio-
picae. Patav. 1714. 12". M. 2.
S2 Acta apostolorum syriace. scorsum recudi curavit D. Joh, Henr.
Callnfberf/iv.9, Ihilao 747. (lit. liobr.)
s:; lOpislohi 8. Pauli :ul llomauos lingua syriaca ... ex testam. syr.
Yiennensi desumpta inque giatiam tjuXup^ykcarTuv publici juris
facta . . . studio M. Christoph, Orinesi. Wittebergae impensis
Lach. Scliurer, typis Gormannlanis (alia exemplaria: typis et
sumptibus Johannis Gormanni) 612. 4^ M. 2.
""84 Ludovici de Dieu animadversiones in Pauli epistolam ad Bomanos
cum versionibus Syri, Arabis. Lugd. Bat. 646. 4^. ir. 12.
H'% Eiustola S. T*auli ad Jlonmnos syrincc. seorsim recudi curavit
I), fj. 11. C'dlcnbcrgius. llnlao 747. (lit. hobr.)
86 Pauli Apostoli prior epistola ad Corinthios syriace. seorsum recudi
curavit 1). J. H. Callenbergius. Halae 747. (lit. hebr.)
Acced. epistola secunda sine titulo latino ib. 747.
:h37a.e Epistola D. Pauli ad Galatas, syriace litteris hejbraicis cum
versione latina Antonii CevaUerii ; vide ejusdem Budimenta hebr.
linguae [Genevae] 560. 40. ib. 567. 40. (M. 2.) Wittebergae
574. 40. Lugd. 575 fol. Genevae 590 [91. 92.] 40.
(M. 2. 50.)
'I'SS Epistola 8. Pauli ad Galatas, syriace et latine studio Tremellii.
Genevae, Perrin 570. 4^.
89 Dyodecas aureorum psalmorum Davidicorum, eomm qui sunt
praecipue prophetici de Jesu Christo . . . nempe 2. 8. 16. 22.
40. 45. 68. 69. 72. 97. 110. 118 hebr. chald. cum latina versione,
et graece ex LXX interpretibus. Item epistola B. Pauli ad Galatas
graece, syriace, latine et germanice, seorsim nunc edita pro
studiosis earum linguarum. Bremae 614.
90 Epistola S. Pauli ad Colossenses syra in gratiam auditorum suorum
cum vociiius Uun primitivis tam dcrivntivis f;cparatim edita a
28 Litteratura.
J[oli.| C| hi'isitoph.] AVrichinaunaliaiiscu]. (inciuUiSu iiliib AVr»K(^'ii-
soil]). Yitciiiltor^nio 702. 4«». M. li.
Ul Epistula 8. Pauli ad Tituiii lingua syriaca ciiiii iiitorprulatiuiie
latina a Ghriatophoro Orinesio a. 1. [Vittembergae] e typographeo
Joh. Gormanni 613. 4^.
*92 Epistola s. Pauli ad Titum. syriace. Hafniae 626.
03 Epistola d. Pauli ad Titum et Philemonom sjiiace adjunctis
versione latina litteris vocalibus et li<|^aturis Byroruiu iu usuin
philo-syrorum tyronum excusa, edi curante Balthas, Scheidto.
Ar^^ontoratL 668. 4^ 12 ])p.
94 — euodom. Argent. 700. 4".
"'94*' 8. Puuli ep. ad Philemonem si)ec. loco ed. /. J£. rdermaitn.
Berol. 1844. [Sachau, Catal. p. YI. n].
95 Divi Johannis apostoli et evangelistae epistola cathoHca prima
syriace adjuncto e regione charactere hebraeo et versione latina
. . . praemittitur alpkabetum syriacum velut manuductio quaedam
ad eius linguae loctionem fiaciliorem, opera et studio Mart. Trosti,
Gothenis Anbaltinorum 621. 4^ (4) 22 pp. M. 5.
'*'96 lOpistola I N. Joliannia^ syriace ct latino. Iiii)s 032. 4*'.
97 Epistola d. JoJuinnia ajiostoli ct evangel istao catholica prima
s^'riace juxta exemplar Ootlienicnse . . . adjuncto o ro^^ionu
charactere ebraoo itemquo versione latina . . . oditoru Andrea
Sennerto. (Wittebergae) 652. 4<>. 21 pp. M. 3.
98 Epistolae quatuor, Petri secunda, Johannis secunda et tertia, &
Judae fratris Jacobi una. ex celeben'imae bibliothecae Bodleianae
Ozoniensis ms. exemplari nunc primum depromptao et charactere
hebraeo, versione latina, notisque quibusdam insignitae, opera tS:
studio Edwardi Poeoclce, Angli-Oxoniensis. Lngd. Bat. 630. 4*'.
\10\ 06 pp.
98 WilUams Manuscript H The Syrian Antilegomona l<]i)istles 2 Peter.
2 and' 3 John, and Judu Written A. 1). 1471 by Buloinmn of
Ilusn Keifa | Kditcd by Is;uic II. J fall Baltimore, Maryland
Publication Agency of the John Hopkins Uuivei*sity 1886, Ibl.
[8 Hf. letterpress, 17 if. photogr.] M.. 15.
99 Epistola II Johannis syriace cum interiiretatione latina Edw.
Pocockii vide Cellarius Porta, Cizae 677. 4^. M. — . 50.
100 Apoealypsis s. Johannis ex manuscrixito ezemi)lari e bibliothe&i
clariss. viri Josephi Scaligeri deprompto, edita charactere syro et
ebraeo, cum versione latina et notis, ox)era & studio Ludoviei de
Dieu. Lugd. Bat., Elzevir. 627. 4". 20.2\\ \)\\ M. 2. 2.40.
'^lOl Uevelatio quae facta est super Johanneui evangolistani a Beo in
Pathamun insula, in quam ejectus fuit a Nerone Caesare. vide
Ludov. de Dieu criticae sacrae p. 763/861. (Anistclaedami)
693. fol.
LiUeraturta. 27
102 Syllojire canticorum novi testamenti 83rriace et latine a Sebastiaoo
Schrottcro edita. Eiiurti 650.''')
103 Bemains of a very ancient recension of the four gospels in syriac
hitherto unknown in Europe ; discovered, edited and ti^anslated by
William Cureion. London 58. 4». 95, 87. 160 pp.
(M. 24.) M. 15. ir>. 17.
cf. Ewald, Jahrb. 9, 69/87. GGA. 58. 1712/6. Edinbui-gh
Bev. 59. 168/90.
*104 Fragments of the CureUmian Gospels edited by W. Wright
[London 72.] 4". 4ff.
„Only one hundred copies printed for private circulation.**
M. 2. 75. 3. 50.
*104^ l>rinius edidit Roediffcr in: Monatsberichte dor Berliner Akade-
mie 1872. Juli 557.
104*^ Evangclienfragmente. Der griechische Text dcs Oureton'schen
Syrera wiedcrhcrgestcllt von Friedrich Bacthgen. Leipzig 1885.
96 92 pp. M. 10.
h. lilrt'i apocryphi novi testamenti.
*105 Contributions to the apocryphal literature of the new testament,
collected and edited from syriac manuscrijits in the british
museum witli an english translation and notes by W. Wright.
London 65. cf. Bickcll, Thcol. Quart. Schr. 1866. 468/79.
(sh. 7. n.) M. a. .">() 5. 50. 7. 50.
^105'* Jf. JL Cuipper, tlic Apocryi>hal Hospols. 1867.
106 Apoat/pJml Arts of the Apostles ^ edited from syriac maunsci*ipt.s
ill Mm* bnliHh iitiisriiiu Jind ntliorliimvricH by H'. Wright, London 71.
Vol 1. the syriac text. 17. 333 vol. 2. the english trans-
lation. 298. *^ M. 12.
cf. Noldeke, ZDMG. 25, 670/9; Geiger, ibid. 26, 798/804.
106^ Syrische Lieder gnostischcn Urspruugs. Eine Studie iiber die
apokryphen syiischen Thonias-Acten. Yon Karl Macke. ThQS.
74. 1—70.
107 'J^hc departure of my lady Mary from this life edited and trans-
lated by IK. Wright.
Journal of saci*ed litcu*aturc and biblical record, 4"' scries,
vol. 6 & 7. Jan. is Apr. 65. London.
108 Fragments du livre gnostique intitul6 Apocalypse d^Adam^ ou
Pfenitonce, ou Testament d*Adam, publics d'apres deux versions
syriaques, par M. Ernest Benan. Journal Asiatiquo. S6r. 5.
Tom. 2. 417/71. Nov. Dec 1853. Paris.
**) Omiisi olplmbnla cum appondioilnin, nralioiiCH dombiicas, similia.
28 Litteratiira.
*108^ Apocalypsis Pauli germanice a P. Zintferle in: Heidenheim,
Vierteljalirssclirift 4, 139; cf. Perkins, Joium. Anier. Or. Boc.
8, 182 — J. f. 8acr. Litt. Jan. 65, 872.
11. Vers to Thotnae HeraeleensiSf PhUoxeniana,
109 Syria ce fragmenta Blsaiae versionis ex graeco probabiliter Phi-
loxenianae et recenaionis Jacobi Edesaeni etc.
Monumenta sacra et profana T. Y. fasc. 1, 1 — 40 2. Mediol.
73. 4". Lire 18.
110 Hacrorum Evanffeliorttm versio syriaca PhUoxeniana ex codd.
mss. Ridleianis in bibl. coll Nov. Oxon. repositis nunc primum
oilita: cum interpretatione et annotationibus Joatphi White.
Oxon. 778. 4^. 2 voll. T. 33. 652 pp.
cf. Boederlein, Theul. Bibl. 1, 163, Micliaelis, Orient. Bibl.
10, 167. M. 15 (110 et 113 M, 28).
111 |Actorniii A posioloi iiiu & opistolaniiii vorMi<» J'hiluxoninua u.v
<loiiiesticu typogi'Hphia Jos, White Oxonieiisitt. sine titnlo: exUiut
nun nisi (i exemplaria, impressa |)ost ann. 790 ct anlo 79S.|
iUO pp. 4".
112 Prolegomena in versionem syriiicaiu Philoxenianam uovi testa-
menti edidit J. White. Oxon. 798.
[Ace.] versionis Philoxenianae specimen cum adnot.
113 Aetuum Apostolcrum et Epistolat'Ufn tarn cathoUcarum quam
paulinarum, versio 8}Tiaca Philoxeniana ex codice ms. Bidleiano
nunc primum edita: cum interpretatione et annotationibus Josephi
^Vhite, Oxonii 40. M. 12. 60.
torn. 1. iictus apost. et epist. cathol. complectens. 799. 275. 52 pp.
(f. de t. i. GGA. 1802. 35/6. torn. ^, epistolas ])aulin:is compl.
803. 19. 399 pp.
114 Das heiligo Kvauf/elium des Johannes, syriscli in harklonsiHclior
iibersetzung mit vocalen und den punkten kuschoi und rucoch
nach einer vaticanischen handschrift nebst kritischen anmerkungen
von Geo. Heinr. Bernstein. Leipzig 53. (M. 8.) 5. fi*. 6.
cf. ZDMG. 10, 628.
114^' Byriac Manuscript | Gospels of a Pre-Harklensian Version B Acts
and Epistles of the Peshitto Version f| Written (probably) between
700 and 900 AJ). By the Monk Jolm — Presented to the Syrian
Protestant (College by *Abd u1-Mcssi:ih of Mardin.
[Letterpress 4 if. 3 pliotogr. ed. /. Jl. Jlall, IMiihulclphia.]
JjitteraUira. 29
HI versio Jiexaplaris Pauli Tellensis (a. 616/7).
115 Josua imperatoiiflf liistoria illustrata atque explicata ab Andrea
Mash. Antverpiae, Plantin. 574 fol. 154. 350 (29). [c. nov.
tit(?) Amst. 1609.]
116 Si>cciiTion inedit'io ot hexaplaris biblif>rum vci'sionis syro-csthran-
ghcl:M) cum Hiii)])lici at4|iio utriiisqiio fontibuR ^racco et hrhrxoo
collaUiC, cum du]>lici lat. vers, ac iiolis. cdidit ac diatribaiu de
mrissimo codice Anibrosiano unde illud haustum est, praetnisit
JoJumnes Beni. de Rossi, Pnrmao 778. 4^\ (ps. i.) 16 pp.
1VL1.50. 1.75.
de cod. Ambr. c£ epistolam J. J. Bjomstahl (Mediol. 2 Mart.
1773) Samlaren 8. 126 p. 234, aliam eiusdem ad White cum
epistola Brancae ad Bruns Hep. 3. (78), von einem syriscb-
licxnplarischcn l^lanuscrijite in der Aiubrosianischeu Bibliotliek
zu May land. 166/187; ibid, de Rossi 187/212 von der syrisch-
]iexa])lans(-hen Handschrift zu Mayland, nebst einem Vorberirht
von Joh, Gottfr. EicMiorn,
117 — repetivit Eichhom, Bepertorium 3 (78) 209.
118 Liln'i lY re^m syro-hexaplaris specimen, e manuscripto parisiensi
syriace edidit /. O, Hasse. Jenae 782. M. 1.20. 1.75.
119 Codex syriaeo-hexaplaris ambrosianus-mediolanensis editus et
latine versus a Matth, Norberg, Londini Gk)th. 787. 40. [22]
501 pp. M. 4. 5. 6. 10.
1 20 Daniel secimdum editionem LXX. interpretum ex tetraplis desump-
tam. ex codice syro-esthrangelo bibliothecae ambrosianae syriace
edidit, latine vertit, prae&tione notisque criticis illustravit Caie-
tanus Bugatus, Mediolani 788. 4^. [10] 32. 168.
M. 3. 4. fr. 7.
1 2 1 I Psalnii sec cd. JiXX interpretum, quos ex ex>d. syr. estran^h. bibl.
Ambrosianae syriace imprimendos curavit C. Bugatus sine titulo
1. & a. Mediolani 820]. 40. [aliis 1798.]
Petrus Cigliera^ de vita et scriptis Gaietani Bugati . • . cora-
mentarius additus praefationis loco ejusdem versioni psalmorum
nunc primum in lucem prodeunti. ib. eod. M. 7. 9. fit*. 10.
122 Codex syriaeo-hexaplaris. liber quartus regum e codice parisiensi,
Jesaias, duodcciin ]»ropbetae minores, proverbia, Jobus, canticum,
thrcni, ecclc8ia8f.cs o codice niodiolancnsi cdidit et commcntariia
illustravit, Ifcnricus Middeldtyrpf, Berolini 3r». 4". Pars 1
tcxtus syriacus. pp. J2, 400. pars 2 commont'i-rii. |>i>. 401/658.
(M. 24.) 5. 6. 7.50. 8.
123 Libri Judicum et. Ruth secundum versionem syriaco-hexaplarem
ex codice musei brltannici nunc primum editi graece translati
notisque illustrati . . . ed. Thomas Skat Berdam. Havniae
59/61. 4^ cS93(2). M. 1.25. 6.
30 tiitteratura.
124 Monumenta sacra et profana ex codidbus praesei'tiin biblioUiecae
ambrosianae. Mediolani. 4^.
a. Tom. i, fasc. 1 . . . . JJarucfa, Threni et Epistola Jercmiae ver-
sionis syriacae Pauli Telensis cum nofis et initio prolegomendn
in integram eiusdem versionis editionem. edidit 8. O. Antonio
Maria Geriani. 61. 8, 1 — 72.
b. T. 2f fasc. 1—4. Pentateiichi syra-lioxaplaris quae snpersunt
cum notis. accedunt nonnulla alia fragmenta syriaca. edidit 8.
O. A. M. Ceriani. 63. 24, 344 pp. L. 46.
c. T. 7. (Judex Syro-hexaplaris ambrosianus photoliUiographice
editus curanto ot adnotanto Sac. Obi. Ant. Maria GcnanL Mo-
diolani 74. fol. 140.2.103 ft'. M. 105. 115. 160.
125 Mittheilungen aus der syrischen hexapla-bandschrilt der psalmen
im brit. museum, [add. 14,434 ps. 56 (h. 57)] von Dr. ikf.
Heidenheini .
Deutsche vierteljabrsschrift fiir englisch theologische forschung
und kritik. Gotha. 1. 275/8.
126 Veterts teatamenti ab Origene recensiti fragmenta apud 8yros
servata qninque. praemittitur Epiphanii de mensuris ct jionderi-
bus Hbor nunc i>rimum integer et ipso syriacus. rauhm tie La-
garde edidit. Gottingae 80. 4. 356. [Ex. Nu. Jos. ItoA^n.
3. 4.] M. 20.
IV veraio palaesiinensis,
127 Evangeliarium hierosolymitanum ex codice vaticano palaestino
deprompsit, edidit, latiue vertit, prolegomenis ac glossxuio ador-
navit comes Franciscus Miniscalchi Erizzo. Veronae. 4^. tom. 1
61. 5. 580 (1) tabb. 2. t. H 64. 51, 89. 1. M. liO. 64. 80.
cf. Zalm, Ij'brsrhungen 1, 329/50.
128 Vragmenta syro-pnlaestina [bibliomni tain viitcris (puvni novi
tcstamonti etc.] vido Land, Anccdota T. >i. IiU«jd. Vnvt, 75. 4".
pp. 177/233. 103/224.
128^ J. P. !n, Landj de zoogenaamde hierosolymitaansdie of christe-
lijk-palestynsche Bijbelvertaling. M. — . 80.
Yerslagen en Mededeelingen der k. Acad. d. Wetenscli. Afd.
Lctteik. Tweede Beeks, Decl 5, bl. 196/208.
128^' Til, Koldeke, IJcber den elnistlidi-palastinischen Dialed;.
ZDMO. 22. 443/527.
IHaorcdes coniitis IV. M. lOrizzo typos Evan^eliarii Acado-
niiiio dui liiiux'i dono dcdiTUnl (Atti 18H4/r» Uoiidii'.oul.i, 1. 0. 15
IV'br. 85. p. 109), Paulo do liagardo pcnnissioneni roimprcssionis.]
Jjtttoratura. 31
Mis$:n1c cbaUlnicmn ex decrcto s. cong^rc?. do propngaiida fido c<1itum.
Kom. 7iw. lol. GIG pp. M. 80. »0. 100. fr. 250.
Onio chaldnicns bontorum n]Mi8to]onini iuKtA ritum ecclcsiao
innl.'ibarirac. llom. 774.
ace. Ordo cluildaicus rituum et lecfcionum iuxta morem ccclesiae ma-
labaricae. lloin. 77ri.
inSvi? i-*!-^ Uo^ <^] ]2ucu£l^9o }Z|-m? jJU^o ^ttaoj
Kom 844.
!Missale syriacum iuxta ritum ecdesiae antioch. Syrorum. fol. Bom
843. M. 16. 25. 30.
Missale chaldaico-malabaricum. Bomae 1857. 4^. M. 30.
Missale cbaldaicum ioxta ritum eccl. nationis Maronitarum. Bom
1592/04 (2 ft,) 288 pp. fol. M. 300.
alia editio -f 4 fT. praef. arabice ct latine. B. 1 604. M. 300.
Mssale s^^riacum iuxta ritum eccl. antiochenae uationis Maronitarum.
Bom 716. fol. M. 45.
)^o*^9 l^^AAOk^l 1^1^? ]p^ ^] iJJ39a^? ]jsLs, Kozchayae 816.
idem. ibid. 838.
UJo*^? |^a.oqa^,1| |Z|^? ]p^ f^] )Ll£ 90.09 \ASk4, ibid. 855.
liibcr niiin9(ri missao iuxta ritum ccclcRiao nationis Maronitarum.
Bom 5U6. 4". .is 2. 10.
Dinfonalc Ryriarnin iuxta rifnni cc<*l4\<)iao anlioclicnao iintitmifl Maro-
nilariiiH. Iloni 730.
idem. Boiuiic 715.
{.^o'f^ ).a^VqJ0? ]bjLap£ i^A? )h^ ^i l^^'^^'^iA^'^? ).a£us.
editio 7. Kozchayae 854. ,
The liturgy of 8. Celestine ed. W. Wright in: Journal of sacred
literature. April 867. p. 332. London. M. 1. 25.
Codex liturfricns ecclesiao universae in XV libros distributus . . .
Joaeph Aloysixts Assemamis . . . castigavit, rccensuit. llomii.o 4.
Syriaca i, ii. 174/276. 2, 211/350. 5 (750) 136/237. 4, 2 = t.
p (752) 131/226. tf, 4 « t. 7 (754) 91/108. 8, 2. (756) 1/228.
&', 3 = t. 9 (758) 1/119. 8, 6 «= t. 12 (766) 1/224.
vol. 1—12. M. 460.
D. SeveH alexandrini quondam patriarchae de ritibus baptismi et
) ROC. Picliplly coiinpooliin bccI. 7- /O.
32 fiitteiatura.
sacnio synaxis apud Syros christianos I'ecepUs libei*, nunc primum
in lucem editus : Outdone Fabricio Boderiano exscriptore et inter-
prete. Antveri)iae, Plantin. 572. 4^ M. 10. £ 2. 2.
Ordo chaldaicus ministerii sacrameDtorum 88., quae perficiuutur a
8acerdotibu8 iuxta morem eccle8iae malabaricae [versio syriaca
ritualis romani]. Bom 845.
BitU8 administrandi nonnulla sacramenta ad ii8am ecclesiae antioche-
nae Maronitaram. Bom 840.
Sacerdotale ecclesiae antiochenae nationia Maix)nitarum. Bom 752.
M. 8.
Bituale aliaeque piae precationes ad usum ecclesiae Marooitaruni.
Bom 839.
Ordo baptismi adultorum [catechumenorum] iuxta ritum ecclesiae
malabaricae Ohaldaeorum. Bom 859.
[versio ordinis baptismi romani a Josepho Guriel edita.]
Officium defiinctorum ad usum Maronitarum Gre^rii XIII. impensa
chaldaicis characteribus impressum. Bom 585.
91 ff. 4W [ex. defect. M. 45] M. 100.
Psalterium clialdaicum in usum uationis chald. editum. |== seq. bre-
viarium]. Bom 842.
Breviarium chaldaicum in usum nationis chnld. a Josepho Quiiel
socuudo oditum. Bom 805. 10".
^I^A^o 9|J99o )Viiii4> ]£Jtf*aA9 ]2UJZ|^ )A aSoaZ? Uo^
jLs9o ^fJ>9 |^£us. (opera Ebe^jesu Ghayat.) Mossul 866.
Breviarium feriale syriacum ss. Ephraemi et Jacobi 8yroi*um iuxta
ritum eiusdem nationis, quod incipit a feri'v II usque ad Siibkitum
inclusive, additis variis hymnis ac benedictionibus , ab Atlian.
Saphar episcopo Mardinen. Bom 696.
Breviarium feriale syriacum ss. lOphrem et Jacob Syrornm iuxta
ritum eiusdem nationis a feiia II usque ad sabbathum iuxta
exomplum editum anno 1696 . . . nunc acccdtt oriifiinn doniini-
calo. Bom 787. 4«.
Officium feriale iuxta ritum ecclesiae Byrorum. Horn 851.
Liturgiae syriacae septimanae passionis dom. n. Jesu Christ! excerptum e
cod. ms. bibl. Lipsiensis ed. ac notis illustr. J. Gh. Clodius. Lips. 720.
42 pp. 4". M. 1. 20. 1. 50. 2.
Officia sanctorum iuxta ritum ecclesiae Maronitarum. pars hiemalis
[cura Vausti Nairon]. Bom 656. fol. [inde a dominica dedi-
cationis ecclesiae usque ad puriHcationcm B. M. Y.]
Vol. II. Breviarii chaldaici aostiva ^lars. | iucip. a i'esto s. Nuhme
martyris]. Bom 666.
Officium simplex septem dienim hebdomadae ad usum ecclesiae
Maronitarum. Bom 624.
Litteratura. 33
altera editio Innooentii X. ibid. 717.
teitia editio e revisione Stephani Evodii patriarchae. ib. 781.
Offidum feriale iuzta ritam ecdesiae Byroram Maronitanmi, Inno-
centii X Pont. Max. iossa editom, denuo typis ezougam regnante
Pio VIII. P. O. M. ed. 3. Bom 830.
|wl 4"?] lliim 8^5. M. 6.
Jireviarium syriacam, ofiicium feriale iuxta rituni ecdosiao Byronun
Maromtanim, InnocenCii X. P. M. iussii editom, denuo typis
ezctisiun, ed. 5. Bom 863.
[ace. offidum defunctorum.]
^Jo'f^9 ]^f^y 1|-^ ^1 |AVi>ai4>. Kozdiayae 855.
* •
Oarmina ecdesiae sjiiacae curavit Ludovieua Spieth in: S»A, Daniel,
thesaurus hymnologicus. torn. 3»
Fiin boitraji; znr kunde dcr syrisdicn hymnologie. von prof. dr. Pius
Zingeiie in : Iloidonlioim, deutsclio viorto\jiUir8Schrift fur eugliscb-
thoologisclic forschung nnd kritik. Gotlia 2^ 336/45.
onicos «n I'honnour dcs Sninls-riciTo ot Paul, l** Office Nostorien
67 pp. [autogr.] in: Baiiit Pierre et saint Paul dans I'^glise
nestorienne par 3f. Vaibhi Martin . . . extrait de la revue des
sdences eccl^siastiques. Amiens 75.
Offidum feriale (Schehime). Prima impressio in monasterio B%|idet
Tamish in Kesrawan (Libanon) facta 1872. 591 pp. M. 12.
— denuo reimpressum Beryti ex typographia P. P. Boc. Jesu. 1876.
12^ [in duabis certe formis].
Borvico do la mcsse priv^e selon lo rite syrien ^IwMDI S^^yX^
^> ^*3^*^ ^^^.r^^ dC4A«.i^JvXJ\ C^^,***g\3 ^^^,«.>^flCUA>^\
,^/lk>V\ ^b^^l "^ T?. T^ J^«*J\ ^kk^l Mossul, Dominic
1868. 239. 12<^ (approbatio, praefiitio, titulus, rubricae arabice,
verba administrantis sjniace).
„Die Wasserweihe nach dem Bitus der Byrier.** In „Liturgie zum
Tauf-Fest der aethiopischen Kirche** etc., von Carl von Amhard,
Miinchen, 1886. Teztus Byriacus editus a Bichard J. H. Gottheil. 4®.
Aus einer handschrifUichen Tauflituigie in: Yater (1802) 33/9.
e codlcc Oi*phanotrophd Halensis, de quo vide: La Crete,
Histoire du OhiistianisiTie des Indes 3, 230; J. I). Michaelis,
Einldtung N. T. Th. 1. § 11; Marsch, Anmerkungen und Zu-
s&tze (iibersetzt von £. F. E. Bosenmiiller 1, 162).
vcrsio litteralis huius fragmenti in: Wagniig, Journal fiir
Jiiturgie 2, 1.
Zingerle, P., Das syrische l^estbrevier oder Festki-anze aus Libanon's
G&rten. Aus dem Byrischen. 2 Theile. Yillingen 1846. 8.
— Proben syrischer Hymnologie, aus dem Urtext tibersetst. ThQS.
I87:J. 462/500.
84 Litteratura.
Analeeta Syriaca, ILymnen, Proclam<ationeii und Mai-tyrer^esaii<?e
des Nestonanisi'hun Breviera. Aiis doin Byrischeii iibersctzl.
Mit Einleituug und Erlauterungcu vun ]). J. M. Bch^nfeldcM-.
ThQS. 48 (1866), 170/200.
Buval, B., LetU'e sur le br6viaire nestorien. Joum. asiat. 1884.
janv. 106/8.
cf. SwawHon, C, J.., The greee Litwrgies. Cambridge 1884. 4^.
(15 sh.)
Morinuay de saciis Ecclesiae oi*dinatioDibus. Paris 1653. fol.
Hall^ L H., Syrlac version of Epistle of King Abgar to Jesaa.
(Hebr. 1885. Apr. p. 232/5.)
— Ctaspari, G. P., Jesu apokryflske Brev til den edessenske Kooge
Abgarus i udvidet niiddolaldorlig Skikkelso bestoint til at tjem^
doni Amulet. Tkcol. Tidsskrift . . . i Korgc S lljiokke I, 3 (1886)
— LipaiuSf B. A., Die Edeasonische Abgar8a(>:c kritjscb initersnchl.
ihamischwuig 1880. 02 pp.
— Matthea^ K. G. A., Die Edessenische Abgarsage auf ihre Fort-
bilduug untersucht. Leipzig 1882. 77 8.
Abraham Bethrabbanensis cf. Breviarium Mossulense p. 57.
Abraham Gasearensis regulae monachorum Ebedjesu, Nomocanoii
tract. 7.
Abulfaragius vide Gregoritts.
Acta sanctorum martgnim oricntalium ot occidentaliuui in duas partes
distributa adcoduut sictJi s. Bimoonis stylitiio umnia nunc priimuii
... bibltothocav apostoHui vaticaiia protluuut HtciiJuimis Kvodki:>
Assetmmua archiopiscopus apaiuuonsitt ciialdaieuiii toxtuiii roccnsuil
. . . latino vertit admonitionibus, perpetuis<iue adnotationibus illu-
stravit. Bomae 748. fol. 2 voU. M. 120.
I itiS A> v^9)ilo ^-^r^? |£^.4l^.4^Z Acta Sancti Maris, Assyriae,
. Babyloniae ac Persidis Seculo 1 Apostoli, Syriace sive Aramaice.
Juxta Manuscriptum Alqoschianum adjectis aliorum Godicum
lectionibus variantibus, Versione Latina et Annotationibus illu-
strata. Edidit nunc primum J.-B. Abbdoos, B. T. D., Domus
Poutilicalis Pracsul, Archiei)iscopi Mcclilinensis Yicarius generaliti.
Bruxelles, Boci^sto Beige de Libraire, 12 Bue des Paroissiens, 12.
Leipzig, F. A. Brookhaus, 1885. S^.
cf. Th. Ndldeke, 5str. Monatsschr. f. d. Or. 11, 10.
Hoffiuann, Georg. Ausziige aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer,
Littoratura. 36
ubersetzt und durch Untersuchungen Eur hutoiiBchen Topograpliie
erlauterfc. Leipzig, 1880. AbhandluDgen fur die Kmide des
Moigenlandes 7, 3. 325 pp. M. 10. 14.
Echte Akten heil. Mlutyrer des Morgenlandes. Aus dem Sjrrischeii
iiborsotzt vou P. J'lns Zingeile. 2 Theile. 8. Insbr. 1836.
24 llo- n. 1.0 o. AV.
Aclx'i Sii M.'ir AInIiiM IVIiiMirh. Aniiiiaico ot hit., (m1. iuiiki ]>mn. ox
cod. LoudiiK ot illiistr. /. GorUty, Bruxoll. 1886 (8. A.) M. 2.
Acta S, Feloffiat syriace edidit Joannes Gildcmeister. Bonn, Marcus
79. 40. 16, 12 i.p. ThLZ. 79, 14, LCBl. 79, 46. M. 2. 3.
Acta S, Silvestri: Anecd. 5, 46/76.
Acta aynodi Carthaginiensis anni 256: LB.*) 62/88.
The doctrine of Addai, the apostle, now firnt edited in a complete
fonii in tho origiiKil syriac, with an en^Hsli translation and notes,
by Ocorge VhillipSy 1)D. London, Triibnor 76. 15. 52. 53 pp.
<'f. Zahn, Foi'scIiun<):en 1, 350/82. sh. 7. 6. M. 5.
Alvivandri wnt/m ail Arlslotolcni littonto iictitiac: Uoedigcr' 112/20.
lul rseudo-Oallisthcncin conf. T/ieod, V. Woolsey JAm. Or. Hoc.
1854, 357/428 B. H. Cfowper] the Acts of Addi, Journ. of. S.
Lit. & Bibl. Bee. July 1858; Rimheld, Beitrage zur Geschichte
und Kritik der Alcxandersage. Hersfeld, Frogr. 1873. 4". Dr.
H, CJirtstensettj Beitviigo zur Alcxandersage; Hamburg, Wilh.
Gymn. lb. 1883. 4^.
Notice of a Life of Alexander the Great translated from the Syriac
by Bov. Di*. Justin Perkins^ with Extract from the same, b}'
Tlicoduro \y, W<M»lsoy.
cf. Zingerle ZDMU. 8 835/7. 9. 780/4.
Kin nltos syrischos Alexanderlied. Ubersetzt von P. Zingerle.
Briinn 1882. (S.-A.) M. 1. 20.
S<ancti Alexandra Alexandrini quae syriace supei*8unt fi*agmenta.
Pitra 4, 196/200; lat. 430/4.
Alexandri episcopi Alexandriae sermo de anima et corpore deque
l)assione domini in: Novae patrum bibliotliecae tomus secundus
[ed. A. Mai]. Bomae 44. 4^. 531/9. 539/40.
AmbrosiuSf hypomnemata [=» Pscudo-Justinus oratio ad Graecos].
Curet. 8pic. 38/42.
Analeeta Nicaena, Fragments relating to the council of Nice, the
syriac text from an ancient ms. in the british museum, with n
translation, notes etc. by B, Harris Cowper. Loud. 67. 40. M. 6.
Analeeta sacra Spicilegio Solcsmensi parata edidit Joannes Baptista
Card. Pitra Tom. 4 Patres Antenicaeni [orientcdes addidit titulus
exterior] Parisiis ex publico Galliaruni typographeo 1883 [tit.
*) lill. =: Imgnrdo, roliqaiae juris occlosiustici syriooc*
86 Littetatura.
eztr. A. Uogei' et V. Ohenioviz, bibliopolis] S4, 518 [oon 158] pp.
ed. P. Martin, p. 1 — 257 text, 261 ft, venionas, cititur: Pitra 4.
Syriae Miaoellanies or Exti*act8 relating to the first and second geuei'al
Oonncils, and various other Quotations, Theological, Historical
and Classical. Translated into English from MSB. in the British
Museum and imperial Library of Paris. With Kotes. By B, H,
Cawper, Will, k Norg. Iioiidon 861. 112 pp. cf. Heidenheim:
VierteQahrssohrifl 1. 465/9. M. 3.
P. Lagardii Analeeta Syriaea. [Lips.] Lond. 58. exemplaria &eta
sunt 115. M. 21. 20. — 12. 16.
Anonymi hymnus ad tonum hymnprum Ephraemi do paradiso in:
ti. Ephr. Syri . . . o^iera selecta. ed. J. J. Overbock. Ox. 1865.
Antontua rhetor [7 s.], carminis contra calumniatores scripti exordium.
Roed. ) 110/1. [cf. de Lagarde, Mitth. 1, 56 sq.]
J%e ftamUua qf Aphraatea, the persian sage, edited from syriae ma-
nuscripts of the fifth and sixth centuries in the british nmseum,
with an english translation by W» WrigM, Lond. 69. 4*\ ¥«)!.
/ tlio syriae text. (M. 41.) 25. a5. ao.
cf. Tlul^oldtikoOGA. 1869. 39. 1521/32; Bickoll, in llibliothok
dor KirchouvlUor Kompton 1874. 102/3, SohonroUWriiQH. 187H.
195/250, C\Fr.Sassv [f 3. Juli 1880] Prologouioiia in Aplu'aatis
sapientis Persae sermones homiletioos. Lips. 1878. 40(1) pp.
M. — . 80. 1. 20; Forget, Jac, de vita et scriptis Aphraatis Sa-
pientis Persae, Lovanii 1882. 377 8. M. 5. Byssel, 8t. & Ki-.
1883. 2. 306/36.
De hermenMuHda apud Syroa Aristoieleia Jo, Oeargius Em. Hoff-
mann scripsit adiectis textibus-et glossario. Lips. 69.
M. 3. 7. 13.
— editio secuuda immutata. Leipz. 73. 7, 218 pp. At. 4.
[FaeadO'lAristoieUs lapt xoafiov vpoa Akt^av^pcv: LA.*) 134/58.
T/ie festal letters of Athanasius, discovered in an ancient syriae ver-
sion and edited by William Cureton. Lond. 48. sli. 18. (In-
troductio sep. M. 2.) M. 6. 5. 3. 50. 3. 2. 50.
etiam apud Mai, NPB. 6, 1/160.
Das Athanasius dem grossen zugeschriebeno glaubensbekenntniss
wapt rrfi oapKcoctwr rev ^fov "koyov in syrischer dbersetzung aus
einer nitrischen handschrift dcs britisch museum: analeeta Nlc.
p. 37. Caspari, Quollen aur iiltoston Geschichte dcs tanfisymbols.
1, 66. 143/60.
Babai (senior) ox Both-Ainatlia carmtna cf. Broviarium MorsiiI. p. 39.
42. 47; de eo Thomas Margensis apud BO. 3, 1, 88/92.
Babai bar Nesibinaye duo carmina: Brev. Moss. p. 41. 42.
*) liA. B Lftgardii Analeeta.
LiticRituni. 37
Biieihgen a. Fragmente, PhiloxenuB, Sindban.
Bdlaeus ehar^nscopus (c. 430), carmina: Ephrttemij Balaei aliorum-
que opera selecta ed. Overbeck. Oxf. 65 p. 249/886 et: Wemgj
Schola syriaca (66), 160/2. Tlialhofer, Bibliofchek 41, 67 et 44,
Bardesanes (11. Joli 154/222) [discipulus ejus. Philippus] de fato
|^o9Z]? ^a:^9 [nl^ Spic. 1—21.
cf. Wriffhtf Apociyphal Acts p. 274 LipaiuSf die apokryphen
Apofltelgeschichten 1, 292; Nbldeke^ qui acta Thomae e lingua
S3Tiaca in Graecam, oon e Graeca in Syriacam translata esse
— Hahnj Aug., Bardesanes gnosticus Syrorum primus hymnologus.
Lips. 1819. (M. 1. 20.) — . 76.
f'f. ClarVs Ante Niccne Christian Library vol. 22, 25, Menr.
Bai-dcsancs (1863) 25.
Barhebnieus vide Gregoriiui.
BiU'saumas Nisibouus cf. Brov. Moss. p. 58.
Barsuma^ Crater Gregorii Barhebraei vid. Greg. B. U.
[Bar ZubiJ traiti sur VaeeenhuUion chez les Byriens orientaux pai
JBf. VtUfU Martin. Paris 77. 6 80. 21 autogr. pp. Fr. 3. 8. 50.
[Actes de la soci6t6 philologique, tome 7, n^ 1.]
Anaphora divi BasUii episcopi Caesareae Gappadociae ex vetustissimo
codice Sjrrica lingua, & charactere scripto traducta per Andream
cf. Mosis Bar Gephae do Paradiso x>* 235/54.
ibid.: 254/6 Precatio Bivi BonZn, qua solet operatus sacrls uti apud
Doum, tralata ex Syrtco per eundem Andream Masium Bruxellanum.
[iam ante M:isium tralatlo a Mose Maixlinonsi facta impressa
est, ubi? quando?]
The tradition cf tJie syriae church of Antiooh, concerning the pri-
macy and the prerogatives- of S. Peter and of his successors the
roman pontifib. by the most rev. Cyril Benham Benni, syriae
archbishop of Mossul (Niniveh). translated, under the direction
of the author, by the rev. Joseph GagUardi. London, Bums 71.
M. 7.
Beeoldf die Scbatzhohle. 1883.
Die ScJiaish&hle nach dem syiischen Texte der Handschriften zu
Berlin, London und Bom nebst einer arabischen Version nadi
den Handschriften ku Bom, Paris und Oxford, hrsg. von Oarl
Bezold. Leipzig 1888. 20. 273. ThN. LGBl. 88,8. M. 20.
Etiam sub titulo: Die SchatzhShle syrisch und deutsch. 2. TeiL
Pars I (versio gennanica) prodiit 1883.
Liber thesauri de arte poettea Syi*orum noc non de corum poetanim
38 Littoratura.
yitis et canninibus per P. D, Qabrielem Cardahi [(^x^^^J^^l
Maronitam ^ Libano. Horn, Prop. 75. 201 (3) pp. M. IS.
f^ Jt j> ^ is <« > ^^ vJ"^^ Oalendurium Syriacnin Auctore Oazuinio.
Arabice Latineque edidit et notis instruxit Gulielmus Yolck. Lip-
siae 1859. 8.
Oalendarium syrum in: Oenebrardvs, Psalmi Davidis. ed. V. Antv.
On a Syriac Table for finding^ Easter in years of the Seleucld Era
by Prof. HaU. Proc. A. Or. Soc. for. Ort. 1885 (exti.) p. 4/10.
I. H. Hall, On a Modern Nestorian MS. Ecclesiiistical Calendar.
Am. Or. Soc. Proceed. Oct. 1886. Joum. 13, 140/4.
Carolus Magnus die ante mortem suum evangelia quatuor cam
Graecis et Syria optime correzisse dicitur a Thtgano in vita
Chronicon Edeasenum: BO. i, 888/417, Michaelis, Chrest. 46/74.
translat. angl. in: Joum. of Sacr. Lit. 1864. 5 (n. 3.) 28.
dementis Alexandrini quae syriace et armenice supersunt fragmenta.
Pitra 4, 35; lat. 305.
dementis romam reeognitiones syriace. Fatihis Antonitts de Lagarde
edidit. Lips, [et] Lond. 61.
(M. 20.) 7.50. 8. 10. 11. 12. 14.
Epistola prior [et posterior] Beat! dementis discipuli Petri Apostoli
[de Vii^ginibus]. .
in: N. T. Graec. J. J. Wetstenii. Tom. 1 (1751) Proleg., sy-
riace et latine, p. 1—14. 14 — 26. Colophon: „Ex TyiK>graphia
Bliae Luzac. 1752."
— Fiinkf die syrische Uebersetzung der Olcmensbriefe.
ThQS. 59, 3.
— llilge)^eld, -1., dio Briofo dcH runiiscliou demons luul ihro sy-
rischo Uobcrsctzun^. Ztw. Th. 20, 4.
Sancti patris nostri Clcni^ntis romani epistolae hinae de virginitale
syriace . . . edidit Joannes Theodorus ISeelen, Accedunt fragmeuba
nonnulla exegetici argumenti . . . nunc primum edita. Lovanii 56.
M. 5. 6. 7. 50. 8. 9. 10. 12.
— Sancti dementis Romani quae syriace et armenice supersunt
fi-agmenta. Pitra 4, 1. 2, lat. 276.
— Syrische Bijdragen tot do Patristik (dour /. P. N, Land) I. Clei
mens Romanus de virginitate. II. Bardesanes de fato. (Over-
druk uit do Godgeloerde Bijdragen voor 1856/7). 8^.
Codiciim syriacorum specimina^ quae ad illustraudam dogmatis de
coena sacra nee non scripturae syriacae historiam facerent, e
museo britannico elegit, explicuit, tabulisque sex lapidi incidi
curavit Franciscus Dietrieh. Marburgi 55. 4^ [progr. acad.j
M. — . 80. 1. 50.
Liiteratura. 39
Commentarius auonymus in Canticum canticomm (ex codice anni
861): Mo'p 2, 9/31. M. 4.
Ancyrae concilii canoues. Pitia 4, 215/21; lat. 444/d.
Nwceaareat concilii canones. Pitra 4, 221/3; lat. 449/51.
Concilii Nicaeni quae syriace supersunt. Pitra 4, 224/37 ; lat 451/62.
(hneilium Seleftciae et Ctesiphonti habitam anno 410. toxium syiia-
4riiivi r<1ii1il., Liiiiin vniit noh'Aquo iiistrnxit. T. J.Tjamy. Lovan.68. 4^
( lonstitutiunos apostolicac vide \Ai. 2—32. 44 — 60.
Cosmos pi-csby ter, [c. 474] epistola ad Symeonem [stylitam] : 130. i, 237/9.
Act. 8. fthirt. 2, 394.
Cureton vide I^natiuSj Spicileg^um.
Cyprianus ad Quintum et chorepiscopum epistolae; LB. 88/93. ad
UgA\A.«> 93 seqq.
Kancti Cypriani qusio supersunt syriace. Pitra 4, 72/9; lat 338/44.
iS\ Ciji^illi Alox.iudrint archiepiscopi commentarii in Lucae evangelinm
(piac supersunt syriace c mstis apud museum britannicnm edidit
lioh. Pat/ne Smith. Oxon. 58. 4». U. 16. 18. 22.
I*h'agnicnt6 of the homilies of Cyril of Aleccandria on the gospel of
8. Luke, edited from a nitrian ms. by W. Wrtffht, Lend. [74J.
4^. "only one hundred copies printed for private circulation."
M. 8. 2. 50.
A Commentary upon the Gospel according to Luke, by S. Oyril,
Patrian'h of Alexandria. Now first translated into lijuglisb from
an ancient Byriac Version. By II. Payne Smith, M. A. Oxford
l«ri». 2 jmrtos. 8".
(fyriUi Alcx.andritii librorum contra Julianum fragnienta Byiiaca ed.
E. Nestle in: «Tuliani im))eratoris Ubrorum contra Christianos quae
supcimint Coll. . . . C, J, Neumann Lijw. 1880 p. 42 — 63.
Die Gedichte des Cyrillonas (a. 396) nebst einigen anderen syri-
schen ineditis. mitgetheilt von Br. O, Biekell: ZDMG. 27(73)
566/625. — Biekell^ G., B.erichtigungen zu Cyrillonas. ZI)MG.
35(1881) 531 1, cf. Thalhofer, Bibliothek 41, 9/68. Overbeck
■ 379/81 ubi Isaco tribuuntur, quae sec. Biekell p. 57 Cyrillonae rant
Dadjesu regulae, vid. Ebedjesu, Nomocanon tract. 7.
Damasus episc. Bomae (f 384) fragmenta duo: Mo j9, 5/7.
Daniel^ //. yl., Tliosnurus hymnologicus. vol. 5.
Jos, David [chorcpiscopus Mossulensis], Antiqua Ecclesiae Syro-Ohal«
daicae traditio de principatu Petri. Bom 1870.
J«] Danielia Salachensis explicatione verborum selectorum Davidis
Prophctie. Nestle, flmmm. Syr. 86/90.
DehSy Jos., saccrdos maronita, confutationes contra assertiones sac.
*) Mo =-^ Monnmonln tyriftcQ.
40 Litteratui'si.
Jos. David, syr. ed., lat veitit H. N, Dahdah, Beryti. 1871.
352 pp. M. 3.
DidaacaUa apoatoiontm syriace [ed. P. de Lasiarde], Ijips. 54.
L'ouvnige n'a M ttrt qu'i cent exemplaires. (H. 12.) 6. 12.
DioeUa [Peparethius, hiatoriae romanae fragmeDtam] IZolsLaSo
IVianii sJQr\k\r\ i>>; LA. 201/5.
Diodorua Tarsensis (f c. 394), excerpta: LA. 91/100.
[Anaphora IHodori Taraensis] text. syr. ed. Bickell ZDMG. 27 (1873)
608/13 transt Oonsp. p. 71 f.; cf. ZDMG. 35, 1881, 532 et apud
C, 8, Hammond, tlie ancient liturgy of Antioch and other litur-
gical fragments. Oxf. 1879.
Sancti Dionysii episcopi Alexandrini quae syriace supersunt frag-
menta. Pitra 4, 169/75; lat 413/17.
Epistola beati Dionysii ad Timotheum de morte apostolorum Petri
et Pauli, syriace. Pitra 4, 241/9; lat. 261/71.
IHonyswa Barsalibi [f 1171 aliis „1172^, „non ante 1207*^], excerpta:
BO j9, 157 sqq. commentarii, ordo de poenitentibiis, ti-actcitus do
unione t'orporis Ohristi etc.
Dionysii TdhnaMirensis [f 22. Aug. 845] clu'onici libur primus, t-
cod. syr. vatic, ed. illustr. O. J^. Tvllberg, Ups. 50. 4".
M. 13. 50. 15.
excerpta BO. i, 359/86 « Michaelis 16/46 BO. 2, l^jl.
Ber&ttelse om Alexander aen Store, Sfversattning fr&n syi'iskan meed
anmarkningar. [ex Dionysii TeUm. chronico]. iicademisk afhaud-
ling . . . af Carl Axel HedensTcog, Lund. 68.
cf. Bezold, Dormientif Ettsebiui,
cf. Schonfelder, ThQS. 1865, 699/704.
Dionysii Thraeis Ars grammatica . . . Edidit Oustavus Vhltg, Prae-
missa sunt praeter Prolegomena: Adalberti Merxii de vei'sioue
Armeniaca disputatio aUiue Syri interpretis lectioue. Leipzig;
1883(— 84). Toubner 100, 224. p. 57173.
DiosoorideSf cf. Low, Ai-am. P/lanzonuamon p. 13.
Doctrina Addaei (cf. Addai) Lll. 32/44.
Doctrina Apostolorum := Doc. 24/35.
Doctrina Petri: LB. 99/116.
Ancient ' syriac Documents relative to the earliest establishment of
Christianity in Edessa and the neighbouring countiies, from tlie
year after Our Lord's ascension to the beginning of the fomth
century; discovered, edited, translated and annotated by the late
W. Owreton, witli a preface by W, Wright, Londiju 64. 4**. Id^
196. 112 pp. M. 24. 28. 30. 31.50.
Ebediesu metropoUta Sobae et Armeniae (f 1318) catilogus Ubromm
cf. p. 1 et BO. 3, 1. 3/362.
— eollectio eanonum ex cbaldaicis bibliothecae vaticanae codicibus
Litteratura. 41
gumpta et in latinam liDguam translata ab Aloysio Assemano.
praecedit Epitome canonum apostolicomm auctore eodem Ebed-
iesa: A. M[ai], scriptorom vetemm nova coUectio. Bomae. 4<*.
torn 10, 41. p. 1/22. 23/168. syr. 169/90. 191/881.
— cf. de Lagarde, Pi'aetemiiBsa 90/S.
Kbcdietni liber MargaHtwi do vorilato rlirisfeianao rolip^ionis. ibid. (2)
317/41. bit. 342/OG.
— A translation of Tht Jewels Written by Mar Abd Yeahua, Nesto-
rian MotroiKilitiin of Nisibis and Armenia, A. D. 1298. Appendix
B. in: Badger, G. P., The Nestorians & their llituals. London
1852. 2, p. 380/422.
— Paradisw Eden cf. P. Zingerle in: ZDMG. 29 (75) 496/555.
EbtdQeau. Ein Bild aus der Mlirtyrer-Zeit der i)6r8ischen Kirche des
4. Jahrhnndortji. Yon M. v. Z. Mit Einloituug von W. K. Boischl.
Begensburg 1871. M. 1. 60.
Elias (Darensis?) vid. Johannes Tellonsis (Kleyu).
Elias, III, patriarcha 1176—90. Preces inter Psalmodiam 291/4.
EUaa bar Sekindyd, episcopus nisibenus [975 f 7. Mai 1049].
— annates in: Baethgen, Fragmente syrischer und arabischer Histo-
riker. Leipzig 1883.
— fframmatica: ].ji^jCLtt )1^<^<^ #90^ A treatise on syriac graimnai*
by M&r(i) Mid of Sdb^H edited and translated from the mana-
scripts in the Beiiin Boyal Library by Richard J. H, OottheU.
A dissort'ition . . . Leipzig 1886, 32. 20. 15 pp. flntixxluctio
ct CHpp. 1—4. J M. 1,75.
— hynrni: in Cardahi 83/4.
— decisiones ecclesiasticae, vide Ebediesu, collectio, imprimis sect. 3.
— des MetroiK)liten E. v. N. Bucli vom Beweis der Wahrheit des
Glaabens [aus dem Arab.] iibersetzt und eingeleitet von L. Horst.
Golmar 1886. 28. 127 pp.
— interpres vide i, 37 et 170 excerpta: Aphraates 38/9.
— epistolae: BO. 3, 1. 272/4.
— Sauwaire^ If., A treatise on weigiits and measures by Eliya, Arch-
bishop of Nisibiu.
Joum. Boy. As. Soc. Lond. N. S. 12, 1. Suppl. to vol. 9 pp.
291/313 WritUni in French.
Eliaa TirfianensiSf grammatica cf. Jf, 171.
Elias patriarcha (1615) epistola ad Eratrcs Minorcs in Alci>o, BO.
3f 1. 600/1, al Paulum 5, ib. 602.
Elxai cf. llitzig ZDMG. 12, 318; 3f. A, Levy ib. 712 sec. Ign. Stem,
n*^3an p (Szegedin 1858); de Lagarde, Mitteiiungen 2, 363.
Ephraetn Syrus (f 373).
— opera omnia quae exstant graece syriace latine in sex touios
42 Jiitteratura.
distributa . . . uiinc piimiun . . . e bibliothe<'a vaticaiia )>rodeunt
syriacum textum recensuit Petms Benediettts S, J, Romae. fol.
Tom. 1 syrlace et latine 7 87. 2 740. 3 743 syr. text. rec. post
obitum P. lienedicti Maronitae S. J. Btephanus Evodius Asae-
manus, (T. 1 — 3 graece et latine 7S2/46.)
M. 160. 160. 180. 240. (voll. 3 syr. M. 70).
Ephraetn Syrus (f 373),
— B^ E^ S^, Babulae, Balaei aliorumque opera' selecta edidit J, J.
Overbeck. Oxen. 65. p. 1—166. 339—851. 855—362.
(sh. 21.) M. 12. 16. 18.
— Die Oedichte dea h, Ephriim gegtn Jtdian den Apoataten, ubor-
setzt von Professor Dr. O, Bivhtll. ZfkTh. 2, 335/56.
— earmina nisibena additis prolegomenis et supplcmonto lexicoruni
syriacorum primus edidit, vertit explicavit Dr. Quat, BieheU,
Lipsiae 66. (M. 16.) 8. 8. 50. 10.
— earmina selecta vide Hahn ei Sieffert i, 181.
— E^ S^ carminis textus syr. sec. cod. bibl. Angel, ed. ac vers, et
annotat. instr. [— ?]. Qotting. 1837. M. 1.20.
— hymni de paradiso ex opp. 3, 562/73 apud Uhleniann ^ 39/53.
— sermones duo ex codicibus syr. romanis etlidit. a P. P. ZingerU,
Brixhie 68 (69?). (M. 2.40.) 1.50.
— o\<'oii)ta ux (tporibns s. .llphr. in Mo *J, 33/51.
— Felti J^' et Beimoald, H,, llomiliarium Putristicuiii. (Voluniinis Prinii
FasclcII.) Berolini, Enslin, 1829. 8. etitam sub titulo: Bibliotheca
Condonatoria, Sectionid Primae Vol. 1, S. 263/338. (301/28).
— Acta ex anonymo syro excerpta: BO. 1, 25/6. 26/55 « Uhlem.
^.1/23. } 1/27, uberius Opera 5. 23—63.
— 8^ E^ S^ Hymni et sermones quos e codd. Londiniens., Parisiens.,
et Oxoniens. descripsit, edidit, Latinitate donavit . . . TJionvcta
Joaephxta Lamy. Mechliniao 1882. 2 voll. 4*>. M. 18. 22.
cf. Noldoko, GGA. 82. 4S. 1505/14.
— de testamento E* cf. BO. 1. 141/6.
— Uie repentance of Niniveh, a meti'ical homily. Witli sonic smaller
pieces. Translated from tlie Byriac with notes by IL Burgeaa.
Lond. 1853. sh. lOi/j. M. 5.
— Burgeaa^ Select metrical Hymns and Homilies of Ephraem Syrus.
Translated fi'om the original Syriac, -with an Inti'oduction, and
historical and critical Notes. London 1853. gr. 8? ZDMG. 10,
628. 9, 215 ff.
— Zingerle, P.Pius. MarienrosenausDsiniaskus. Qesiinge zu Ehren der
allerseligsten Jungfi'Hii. A us doiii Syrischon. Zwcite durch vollstiin-
di^u Uelicrsotznng dor (juhcto dus hoil. Ephracni an dio aller-
sehgste Jungfrau verniehrte Ausgabe. 12. 1865. Fl. — . 88.
— Hymnen aus dem ZweistrSmeland. Dichtungen des hi. Ephrem
des Syrers aus dem syrischen Uitext metrisch ins Deutsche iiber-
Litteratura. 43
tragen unci mit erklftrenden Annierkungen veraehen von Oarl
Macke. Nebst einem Anhang. Mainz, Kirchheim, 1882. 16,
270 pp.
Ephraem Syrvs (f 873).
— P. Martin iiber !Ephram*8 Hymnen auf den h. Eremiten Abraham.
ZfkTh. 1880. 3.
— .10. dcs lioiligen Kirclionvators atisgCAviililto Schriften aus deni
Griochisc-hcn nnd Syrischen iibcrsetzt von P, Pit» ZingerU.
K\ voU. 1845—6. fl. 8. 40.
1. Band: Bekenntnlsse u. Beden liber dio vier letzten Dingo.
2. „ Sechsnndsiebenzig firmahnungen znr Basse.
3. „ Die Tngendschule; eine Sammlang ascetischer
4. „ Die heilige Muse der Syrer.
5. . „ Onslingo gogcii dio Oriiblor iibcr dio Qohoimnisse
0. „ llc<loii iibor dio Busso imd Zcrknii'Rcbung sanimt
mehreren audcrcu vcrachiodcnen Lilialts.
Einzelu jeder Band fl. 2. 12.
— Zingerle, Pius. Uber sechssylbige Verse bei Ephraem dem Syrer.
ZDMG. 2, 66/73.
— die Beden des h. E. gegen die Ketzer . . . iibers. v. P. P. Z.
Kempten 1850.
— £. des Syrer's Beden iiber Sclbstverleugnung und einsame
Lebensweise. Mifc einem Briefe desselben an Einsiedler . . .
iUxM-gotxi. von P. P. Z. .Inn.sbnu-k 1871.
— Kayser, 0., Ein Brief E.*s des Syrer*s an die „Bergbriider" iiber-
setzfc Z. f. kirchl. W. u. k. L. 1884, 5. 251/66.
-— Piissiimsprodigten von E. d. 8. ibid. 83. 10. 527/41.
— D:is Lebon des h. E. d. B., a]s Einleitung zu einer doutsclien
und syrischen Ausgabe der Werke Ephraem's iibersetzt und mit
erlautemden Anmerkungen versehen. Nebst einer Abhandlung:
^Untersudiungen liber die Ohronologie Ephraem's^ und einem
Anhang, „dic Werke Ephraems.** Berlin 1853. 8. M. 1.25.
— 8* E* 8* commentariornm in sacram scripturam textus in codi-
cibus Yaticanis manuscriptis et in editiono Bomana impressus.
Commentatio critica quam scripsit Ant4jnius Pohlmann, Part,
prima Brunsbergae (1863). p. 2. (64).
cf. Himpel, ThQ8. 45, 515/20. ZDMG. 15, 648.
— Lenfferkej C. A., commentatio critica do E® 8® s. script interprete.
Qua simul versionis syriacne qunm Peschito vocant lectiones variae
ex E^ comraentiriis collcctiio cxhibcntur. llalis Sax. 1828. 4^.
M. 1.
— Lengerke, C. A., de E' 8* arte hermeneutica liber. Begim. 1881.
4. 20. M. 1. 50.
44 IiiUei*atar:i.
Kphraeuh St/r%u (f !)7S).
— Oomoii, ])., ])io Ooinmeiitiu'ivik dim K|)hri)Oiu Hynis iiii YerliUltius.s
ziu* jutlittflioii l*ixo^uso. 4 Abliauilluii^uii.
— Skat librdaiUi T., Zehn Ghsdichte Afram's des Byrera (Eplutiem
Synu) rythmiach ubenetst mifc Einleitimg Theol. Tidskr. Kjobh.
1878. 4/5.
— J. D. MidiaoUs. T)e Syroruni vocabulis ox Epliraumo. in: Ooiii-
mentaiiones . . . i>er annos 1758/02 praelectoe oblatae ed. i. 4*'.
Bremae 1763. M. 1. 50.
Ed. 9. 40. Bremae 1774.
— J. Fr, Oaab, Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sclurifterklaruug sius
Ephraem dem Syrer. Paulus Memorabilien 1 (1791) 65 if.
— — Ziige zu einer pragmatischen Biographie von Ephi'aem dem
Syrer. ibid. 2. 136 ff.
— Killes, J., BogmatiBche Stellen aus neuedirten Beden und Hymnen
des hi. Ephrem. ZfkTh. 4, 3. 578/80.
— Lamy, T. J., Studies in oriental patrology. St Ephrem (Dublin
Bev. 1885 July p. 20/44.
Tcsti orientiili intxliti sopra i Sette Dorfiu'enti di Elfeso publicati i*
tradotti del socio Ignazio Quidi, Beale Accademia del Liucei
(Anno 282, 1884/5).
itf.,Th. Noldoko, GGA. 1886. 11. 453/9.
Hpiphaniuat episcopus Cypri (f 403).
de mensuris ac ponderibus liber nunc primum integer et ipse
syriacus. Patdus de Lagarde edidit. Qotting. 80. vide 11, 126.
— des Epiphanlus buch iiber masse und gewichte zum ersten male
Yollstandig in: P. de Lagarde, Symmicta 2, 149/216.
— [Pseudo-?] Yitae prophetarum (quatuor maiorum) (e tribus codi-
cibus Musei Britannici). KesUe, Gramni. Syr. 53/61.
— I. H. Hall, Proc. Am. Or. Soc. i5, 150.
Esrae apocalypsis de regno islamitico v. Baethgeth, Fr,, Bcschreibnug
der 83Ti8chen Handsclurift „Sachau 131 ** auf der koiiiglichen
Bibliothek zu Berlin. ZfdatW. 6 (86) 193/211.
Eusebius Caesareensis (f c 340).
— historia ecclesiast. 1, 1 — 4 ed. KrM in Eus. opx). recognovit
Dindorf 4, 71. p. 18 — 56, c. 13 in: Gureton Documents p. 1 — 5;
1. 6, 16. 17. 25 in: Lagarde, Praetermissa 249/52.
— Hist. occl. 1 — 5 descripsit e cod. lond. TuUUerg, cf. ZDMG. 7, 408.
— on the Theophania or Divine manifestation of Our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, a syriac version, edited from an ancient
manuscript recently discovered, by Samuel Lee, London, printed
for the society for the publication of oiiental texts. 42.
M. 15. 5. 12.
— Euselnua Bischof of Oaesarea on the Theophania or Divine Maui-
* festation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into
Litteratora. 45
Engliah with Notes, from an ancient Syriac verrion of the Greek
oxi^nal now lost; to which is prefixed a vindication of the ortho-
doxy, and prophetical viewB, of that diatuDgaished writer. In-
scribed by permission to his Grace the Buke of Northumberland,
Chancellor of tlie University of Onnibridge. By Samnel Leo, ]). J).
C^ambridge 184H. 119, (1. 1 fars.) 344.
Eitsebius Caesareenns (f c. 340).
-> Syrtaihes, Yon Br. Geiger. ZBMG. 17 (63) 725/9. Smendationes
ad Theophaniam 42, 48.
— History of the Martyrs of Palestine, edited and translated by
W. Cureton, London 61. M. 7. 50.
— a panegyric on the christian Martyrs: Journal of sacred literature
4^*^ ser. vol. 5 (64) p. 403; cf. vol. 6, 129.
— <*lironiron, operis liistorici capita ex Eus. chronicis (?) excerpta.
Koediger 3 105/9 et ed. Schoene 2 (67).
— Eusebii Oanonum Epitome ex Dionysii Telmaharensis Ghronico
petita sociata opera verterunt notisque illustraverunt Carolus Sieg-
fried et Henricus Gelzer, Lipsiae. In aedibus B. G. Teubner,
1884. 4».
— H, A, v. Gutschmidf Untersuchungen fiber die syrische Epitome der
Eusebischen Ganones. Stuttgart 1886. 43 pp. 4. [prog. acad.
— (pseudo-) on the Star edited by W, Wright: Joum. of sacred
lit. 66. 9, 117. 10, 150. M. 1.50.
— Merx, A., De Eusebianae historiae ecdesiasticae versionibus, sy-
riaca et armoniaca.
Atti del IV Congresso intern, degli Orientalisti.
Hancti Euatathii Antiocheni quae syriace supersunt fragmenta.
Pitia 4, 210/3; lat. 441/3.
J. JET. Hallj On the Syriac text of the book of the Extremity of the
Bomans. Am. Or. Soc. Proc. May 1887, 4f. Joiim. 13, 155 f.
Fragmenta syro-palaestinensia: in Land, Anecdota 4 103/224.
FragmenU syrischer und arabischer Historiker, herausgegeben und
iibersetzt von Friedehri Baethgen, Leipzig 1884. M. 7. 50.
Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 8, 3.
cf. II. Duval, Bev. crit. 84, 41.
OaUnw, ars medica c 23. 24. 28/31: SI."*) 88/94.
— , de alimentorum facultatibus h 2 c. 68 fin. — 61: ibid. 94/7.
— , Proben der syrischen UebersetKung von Galenus' Schrift iiber die
cinfiEU'heu Heilmittel. Yon A. Merx.
ZDMG. 39 (1885) 237/305.
'*) 81. — SaehAD, Inedltn Byrfaca.
46 Litteratura.
OaUnuSf L5w, Bemerkougen su Merx, Probeu der syrischen Ueber-
setzung von GUlenus' Schrifb iiber die einiaclion Heilmittel.
ZDMQ. 40, 4. 763/5.
Oeographica. Ardrijkskandige Fragmenten uit de Syrische Literatur
der. sesde en zevende Eeuw. (Meet en Schetakaartje,) Mededee-
ling van /. P. N. Land, Over^edruckt uit de Yenlagen en Mede-
deelingon dor Kouinklijke Akadeiiiie van Wetonachappon, Aftloc-
Ung Letterkundet 3de lieeks, Deel 3, Amsterdam, 1886.
Qeoponicon in sermonem syriacum versorum quae supersunt. P. La-
gardiua cdidit. Lips., Lond. oxem])laria facta 160, (M. 12.) 8.
— de Qeoponicon versione syriaca scripsit A. P. de Lagardo, Dr.
Berlin 1855. 4<^. Jahreebericht uber die Louisenstadtische Beal-
schule. (Repetit. in: QeaammelU AJfhandlungen 1866).
Qeorgiua Arabuni episcopus (c. 714), epistola: LA. 108/34 et Aphraa-
tes p. 19/37.
— de Bapiente Persa cax)ita tria, ex epistola Georgii episco]»i
Arabum oxcerpta (syr. et bit.) in: Forget, Jac., de vita et scriptis
Aphraatis Sapiontis Pei^aac. Lovanii 1882. p. 1 — r>6.
— Byssel, Y., Ein ilrief Qeorgs, Bisrliofn der Aniber, an den Pres-
byter Jesus, aus dein Syr. iibei*setzt nnd crliiutort. Mit eiiier
Einleitung iibor scin Lebou uud soiuo Kduitlbou. Erwoitoi'ter
BuparalalMlrurk uiis doii ,,'riuHil. HUid. ii. Kri(..^ (lolJia 1883. (2.
278/371) 118 pp.
Qeorgiua Arbelensis commentarius de liturgia exceri>ta in BO.
Qeorgius Kisibenus hymnus Brev. Moss. p. 54 » Olf. Mar. p. 242.
Qeorgius Patriarcha litania germanice a Sckdr^felder.
Das bald dem Ooncil von Nicaea, bald einer antiocbeniscben Synode
zugescbriebene Bekenntniss gegen Paul von Samosata in grie-
chiscber uud syriscber Spraebe: C. P. Caspari, alte und neuf
quellen zur gescbicbte des taufsyinbols und dor gluubeusrci^d
p. 101 — 175. Cliristiania 79.
Grabinsclirii'ton vid.: Inscriptiouc^i.
Ein Qregor von Kazianz (f 38l)/90) boigelegtos Glaubensbckonntniss
in syrischer Spi*ache aus ciner nitriscben Handsebrift des Britisb
Museum, ibid. 1 — 160.
Cannon e carminibus iambicis Qregorii (tbcologi) : Adler^ institutio 62/4.
Ghregorius Nyssetius (f 394) explicatio exordii orationis dominicae:
Mo 1 111/6.
Qregoriua Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Jul! 1286).
— Obronici oxiiorptiiiri : do rebus gostis llicliardi Aiig1i:io regis in
I'alaoMliii:!.. Hyj'. ot L:it. od., not. ilhistr. J\ J. Itruus. Oxoii.
1780. 4. 20 (3r0j»p. M, 1.20. 4.
— cf. Vater, Cbrostoinatliie p. 15 — 33, inde germanice a BrwiHf
liepertorium 7, 183/99.
— Gltfonicon syriacum e codidbus Bodleianis descriptom coi\junctim
Litteratura. 47
ediderunt Fatdus Jacobus Bruns et Qtorgiua Ouilielmtis Kirsch,
Lipsiae 780. 4^ 2 voll. [prospectus editionis 1787.]
Qregoriua Abalfamg bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. JuU 1286).
— descripsit, mnxiiDam i)artom vertit notisque illustravit Bnins . .
edidit, ex parte vertit not-asqiie adjccit Kirsch. M. 45. 60.
cf. Lorsbach in: Archiv f. d. Morgenl. Lit. 1. "Mxrhurg 1791.
199—301, Taulus Nouns lloi»ortorium 3. Jena 1701. 82—114.
— sBur berichtigung dor syrisclieu chronik des BU. von P. J. Bruns
in: Paulns, MemorabiUen 3. Leipzig 792. 196/8.
— Burh der Kouigo von B:irhebi*au8 c. 1 — 5.
of. Uasse. Bibl. orient. Aufsatze. Konigsberg 1793. p. 7 — 17.
— Amoldi^ A.J.f Ghronici Syriaci Abulpliaragiani c scriptoribus Grae-
cis emendati, illustr. specimen. Marp. 1805. 4^. M. 1. 1.50.
— Beytrage zu einer richtigen iibersetzung der syrischen chronik
des Gr. BH. o<ler berichtigung verschiedener stellen der lateini-
s<'hon iiboraetzmig dca Bll., wch'lie I\ J. Br. und G. W. Kirscli
hcrausgcgcbon habcn. von Kord. Greg. I^layer. Wicn 819. M. 2. 6.
— Natiitrng zu den be.vtragen Wicn 1820 etin: Wiener Jahrbiicher.
Vol. 13, 1821. Anzcigcblatt p. 39/40.
— append: Berum seculo quinto decimo in Mesopotamia gestarum
libmm e codice bibliotliecae bodleianae syriaco edidit et interpre-
tatione latina illustravit Dr. Ottomar Behnsch. Yratislaviae 38. ^^,
M. 2. 50.
— chronici syriaci e codd. uiss. passim craendati atque illustrati
s|>ec.inien primum . . . scripsit Geo. Hour. Bernstein. Li))S. 22. 4^.
M. 1.
— G, H. Bernstein^ die syrische Chronik des Btu'-llobnveus. 11 pj».
|Sc])t. 184(5]. J)nick von Gi-ass, Bnvtli & Comp. in Breslau.
vide ctinni Vcrhandlungon der BMG. 1845. p. 33.
— ankiindigimg uhd probe eincr neuen ausgabe und iibersetzung
der 83Ti8chen chronik des Greg. BH. von Q, H, Befnstein..
Berlin. 47.
— chronicon ecclesiasticum quod e codice musei britannici descriptum
coniuncta opera ediderunt, latinitate donarunt annotationibusque
theologicis historicis, geographicis et archaeologicis illustrarunt
Joannes Baptista Abheloos . . . et Thomas Josephiis Lamy. Lo-
vanii 4. Tomns 1 7t>, 2 74, 3 77. 2 voll. M. 40. 48. 55. 60.
— extnvit de la vie du patriarche Denys de Tehnahre qui se trouve
dans la 2^ paitie de la chronique de Gr. BH.: Abd-AIlatif,
relation de I'Egypte par M. Silv. de Sacy. Paris 810. 40.
p. 501/8. 562/7.
— cf. Kirsch « 143/5.
— Origines ecdesiae Syriacae sive Ghronici partis tertiae initium in:
S. Ephraemi Syri . . . opera selecta . . . ed. J. J. Overbeck.
Ox. 1865. 414/423.
48 liiiteratnn^.
Grefforivs Abulfarag bai- Hebraei (1226 f ^0. Jiili 1286).
— hon*eum myaterionuii aive oommentarioB in tcstainonti votcris at
novi libros sacros e codicibus manutcripUs syiiacis inusoi britan-
nici londinenais bibliothecae bodleiuiae oxoniensis regiao biblio-
thecae beroUnensia primum edidit comiiieiitariis instruxit diffici*
liores locos transtiilit atque ezplanayit Friderieua Ferdinamhts
Laraow. fi] IJiraiae 58. 4^. 4 8 p]). [Ounaociaiis ]loru8.s(>i'mii
ot BritanDonun regnis nuptias auspicatisumas feliclssimas Fridui'ict
Guilelmi et Yictoriae pia mente congratulatur F. F. Lt Beroliiii
die Yin M. Febr. 1858.] M. 3.
— Scholien su gcD. 49. 50. exod. 14. 15. deut. 32 — 84 und jud. 5.
verdffentUcht von Dr. B. SchrSter: ZDMG. 24 (70) 495/562.
— scholia in Jobom cl Kirach > 186/210.
— scholia in librum Jobi ex codd. mss. emendata denuo edidit diffi-
ciliomm locoram interpretatione illustravit notis criticis instruxit
D. Geo. Henr. Bernstein. Yratislaviae 58. fol. (4) 16 ppl^
(Academiae Jenensi . . . gratulatur acad. Yratislaviensis.)
M. 1.20. 1.50.^,
— specimen quaestionis de syriaca caiminis Deborae jud. Y. vorsione,
scholiis, quae ad earn a BH. conscripta sunt, integris additis.
dissert, quam . . . defendet auctor Joannes Maurilws Wmldema,
Yratislaviae 39. 32 pp.
— in librum psalmorum adnotationes e recogiiitione Pauli de La-
garde, in: Praetermissorum libri duo Gottingae 79, 97/252.
— in psalmos [1. 2. 22. prooem.] scholiorum specimen e oodidbns
mss. syriads musei brit. lond. et bibl. bodl. oxon. edidit latine
reddidit et annotationibus illustravit Dr. O. F. Tullberg. Upsalae
42. 40. 17. 10 pp.
— scholia in psalmum 5 et 18 e codicibus bibl. bodl. apographo
Bernsteiniano edita translata et annotationibus prolegomenisquo
instructa. disseit. quam . . . defendet auctor Joan. Theoph, Ouil.
Henr. Bhode. Yratislaviae 32. 6 84 [1. 93]. (1) pp. M. — . 75.
— Scliolien des BH. zu ps. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9—15. 23.|53 nebst desscn
vorrede zum neuen testamente. verSffentlicht von lie. dr. 2i.
SchrUer: ZDMG. 29 (75) 247/SOS. M. 1.
— scholia in ps. 8. 40. 41. 50 e codice berolinensi primum edita
cum codicibus bodl. florent. vatic, collata translata et annotationi-
bus instructa. dissert, quam . . . defendet auctor Rob. ChusU Food.
Sehroeter. Yratislaviae 57. (M. 2.75.) —.50. 1.50.
— scholia in ps. 68 e codicibus mss. syr. bibl. florent. et dement.-
vatic. et bodl. oxon. primum edita et annotationibus illustrata.
dissert, quam . . . defendet Cyrillus Knobloeh. Yratisiaviae 52.
57. (4) pp.
— Des Gregorius Abulfarag genannt Bar Ebhroyo Anmerkungen eu
Litteratuxa. 49
den salomonischen Sclirlften herausgegebon von Alfred Bahlft.
Leipziflr 1887. Drugulin. 10. 29 pp. 80.
cf. ThN. LCBl. 87, 25. Duval, Bev. d. J&t. Juives. i5, 155/8.
(hegorius Abulfarag bar Hebraei (1226 f 30. Juli 1286).
— in Jesaiani scholia o codd. mss. syr. musei brit. lond. et bibl. bodl.
oxon. odidit ct aiinoUitionibiis illuatravit Otto Frider, TvUberg,
ITpMalao 42. 4». 22. M pi». M. 2.
— scholia in Jerwiiam o codd. mss. syr. edlta et annotoUonibus in-
structa quae . . . i). p. Mag. Oust. Freder. Koraen et Carolug
Ericus Wennberg, (p. i.) Upsalae 52. 4<>.
}). 2, Koraen et Joh. Aug, Zaeh. Wittloek,
p. 3, Koraen et Sveno Andr. Oust, 8undberg,
— in duodecim prophetas minores scholia, ad triom oodicom fidem recen-
8mtBemh.Moritg. Lii)siae: tyi^isB. G.Teubneri. 1882.32 pp. M. 2.
— in evangelium Matthaei scholia e recognitiono Johannis Spanuih,
Gottingae 79. 4®. [typis Lugd. Bat. Brillianis.] 71 pp. [cap.
1 — 8, pp. 1 — 30 seiiaratim prodierunt cf. Oat ZDMG. 4512.]
M. 2. 2. 50.
— in evangelium Johannis commentarius. e thesauro mysteriorum
desumptum edidit JB. Sckwartg [f 13. Jon. 79, Lagarde, Symm.
2, 98]. Gotangae 78. 28 pp. M. — . 80. 1.
— in actus apostolorom et epistulas catholicas adnotationes syriace
e recognitione Martini Klamroth, Dissert, inaug. Gottingae 78.
30 pp. M. 1. 1. 50.
— opera grammaticalia vide I, 145. 163 et Jacobus Edessenus.
— Berichtigungon und Zusatze zum fiinftcn Kapitel der barhebr&i-
schen klcinen Grammatik auf Grund des 'J^extcs von Abb6 Martin
(Paris 1872) nebst Einleitung. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung
dor J)(Mtf/)rwru-do. .Kin^^oroicht von Abraham Ulcli. Leipzig 1885.
Druck von W. Drugulin. 7 29. (1) pp. M. — . 75. 1. 20.
— carmina.
— veteris philosophi Syri de sapientia divina poema aenigmaticnm
ed. Gabriel Sionita, Paris 638.
— Carmen de Divina Sapientia. Auctore celeberrimo Yiro Abul-
pharagio Gregorio Filio Haronis Bar-Hebraeo. Accedunt adnota-
tiones et intorpretationes P. Joannis Notayn Darauni Libanensis.
Iloinan : Ex'Pyp'>^i''i|*hiaPo]ygl(>i.t.'i K. 0. de Propagiiuda Fide. 1880.
48 pp. |rui)i liUtlo arabicu.J M. 2. 50. 3. 3. 50. 4. 4. 50.
— Greg. BH. (alioruitique) carmina sjrriaca aliquot adhuc Inedita
[ed. Caesar a Lengerke\, Regiomonti Boiiissomm, A^, 4 partes
1. 2. 36. 3. 4. 38 (progr. acad.). M. 1. 75. 2. 50.
— caimina a patre AugusHno Seehdbi monaco Maronita libanensi
aleppensi correcta ac ab eodem lexicon adjunctum. Bom 77.
L. 12. M. 9. 10. 15.
cf. etiam JZenan, de philosophia peripatetica apud Syros p. 67.
Nestle. 1)
50 Litteratura.
Oregariia Abulfurag bar Hebraei (1226 f SO* Jnli 1286).
— narratiunculae e ^l^fa^ \^oZ9 \^La: Adier^ inat. 39/44.
(Kincb 1 * >, Tychsen, Beinstein).
— L, MoraUSf Ana dem Buch der ^ergtttzenden ErB&hlungen" des
Bar-Hebi*an8. ZDMG. 40. 410/456.
— A List of Plants and their Propeities, from the M^'n&i'at^^ Kud^fie
of Gregorius Bar 'Eb^r&yft. Edited by Bicluud J. H. Ootthcil,
B. A. For Private circulation only. [1886.] 8. 26 pp. autogr. 4^.
— A Synopsis of Greek Philosophy by Bar ^Ebhrftyft. By Bichard
J. H. Gottheil. Hebraica 3, 4. 240/54.
— (latine tantnni) ecclesiae antiochenae Byi'omm noniocanon a Gr. Ab.
BH. syriace conipositns et a JosepJio Alaysio Asaemano in latinaiu
linguam conversus in: Script, vet. nova coUectio X. 2 (38) 1/268. 4^.
— - vita (ex chron. eccles.) BO. 2, 248/63, Mich. 81/104, Boed. i >.
— de morte Gr. a Barsauma fratre, BO. 2, 264/75, Mich. 104/16,
Boed. iS.
— Tabulae chronologicae ab orbe condito usque ad excidium Hiero-
solymitanum in : Chronieon orientjile Petri B^hobi (Ilm el Baliib).
2. edit Yen. 1729, 103 ss. (ab Asseuuuii lat. redditae).
— vide quae Frick in H5xter et Doertoald in Ohlau pi-omiseiiint in
Borl. Phil. Woihoiwcluift 1880, 22.
— splondidissinms codox histuriiie Dynastianiin ai'abicao in coUoe-
tione Kremeriana; vide Kremer, Acad. Berol. 1885. 109. 1. 156.
Qregorius Thaumaiurgua (f 270).
— ad Philagrium de homousia: LA. 43/6.
— ad Theopompuni de impasaibilitate et passibilitate del: ibid. 46/64.
— fragmenta varia: ibid. 64/7.
— (pseudo «a Apollinaris) ri Kara /upw ictarta: ib. 31/42.
— Sancti Qregorii Tliauniaturgi quae syriaoo 8Ui)orsunt opora ot
fragmenta. Pitia 4, 81—133, lat. 345—386.
— V.Byaadf Grogorius Thaumaturgus, Sein Leben u. seine Schi'iften.
Nebst Uebersetzung zweier bisher unbekannter Bt^hriften Gregora
aus dem Byiischen. Leipzig 1880. 8, 160. M. 3. 50. 5.
cf. E. N., ZDMG. 85, 784/5.
— C P. Oiuparif Alte und neue Quellen zur Geschichte des Tauf-
symbols und der GlaubensregeL 1879. IfL
Dr&seke, J., Zu Victor Byssel's Gregorius Thaumaturgus.
ZfprTh. 83. 4. 634/40.
Hierotheuaf liber mysticus vid. Ste])hanus.
nijppolyhts (fc. 27r)) in Daiiioloni, <1u ikSiilihis, <'ant. taut.: TiA. 7ii/91
ct do Lagaixlti, aniuorkungon zui* gi'loi'liischeu iiboi'setzuug der
proverbien. Leipz. 63. p. 71.
— Bancti Hippolyti quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 36 — 64,
lat 306—831.
Litterstora. 61
Historia urbis Garcae Beth-Seleuciae et martyrmn qui in ea pass
sunt (c. 415): Mo j9, 63/75.
Historia S. Orucis bis inventae (e cod. Londiiu add. 12174 anni 1196).
Nestle, Grainm. Syr. 61—78.
(ThomaSi Jaballaha, Jacobus et Denha Indiarum episcopi) historia
Indtirain bcnodicfonini doquo i[»soi*utn in urboin Gazartae Zebe-
dacao advcntu (1509): MO. 3, 1, 589/99.
Historia Syrorum in ripa Maiabarica (c. 1730) in: Anecd. 1, 24/30.
123/7. 179/84.
Historia Josephi justi ct Asonethae in: Anecd. 3 15/45.
— Oppenheitiif Oust., Fabula Josephi et Asenethae apocrypha e libro
Syriaco latine versa. Diss, inaug. Berolini 1886. 50. 2 pp. 8^.
cf. de Lagarde, Mitth. 2, 240.
Hunain Jlerthaisia^ inoclicus ct graimnaticus (f 873).
cf. Opuscula Nestoriana.
Ein melkitischer hymnxia auf die jungfrau Maria, yeroffentlicht von
Friedrich Baethgen. (rait einer tafel): ZDMG. 33 (79) 666/71.
[I, HJ Hall, On a newly discovei-ed Syriac Manuscript Am. Or. Soc.
Proceed. Oct. 1886. Journ. 13, 126/ i). Historia Jabalaha Ga-
tliolici et Babbtin Sauma visitatoris generalis. (c. 1317).
Jacobus Baradaeus (Burde*ana) (f 578).
Kleyn, H» O,, J. B. de stichter der syrische monophysietische Kerk.
Acaderaisch Proofschrift. Leiden 1882. 210.
Jacobus episeojnis Edessenus (f 5. Juni 708).
— de vcrsiono bibltornm vide 2, 109. Journal dcs Savants (reim-
prcss. Amstclod.) Oct. 1765. i, 67/99.
— Scholia on passages of the old testament by mar Jacob, bish. of
Ed., now fu-st eilitcd in the orinfinal syriiic, with an english trans-
lation and notes by Qeorge Phillips. Lond. 64. 8 (4) 51. 32 pp.
sh. 2. M 4. 5.
— specimina exegetica a commentariis J. Ed. e codice syr. vaticano
103: Adler, Inst. 50/9.
cf. etiam 8. Ephraemi opera syriaca, in quibus haud pauca
Scholiomm Jacobi inveniuntur. BO. i, 489/93.
— Fragments of the syriac grammar: cf. I. 161.
— a letter by mar J., b. of Ed., on syriac orthography; also a tract
by the saino author, and a discourse by Gregory biu: Hobraeus
on syrLic accents, now edited in the original sjrriac, from mss.
in the brit. mus., with an engl. translation and notes, by Oeo,
Phillips, to which are added [3] appendices. Lond. 69. 8, 96.
45 pp. M. 2. 50. 3. 5. 6. 50.
— epistola ad Georgium episcopum Sarugensem de orthographia
syriaca. teztum syr. edidit, latine vertit, notisque instruxit J. P.
Martin . . • subsoquuntur ciusdcm Jacobi ncc non Thomae dia-
52 Litteratura.
coni, traciatofl de punctis aliaque documenta in oandem materiam.
Paris 69. (autog^.) 12, 16 pp. K.1.50.
Jacolfus episcopus Edessenus (f 5. Juni 708).
— P. Martin, Jacques d'^fidesse et lea voyelles Syriennes. Paris 69. 36.
Journal Asiatique Extraifc no. 7. (6. S6r. torn. 13. 447/82.)
— epistola de antiqua Syrorum litur^a: BO. 1 479/86.
— two epistles syr. with notes Wriffht: Journal of sacred literature,
new series vol. 10 (67). p. 430 sqq. M. 1. 25.
— erster brief an Johannes den styliten, verdffenUicht yon dr. Robert
Schrdter: ZDHG. 24 (70) 261/300. M. 1. 1.20.
— eanonea eeelesiastici: Lamy dissertatio de Syrorum fide 08/171.
LR. 117/144. (Mai, Bcr. Vet. N. 0. 5.)
— Kayaer, Die Oanones Jacobs von fidessa ubersetzt und erlSlutert,
zum Theil auch suerst im Qrundtezt yerdfFentlicht. Leipzig 1886.
— (?) Liber generalis ad omnes gentes (s. de causa causarum) heraus-
gegeben yon PoKlmann ZDMG. 15, 649/63.
— Ex Homiliis Severi patriarchae Antiocheni (512 — 518) secundum
translationem a Jacobo Edesseno anno 701 confectam et scholiis
illusti-atam [Add. MSB. 12151). A. Chr. 868].
Nestle, Qramm. Syr. 79/83.
— E Jacobi Edessoni epistula de regibus Magis. e cod. Lond. Add.
12172 (c. 0. saoc). Ac<:cHhiiit noniiiui eoruiii o Ootl. lundiii. luld.
12143 (anni 1229) et paris. 232 (7. saec.) ibid. 83/85.
— de Chronico vide Baethgen^ Fragmente.
— iiber den schem hammephorasch und andere gottesnamen. von
dr. Eberh. Nestle: ZDMG. 32 (78) 465/508. 735/7.
Jacobus episcopus Sarugensis (451 f 29. Kov. 521).
— sermo de Thamar ex codice vaticano 117 editus a Josepho
Zinfferle. Oeniponte 71, cf. eiusdem Ohrest. Syr. p. 360 — 386.
— Abbeloos, /. B,f de vita et scriptis s. J. Bntnaruni Sanigi in
Mesopotamia episcopi, cum ejus syriaois carminibua . . . dnobus
integris ac aliorum aliquot fragmentis. Lovan. 67. 106/231.
M. 5. 6.
— proben syrischer poesie aus J. von Sarug von Zingerle: ZDMG.
12 (58) 117/31. 13 (59) 44/58. 14 (60) 679/91. 15 (61) 629/47.
20 (66) 511/26.
— gedicht Uber den palast den der apostel Thomas in Tndien bante.
veriSff. von B. Schroter. ibid. 25 (71) 321/77. 28 (74) 584/626.
M. 1. 50.
— discours sur la chute des idoles par M. VaM Martin, ib. 29
(75) 107/47.
— Icttros aux nioiues du couvent de nioi* Biissus, et \ l*uul d'Edesse,
relev^es et traduites par M. Vabb6 Martin, ib. 30 (76) 217/75.
— trostschreiben an die himyaritischen christen. ver5ff. von B.
Schi-oter. ib. 31 (77) 360/405. M. — .80. 1.
Litteratnra. 63
Jacobus episcoptis Sarugensis (451 f 29. Nov. 521).
— oratio de Habibo, Guria et Shamuna martyribusy de Edessa in:
Ouret Doc 86/107.
— de curru Ezechielis etc. in Mo 1 21/96. 2 52/63. 76/167. in:
Weniff scliola 155/9.
— encoiiiiuni S. Simeonis stylltae in: Acta Mart. 2 230/44.
— pieces quas ipso pncr mcmoritor recitabat in: 8* E* S' ... opera
selecta • . . edidit J, J. Overbeck. 1865. 382 s.
— homUia de virginitate, de fomicatione et de conjuglo iustorum.
ibidem 384/91. tractatus de Synodo Kicaena ib. 392/408.
— epiaiola ad Stephanum bar Sudaili; vide Stephen b. 8.
— de AUxandro magno (spur?) in: Jthdj, Chrest. (1807) 66, germa-
nice ab A. 'W[eber], Des Mor Yakub Gedicht iiber den glSubigen
Koni^ Alcxandiiis. Berlin 1852.
— FroMiingbam, A. L., Pomelia di Giaconio di 8ai'iig sul battesimo
di Costantino imperatore, pubblicata, ti-adotta ed annotata da
A. L. F. 53. 25. 40. Boma 1882. (Atti della r. accad. del
Lincei. voL 8.) M. 3. 50. 4.
— ordo'haptisandi cf. codex litorgicus ecdesiae nniversalis. 2, 309.
3, 184.
— cf. Officium sanctorom (Rom 666). Breviarum feriale (Bom 787).
— 8ecli8 Homilien des h. J. y. 8. Aus syr. Hdschr. iibersetzt von
P. P. Zingerle. Bonn 1867. 12, 107. M. 1.
— tlber und aus Beden von zwei syrischen Kirchenvatem iiber das
Leiden Jesu. Von P. Pius Zingerle, ThQS. 1870. 92/114 [Isaac
Ant.) 71. 409/36 |Jac. Sar.|
— P. P. ZHngerle. Mitteilungen iiber und aus acht Beden des h. J.
V. 8. Bischofs von BatoH in Mesopotamien iiber das Leiden Ohristi
mlor soino Krouzignng. TI1Q8. 53 (76) 465/75.
— vitae compendium ex anon3rmo syro in: BO. 1 286/9.
— 8aint Jacques de 8aroug par Thomas Jos. Lamy. Extrait de la
Bevue Catholique. Louvain.
— M. VaXM Mmrtin, un 6vdque-podte au F« et au VJ* sidcles ou Jacques
de 8aroug, sa vie, son temps, ses oeuvres, ses croyances.
Bevue des 8ciences Ecd^siastiques. 4® 86rie, T. 3. Oct. Nov.
76. 77 pp.
[Jaeobtts Tagritens%8 f 1241], de la mMrique chez les 8yriens. par
M. ValM Martin. Leipz. 79. 71 pp.
Abhandlungen fiir die kunde des morgenlandes 7, 2.
Presbyteri Jesaiae carmen in Tamerlanum. in : Knds, direst. 108/19.
de Jesaja religiose qui Timothei Aeluri temporibus vixit in: Anecd.
3 346/56.
Jesujabf Adiabenus (f 660), epistolae in: BO. 3, 1. 114/23. 127/37.
YfiSu'yftbh (of Gadala) Pseudo-, R, J. JL Gottheil, A Syriac Bahirft
54 Littoratnra.
Legend. Am. Or. Soc Proc. May 1887. 27—31 <= Journ. 13y
177/81. from Sachau 10. 87.
Ignatius Antiochenus (f 107).
— tlie ancient syriac version of the epistles of s. J. to st. Polycarp,
the Ephesians and the Bomans: together with extracts from his
epistles, collected from thewiitings of Severus of Antioch, Timo-
theus of Alexandria and others, edited with an engl. transl. and
notes ... by WtU, Cureton, Lond. 45»
— Corpus Ignatianum : a complete collection of the Ignatian epistles,
in syriac, greec and latin, by W, Cureton, Lond. 49. M. 10.
— etiam : Berlin, Asher & Oo. Beprinted from the London Kdition,
and authorized by the proprietor for cii*culation on the continent
only. 1849. M. 9. 10. 18.
— supplementum Corporis Ignatiani a Giulielmo Curetono editi pu-
blici jmis factum a dr. Qeorgio Moesinger, Oeniponti 72. cl
Anecd. i, 32/5. M. 1.25.
— the Apostolic Fathers, ed. lAghifoot Part IE. S. Ignatius, S. Poly-
carp etc. vol. I et vol. 11, sect. II. London 1885 [nonduni vidi].
— Cureton^ IVl, Yiiidicioo Ignutiaiuio, or tlie gonuino writings of
Bt Ignatius, as exhibited in the ancient Syiiac version, vindicated
from the charge of heresy. London 846. 8^ M. :-l.
— lAjtsiiiSf B. A,f ubor das Vorlinltiiiss dus Tuxtos dor ;{ syr. Briufo
des Ignatios zu don iibrigen Becensionen der Ignatian. Litenitm*.
Leipzig 859. gr. 8. (8. A.) 41/2 M. M. 2. 50.
— Meletemata Ignatiana. critica de epistolarum Ignatianarum versione
Syriaca commentatio. Diss, inaug. quam. in . . . universitate
Vladrina . . . 1861 . . . pubUce defendet auctor Adalbert Merx
Bleicherodensis. Yratislaviae, typis Grassii, Barthii et socii (W.
Friedrich). (3J. 82 (1). M. 1. 50.
Jnedita syriaca, oino sammlung syrisclior iiborsotzungon von si-hritlon
griechischer profanlitorutur. niit oinuiu anluuig. aus doii liniul-
schriften dos britt. musoums horausgogebon von dr. Kd, Sachau,
Wien 70. [citatur SI.] ' (M. 6.) 3.
MorXf A,, Bemei'kungen liber bis jetzt bekannte aram&ische In-
schriften. Leipzig 1868. A. M. — . 80.
Levy, M, A,, Siegel und Qemmen niit ai'am&ischen . . . und alt-
syrischen Inschriften. Breslau 1869. M. 2.
Ohristlich-pal&stinische inschiiffcen. von Th. N51deke. ZDMG. 32
(78) 199/200.
Oratio dominica c. 6, saec. in Deir el-bahari parieti capellae coi>-
ticae insci*lpta.
vid. J. Eutinffj Epigraphische Miscellen. Zweite Beihe. Sitz.
Ber. Akad d. WW. zu Berlin 1887, p. 416, tab. P, 114.
Sachau, E., Edessenische Inschriften. ZDMG. 36 (82) 142/67.
Litteratora. 65
Ndldeke, Th., Bomerkangen zu den von Sachaa heraiugegebenen
palmyrenlBchen nnd edossenischen Inschrilten. ZDMG. 36. (82.)
SaehaUj eine dreisprachige Inschrift aos Zobed [griech., syr., arab.]
Monatebor. d. Akad. zu Berlin. Febr. 1882. S. 169/90 mit Tafe).
Zur Trilinguis Zebedaea. Yon Ed, Sachau, ZDMG. 36 (82)
345/52 [non 532].
Benan, Deox monuments 6pigi*aphiques d'isdesse. Joum. As. 8 86r.
f(6yi-ier-mars 1883, 246.
cf. CI. Qanneaitf mission en Ph6nicie. Cinquidme Bap][)ort
Paris 1884, n. 116 p. 132 s. et pi. 9,
PauthieTf G,, Pinscription sjrro-chinoise de Si-Ngan-Fou. Monument
nestorien, 61ev6 en Chine Pan 781 de noire dre et d6couvert en
1625. Palis 1856. av. facs. Fl. 2.50.
J. II. Hall, oil tho Syriac rni-t of tho Chincso Nostorian Tablet
Am. Or. Boc. Proceed. Oft. 1886. Journ. 13. 124—126.
Inscriptions Sjrriaques do StUamds, en Perse, par M. Bvbens Duual.
Kxfrait du Joiim:il Asiattqno. Paris 1885. 28 pp., 3 tabb. (8 S6r.
T. 5, Nr. 1. Janv. 1885. 39/62).
M6moires de PAcad. Imper. des Sciences de St. P^tersbourg, 7« Serie.
Tome 34, No. 4.
Syrische Qrabinschriften aus Semirjetschie, herausgegeben und
erklart von D. Chwolson. Mit einer Tafel. Pr^ent6 k PAca-
d6mie le 1. Avril 1886. St. P^tei-sbourg, 1386 etc. 40.
Mahler, Ed., Ucb<»r cine in einor syrischon Grabinschrift orwRhnte
HoiiiicnrnistonusH. Wimi, GcroJd. Hitz. .Hor. d. k. Acad. d. WW.
Wicn (1887) 8 pi>. M. — . 20.
JolMnnes Itar Ahgar patriarcha (c. 900), canones do altai'i, eucharistia,
oxccrpfca; BO. 3, 238/49.
Johannes Bethrabbanonsis. cf. Broviariuin Mossul. p. 61.
Johannes Chrysostomua (f 407), sermo de divitiis et paupertate.
Mo 1, 117/33.
cf. de Lagarde, Ankiindigung einer neuen ausgabe der griechi-
schen iibersezung des alten testaments. G6ttingen 1882. 51.
Johannes Darctisis (sec. 9.) de sacerdoUo 41ibri: exec, in: Ephraemi
. . . all. 01)0^ soJccta (65) p. 409—413 et Mo 1, 105/10.
— Alls ib'Hi lmn4lsr.1iriri.1irlioii syrischon Worko dos Johannes von
Dai-a liber das PricHturthuni. Voii P. IHus Zrinr/crU. ThQS. 49
(67) 183/205. 50 (68) 207/285.
Jofiannes episc. Ephesi (Asiae f c. 585) monophysita.
— the third part of tlie ecclesiastical history of John bp. of Eph«
now firat edited by Will. CweUm. Oxford 53. 4^.
(M. 32.) 15. 24.
— the third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John Bishop of
Kphcsus. Now first translated from the Original Syriac by B.
5G Litteratura.
Payne Sniidii M. A. Sublibrarian of tlio licxlloiau Library. Ox-
foin], at tho University Press, 18G0. K«.
Johannes episo. Epheai {Asiae f c. 585) monuphysita.
— Land, J. P. K., cand. theol., Joannes Bischof von Ex)hesos, der
erste syrische Kirchenhistoriker. Einleitende Studien. Mit einer
Tafel. Leyden, E. J. Brill 1856. 11. 200. M. 4.
— Die Kirchengeschichte des JoJumnea van Ephesus, Aiis dom Byri-
schen tibersctzt. Mit einer Abbandlung iibcr die TrilhcUen vun
Br. J. M. Schonfcidor, Kaplan etc. Muncben 1862. 16, 311. 8^.
cf. Hefele, ThQS. 44 ((>2) 674/84.
— st'dptit liisturicu tpiuttjuot udbuu iuudita supereraiit. syriiice edidit
/. P. N. Land, Anecdotorum syriacorum tomus secundus. Lugd.
Bat 68. 40.
— excerpta apud Dionysium Tellmahr. servata: BO. i, 359/86.
Ein glaubensbekenntniss des bischoft Johannes von Jerusalem (f 417)
in syrischer iibersetzung aus einer nitrischen handscbrift des bri-
tish museum (sammt allem was uns sonst von Johannes iibrig
geblieben) in: Caspari, quellen zur geschidite des taufsymbols
1 (66) 185 8(1.
Johannes metropolita Mardae (f 1165) ejus gesta, ejusmemoria. BO.
i, 217/30. ex cod. 8yr. 28 (32) fol. 140.
[Johannes MosulensisJ I'f^o; ^ "«»^ ed. piilos episc. ^Aqitie. Bom
68. 120.
Johannes Saba (6 saec), sermo et: responsio. Mo i, 102/4.
Johannes bar Owrsus Tdlensis (f 538) cananes in: Lamy, dissertatio
— bet Leven van Johannes van TeUa door Elias. Syrische Tekst
en Nederlandsche Yeiialing. Academiscb Proefschrift, door H. 6.
Kleyn. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1882. 91 83 pp. vide Elias.
JosephuSf Flavins f [f post 100], de bello judaico liber sextus, edere
coepit Cerianif in: Monum. sacra et profana. Mediol. 40. t. 5,
{sac, 2. (71?) 181/92; edidit 1883 (supra 2, 9).
— Bas secliste Buch des Bellum Judaicum etc. nach der Pascbittha-
handscbrift iibersetzt und kritisch beai'beitet von Br. Heimann
Kottek. Berlin 1866. [duo capita tantum; cave lectori] 80.
Josepbus Huzaya (YI s.) primus Syrorum grammaticus. cf. Opuscula
[Josepbus, Nestorianorum patriarcha f 566.]
epistola synodica patriarcharum occidentalium ad oriontales.
BO. 5, 1. 52/4.
Ghronique de Jositi le stylite^ 6crite vera Pan 515, texte et ti*aduction
par M. ValM PavUn Martin, Leipz. 76. 86 (1) 82 pp.
Abbandlungen fiir die kunde des morgenlandes ^,1. M. 9.
— The chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, composed in Syriac A. B.
Ltttcraiura. 57
507, with a translation into English and notes by TV. Wriffht.
Cambridge 1882. 10. 84. 92 pp.
Irenaeus Lugdunensis (f c. 190).
fragmenta duo in: Pitra, Bpicilegium Bolesmense, alia in: Mo
2, 10/1.
— in: liibri V adv. Haereses ed. "W. "W. Harley. 2 vol. Oambr.
1857. vol. 2, 431/(U.
— Sancti frenaei episcopi Lagdunensis quae syriace supersunt frag-
menta. Fitra 4, 17/30; lat. 292/302.
S, laaaci Antiocheni, doctoris Sj'rorom (f c. 460), opera omnia ex
omnibus quotquot ezstant codicibus manuscriptis cum varia lee-
tione s^iiace arabiceque primus edidit, latine vertit, prolegomenis
et glossario auxit dr. Gust. Bickell. Gissae pars 1, 73. 9, 307.
p. J2, 77. 363 pp. M. 17.
— ( .ajntd Oveibcck^ B* £^ S^ etc. 379/81 Isaaci esse dicuntur,
Oyrillonao esse videntur; cf. Bickell, ZDMG. 27/571 n. 1.
— Mo 1, 13/20, Zingerle, Chrest. Syr. 299. 387, ThQS. 70, 92/114.
Cai'dahi 21/5.
Isaac Ninivita (6 saec.), operis ascetici capita duo in: Mo 1, 97/101.
— BickeU, G., ausgewahite Schriften der syr. Kirchenvater . . . Isaak
V. Ninive, zum ei-sten Male aus dem Syrischen iibersetzi. Kempten
1874. p. 273—412. (Thalhofer, Bibliothek).
lacerates •» AriftovtKw in: LA. 167/77.
Jnlianos der Abtninnige. Syrische ErzHhlungen. Herausgegeben
von Johann G, E, Hoffmann, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1880. iS,
250. 40. M. 12. 20.
— Ueber den syrischen roman von Kaiser Julian von Th, NHdeke,
ZDMG. 28 (74) 263/92.
— Ein zweiter syiischer Julianusroman. id. ib. 660/74.
Sezti Julii (?) African! fragmentum. Pitra 4, 71; lat. 337.
— cf. Eusebius, Epitome.
Julius episcopus romanus [f 357 pseudo-] epistolae in: LA. 67/79.
— epistolae nonnullae sub Julii I non^e divulgatae, emendatae,
vocalium nods instructae, latine versae. dissert, inaug. quam . . .
defendet auctor: Joseph, Franc, Aug, Veith, Yratislaviae, 62. 27.
20 pp. ex LA. 67/79. M. 1.
— : fi-agmenta septem in: Mo 2, 1/5.
Justinus Martyr (f 166) fragmentum in: Mo 2^ 7/8.
— Bancti Justini quae syriace supersunt fragmenta. Pitra 4, 11—16;
lat. 287—292.
The book of Kalilah and Dimnah translated from Arabic into Syriac
edited by W, Wright^ LL. D., Prof. etc. Oxford: at the Olarendon
Press. London Triibner 1884. 81, 406 (1). M. 15.
— conf. Wright, Joum. R. As. Soc. [1874] 7, 1 Api^endix. [Spe-
58 Litteraturft.
cimen of a syi'iac version of tko Kalilah wa Dlninak with an
engl. trand.] M. 1. 50. 2.
The book of KalHag und Datnnag, alte syriache iibersetzung des
indischen fiintenspiegela. text and deatsche iibersetzang von
Quat, Biekell, mit einer einleitung von Theod. Ber\fey, Leip-
zig 76. M. 18. 24.
— Kalilah and Dimnali : or the fables of Bidpai. Being au account
of their literaiy history. With an english translation of the later
syriac version of the same and notes by Keith-Falkoner. S^, 406 S.
Cambridge, Warehouse [1884]. sh. 7. 6.
Thomas a Ketnpis^ imitatio Ohiisti, a Jos. Guriel, Persa-Ohaldaeo,
chaldaice editum [sic?]. Bom. 57. fr. 6. M. 6.
Qeorg, Ebedjesu Khayyath^ Syri Orientales, sen Ohaldaei, Nestoriani
et Bomanomm Pontificum primatos commeniatio historico-philo-
iogico-theologica . . . accedunt appendices duae . . . Bomae,
Propag. 70. 10. 207. M. 6.
Anecdota ayriaea, collegit, edidit, explicuit J, P. N, Land Lngd.
Bat 40. T. i. 62. 2. 68. 3. 70. 23, 356. 4. 75. 13, 223 (1)
224 tab. 5 [lit: Auocd.] M. 44. 45. 50.
do vol. 1 conf. IK Wriffhtf Anetdota Syriaca liepiintcd from
''The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Becord", for
April, 1863. For Private Oirculation. London , AfitchoU and
Bun. 18 x)p>
Leges aaecvlarea imperatorum Oonstantini, Theodosii, Leonis in:
Anecd. 1, 30/64. 128/55. 184/98.
[Liber ehcdipharumj opus chronogi-aphicuin (Thoinao itresbyteri 7.
sec?) in: Anecd. 1, 1/22. 103/21. 165/77.
Liber paradiai sive Yitae patrum aegyptiacorum particula in : codicum
specimina etc.: ed. Tullberg. Ups. 51, 4. M. 1.50.
L5w, I., Aramiiische PHanzennanien. Afit Unterstiitzung der k.
Akad. der AVisscnschafben in Wien. Leipzig, Engobiiann, 1881.
AV. 20.
— Meleagros aus Gadara und die Flora Araniaea. Als Manuscript
gedruckt. Szegedin Mai 1883. 22 SS. [H. Steinthal gewidmet].
Catechesis minor B. P. Martini Lntheri av»v tK^paaatoa Syriasmo
donata. in Orinesius Gymnas. Syr. 1611. Pars altera practica.
Lucian^ts ictpi rou iiti pahma viarsvstv iia^\Ti in: SI. 1/16.
Mara bar Serax)ion, epistola ad filium: in Oui'et. Spic. 43/50.
Marabbas Oanones. cf. Ebedjesu, Nomocanon tract. 2 et 9 Brevia-
rium Mossul. i>* ^^*
— opistohie synotli»'uo fnigiiicntuni. BO. 5, 1, 77/8.
Mares vide Acta S. Mart.
An ancient syriac martyrology from a ms. of the year 411. ed. by
W. Wright in: Journal of sacred literature 4th. ser. T. 8, Oct.
65. p. 45 sqq. 423 sqq. M. 1.
Litteratora. 69
cf. BickeU, ThQS. 1866. 466/68. NUles, Oalendarinm Manuale.
1, 1879. 30. At^ta Sanctorum Oct. i. 12, 183/5; ibidem suppl.
(Oct) Victor de Buck. EffU, E., altchristliche Btadien Ziirich
1887. 1/58. 103/11. Hamack ThLZ. 87, 13.
DiUtnannf A,, Uebor dio <a})okryphen Mnrtyrerg^eschiditen des Oyriacus
niit Jiilitt't mid d(>5i Georgiufi. Sitz. Bcr. dor k. pr. Akad. der
WW. in Berlin 1887. 330/50.
Marutftaa epiac. Ta^ritensis (c. 4S0), acta martyram persaitun io:
Ass. acta mart. 1,
— scholia duo in Ezod. 16, 1. Mt. 26, 6/14 in: Mo J9, 32.
Helito episcopus Sardum (?), apologia (inpt a\ri%eieta^), fragmenta alia
in: Curet. Spic. 22/3, et Pitra Spic. 2. 38/66,
— apologiae ad Marcum Aurelium frag^entum e syi'iaco vertit
E. Ilenan. Ex Sx>ic. Solcsin. t. 2. scorsini cusuni: Paris 55.
19 pp. IV. 2.
— Th. Noldeke, fiber die Apologie unter |Melito's Namen in Oure-
ton's Spicilegium Syriacum. JfprTh. 13, 2.
Menandri sententiae in: Anecd. 1, 64/73 et: SI. 80.
Sancti Methodiif Episcopi et Martyris, quae syriace supersunt frag-
menta. Pitra 4, 201/6; lat. 434/9.
Monumenta ayriaca ex romanis codicibus coUecta. praefatus est
P. Pius Zingerle. Oeniponti. vol. i. 69. 6 (2). 44. 123.
— edita a dr. Georgia Monger vol. 2. ibid. 78. 15 26. 174.
(M. 8.) 5.
Moses Agellensis (c. 550) vide: historia Josephi et Aseneth, quam
transtulit nt ot Glaphyra Oyrilli.
Moses bar Cepha (f 903) de paradise transt. A. Masius. Antw.
156?». 4«.
Mosis Mardoni tlicologicii do sacrosancta trinitato contemplatio, scripta
ab ipso, anno CIO CI Lil. et ex autograplio syrico ad verbum
tralata, per eundem Andream Masium. 273/6.
Fidei Professio, quam Moses Mardenus Ass3nrius, Jacobita, Patriarcbae
AnUocheni Legatus, suo & Patriarcbae sui nomine est Bomae
professus Anno CIO CI LII. ex ipso profitentis antograpbo Syrico
traducta ad verbum, per Andream Masium Bruxellanum p. 257/64.
Andreae MiUleri Greiffenhagii symbolae syriacae sive I. epistolae
duao syriacao nmocbaoao Mosis Mardeni et Andreae Masii cnm
vorsiono ot notis. ut ot U. disscrtitiones duao do rebus itidom
syrlacls et e reliquis Mardeni epistolis maxime. Berolini 673. 4^'.
M. 1.25. 1.50.
conf. do Andrea Mullor ZDMG. 35 p. 13 n. 5.
Mundbir III und die beiden monophysitischen Biscbofe. Yon Ign,
Guidi. ZDMG. 35. (81). 142/46.
'naniSo* grammaticus (c. 650). cf. Opuscula Nestoriana 2/49.
Narcissi episcopi (a. 350) quae fortur optstola in: Boediger 2 102/4.
60 Littantnra.
NaiiM (t 496). cf. Bremrium BomAQum 441 Hossnl. 66. editio
pneparaU a 0. Macke (vide Hjinnen aus'dem ZweiatrSmeland
p. 13).
Daa Nicaenum und Ifieaeno-CongtanHnopoUtanum in syriafAier iiber-
•etsung ana einer handschzift des british museum in: Oaapari,
quellen cur geechichte des tauftymbols 1. 100/12.
vide eiiani: Analeetaj concilia,
Th, Noddeke, aur gesdiichte der Araber im 1. jahrh. d. H. aua syri-
Bchen quellen in: ZDMG. 29 (75). 76/98.
OpYBcvla Nestoriana syriace tradidit Georgivs Hoffiooann Professor
'N&niSd*nis HdNdJab^eni et Hunaini Hdrt'^eni Uber canonum de
*Ab^diSd^nis G&zarteni carmen heptasyllabum de aequilitteris.
Anonymi interpretatio yocum diffieilium biblicarum.
Anonjrmi scholia bibUca.
Kiliae G. von Maack 1880. Parisiis, Maisonnenye et Soc. 23,
163 autogr. 4^ M. 20.
ed. 2. (novo titolo) 1886. M. 10.
OHa ayriaca » Anecd. T. ^. 75.
Faxdua Peraa (c. 570), logica ad rogem Gliosroom in: Anocd. d, 1/32.
1/30. 99/113.
De condemnaiione Favli Samoaateni quae syriace supersnnt frag-
menta. Pitra 4, 183/6; lat. 423/5.
Petrua Alexandrinua (a. 306) epistola canonica in: LB.
Sancti Petri AUxandrini episcopi et martyris quae syriace supersunt
fragmenta. Pitra 4, 187/94; lat 425/9.
Philoxenus (Aksenaya) ex Mabb5gh (occisus c. 523) epiatolae (ex-
cerpta in BO. 2, 30/46, Wright, Gat. 1315) v. Martin, Gramm.
Syr. ]). 71; Jgn, Quitlif la lottora di l<*ilo8sono ai Moiiaci di
Toll *Adda (Teleda) Bome 1886. Boale Accadomia doi Lincei
(anno 282 18B4/5); Frothitiffham, Btoplion Uai* Siidiiili p. 28.
— Philoxenus von Mabug iiber den Glauben. Yon Friedrich Baeth-
gen in Kiel. ZfKG. 5. 1. 122/^8. Translatio 2. homU. ex Add.
MS. 12168 fol. 9.
PkHoaophorum de anima sententiae in: SI. 5/7. 76/9.
— consilia: SL 82/3.
Phyaiologua syrus sen historia animalium 32 in s. scriptnra memora-
torum, ed. O. G. Tychsen. Bostochii 795. M. 1. 50. 2.
— loydonsis: Anotul. d. 33/102. 31/98. 115/70.
Plato [xneudo-] consilium ad discipuluiu: SI. 57/9.
— definitioues (o/^oi): SI. 56/7. 69.
Plutarchtta, vtpt Mpytfaiuax LA. 186/95.
— , de exercitatione: LA. VJlj^^,
Litteratara. 61
PlutarehitSf [Ps.-] Plutarchos ictpi aamiettea, Uebera. a. d. Syr. von
Gildemeiflter & Bucheler. Bonn 72. 8. 8A. M. 1.
Syrische poesien, aus zwei bandschriften des Vatican (Cod. Vatican
63 and 64) enthaltend den ehe-ritus der Nestoiianer. mitgetheilt
von dr. p. Pins Zingerle: ZDMG. 17 (63) 730/5.
Sancti Polycarpi qaao supersunt syriaco et armenice fragmenta. Pitra
4, 5; lat. 282.
— cf. the Apostolic Fathers ed. Lightfoot.
PytJmgoras, sententiae: LA. 195/201.
cf. Gildemeister, Hermes 4, 81 ff. W. Wright, JBAS. 1874,
App.; Kalilah and Dimnah, Praef.; Schehklf Wiener Stadien 8, 2,
262/81 Pythagorcerspriiche in einer [gr.] Wiener Handschrift.
Probus (5 saec), translator Aristotelis; v. Hoffinann, de hermenenticis.
Burton f F.y Proverbia commnnia syriaca. (Jonm. of the As. Soc.
1871.) 80. 29 pp. M. 1.26.
Uablmla. (f Aug. 435). in: S. Eiihraonii Syri Rahdac o[)ifl('opi
.1'idcssoni J3a1aci aliomniquo oi>oi*a sclocta . . . odiilit J. J. Ovor-
bcck. Oxonii 1865. p. 159 (210) — 250.
— G. BickeU, ansgewiihlte Schriften der syrischen Kirchenvater . . .
Babulas . . . zuui eraten Male aos dem Syr. iibersetzt. Kempten
1874 (Thalhofer, Bibliothek) S. 153—271.
Syrisch-romisches Bechtsbuch aas dem fiinften Jahrhundert. Hit
Unterstiitznng der Akademie der Wissenschaften zn Berlin aos
den orientalischen Quellen herausgegeben, iibersetzt nnd erl&utert
von Karl Qcorg Bruns und Kduard SacJiau. Leipzig, F. A.
Brockhaus, 1880. 4o. M. 36.
— Benierkungen zn Bioins-Sachau: „Syrisch-B5misches Bechtsbuch
ans dem fiinften Jalu'hundert.*' Yon Dr. PerleSf Babbiner. ZDMG.
1881, 139/41. 725/7.
Reliquiae iuris eeelesiastici antiqaissimae. syiiace primus edidit Ant,
P. de Lagarde. [cit: LB.] (Lips.) 56. (M. 13. 50). M. 10. 12.
Sali^iio* I. [596—604]. Guidi, Ign., die [angebliche] Kirchenge-
schichte des Gatholikos S^bhrHo' I. ZDMG. 40. (86) 559/61. [e
cod. vat. syr. 183, 367, a].
Salomo Bassorensis (c. 1222). The book of the bee the syriac text
edited from the Manusc^ripts in London, Oxfoi'd, and Munich
with an English translation by Ernest A, Wallis Budge M. A.
Oxford 1886. 15 (1). 155 (1). 180. (Anecdota Oxoniensia. Se-
mitic Series. Vol. 1, Part 2.) M. 18.
— liber Apis, syriacum arabicumque textnm latine vertit J. Sch5n-
felder. Bamberg 66. M. 1. 50.
Schieferdecker, J. D., nativitas Jesu Ohristi Syro ore depraedic. 4^.
Cizae 1682. M. — . 75.
^Mcfiffias oxinanitufl ot oxaltatus, stilo Dauidis syre et arabice c. lat.
62 Litteratura.
inteqirot. Tk. Eqieniii Vict. Scialao ot Qabr. Slonitae. 4". Oizae
1680. M. —. 75.
Serapionis, Tluiiuilae episcopi, quae syriaco 8uiKn*8Uut fragnienta.
Pitra 4, 214/5; lat 443/4.
Sergius archiater Bas^ainenais (saec. 6.), de effectu lunae: 81. 101/24.
— de motu solia: SI. 125/6.
SeveruSf ratriarcka Alexandrinns (512/8) homiliae enthranisticae.
vide Jacobus Edessenus.
Bexti Sententiamm recensiones Latinam Graecam Syriacas conianctim
exhibuit Joannes Oildemeistcr Professor Bonnensis, Bonnae ad
Bhenum apud Adolpkum Marcum 1873. 56. 107. of. Lagarde,
— Oharakter und Urspning der Spriiche dee Philosophen Sextivs
dargestellt von Professor Meinrad Ott Bottweil, Brack von
M. Bothschild 1861. (Progr.) 71 pp. 4^.
— Die syrischen „Auserlesenen Spriiche des Herm Xistus Bischo&
von Bom*' — nicht eine Xistusschrifti sondem eine Hberarbeitete
Sextiusschrift nacligowicson vou Prof. M. Ott. ib. 1802 (Progr.)
48 SS. 40.
Cent. ib. 1863 (Progi.) 1—37 8. 40.
Simeon bar Sabba'o (filius tinetoi-um, martyr 339/40).
hymiius in: S' E^ S^ ... opera selecta . . . ed. J. J. Overbeck
1865. p. 424.
Simeon episcopus Betharsamensis (510/25) epistola de Nestorianismo :
BO. i. 346/58, Michaelis 1/15.
— Simeons bref om Nestorianema. Ofversattning fr^n Syriskan jemte
Kommentarier. Akademisk Afhandling . . . af Axel Q, (?. Tdmer.
Filos Kandidat af Blek. Nationen, Adjunkt vid, Wexioh. Elem.-
Laroverk. Lund, tryckt uti Berlingska Boktryckorict, 1862. (3J 2S.
— ad mar Simeonem Qabalae abbatom de niaiiyrio llomevitarum
BO. i. 364/79, Michaelis 22/39.
— Quidij la lettora di Bimeone de Yoscovo dt Both-ArSaiu sopra i
Mai'tiri Omeriti. ileale Accademia dei Lincei. anno 278
Boma 1881. M. 2. 80.
— Uhlmann, Fr., die Ohristenverfolgungen in Persien im 4. u. 5. Jalnrh.
Aus gleichzeit. syrischen OriginalquJBllen 1861. 80. (A). 162 p.
Harrass. 79, 193. M. 1. 50.
Simeon ^uk%ja (6 s.) 30. hymni. paginae a P. Martin autographicae,
nesdo an alicubi publicatae.
Simeon Stylita (f c. 459). vita: Assemani, Acta S. mart. 2, 268/77.
UlUemann » 53/63.
— Zingerle, Pius, Leben und Wkken des h. Symeon Stylites. Inns-
bruck 1855. 120.
Simon Kephas, praedicatio. of. Lipsius, Apocryphe Apostelgeschichten.
Litteratara. ()3
Stndban oder die sieben weisen Meister. syrisch und deutsch. von
Friedr. Baethgen, Leipz. 79. 88. 26 pp. M. 1. 2. 2. 80.
Socrates sive HerostrophuB, dialogus de anima: LA. 158/67.
l)ie Fabcin des SophoSf syrisches original der fabeln des Syntipas, in
bcrir.Iitigtcni vocalisirtcm texte xum ersten male vollstandig mit
ciiicni ^]o88:ir Iiorans^rgo1)Gn, ncbst literarisclicn vorbomorkungen
iiImm* thxH vatiU'land dor fubol von dr. JxUuut Landjthcrffcr, Poson 59.
M. ;j. 3. 80. 0.
Spieilegium syriaeum: containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Am-
brose and Mara bar 8erai)ion. now first edited witli an cnglish
translation and notes by tlio rev. Willtam Oureton, London 55.
sh. 9. 20. 36. M. 18. 20. 24. 25.
— Fragmenta e Spicilegio translata in: Olark^s Antenicene Library
vol. (21.) 22. 1871 by William Fletehes D. D. (of 2 & 3 cent.) et
vol. *24. J 872 by Willianir Macdonaldf George Rose Merry ^ D. Bo-
ualdson (Jilarly Liturgies).
Stephen bar SudaUi^ tbe Syrian M^'stic and the book of Hierotheos,
by A. L. Frothingham Jr. Brill, Leide 1886. gr. 80. Fl. 2. 50.
cf. Baethgen, TliLZ. 87, 10. R. Duval, Bev. Grit. 87, 40.
— On the book of Hierotheus by a Syrian Mystic of the Fifth Century,
by Mr. A. L, Frothmgham, Jr., of Baltimore, Md. Am. Or. Soc.
Proc. at Bait. Oct. 84. OjlS,
Epistola populi Nestoriani quam anno CIO 10 LII. ex Mozal, hoc
est, Seleucia Parthorum scribebat ad Pontificem Bomanum pro
Patriarcha initiando, traducta ex autographo Syrico ad verbnm,
l)cr Andream Masium,
l)ost Mosis BCcpliae do Paradiso (1569) 264/0.
Epistola Nestorianoruni qui electum Patriarcham suum usque ad Je-
rusalem deduxerant: scripta ex Jemsalcm ad Pontificem Bomanum
do eadcm ro, & traducta ex Autographo Syrico ad verbum, per
Andream Masium.
post Mosis BCephae, de Paradise (1569) 266/9.
Professio fidei, quam Siud sive Sulakaf electus Patriarcha ab Nesto-
rianis, ore & scripto est professus Bomae anno CIO 10 LIII. tra-
ducta ex Autographo Syrico ad verbum, per Andream Masium.
post Mosis BCephae de Paradise (1569). 269/72.
St/fnbolae Syriacae ■- Anecd. T. 1. M. 10.
An ancient syriac document purporting to be the record, in its chief
features, of the second synod cfEphesus^ aud disclosing historical
matter ''interesting to the church fit large**; of which document
an attempt at an cntiro reproduction in fac-simile characters and
at a ti-anslation is now first made by the rev. 8, O, F,. Perry,
M. A. Pali; I. Oxford 67. 40. privately printed. 23. tab. 20 (1).
(cum tab. photogr.)
— secundam synodum ephesinam, necnon excerpta quae praesertim
64 Litteratura.
ad earn pertinent, e codlcibus syriacis mannscriptis in museo
britanico asservatis priiiiiiH odidit Samuel O. F, Perry, M. A.
Oxuuii 75. [{tviv, printed.] 330 pp.
Quo post mortem autoris (Jan. 81) exemplaria impressa per-
venerint, nescitar; cf. Wright, Syriac Literature 829, 26.
An ancient syriac document purporting to be the record. The second
synod of Ephesus. Acts. English Version with notes, by Bev.
8. a. E. Perry, M. A. Cantab. Dartford 1877. (8) 387 pp.
M.6. 10.
— Yerhandlnngen der Kirchenversammlung eu Ephesus am 22. August
449 aus einer syrisdien Handschrift vom Jalure 535 iibersetzt von
Dr. OeoTff Hoffmann^ ordentlichem Professor der morgenl&ndischen
Sprachen. Kiel, Mohr 1873. Festschrift Herrn Dr. Justus 01s-
hausen etc. (7J 107. 40. M. 2.
— Aetea du Brigandage d'J^h^e, Traduction faite snr le texte Syria-
que contenu dans le manusciit 14530 du Mus6e Britannique, par
M. VAbbi Margin, Extrait de la Bevue des Sciences eccl^siasti-
ques. Amiens 74. 182 (1).
— M. VabU Martin, lo Pseiulo-Synodo connn dans I'histoiro sous le
nom de Brigandtige d'Ephdse 6tudi6 d'aprds ses actes retrouy6s
en Syriaque par M. 1. M. Paris, Maisonneuve, 75. 21. 214.
Narratio ex historia Syntiyae sivo do soptom snpiontibus sumta:
Boediger 2 lOO/l.
— Die Fabeln des Syntipas. Yon 'Dx.Lwndaherger. ZDMG. 12 (58)
Das ia%rfhekemitnia der Nestorianer aus cod. orient. 147 der kdnig-
lichen hofbibliothek zu Miinchen: Caspari, quellen zur geschichte
des tau&ymbols 1, 113/42.
TheanOf sententiae: SI. 70/5.
ThetniaHuSf vpt aparriv: SI. 17/37.
— Theiuistios mpi aptrria. Nacli einer syr. Uebers. boarboltet v. Gildo-
meister & Biicheler. Bonn 72. 80. (S. A.) M. 1.
— vtpt (Ittktaa: SI. 38/55.
Theodori Mopsueateni (f 428 [429?]) fragmenta syriaca e codicibus
musei britannici nitriads edidit in latinum sermonem vertit Ed,
Saehau, Lips. 69. M. 4. 7.
— ezcerpta: LA. 100/8.
— Der Psalmenkommentar des Tli. v. M. in syrischcr Bearbettung.
Von Friedrich Baethgen. ZfatW. 5 (85) 53/101.
— Flunk, Tlieodors v. Mopsuostia Psalmenkommentar. ZfkTh. 87. 1.
181 f.
lios sontencos syiuboliquos do Tfiiodose pati'iurclio d'Antiocho (887/U6).
text syriac publi6 et traduit par H. Zotenberg: Jouiiuil asiatique,
sept. ser. tome 8 Nov.-D6c. 76. 425/76.
De ITieodosii ep. hierosolymitani [post 451] obitu: Anecd. 8, 341/6.
Litteratura. 65
Sehaqff C, relatio historica ad epistolam syriacam a Maha Thome
i. e. Magno Thoma ad Ignatium et ipsa ilia episcopi Indi epistola
syriaca c. yers. lafc. etc. Lugd. Bat. 1714. 4<>. Fl. — . 75. M. 1. 50.
Thomas Edessenus (hjrmnus). cf. Breviarimn Mossnl. p. 59.
Thomas Margensis (9 saec.) historia monasteNi Beth'abensis: plnrima
excerpta BO. 3, 1; cf. imprimis 463/501.
Titi Boatreni (|>0Rt 300) contra Manichaoos libri qnatuor liyriace.
X'aoius Antonius de Lagarde edidit. Boroliiit 59. oxomplaria
facta 160. (4) 186 pp. ,,(M. 18.) 10.
— cf. de Lagoflrdey Anmerkungen zur griechischen Ubersetzung der
Proverbien. 1863. p. 94/5.
Tita Alexandri magni: LA. 205/8.
Vita Seeundi philosophi taciturni| fragmentam: SI. 84/8.
Horae S3rriacae sea commentationes et anecdota res vel litteras syriacas
spectantia. aactore Nicolao Wiseman, tomas primus [unicus.]
Bom. 28. M. 5.
Xysti episcopi romani yvapea/: LA. 1 — 31.
Zacliariae rhetoris episcopi Melitinensis [Mitylenes Lesbiae c. 518]
historiae ecdesiasticae capita selecta ex codice 83niaco yaticano:
A. M[ai], script, vet. nova coll. T. 10 (38). 332/60. M. 8.
— Z, episcopi Mitylenes aliorumque scripta historica graece plerumque
deperdita. syriace edidit J, P. N. Land, Lugd. Bat. 70. 4<^ »
Anecd. torn. 3,
— J. Gnidi, il teste siriaco della descrizione di Boma, nella storia
attribnita a Zaearia Betoro.
Bullotino dclla coinmiasiono archoologica coinmunalc di Boma.
Ser. 2. Anno XII. Ott-Dic. 1884. [s. Boma 1885] p. 218—239.
Duvalj Rubens, Notes sor la Peschitto. 1 Edom et Bom^. 2 Le
fUs da toit: Bevue des litades Jaives. Nr. 27. Janv.-Mars 1887.
3 Lo Semadar. ib. 28. Avril-Juin 1887. 277—281. [cf. Nr. 29.
p. 160].
KecensiOj quam suo loco non enumerarit TJiesauri Syriaei 1 — 7.
Joum. Asiat. Extrait Nr. 13. (1887), 8 pp.
Oottheil, Richard J, H. On a Syriac manuscript of the New Testa-
ment belonging to Uie Bey. Mr. Neesan. Am. Or. Soc. Proceed.
May 1887. 31—33 « Vol. i5, 181—183.
— On the manuscript of a Syriac lexicographical treatise, belonging
to the Union Theological Seminary of New York City; ibid,
p. 34 s. s 184 s.
Nestle. B
66 Litteratura.
HdUf J. H, On a Syiiac Manuscript of the Acts and Epistles. Am.
Or. Soc. Fi-oceocl Oct. 1884. i). lS—:il [Williams 1^18., supra
a, 08 b].
— ibid. Ptoc May 85 p. 5 — 8 [de epistola Abgari (v. supra p. 34),
Donnullis mss. fragmentis].
— ibid. Proc. Oct 85 p. 4 [adnotatio de Yersione Karkaphensi sec.
P. MarHn],
— On Some Sjrriao Manuscripts recently acquired by the Union
Theological Society.
Joum. of the Exeget. Soc. (1887) p. 93 — 100.
— The Lives of tlie PropheU. ibid. p. 28—30.
— Notes on the "Lives of the Prophets" ibid. p. 97 — 102.
— ibid. p. 102 et rursus 105 de translatione Apocalypsis Earae,
quam Baethgen edidit et yertit (supra p. 44) ab ipso edita in
Presbjrterian Quarterly about a year ago.
— The Lost Ussher Manuscript ibid. 103—105.
Martin, P. cf. 1, 165. 191—193 p. 33. 35 ss.
— [quindecim hymni (madrase) 8, Ephraemt de Abrahtim Kidunaya
e cod. lend. 14502: px). 1 — 32 autogi-aphice rodditae, noscio an
alicubi piiblicatao, in quanim ultima hymnos Shneo7his Ktikdyd o
cod. lend. 14520 describere incepit; corrigo supra p. 02.]
- Introduction & la critique textuelle du Nouveau Te8t;iment. Paiiie
th6orique. Lemons profess6es k PEcole Sup^rieure de Th6ologie
de Paris, en 1882—1883. Paris, Lecoffre. id 712 pp. autogr.
4<^. 24 tabb. p. 97—309 des versions syriennes.
— Saint Pierre et le Eationalisme devant les iiglises Orientales.
Extrait de la Bev. des Sciences eccl6siastiques. Auiiens 1876. 58 pp.
— Saint Pierre et Saint Paul dans I'llglise Syrienne Monophysite.
ibid. [1877?] 115 pp.
continet translationem officii in honorem S. Pauli et Petri e
cod. par. 164.
PhUlipa, Qeo» Syriac Accents. From the Journal of Philology.
Vol.. 9, 9 pp.
Ryaself Victor, Ueber den textkritischen Werth der syrischen Ueber-
setaungen griechischer Klassiker L Theil. Leipzig 1880. 48 pp.
4®. [Progr. Gymn. Nicol.]
n. Theil. [1881] 56 pp. 4 [dissert, eiusdem gymnasii gratu-
latoria F. A. Eckstein oblata].
— Syiuen. PBE 3 16 (1885) 168—192. 18 (1888) 705—718.
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JLsscd Ocd f<j^^f^ .^K&A K^TM iMr^^ .ool^^O
CQ20.1 iAnao asSoaSk Aum&x&.i .Kl^lr^ ^ ' ^r^
r<^sncu ijiiA&r^ r^do ^^ .jinxjbal.1 ^ .A^GAfikQff
Aa rdlAcn r^ .Kl^i^n ciA ij^Kb^^ . »l\\ynl
>a^o^^ *>*.Jl^l ca«iJ.*U9Q ^^o .101.1 f<2i*ir<!a
i.tik2^o .riAih. vvouA .iA^^f<b^^ .vvqju) coi^
40 .r^ilfkO r^iivj^ .*UAir^.i JL^ Klar^ f^Dco aq3
Ado ^Ckf^ >^in\ no^ ^.li* »CD ^r^ KfX^o^^
\ ^"30*^^ .»aaax9 f<^i\\o »iisAol=i Ai \ \ n
|ivnT\ vcsoio .^Kla .^i^^ f^\ *iTi.Tm
•=>Qa»3 .\\*yi .Auz. cnfiu. diijao .t^ia ^.ijL«o
cn\\n.l Aascd .^ 1 m Klliur^ Kli^ll r^coAr^ A
r^ioo .r^Va col .iL»^f^ .col ^t^ iuaAo^^ .^Kb
.f^i».i coesuta r^io:»i ^ii. ^.t»co .jlcui^ oo&az.
fex editione Americana, supra nr. 65 c].
mUm^o 2 •-.•.^cooxiSBali^ cD^aX oaia ijsihs^ .ika
• • •• • • ••• •••••
dcoilsioX 3 •:*.Va>Of^o «^cfA r^ocn .^l^a cosoaSk
•• . •• • ' i ^ ■— ^. • • • • • ••
kf^lft^iu ^<CLico.i f^ii'in^ ^^couuaoJL 4 5
: f^i\oJr^j^ ^cD^o .^lak.i ^AlftftA «^cicaji><0^ 6
\v • ^"^ . . V ^. , — ^ •• — •
• \
• •
r^oAtVi icn<\iX£>.i :f<29iAx. »fi n%\ ^\»ciuAaX ^
▼ •• ••__ • •• \ • * • • V • ••
:oioio Ckia» ^.T»cD 12 •:• •K'^fiLl^i^ »^A\^^
• • •
• ^^ ^ •
• •• •• \ • •• •• • ••
•• ^ •• •• • * * ••
• • • " • •
f<zjLdi.i f<ijL2kaLS« kA' .f<^^n\\„i coicocu «^^ajif^
• ▼ •• •• • • »- ••
«^V»U.l iTt^TlVln >1M ^CLAICDCU loan f<l£k€0 16
• • "*— .^^ • • • -~— • • • • V ■"— .^ • •
OfV KLfiDCCsoA f^u.r^.1 i>Ai^f^.i «_ oin£0^ r^' 17
•• * • •• • •■ • • •• • •
• • •
Kl^aij^.! :^.^cukX rdir^ viir^ i^-V i-*^»r^
18 SO
•* * * *
• • • • • ^^**-*r.. ••
rdsiioOSk po .*u> Aa2^qp nc'TSi.i ,»l2k lo •:-.r^acal
•alio .in:^! t^n Afik .f<i^r.f| r^^oiAMa r^iaiu 35
• • • . ^-m • • • •
— -— .• • • • • • ^^**«*.^ i^ ^ .•
— ^"^ •• . • • • V * • •
cuki f<lir^ X^r^ e-'' f<lir^22 • acp
003 .nin*!W : KloLftr^ »a3CUitV AiL 1^X3.1 »» Aa.i
• ••• j»* •• • «^» •• \ •
•alusn :f<lxii »a3CUirt!lA i:^f<li.i ,*yi\%o .rtlL.i\
• ••• ••••v« ••••
45 ^rt' ^in-sn.! AAfkco oailK^2d •:*.r^i<u.i rtlicn:^
.VAjjrt".! i^.lS^^ iJMd^O :KliJO.TSi9 Ajk. vOaiOa
• • •••\« •• *\*
i^i^ jsCLTUL 24 •r-.^i.isn r^^r^ vvCUir^ vs^L^
»•••'•♦ •• • • \ •
• • / ^
• • • • ^^ \ • •• ' • •• * •• •
• • • • ,» •• •• •^w \ ^^^ • •
^h\ ^ jioSk^ f^.i :vd K^K" i:»ifV ^^^Kh 26
• %• • •* •' "" •* • •*%%.%
oa\\^ T 27 .Klft^jjf^ f<lia^T. adioi.!
Ti^vA olLiik .VOM •fU'O QOf^ :vJl f^UAM
: vA ft^\T'>*yi KliifiOf.! vv.Tfrc^ «.^r^ so ^-.Klioi^ 60
* • • •
• ^ — ^. • • \ • •• •
• • • •• \ • • ^» • f \
Kllij^saA ^.1 jr% \ T-Ai : vyy *wa ^ n A.2^3^
. • . ^ ^^ • • * •* ^
• • • • \ — ^
— •• .• , . ••• .• ••••
•acd ft^TnoA,! : Kl^iKla Kilo 35 •:• : f^coAf^.!
^ • • ' •■ •■ ^ ^ •• • / * •
.• .• \ •• • • ••
• • •• • • m» • • ••
• •• •• •• * •
^^.1 ^nxs^ .rdX rd\o :^f^ ^t^ :.^Jui2ivl»
•• ' • • _ • ••
80 vv^' KLMSn.1 pi) f^W :f^Z4a Annai ^_OMaa^
\ .• ^ •• • • . •^---i. •
/, — •• • .' . .• •• • •
K^i* vsi-M ^iKli.! r<al:i cjdbo .coA
i::ttfV^*.i T<lAf^44 •:• . wa9.i1>aJc .ofioo ; ^/y n i vA
• •■
re:iiio.i paX v&f..i cta^o :«..aj^ A^ftlX.i ^jsmX
f^liVn*^ «.CuA el^«*l«*« fjA^fV A^ oX^Ck z^iijA
^ ^ • *
• •• • • • • ■ • _^ • • •
itiaKlak A:L oaiXpi d\jju»o iKLz-ja AjLo KlnX
// • ^•▼•••••* ^ * • /"
V ~ • ^ — -. • • • ' y^ ^ . • •
• • •
^ **».^^ • • ^^« ^^'*— -.^ 1 • • ^a
• •• •• .. ••
«^o 47 »;«.^i 1^ r<ico f09 fx^oa^rw Af^ r^eo
— v • ^ •■ ,• •
• •
.. ' •* •' %•* • %• "" •* • %•
»a3 rdfio^S^ J^T< f^ea rdA i^ooOr^ ^.I^l^ IaAu
:r^l«M\^ «ooOr^ .lAfkoa ooo9 48 •:«.|^.*iaL^ f^.i09
•Oq3 i^M^ KlaMatM ^^^O^Osrcf.! ff<liab*fyiOO
(E tribas codidbus Muaei BritannicL)
Klflur^ p330 :f<x*.ia KUiu.1 f^coJdUL ao^ .•:%o&u» kIiaaK^o :oocd ^^au^x^
•J^ooi&aan Kl&OafiaA&r^ xoOAJJ&A&r^
.iaor^.l «^.^icb .Kljbo.i KliaAsn .ii\^A:k, cnuiur^:!
^T^l dlCCBOA.! >190 p03 A\y*ga -^1?^ KlAl \\^
,axSliC0.l .kIuoIaz. »ija^r^ i^cd A\*yi .dusa
f^iT Aiiji*! r<^*ai\, r^ocn »cDaiur^.i ,\\^
^3 ocfiAr^ .rrtitaitT.
cuf^ r<bq3 .inik. i^^ ^.^asaAx. .f<li2iaAi\ K^n\j^
f<uj.t» ^ .T*o.i\ ^.1 coca ^i^iT.i .f^innN
KIAmX Kbcp ivftK" ^i\ .T<lfip2k f^^n^ ^.1 cfA&
.rdiMfioao rtinz ^ rcbcD K'^^K':! oca .*r^aq3.*i
.T*0.*1.1 f^llr^ f^^^s\ <04J KljuaVM.l A^^O 35
A\^ .^ODoaaoK".*! r<l^H^ •J^A^o : ^.a2aAx..*io
r^ocfU oru^il f^(^o.i i \\.i .^ r^coAr^ K^.ica
f^ciAf^ -^l?^ r^Aia f^ifikl f<l\.io .|COOnnii\*i\
rtlASQoA f<^nn^ .f^aAf^.i r<isa!i'cnfiQ ^^oooftivAK^:!
K^l.llLrc'3 f<d\^cu.i K^JKcufiDK!! ^..ocol Kbcbo ..^cb
K'HjMCiaA f^Oqp ACiiA K^^r^ KIaSQIK' KllCD
«^oa»vkiv^ ^^^a^tJK^.! coco ^.TaAu^.i .^i^m.i
^lAA^Q KllSaoA rd^Q.!^ f^.lOD A!^ .^.^V&IO G5
cba f^ooD ivftK^i ^.t^o rtlfioosoi.i r^iiCUartla
AO^o /KkboA iJAfio ^ f^i^Q tl^i\r^ .■t^ntn.i
^^ r^x^ .rtlib ^ f<\o Kllo^ ^ r<d .a»^
Klda&fioJKJbno ft^^ AT. po Kbkio .ftlsofa ^nacA
ft^*WT. cfisko^a f<^OjA eaSf^irsMO .^^^air^ Ao^^.i
•K^iiiijA rdSQ.'VkO rt!i»aA rCs^^^ ai»iiil.i kcXo >cn
y\^ .K& ocb rdlki&cO^ [r^lOJ vyr^] r^oco
003 K'tiK'!! rtlM^ajLi n^^»iK!i r^i\ani2i^ KbAK"
r^^JJ^K^o rdjLOJtoX rd&JKoz. r^ocoJl.i ..*ui:ki
95 .KllMoA rdM.i^ ^^..ooriA^r^
•K^.TaW.1 rtlab.W pa Kbco .aCDO^f^ 3l»i^1£iuj
K^H^ix^ i\.l!^]9 \\v!i aixsn r^oco JOofiifkAen.i \\*n
>i-x..i <oi n n *i ior<l.M.i K^ivAins tcooi-ajao
K^iaio •CDO^r^o .^ODianf.i lOaochoK^ VSkSkir<.lo
reiaL^^o tCi3oiv«r^ KlL^.i A!^ i^dr^Aea ^.l
r<lab.if^ A:k. >cnoivAnfo Ta^^ oca x^lL^ .co^ir^ pb
^ixM ooca.i .fx^*yis\ acoa K^^K^ r^kiii Klica
f^lua& jkJ&jL.i Kl^QO .rtlSb.iK' aai&.l rtlsoXajL.!
.f<lflajj 003 f^ooa i^ok i^^ ^i\ .>&Lliok^.i
^T^ ^,^n\Vni.i vyT^ ^^^oooAik. oJKKb .^^o^ijdai ti5
.Qvn\^^r<^ A.^^ •.o&.lli.l Ojji:Mr<f.*i f<lii£i.iLk.a<
oA&^K^ r^^oAif<!s K'MLu.tao .Kllx.! A\oX ^io
Kl^lODO .^f^ifioA r^in£0 ^f^.i ^^Oir^ afiotA&i^
ISO .r<!i^«co a\j30
i^o f<iaz.a rcdft^oD.! r<flfi^a\ K'w rdz.CLSQ
r<^*yi\n T \ KLM.*i.jk. .^^oociu f^MXJsn A\.j.9 140
>ci3oiv»f^o •K'l&ii^k^ K'iAa&Kl^a Aa ^ iviA\nf
^.1 nfi*30D ca*3n t,cC^> f<^ii\n rifia^ K'ood
.i^.VkCiai A:k. A^ t^^> f^co •Kl^o^TM.i K^dioaLA^^
Ta^ KboD >cooivAf^ ..iaKls K^.i rrift^iAO f^A\cujj 155
pa.jk. ODiivfiaAO K^ioA^i vytr^ on i*?B.ija
A:k. KlAfiflLuA »I\j^t<^o .r<l»if^ vy^r^ >coa\\j
nfooi K'loA^ vyr^o coi^.i K'ixl^^K' icajjio
leor^idjai ^o\ hy^r^ ^cd .f<2^^.i K'iu iiMM^
:^ocp Kd\cujj A\oM.isi ^n iv^iAir^ .^.ocaJKcxAU^
K'ooD Aai^^ r^ioJK ^^K^.i .f<!ab.iiA ciA i^ciAk' ^
r^iAo^Kl^a Wf^ *.caA r^ooo rc'ocbo .f<*ifti\
.f^oco K'ooD r^acuia.i Klaiao r^oco ix&.i liua ^
rdsn:bi«rtl=3 *-i? ^ K'oco f<l&^o r^ocp f<^ .i&
i7oAA&u:br<^.i rd^no .^AaiuLf^ ooivLsao >cDO^r<^
• • •
r^ifiosa vyK^ ^OCD |P3aiJk!k.O .r^OCO K^fka K^ruifiO
oocD ^%n^\ \»^ KVd^o .KftuLSi.i f<Vd\afio ^
r^\ IT .1 K'lf^ri .^J4A*U ft^SIT. ^^^OOCOl.l «.^f^
iiu3 ^o .en vT .oi A:^. r^oeo f^:iceao relsi:^
^.1 r<A .f^JKofiJLsn ciA vif^ oiAo^.i rt^ininT.
Kd\z« r^isotj KlLo f^oca A^k^ r^ifioa f<Ao r<^!7iiA
.lA^ A^Kli.i ocn.*i A\^'^q .ci3A\cxn*i\.i f<iava r^oca 185
K^i en »» ruK' .^coikiSD po^ r^JKi* *^cocu.i*isi.i
..Acorar^^:! K^iio^i* jaCUULK^:! >\ .fiiiAi .iJ^r^ A^r^jj.*!
r^tlsK" f<2kL»\o .kAiO^.I K'ilO^'Ua J^ilO&ULKb 190
K" .ca^if<A Klsa:^. v^cb .«^.iii kIisoaA^.! KIiM
cnV \n r<i!^.i rtlocaJl f<^\\n .r^iJ rd2Q.i ^i
.ft^*an\Tn^a i.rLoi\r^o .^JLSOMr^n r^\^r»
am ^,^^_.f<>^ir^ \s^ Kli^a K'^K'.l r^ihf^ .riGaAO
C!n\\n J&f^ K^JKiija .ciA r^ooo ^K" »J|^ A\n .i^
210 i^iua ^o ca!^iK!l r^iFKv^ JLfiJ ciua ^jf^ AjA.i:^.
215 .^Al VuJKf^O
Kldjinx. ^ .12k ,A\nA\f^ CfiL.l K'in >bicu ^
f<lia^ vyrt" Kli:^ f^^ ail& KL^.ta^s^
AAea Klftin:^.!
•pa.A.fkaL.1 fd^if^ ^:sn r^ooo |CDoiv*r^ f<«^
ifujjo .rdAr<^ .^caai:^ Qfiu».i ocb K'iAjK.i «iT*gnti.i
f<'A> T^ T.A\ ji n y. ^^cn i&va ^JS>o \Jii^r^ JKoA
\ T n 235
Nestlo. G
A:k..i ^^^oiii:^. r<!£kU».i t<^itL>.i.2Q jai^ A^ (<itL>.*|.:M
•«Jl^^.lo 10^.1 r^ii\nf .AoiaLa i^^g coJMK!!
245r<^i\r<^o j3ijk.o .r<!!k.if^ Aa^. KllAA KSao .jajj(<.*i
• ^cv» cbvAo €02^1^0 .rtAio^ pojk. K^ocal.1 K^ocd
250^ paao .K'ciAf^ >i.ixa ^ jaoi^Ji:! oA^kaLSO r^i
255 A.^ r^Hxr^ »aca^o .Klx.1 r^ocD iv^.i f^&vsbcua
.^a.4JuA 260
K'lcp ,030 .K'.tac^ r<l:k.if^ ^ ^fUiiA.i K'ica ^c
cdA^ ^ %\r^ cfiA !<!&.« i^.i iJL.^ r^AusLAO •A\cca 265
\sf^h\r^a paiz.iof^.1 r^i^oULn^kioo A^^. K'^^slz.
^CD rd^VLO -.rtll'iLi OASkCD ^.1 .1^ .Atv^TtT^;
•oifioici^^rtla f^.io^jA f^ocD .t*^t^o *.ca!<ls»
v^oDO .AlaKjUiX f^(^ois. .sioiiaO Annn K^oqao
f<^*i\ ^^cb A^n3 ^n A^ftuBOf^ .K^oom ^.isn
..ftlAiaa.1 ^iiT. ^AiiA\ ^9a AuSQO .Aaa ^
KUSkCDO •f^ioDCU f<lLL*caa ^vm«1 '.nocoAfi f^Hxr^
A An r^i^^ iisi.1.1 f<lttuiSk ^.T*cDO •K'ocb
290 .^AaiuLSo f<!ia!^fibr^ «^oa»i^:i r^lcio >Ai\n
^.lii>M.i ^Aftfcd ^.^oicaii.1 \\^ .f^^x»MJD Kliso
295 •:• ivkLira ^n vyK" .r^OJUna Klcui ^
,^jVb*WT.i f^oca iCDoiuK' ft^\nT ^ rtl&&^
r^ifsuxsn A:^. ^ai^K'o .K'A^iafiff.i K!>»io^f<' ^
•Kim Kli&i
.codkia A^r^MjA oAo .Kllco A^^oo^sia paiz.iOr<lao 810
•noiA K^^f^ JLio^ A:k.o ,J^so AjLaaioi.i f<^^T.o
f^^n"^ Si .1 K'A^i-M A-^o .>i \ T .lOKLai .1 n \ .1
rt^in 1.1 f<^\^CLriO : A^K'iiiQArt^o
CDVkiiKh .yoLASon f<LdbA&!k. r<a.A.i A:k.o .f<!i 002^.10815
KlittM vyr^ ool r^oco imsn f<^*w\ oAsk K^Jicn
■n T^^CO.i .tcaflUifk t^rdJbo ^r^ .rdSLA^iSoo
iifkn \^f^ KIzaI r^oco &vA.i f^icnflua
^cA >iAAo^^r^o iruid\Kti ^lusa r^oca fu\^ oq3
.cafioiQ\f<la >CDCcaar^
♦^.j^iy^^sw r^co >cooftv*f^ :uo.i.i c^laki ...^
.Kli^o.! r^^fiDOdu oa\ f^ocD .SkLdO.! c^oco oqao
>coaiuf<i Italia caifkik. .>coaaJk..iai f^^Kli:i
335..,ui\Tui K'iuM oilMl.?^ rduioKla.1 \\^ .f^ij\»
•^.T» ocn f^iWno .^h\ i^o .\i\n i^ yxLsoo
.r^LMf^ 340
.reitMi v^is^a.! ^^*aii\g,. JiSk. isaK' r^ca .>i^.i
Jl^O .Kli^.1 Tt^*g{is\ ^aXa.1.1 f^TO^.i r^'il^ r^UiO
coflaskr^ .1^ •Au2ao rtjiir^ cai^oi ocn >caoi\Af^85o
.oria A^^i
••*^' *
f^tn^ tCoasDf^ vcaox. r^ui ..iVaKi.! i^ocp x<^f^
365 •pa\jLiaK!si •^•lOf^o r^'^r^o .Aofkr^n oa\ oocd
375 .r^i^l
KIj^Im JB^d* A\^.i ocb .r<lsa2^ .^.IaCU.!
^oco ^aca .^i^co •» .^cooonar^ >2k.380
r<llai& OOCP i^tf^^*** CUD •Qiufla\^l&.i ruAAoria
KIsocuj^ A^ .Ktico iJsaik. r<ica ^a2k..i Kl^ir^lao
.Ofii^ Aua pa.i a»il tcaoaK'i ^.i cfa(dix;.o .^^^oUi
A^ ^Aii.f^ oca 3kf^^ f<ll9L*r^ .poo.ircla
1.1 ^.1 onraiT.o .lOSkja ij9 jJLs f<lAJsn.Ta 395
pQ ..aa^r^' r^^ioiea.i ..aacu jJLs poo .Klai.!
•aiij.1 OCD ..Licoia .i.icn rdsco i^ua pa .^0^^.!
coi>JU.%sa.l Qn*w to ••aK'OM.i r^Ai^^odo ^i^oi
•KlicAaLl rtlfJsa i&o^ .rdloi^
405ru.l t^^^v^ ^f<l^o.i rt^Vnl .so^ iur^o
tc<r> .lOa f^Tiiz..! .^.1^.10 .^^ociiAHfi^fio J3i\^^r<'
»M<\AA cum^r^.1 r^isL& ^^^cn >>^it. iIjjo
•r^'i&^i^j&aa f^.*isia2k. Kbco »j^.i rtliii .aa^ r^f^is^a
Ajir^^VAio .rel^lf^ coLla ^^^^m Kli^a.l >*coOliN .1
r^i-^Q A n \ n.i .\y ^ t.CLaA i^or^.i ocb rc^i n I
x^cor^n.oea oco f<liu.i oca .^k^o .VM^^al
415^.1 f^ocb .^xxcuo* orA^gO.! .^iJ^nz* ^M c^^kjiruL
KllUiO .f<^\nT.o ^AJiiiaL^o KK!»i *^.„.OQniii*wi coi^
.A^f<lJ.l.l CP^^K" f^iuLlja pQ ClA ^^^K".! .f<d\»
.r<lz«cx« is pauoLBCX*.! ^caCL»»r^ mlMCui coxa
r^coiuLa •AjiK'ifiQji.i f^lfioi^ cq\a ^'^ •a^^K'
vyr^ .p9^ T2a^ oXir^ KlAiia.! Klnz. i^ ^M.i430
1) e cod. pans. 284.
1 .^ojjQ^i^i jA^v^ ^ >^oZ (fol. 293, redo, col. 1.)
}-^^^* oi^jkJ^ ]ooi i-aL; )L£mo ).^^9^ ^^]iMO
\ • • • • • •
OuJLo —A 9^ >aOI •>^Lo09 ^lo >^^J!\o .1^AJ^*|JD )A^s'o9
.>iS4,9o|l AAjiiO |j>o (a, col. 2.) .)A!^oAa oi^^o
• ),fi9 Ijnijn qioSnoo .•oC^o)] ]iMi|V ol^ AxLaJ
• • •
• >nS4,9o|? ).^|.^ )ooi x^n\ . . 1^9 >A0icu*) ^9 I onnS»
.« ** • •
ittUAO 1j.SL0O lA^^Ai^^^ IoIm .(n^ !i^i^) ^9 ^01
* * • • •
U^oa . _£J) \\tk29 »*s^n iSSn Ua:9 —AOLkAl^ oui 20
\'i^ Ljjd \A^^ ]LLsiy> .Uk^A^iDj (^ col. 1)
^ on nS iS .)niS»? jwino Ij^loo lA!^a.»^ nV>S4>|?
A^J^fJi ]Lj^o^ ^) \^Z ^'jU; A^ \pM^ 30
2u^ |j>o .oi^aL.9 , iSi|lo . on nS iS ^aJ] >nS4>^o
ioU )]9 , VA iSno li-SLO a^ 01.^^ AS'^I .olJldo
(b, col. 2) .-^fLolo • li-SLO a^ L^\o Ao^ .USii>
• • •.
• • • • *
^01 >0,JD . ^001 ] j^) M^O |SV, O ^j2^0I |JD0 . )joi
45 |J) Oi!^ J^]o ia9 01^ wiDjJD .ai2^ — li^i^i^; jjLld
• * • . *
]?<n£> i^k^A. ^? >^Am? *Uq1o M<n (f- 2^<^) ^^ 1)
50 — A^oi .)jNuJL2tf9 In^Sr .ooLlLo all*) ■ liN^.^ Uo
Aa)^9^o A^ilfi) . A I A nJ\ oC^ la-^r^ r^ .^ajcuJo^o^
U^Ai^ .:<^ielo «^:ta? )r^ '^ «iAia*o Uli>l
'Ajl^22\ aL09 .).&▲£] )j<n .y^i^D 001 y^? J .-llA^cno
. )j<n Mr^^ ^^ooiJk; }L^ )cul .U^ ^^ y^^ojU]
(a, 2.) .ho.^ ^r^® .>oa^^o >A.i£j.s ]9oi m^
|.LkL09 ^] ^y\iii ]aM . ) q i 0^ )j01 >A|^ O01 ^^9 J
|qlii •o.i^en.aJo > iSnn n^ ^^la )9<n M^o .AJ]
\ • • * • •
• • • • •
i^As^? ^01 )iSn |jDO . 01^^!^ \^ oiAlai^o IA!^'^?
• * *
. oiniSi o oLjuik]) 001^ ^ooi junASn ^ 'A^do oi^i^
({/, col. 1.) 2;^^] 1^90 ^001 i^i^ ^ -^? .^a^Q^oiJd
* * * •
■ inn 49 ^01 l-^r^ • ^^OOI )] ]^9aLD9^ ]901 qI^9 ^j-^l 70
■ ijniSro .yAAjC) oitd LjkMii j^i iSn? IqiO] ^ooi
^^9 {jDO}^ eliding ^^ M jmiO? i-a^jD'i )joi ^^-^?
#-s/i/^^ ^V )ukAJk2tf9 )jKLiJD9 ) <> ^ ^1 ^ ^^ OlAiDOL^O
]jDi lliln ll£>Aj9 l^i-ado . ird9 1i-a*lo i-^Aj9 7&
^-kii^ai? IjA^ll .li^CLO \^o ]Aii.a.^\^ ) iSSSno
^-loA^ A^ld^l? jAnSSn 2y^ ^o .]A^j:|^ ]AJLd09
85 ^Oi^o^ ^001 *Al^l) |JD0 • ]oL^ 0001 , i^nA.Sn oSVji.;
^^a 1
•^o • )ooi9 >Oflo \«e f-i^ ^^a^9Q^ ^^ Ja jSA ^l
• • • • •
AQL^^ ^ooaJ) fjodo .IolL}] ^ iiin4> ^^01 ^ V^4.
90 UU ^SSn 4S ^]o . U^4^h 1'^] ^ U?a^
0001 ■ i|Sriy? >0|^al^ ^jJbi^ A^iZ^^Ad^l
(fol. 295, a, col. 1.) >o,-^ :
^joJo ^ ii n A l ^ i Svi A? ^A^l?
]o<n i-^? l^jlo)^ ^ oonSiS ^a^^oIoo oooi ^aoA^
.)^|2:^ «ilA >o,jD ^0(n ^'^ALoo ..o(n^|j;),fi liiiiSnioo
2) e codice Mus. Brit. Add. 14,644.
^^^9^9 UsL^^? ifiUjD wi^A^] Usui; ]A^1^^ (18 r.) i
)^^^9 Olio) • ]& nSSr ilLoi IAaIao,^ .iSnn'in . i^iln^
wjiaA^l9 .iXi.^}^ jnSSn >JOn 1 i ^ I ^q,o jtnLk >aA»90
. >nS4 9o|^
>3^99 qi^an\Snn Igu^o ^iiViiiO ])lo^^ iJLA^i 5
01^9 Olio) ilLoi I^ISniOllol^ AaOLA.] ijL?Q.O? iM09?
^001 )ZAj) . U9Zu:^o ) A£>9 iZuDoiolol^ .jiOj^Ll^ao?
^0^9 I^omo ^001 i^9|^ )^*^r^ isAo ^qi!sn o? j^l^
)90i ^lo9 ^]o . oii^a^ )ooi I JtinAr jiiiiSn ^q-a^ ^j^ iq
nnnSSn\ oi!^ )ooi ll^s^ ill^ Vaa. ]^a^u.aM
^j^. 9Ard ^^ • )ni(iSn "^ol^^ t r^? oi*^in'| OMaAlo^o
. )minn .i^^^] )Jaa1?o . flo9 oi^^IaJj^ Vlia^ Ajsu:^?
^lo AlxalcLM )] . ^aIoo* ]A2uAL lAdilo A-iA ^iao >aj39o
15 A^o JjSi lAlViiqtS^ ^9 ^01 .(sufta^^9 llOf^ .hoi
^ftt^O lilSnAo •jU-^ IliiiOO Ij-fi^l^ >aLA,90}]
o^? o^ • /,nS )U^ liiolr) (f. 18 vers.) ^^
.(iLll0 i-aI; -.ilA) -^ ^1 |]) .?ajil:^ l^J^i^o
20 }^ >a^9o) • /|n*> ^a^lsAi9 |j99a^Aoo U9aaa9
1A^^ ^1 )]]o .^01 i^fdi^^ iSn f^^ U^i ooid
• o^ld^l |j>o .OVA omsA^I }] )^9oaiA ^ajJ) , i^S]
ao^g^t qViS )ooi )^t9 ^^^o .iaAd; lAl^^^ oil^
«.i*Ad 0LDO9 i-dkO? ooi^o ^A^Mt }j9a^j9 lA.^a^ ^Lo
, iil] \«^0i ^ oilf) • ^nfl?nV)ln ^£uAd9 )A^q^
30 ^019 .A^lA^Ai* {ii^a^JI _i4^^9 ■ iSi) ^oal^
.^^iio nSvii. .^0(91^ ^f^]o IAaLLo ATb^o .)Aa^^
A^^9 . |lo1 1^09 1-^ llACL^ . JALocu .oal;^ )j] )]i^2ii0
•• •
^AOioiLoi^ ^1-*^ ^Aaooi (fol. 19 rect.) .o^u^AaI ^Aj])
. Uflu^Jud ^ .QJLaJo .Qj] \i^)9 ^^ifflqSr Aa1|.a^ 45
.ULoo<n9 .Qj] ^r^? {JLLoi JAjULoo^ y^ai ^9 ^|.£Ld
_a9 ^01 .jlo^^Ad , ilqSn |J^ ^OgSI )] yO|.^9
^1 ^mJLLo .^.so^ ^^"^^SP ^ '^ ^ HSV> nnml
^^]]? . i^As fLo]9 <^] A^ljjstul ^l£ )11^ A^li^^
^flo]9 ^01 )]cL^ ^aaA<9La]9 ji^a^Las^ 9A0 ^Aj]
U^oLol^ ^o AJ] ^j^? ^oAj] . 001 lfli:k looi )] J.4.XAL0?
• • •
\L^ ^} ^^] llLo . ^\ iSoAittS^o ^1m ^j-o ^i«*?
.>AO^nn\ViS 1^0^^^ U-^ ^-- ^1 ^1m ^]9 .^
^im*iSn ^i^ ^aS^] 02^.0^1 ^ao2? ^oi!^ ^j^jo
60 OO0I ■ i|V] ^^l) po ^9 ^01 .{ii^a^J? qiSiiiO
ULo9 1U^ )]la:i^ )joL£) >^ ULd V^ .^ooiATus
ojLDy( 001 iiKUjD V^9 .\j\ )j90 M) "^f^ M) • ^f <n^
ilol^^J 9]^ )]] ._L j^"^^ ^QJL^ ^oti^l ^oio^
65l?U:^ ^«i^ 11 ^9 ^O .1?QJ )] ^V^ ,^ .-iJl ^1
^.so^ ^AJo .^)lo 1^ .ias)] joen o||,xld aA]9 ^oioa]
• • • '
^f£) ^^ .^ ^|o >AJ,.A;d (fol. 19 vers.) ^lo ^js
—dkOUD) q!^Z >A<na^!L9 ooi Jjkujd )22i^^9 ^A1^9 >aALd]
70 >aOIq1^ OO01 ODjn .«a!^j^O ^Lo ^9 ^aSj) An A.iS
yl^ , iS) aV)0 ^-^r^ ®^ .^aoioAa) Ua^l? ojl)o)o
>A(no9a^V9 l^oo^ (nu2L*] ^ mSn )]] .1^900^*9 jjoi
{..i^ oaooi ^<^Vv )nSsS lySViSn ooio .JmjaV)?
Q.^0) i-llo ^^k^ • jiiiASn oaooi) -^ols] oooi ^ ^^. j
^oiojJL^jD ^ nnnS oocn ^^-^ ^^) {l] . iscLD\ >a^
.) iii iV> oaooi .1; 0001 ^Ai^|d^9 . ^oio'^ajD^o i^^; so
]i^jL iL^ ^Loo .s^oiojjsifio jq iO] ^Lo oooi ^.^^oioAmIo
s^iJLO . >ajd)9 1^)9 s^oioj^l ^Jpn 1 q ^1 ^ jooi ■ ViiOi 85
).A.A'fs s^oiQ^^ OO01 Qjl1dJ\o .(nSn4n ^qVv/^V ]ooi
<^-{ ^ 1^ )lnn ^ o(no .s^(nQl^3^o v^oioa-amo }jl00910
)] s^i^ .{lolo >Alk?o }iV>iO i^ .014*1,1 >n\4b
sJ^X^. \^? 001 \o)^ ^^1 AeLI^9 OI^^OlkLMjlo ^^Ikjo 90
• jooi ^ iiSq ]y\n\? ]2cl1Loo1^o .)ooi ^aoioAa] }Liaoi
. I nt^Vto oud OO01 -..jJL^^oi.^9 ^nS ]ooi ^^H ooi ^
^om)? ^oicliJ^i. 1U^ (f. 20 rect.) ilali ]ooi ..aJLso
95 y^^ )jOI \i«^^ • ]| iV>S2 (TlL 011.2^0 Ol^olL OLOLAO
• • •
.{n!^} 001 IfA) Ht-A-A Al^dkOi .s^oLo) ^0|.as9 ^]
_d^? ^0 •^«aiA&i* Hip] i^isALe ^ASnOiO? \«iX0i
• ••
100,^ ]ooi ^^'^^ >^ ^ViAff? _A^oi .fiLd y-^"^^ P
osU) .^oaL 1|mA1o ULo .^iaJ) ^ASViir ^Aj) I01O
)LLo , iSqi >ooA^ ^Lo ^1m .(tlL oj^jo '^01 al^o
■ lijV)] \jLmo .^ , S i Vi A> )] IiLooa ^ILd ^SVii?
105 J ^oioaom^ UaI^? j^aALp 'j*^in]? |wi 0? 0(nj)9 y^
^oiAJUiD 0001 ^iSSSnSn .^01 |^o .Aj] 1 m^V)
1^ nSSo? ^jlojo ^oi^Ao )Jjlm ).ALooai9 o^) A^luiOd
^olLo^ ^01 llSSnV) 1^0 • ^1 q1^ao)o • ^oaL j iSn
olo^^l oLi*; ^ ^9 .QJoi ..ala.^A^J Hal^9 Z^jiq
)|iA^ )joi? ^r^l r^ )?oola qiVi4,9 .ooilLo |UMk oil^
•^Aa )jynSn1n uxLaloo .UaJo )j]Ld )o(n 1t-Sk^ i^
.^j^ ^900La ^iaOIo!^ 00« 0?OLff) )^090U9 ^901 g^eO 116
01.^^0 ^oio^oji!^ ]9ooi^ AnnSo .oi^oL ^^ ^1
AJl Uu^ TT^-^^-^ TT^ (^- 20 vers.) 1^1 .dii. .4iolo
jViiiS t MniV |j3 >sD olio .ilo) Ijoola Ji i o |g 1 i n
. 2iLo] )Aa!LLo . UU> Vdi:^Al ^i^9AL0 Ij^t^^LS 1^ 120
• . oaL >^Ai^V) ]aa\o . i q i o]9 jmiO ^.j^oAa^ \aa] ^
^9 >^oi .),^SnlSny>offlLa ^jd^Ldj )1o ^) j^] I9001A
]Aa:^^ A,la2u ,^(n ^^ Uautjo .,,JLiO) U^
lU^ V9? >OjJD ^? ^loj^? U>i-o ofli Uauk]?© . ^jlo)
^ojJ oi}j^£ ^? ^)o .(tlL i^ojAS^ < 4lSn? ^0^)90
^01 U^^ •r^l )?ooiA .0001 ■ ijSnS ^^^ ^iSi}3
AA ^« ^? ^ ..^.^ ^(n l^:alr>AaLo ^?
.{^1 ]90(n^ . |.^J^Lllasooi ^aLAAA)9 Aa9o) ^ iSn
U\ .^r^l jAal:^ .s.^^^ ^sljlolo 2u^9 culo^
|jto .^ ]p^] ^ ]aMk )Aoo9 y^m \«Adai Li\ .^ajd)])
..4^) )2l£lI:^ .A^o(n ^.A^) M? "W^ *UKt^ P
• •
P? ^^ (fol. 21 rect.) ^A&lo .U^^ia. IA^oA
145 )iA ^^r^ >«JJaxu9) ^nlV )j) Ulo •f^]o l^a a^
tAoO|I^ l^»^ ^]1 Ir^ ^ t.QSw |J30 '^^ ^i^i-^^
|^,A^ OI90pD \.,as1o ) -^^ ^ iiiV) 0l^9pD0 j^)] f-?^?
150 . i]\jo ■ imi j? loojLs; ]Ann|V) \^ ^aAa9 1(nX . ^lai.)];
P? )^ju^ ,j:i::^9 joilk .. nw ^nS 1^ P UlVIn
]q!^^A0 P9 ■ iSSqiLo .ofli iSnoo . oiA aV>4AL .^JloA^
)A!^9 . )jA\a ii ).*i^ ^▲a^ ^▲a^ ^▲a^ .^H|Sn] gjD
• • • ^ •
• looi >oU ^iA^cLA )A!:^AL I^Jio A.JJD ^ Po .)o(n
.^Zq^ U9a!ii09^ )?oi fj:^ ylLo U] V^^ -^ l^oi ^) i^o
)9(nL:o Jo . ly q i n]? jmin \j&JLk!^ jAlo^^ ^ )a^
)j) "-^1 i^ViiOilo jSnwn? )t-^ oUlo uuoJ j iSn ^ IZlso)
^Loo . , iViSS >nSsS ^^SViSn 0^0019 «.£i^?i]9 ) ^- ^^^
•^01 )AsO|.A )iS9 )Lo jooi qiASAjo .)9oola >a2^!? 9 As 165
)^oiJ9 |iii4Sn o(n Aj] A^l^j^? jlojo (fol. 21 vers.)
^^^ALo9 o(rt .yAi^] >JDri 1 q ^1 Uao^ .^cl^ .iliSIV)
. )iiiiV» ^AjD)]) ^010^^9 001 ^OOLl^ oX^]} |AnS^
oax?]!? ^oJ« ^1 itti^j ^ooillo ^9jLi i-u^W ]^
oooi ^JAaLoo . )AXa|1o9 oiAl^jloA .oj) >qj9o . oilolb
i80|Ai«I« 001 0010 .{j^i^A olL ^ "^-^ j t^ t^ )A.a1o )ooi
y\ inn^So >A^iV 1^01 .j^) ^9 I900LA •)ooi IViiSS
^.A^]) ^oiCLil^9 001 IniO] A^Jid^j^ aL»)9 "^i^^iL ^1m
• • • •
001 yojff fjDO . 001 ) AaLo >ojo )]o . ^-^^ , i^^i n*! ^'^
i851AaLo |AS4n oijD .tr^ ^oio!^ ]ooi , *> i n*!? )A^9
n mO 4>o • 0901^ ocoi , 4^ni09 ^ ^^-] .ooi^so • )a£
IfA^ ]ooi > nSjVo ^9 19U. . o}4*9 >0|lo Vl^ joiL)]
>n m nVnS ^1^; 001 )Jl^9 oiAlLo I001 .i40ioAa19 |^
)]9 "^OA^ ^AO^ )j01 Qjlo .fii^lo jJ^O . ]2'i i '^ 4 O
i90^oi.A^Aj9^ajLA ylLo o) .jAjLaJ nSnnViS ^ 1 nn^
y q i n] ^^'^^^ ^.so^ Ulo^ .^^CL^ IVtSS oiSnS
.j^i^^so )jlo )9oola o) oiSnonS )00lJ9 )9O0l^
l^rilSnSi^n ^,.£^ U] U^r^ h.oauk. oolt) (f. 22 rect.)
^^9^9 )90ola |joko -^9 1^01 .'^wA^iJ9 |Vi\sS 01 /g nSo
^] ^J:il:^] ULo iASOLS ^ LmAa] .U] ^99^10 0LS99A1D195
• ••
.^ ^^^^-^ ]A:l!^ >aAiD)9 001 )--^^ •r^)o ^^ 1?)^^fi200
1^^^ )^o}^oi].A ixl^oi ^010 .oi^olViigLO ^h(s%Z
omo . 1 AA^i-o ^o(n Uj^ALo? ^« lAso^ l^i^i^ Also
• • • •
f * •
l^ooi^ ^001 Al^^a^J lAlVtiqilo ^9 ^01 .mps\jo
• • •
ovo 001 )JL2D]iA oud ^lo^ )ooi ^oioAa]; 001 )^aafii9|] 210
oiL |JI^ pDO . )ooi oijViSJ 001 ^9 \i»^^ • >nSA,9o|^
• • • • • •
t miOffyol ilAo.^ l^nSSn ^001 ^^^2^1 . -^^9 t^nnw^l
It^l ]OOI yOJOO , 0I.^\ JOOI ^010Aa)9 •)1oOOI99 iidOASLdl
" • • • •
.>a:^»Uj ^2 Isonms) m^^e jjooi^j ^oi^
\qA^ l^nSSn ^(31 ^£>o^ .-^01 l^^2lv)9 (fol. 22 vers.)
o.o j •! i ni n (sud OO01 Q^fe^:L0^l9 ^oi K^ ^ jSnViS
220(nLLaA. jooi >aoioAa)9 ^1^00^9019 llAO.^ ^AO^ OlJ^O
•^aA^9 a iSSnAA>l? )-^^ ^n^ 2f!^]o |90(n^ >aA^ ^^
225.^1 ^{lo ^"^90109 |J1 jOLa^OLLoO P^ ^£>0^ P) .|iiiAVl
%40i lAdO|J^ l^lo [ASao ol£) U^o4 001 >aAO .]9(n
op»o JJIoaoiIoo lUu^ ]^] >al^ HiO] nrd ^.^isA^I;
ila^ljO . i ** i 0] ^.ilisA^) 1^ ^0019 ^'91 )^9Ql09^ 0001
• * •
230^ U] 1?Ql0 jlojo ](nX Zai^ U^ OLAj^ V^ ]o(n
^1 ]2] ]\M^y )ooi inmSno ciynSt n ]ooi ^|o .^
]^] .^0(31 jAi^^^ %40i ^) )^] ^joojI ■ iSn] i^o) g^
. ^ ^^ ^7 0190101^ (fol. 23 rect.) )ooi IsiJ? ^) ) q i ni?
)^oi99 IVoSpgn 1^9) a^^Lo ^01 )»v 0001 oa^^^Io
1^019 .^)o ^-LOAtn ]]«ii9 . 4lSn9 ^) . wP| nSP9 ).£L^240
Adj-A ^) Zy^ 1^0 .jj^oi jAlSniqi^g^ ^) ^aj^o
^oUlo , nS^ U^? ^001 ) ^ A .. A Vi%/^ ..i^ )iiiAV^S245
^Ao^ ^9<nJ) )-i^?a^9 iM099 l^n n i ^o ..iaI^^oi )fV9
, nS^9 oil iSgO AulLd91o .)aAg.A ^^9 ^1 oil iS9
.^^)9 )9,2^ ]jd4 )Jr^o,2^ |o(n^7 )^^^A t^^'^^^
^o(n )j9^ALo loot ^aaJ^) {JL^i >Og.A ^^ ) ^nl? %40io
ilL^ojo jIVi^qilD |Ui4 Ij n A A^A^I JS^o gjal^^9 250
• OL^ ^ilo]o -ll-S^*^ ^OlCui^ 0001 ^9aLfi(lL09 iViinii
^aIi^OI ^JQ^O .90!:;^^ )nSV)9 )l9)0 ,'f4 HS^^? ijgJDOd
(n^ |o<nJ9 )nSSp9 }^>^/^*v»V )?^^ ^oUlo |n\o Kv
.^qinn^iSSn ^oi^^ nnnS ]Ls9|lo )]9 )JU] ^
.^2^9 qiynlViiCi 2uD9o) jA^iJAa^ I901 ^o .Ij^AJ
260^01 2^030 AViiOl ^90(31^9 i^Olbb \^ ^^"^^ U^0?9
)Aa9 (f. 23 vers.) ]^a£u^o 9oola ^.Lo ^?9AJ9
^AJLd \^o Jooi <^99 oi^a!^^ 1?i^? |Aa| (tVnS
).4-£^ ]2uD(nQlo ^9 lAa^klD .looi jj^i^o ^9090
I 4IS0 Ir^^O^ )iii4Vm , ilSfijqilD? . iSi] ^(tlLq^
JJJLA |JL^ \.o . H i n]? oiiiLMa^; )j90ia^ ^gOSI?
270 ) AaI^dcl^ >aAi^ >a^ I Al^ ^01^ \ooi2, . olI^ ^jolI;^
.0.0. Av,qV^ «>.^^) v^^SnSS >iLl>^ )(nL:k J^
)l^oi9 1^0 1^ 'liiSnn >iS4>9oijp ^^-^l ^^A
8) e Cod. Vat. sjr. 148 (a. Chr. 1267).
[ex explanatione officiorum ecolesiasticoruni a Georgio Arbelensi
conscripta.] (I, 24.)
\jL^o ^^ijmSo liiLoAjk. jMao , I n iS i ^.^i^sA^]
^aL^liO ^sa^.^2 yoQ^LSi .)Aaj^? jSon^n Ujo^i^
^ 1^ I n 4 n|UM>? jSnOiO ^|^^)o .Henj&D j fflS 4>Ar^ 5
AoL^] |4^4>; Ua^^A {iO^ZLO^I >aOIOAa)9 .JAiVlS
U-ljL ^n^lo ^AQ.^4^ ."^9^9 AJ] i:^? ooU) .iJLDi |jmL£>
^I^IIa ,^i4i«^o . }La^ Va^^o i^ijmSo liLo^jkr UJoa)
.i,m\n4> ^^4 Id? i:^^09 ]2J^^ l^o^) wSJ^o) .{JO^A^^ lo
A:^ lsuL£> A^:Jl£) .Ia:^^ ^Uo .ila^a^i^ uDos
loi 19)^9 01^0^)0 .|n4n1i9^ )A£9)Ajk. .^oi )AL4r
. i\n4> 1A») Ajkr9 ^9^0 . |,4Snii (corr. (nuA*];) ,^4 1 ^9
ISnSS )o(n )j<i^^t^) i-tt^ Al^^? .^^-^^ , iSnS4Sn 15
. • • ^
)Sn,S oiAa.4^ , V> )A!L^ .)iii4Sn? oiA*^l2^
^^9 vr^? ^^^1a^*J^ ittA^l^D) .^A^Lo OiLmAA,
• U^^ |jaX^|j] *)^(? llUl^c) ^!^Q^ I^lLooa
9A0? • jiiiiSn 9 Ao9 «^oi . )^m^ 92lo9 )A^A.a ^ ffi*> ^
25 )6oi )] iV>Vl^]9 001 . U^^ I^S^^ ^y\^^ . ^A^(n
30 ^^^1? iLod] vf^r^? - U^ ^^^^^ qiSnS w^po
^cu4S|J U^ >ocu^o .It^l? (niNjasJ ^gQ^I jj^olaaj
^ .|n4nji>n '''-^^^)® )^^i^£) jniS^ ^.MdA^I?
IT • - A ^
<^ inolusa a secunda manu.
^i4L£>9 V^LLo .Ur^) l^ r^ ^.wh^^ Ulo V^?
(nA^^ilo ]9(n \ )ni1 joj-s ^mg . ) Alsi -^<n^^9^ ^^ia 45
• • • " ^^ •
Olio] oLo InSSn 2^]^ Jslo . Afflq ^ j<^VvV^ vr^?
^ • • •
^*(n^^9AA ^^^r^ ^^ .>aAiI^ U}4*A1d ISnSS?
.^i^^] i^j^ ^a.>>*^,o .)I^JD9]? l^ojjD \iaiso >Ai^J]
UioM .>09] ^i^^]? l^^ iia:^ ^i^^l? ''^(o)
]9(njv %~^^)9 ^^ .^4^^) (niA9 .0010 0001 , iSnaA.
^ .*. erasam.
^ inclusa a secunda manu.
55 }<^^^ |Ui4 • oooi , iSnn> | aVim jniSt >aI^i^)9 |Sn,So
.^ojjs U^^^ JAIdoa >nSn i o> .)9<3U990 | aVi a,^ Ui^l
60 «JD0^ «8»^LD90LS9 ^aLo . . jlo? CI^QJiO|V>n /j iil
^m^A!iAa [A ^n 4r , KgnS )j^9a^lflU ^1m9 >JnLO ^^9
1^40 1^ > 1 A^n n 4> >nSn4» ^ao^o .cilaAaI |SnSS
^AO^o .^oioAa) t^A2^? ISnSS? Ul^^ JSoca .-^9
>n\o4> . |lo9 (Ti^ I iS s^&^? ^^ ool3]o . iA\on4> >A9a^
•i^i-^Lo ]AnA.n ^9 )?oi .^^oioA^) ooi ^ajko )joi |\iSS
70 )niSt o(3io . )]]r^ r^^^? )<^Vv^ oiLmIi )Aaj^9 >^oia
,^0:^9 ^9] \h\ L^UU .>-mdLa] ^()J<n) iLooA^) OLO
^ primo oi^a3|n|V.
^ a secunda manu.
^^l i S i o ^ ^ . 01 A iin 4r ,S|S1 oiA.4^ >^r^? j^^-*^
l9j^9 l^oViSin )jjd(no . 1]9)a ^^I? ^-^^- 80
Al^Ard (nAjio^? |loa^ ]LAsas>o^^jS] ]2^ l^i^i^Lo
• • •
. ^9 ^i^) . ■ i|nS? >0|lo ^^^^ li^oi ■ inql .s(n
A|d^^) |n4n i^ikO )]) .{AjajL^d 01 A ^n 4r ^ooi ^j)
^, ^^o^ ^a^j^ Ae^l P 1^^«^ >^h. H^ l^r^ 85
Aa?) ^oioA^I? |n4n i^iko >Q^ OLO .yoMl^] |n4n
Hj^O .lAlOJ^J OUOLSO^ OL^A^lj |^iin4S ,SgSl
^]o A|^AL00 ^O^JO ^?)f .]^.mA10? ^) OLD?pD
• jAjiAJk. V!2[^ ^^]o .Isals -^01 -,aoola^ aSo >0|i>a£> 90
.1 -^01
132 Menses anni sjrriaci.
1. >a.[-]^ [J-i-4.i0ct. 2. ^J^l [^]^J-i,i Nov
3. >a[-]^ v«is Dec. 4. ^Im\ ^aia Jan. 5. s^Iia, Fcbr
6. ijf Mart. 7. ^iiJ Apr. 8. |If Maj. 9. ^y^ Juii
10. ]ai^i Jul. 11. ^f Aug. 12. Sa^f Sept.
] U\ ^^ H dies solis, dominica, l^*^^ ^^^, ]U\^k</
'II c., plerumque m., pi. uo5)f ai^p, aer.
laf § 33 Vater ] father.
^f impf. a verloren gehen, untergehen | go astray,
perish. Aph. verderben | destroy. || .^), Jj^f
UntergangjVerderben I destruction, decline. || ^S^ole
verderblich | pernicious.
[VrjQ part. pass. Vi^f traurig | mournful. Eihpe.
trauern, betriibt sein | mourn, be sad.
\mhLA m. ai[p6(;] pi. t^Volf Dorfer | villages.
O u, § 41 niieten | hire. || ^Jf, ]1J m. Lohn | wages.
\'r^ (sic, § 3, V'^) Dach | roof,
laiejf, nest. l£iD?f /*., h. JTo^K Boden | soil.
U?f /., h. -jjfe Olir I ear.
U?f »i., elSoc (G. Hoffmann, ZDMG, 32, 748 n.), Ge-
stalt. Art, Aussehen | form, species, appearance.
134 Qloflaannm.
l«f § 3 interjeciio irrideniiSy ehe, eoyc.
of Oder I or. |{ i^o] (cf. l^) oder, das heisst | or, i. e.
|o|, Eihpa. sich vereinigen, versSbnen | be reconciled,
be at peace. 11 |i) f., pi |ioi| Zeichen, Wunder-
zeicben, Bucbstabe | sign^ token, miracle, letter.
oiof obi Wehcl I obi woel cum %1^ \ ^.
^ni\^io} (^OiS^iol, ^gj^^iol) euayYeXiov.
l^aJof euvou^oc.
\L^ho\ § 14 Froscb I frog.
\lho\ m.,pL ^oV?f, lioVof (l^-M?) Krippc | manger.
>n^4iof (vel y\\^sho])j Jerusalem.
"^if § 48, g, 1 geben | go. Part, niitzlicb sein | serve.
Uf §]32, m. Bruder | brotber. || ]l1 f. Scbwester |
sister || lio^f f. briiderlicbe Liebe, bes. als Anrede |
brotberly, love, "brethren".
^), impf, t/, ncbmen, annebmen, halten | take, accept,
hold. Ethp. festgebalten werden | be retained. Aph.
ergreifen lassen { cause to seize. || ,^f pazz. et act. \\
)i^of Besitz, Gewalt | possession, power.
[l^l] |I*L^f zuriickgelassen, Ubrig sein | be left. {| i^o^f
verweilenj remain. || ..^|, jj^|, /. |L^| ; pi p^^li
)iu*^) der letzte | last. || bZ^\ st. const, (sc. )£lDaI)»
adverb, jj ^^^J, jJL;:^, /. \L].mU pL r^^i^h \^i^U
^-Ij*^), Izlu^I, etiam sine ] et in Sing, sine ^
scribitur |j-^, ein anderer | an other. Adv. ^li^*)
Olossarium. 135
et L4^i^[ im Gegenteil | on the contrary. || |1|1
f., St. cstr. z^ das Ende | end. || ]\'-'^ \L/^ bis
zuletzt I up to the last moment.
I^}-.f, eiiam sine ^, pers., Bote | messenger.
;^f (SLy) wie, gemass | as, according to. || > ^f, ^ ^ ^f
conj. wie | as. || |jot ^fj wiedieser, ein soldier | sucli.j!
^CT ^f> auf solche Weise | in such a way. || zosf,
cum Su/r., wie | like. (Cf. G. Hoffinunn, ZDMG 32, 75*3.)
liiaf auf solclic Wcisc, z. B. I in such a way, e.g. 11 l^^^sf
zugleich I together. || )Iqa) uachdem, eutsprechend
according to, corresponding to.
VLf wo ? I where? || oLf = ©oi ji^f wo ist (er) ? | where
is (he)? II vLf ^ woher? | whence? || ^f, uLf auf
wclchc Wcisc? I in what way? cum, j relative.
^><:>f V. iJLf. V^l h. bx § 3.
^Jx.f, |I^f m. Baum I tree.
^f, J wahrhaftig, gewiss | truly, certainly.
\L\ %2\ wer? I who? || ? VLf § 22.
j.L.f r/mm ^1, eix^.
^f es ist, sind | there is, are ; hebr. ttJ\ || )6(n h^\ es
war] there was. || Jil M* ich habe j I have. || u^aLf etc.
ich bin | 1 am. || LJl^M )l es ist uicht j it is not. ||
lio^..f f. das Wesen | being, existence.
136 Qlossarimn.
^f, ]ly^f, \^] V. ^f.
Sif imp/.u, § 41 essen | eat. || ^oL^f § 19, a. || jb^op^
/I Speise, Lebensunterhalt | food, victuals.
>aaf /mp/.ti, scbwarz sein | be black. Aph. Hchy9iLrzen\
make black. Part pass. >Q^a;Lo geschw&rzt| blackened.
Ijbosof, jiCi^of 8chwarz | black.
\:^f v. .^1. : ^Jlttfif, (Ilttal S^voc.
^f, a, § 41 sorgen | attend to.
Ipf § 25 Bauer | peasant.
]iLbf w. Zorn, Argcr I wratli, vexation.
|]f»J wenn, ji nicht; aber, sondern | if not, but (Cf.
oKkd.) II J jjf wenn nicht, nach eiucr Negation | if
not (after a negation) allf v. ^.
oLk', }<^m, Gott I God. II ^kk'gottlich j divine. || llokS^
/". Gottheit I divinity.
>a^ § 41 Zorn halten | keep his anger.
ViX /., pi. ^>s'V, jis: h. ybs § 14, b Rippe | rib.
..aX, cfiL^II ei ^^iLf, impf. >^\I lernen | learn. PaeL
lehren I teach. || u&t^nZI gelehrt | learned, jia!^ Lehrer |
teacher. || jioIali^Gelehrsanikeit | learning. || tl£^al
§ 25, 4, b 1 Lehre | doctrine.
wfi^ 1000, § 38, (]. Si. emph. sg. scnhU Nold. )^(k.);
pro jlau^ edilio americana Apoc. G, 11; 7, 1 — 4;
14, 1 (19, 18) Ui^.
lii: /■. § 17 6 Schilf I ship.
Glossarium. 137
^, impf. «/, drangen, driicken | press, oppress. ||2ooi|^
es war uotig | it was necessary. || jil^of m. Bedriingnis,
Not I oppression, calamity.
U^f f. Mutter I mother. § 32.
(^1) ^'^f bestHndig | constant. (£riam »» (ifxi^v.) Adv.
^]i^f. I V^kcof Handworker | artisan. || l^or^o) Hand-
work, Kunst I trade, art. Aph, ^-^^ T^^ glauben |
believe. II lzai:^«Glaube | faith. || Uia-^,/.lkr^^
glaubig, treu | faithful, true.
r^l, ifnpf. (fy sprcchcn | speak. || ^|^, ]^)^ m. Wort,
Predigt, Abhandluug | word, sermon, treatise.
]'^) m, Lamm | lamb.
N*i^) wann? I when?
^^ wenn | if. || » ooo) , ^4 J wenn aber | but if. || a^
haufig in nicht erflillten Bedinguugssiitzcn (often for
conditions not likely to be fulfilled).
Ui, IJ) ich I I. PL JL wir | we. § VJ.
iJoljuo^f /*• IvBiXTidiva, indictio.
^] , ]Jj] nu Mensch, urspriinglich koUektiv Mensch-
hclt I man, originally mankind || der cinzelne j the
smgle. UJii^, Uj}^, pL Ufvin; pi. ^^.^] einigej
some. II \1aS] menschlich | human. || ]zqJS] Menschen-
natur | human nature. || \H v. ]i&jf.
tj] m.; ^u] f. du | thou.ij .©fijf w. ^r^ ihr | ye. § 19.
l^Ajf f. Fran | woman. § 32.
138 Qlossaiium.
1^], PaeL v*«f heilenj cure. || liolvf Heilkunst^ Arzeneij
mediciae. Pl.plerumqne yloJi}.
.ouj..^) m,, pi, ^o^ljitff, llo^^jfff t6 otdSiov.
^Q4j0f, \1q4M m. oTuXoc.
UolJ^I 6 oxpaxK^TiQC-
l^jjjoff., pi. I'^f ^j o<patpa.
|j0f impf. u binden | bind.|| )-^f£b^6ef&ngnis| prison. ||
\1ali m. § 25 Band | bond,
wa^f doppelt I double ; v. ->-«>^
i^f auch, sogar | too, even. || Ua) auch nicht, und nicht |
,^f, p;|V-i i'^- '^'''- Gcsicht, Oberflachc, Gestiilt | face,
surface, ligurc.
jjyif (pers.) plerumque Plur. Schloss, Burg | castle,
fortress, tower.
UxaixLiiL Uottal tn. 6 eiuiaxoTuoc. {{ lioioAALJ) Bischofs-
wiirde | bishopric.
}ij0|i) Hinterhalt | ambush v.
v.. 9
%^j] V. %^h,
^Jof, Uiof A i>/. IzLIjof Weg I way.
\lio\ V. o).
V!lif m. p/. liolvf Lowe | lion.
l^lij^jj /. Witwe I widow.
sif, V:Cif /., p/. l^L'jf Erde, Land | earth, country,
^if irdisch | earthly.
Olossariom. 139
Mf impf. u (Lag. Semit.1,26) begegnen | meet. || xUf,
cum v^ et Suff. entgegen | to meet.
I^^vf V. ^ ; vLLh] V. \LJ^s.
r^f) i^pf' ^j ausgiessen, vergiessen | pour out, shed.
)if, § 48cf 2 kommen, ankommen | come, arrive. Aph.
bringen, fiihren I bring, lead.|{ izuip^o, \L^tJii Ankunft|
]1] Zeiclien | sign, token s. p. 134.
5 if, ]IjL] m. Ort, Gegend | place, region. PL jiovzf. 11
jici pracp. nacli | after (§ 49, h) jzLd ^ et ^ jzLd ;
^hiJi spjiter I later. Cf. de Lag. Mittli. 1, 77.
u£ praep. in, von Ort, Zeit, Zustaud, Ursache, Instru-
ment! in (;;;7'po5. denoting place, time, circumstance,
reason, instrument).
1^)^, ]l£ h. "iKSf, cpp^ap(?) Brunnen, Gisterne | well,
^)^, /m/?/*. s-4,)^ sclileclit sein | be bad. JUtlipe. s-4,j.^if ,
(>^]lf) nestor. y^]JiZ] , cum 1^^ es missiiel ihm I it
displeased him. || ^^'^ hose | bad, wrong. || - ^^^^^'^^
etwas Schlechtes | something wrong. |{ yij^jJ; Yer-
brechen, Unheil | xrinie, mischief. || jzal^ /*.
Schlcchtigkcit | wickedness. vli^S § arm | poor.
1 40 Qlossarium.
» ^ »
{jffoAs p. 27 puerulus; ptipilia.
^^ (u) suclien, untersuchen | seek, investigate. Pa. be-
zeichnen | mean.
^^ OOp^. zerstreuen I disperse. i?//<p^.zerstreutwerden|
be dispersed.
impf. a sich sch&men | be ashamed. || ]lzai£ f.
Schande | disgrace.
oiafi b. ^nb«
(^ vel ^^) pa. ^r^ erkl&ren | explain. Ethpa. ver-
stehen | understand. || ^loa Erkliirung | explanation.
vaI2£, m\o, contr. ^^ zwischen | between. Plenmque
sequenfe i^. "
Ijo^^os, alter cod. jt^v^^^ Scholion |]p, = jioTroXdc,
l^o^, pdxXo<;, baculus.
\o impf. u pliindern | plunder. Ethpe. gepllindert, in die
Gcfangenschaft gcfiilirt >Yerdcn | be robbed, be led
into captivity. || ]ly^ f. Bcutc | prey.
V{Lfi impf. a, miissig sein, Zcit babcn | be idle, have
time. Eihpc. cum i^ eifrig sein | be busy. Pa. auf-
horen machen, abschaifen | stop, abolish, j |qar>
dpyla, Tragheit | idleness. |! ^"^^^^ vcrhindcrnd
being a hindrance.
lz!!ifl^ /". Tercbinthus. vi ^^'<^i^ die Frucht derselben
its fruit.
^^ impf. a empfangen, schwanger werden | conceive,
Glossarinm. 141
be pregnant. Ethpe. empfangen werden | be con-
ceived. I \L^ Empfangnis | conception.
\li%^Ob. 47, 5 trosten | comfort.
iKs^o p/. \\r^ et )fi^2£ £i u. Eiforniiges, z. B. (Hirn-)
S^adel I egg, and what looks like an egg, e.g. skull.
(Bar AH ]bJi^ cum R).
,•0 V ^e O r%r\ TT ^ r\ L ni.»»l.l- I 1 _1 II • * PV
]Ll£ cf. § 32, Haus, Ort, Statle house, place. ]-^
Topfcrwcrkstiltte | pottery. || l^ojio t^ u. ikao '%^
Grabstatte | cemetery.
]l£t weinen | weep. || ]h^n das Weinen | weeping.
1^,/1 lijA^ frUhreif| premature. II |iS,^*z^ zuerstreif |
what ripens first. || jpos, j?/. IfsojD Erstling | firstling.
^■l^La //;*/;/. n^ verschlingcn, (Schliigc) orloideii | swallow,
suffer (blows). Ethpa, verzehrt werden | be devoured.
lis bauen | build, Efhpe, errichtet werden | be con-
structed. II \i1jlo m. Gebaude | building.
VllA, IMjd v. i^.
>Qji£) impf, a, siiss sein, sich ergotzenj be sweet, rejoice.]
).\nftio Wohlgeruch, Salbe | perfume, ointment {st.
abs. et, cstr. ap. PSm, bis >aift£)). || >cujio siiss, wohl-
wollend | sweet, benevolent. || PjqxJqjd Annehmlicbkeit
|jas, l^ixL^, ph }*^JA^ et ]l-lu^ Fleisch | meat.
bijn^ V. 9^tf.
142 Glo88ariii]n.
p^ suchen, fordern, bitten | seek, demand, request.
)ia^ /. Bitte I request. 11 \i:L£i f. das Suchen, die
Frage | petition, question.
!js, |La Herr, Besitzer I lord, owner. ')^^NC^^ pi.
l^^'^vC^ Feind { enemy. |{ j^^^^jvC^ Feindschaft | en-
mity .|| ^^^1^ Gegner vor Gericht | opponent (in court).
1^^:^ colL^ h. y^*P^ plerumque /., das Vieh | cattle.
1^ suchen, fragen | investigate, ask.
h^ vermindern | diminish, [p^ a^\ et adv. abnehmend,
weniger | diminishing, less. || V^ ^^ beinahe |
^, 1^ //). das unbebaute Feld | uncultivated field. || ^^
draussen | out of doors. |{ ^ |^v ausser | without.
r^'i \i^ § 32. Der Sohn | son. In Zusammensetzungen
(in composition) \ll'fi v. w.aj| Mensch |man.||)^a^ ^
Glacis (ob zum vorhergehenden |^?if itdoes notbelong
to the preceding |L). II )Aji^|^ zur Stunde, sogleichj
at once. || ]1'^ Tochter | daughter. § 32. || iLz-^,
Wp ra Wort J voice. II P/. iibl£ Worte, Rede | words,
]'^ schaffen, machen | create, make. Ethpe. geschaffen
werden | be created. |j jzL*^ /*. Schopfung | creation.
Pi> )£!r*^ Creaturen | creatures. || ]So^ § 25.
Schopfer | creator,
Glossaiiam. 143
Vo^m.j in pi. plerumque f. beryllus. || |^o^, h. thhlSL
Perle | pearl.
^^ impf. u, sicli beugen, niederknien | bow down,
kuecl. 11^*^ goscgnct | blessed. Pa. segnen | bless.
Part. pass. ^^!)0 gesegnet | blessed. || I^a^os A
Segen | blessing.
>e|!fi aber, im Gegenteil | but, on the contrary.
wo^ (mpf. n) blitzen | lighten. /Iph. strahlen | radiate. {
ii|^ m. Blitz I lightning.
UjX) V. JJD.
Vila reifen, kochen | ripen, boil. |||LiCa^ gekochte
Speise | meat, eSea|xa.
1£l£) V. )£u«JS SUO Ls,.
ii&^ofijs/'. Jungfrau | virgin. ||)ia::^oAr:9 Jungfraulichkeit|
i^o V. u] .
^^ ark'*"
)L , V^uT glanzendy herrlich | splendid, glorious.
h\\ § 3, m. Pfeil | arrow ( V j^).
wja« V. ^nl.^.
iTn^ m. Gerichtsdiener | officer.
Vi^ impf, u bilden, formen | form, shape. Eihpe. pass.
'fA^, \^l^ Mann | man, v. jjai.^. ^1^4 § 38 (BH.
Gr. 1, 48).
r^ii^a^ roXYoOfi.
^r\^ Prt. schniiihen, liistcrn | revile, blaspheme.^^AP^J^^^^*
144 Glossaiium.
wA.^imp/1 a, sich trefFen, ereignen (unpersonl.) | chance,
aJ , \LL Mitte, das Innere | middle, interior. j| o^ inner-
halb I within. || o^ hinein | in, inwards.
(w^iJ) A]ph. antworten | answer; aTcoxpiOTJvai.
Iso^w. ei \ijbi^f. Cisterne | cistern. Cf, dc Lagarde,
Mittheilungen 2, 354 A. 2.
VSlL^ R^uber, Dieb | robber, thief.
j^ ehebrechen | commit adultery, c. ace. i| |Ja^ Ehe-
bruch I adultery.
)io^jL /*. Entschcidung | decision, aico^aoK;.
^ '\a^ nemlich | namely, for. (Arab. Ju^?).
iL^ii Kreis, Had | circle, wheel.
jL offenbaren, entdecken | reveal, discover. Ethpe. pass.
Pa. aufdecken | uncover, || |tfv" iq t^ Tv" § 25)
Offenbarung | revelation. || Au^fll^l oifcntlich | pub-
licly. II lioilli^^iS Offenbarung j revelation.
pi^ impy. u, wegnehmen, berauben j take away, rob. ||
lioplL Beraubung | robbery.
walL , impf. u, aushauen j hew out, carve. || |^v^
YXoTctd. II U^ Bildhauerkunst j sculpture.
i-ifiL impf. u, volleudcn j liuish. Impf. a, volleudet seinj
be complete. || I-iLd^ ^^^^ die den Willen thun | who
OlofisarimtL 145
do the will. || iJ^a^voUig, vollstandigj completely. ||
l>vi^ Yollkommen | perfect,
uai^ et ^ St. abs. et csir., pi^, pi. ^^h^ die Seitej
side. ||v.rii" Vi[ iicbcn | by the side of.
Vr^=^ i^'^>)\ ^I'h^ kraftig | strong.
(}JL^) }-a^ verborgen, geheim | hidden; secret.
^Jtt^ ausspeien | spit out. Ethpe. pass,
]L^ schreien | cry. || |a2L , /. Geschrei | cry.
Vi^ Af. zuteilen, anvertrauen | commit to, entrust.
jjL , impf. M, schelten | scold.
)i^, pL ^i^^EUen I cubits (= ^-^^?)
\pt^ § 8, m. Aussatz | leprosy || w£>J^, ji^i^ aussatzig |
^i^^ j-LoiJ^Nord (Wind u. Gcgcnd) | North (of wind &
region). Hj-LLdjI nordlich | northern. | Pro ^j-^? p^M
leg. vid. wovi.5.
>c^, ji^jl m. Knochen | bone.
>oajL^, P^ol!^ »». Leib, Korper | body.
L , impf. u, beriihren, betrachten | touch, consider.
) (a?) Particula relaiionis, genitivi; Conj'unctio weil
^S|; h. n«r § 25 Wolf I wolf.
Nestlo. K
146 Glossarium.
L), imp f. it, opfern | sacrifice. \ }^] m. Opfcr | sacrifice.
1^^ m. Altar | altar.
£9 anh&iigen | cleave to. Pa. verbinden | join.
-,^9, impf. a, fiihren, leiten | lead, guide. Ethpe. pass.;
Pa. leiten, regieren | guide, rule. || \\s^^ Feld | field. {
lpD,iJ WUste I desert. || )pDo? Lebensfiihrung | way
of living. II lip^^ Leiter, Vorsteher | leader, ruler, j
)iaj^^ die (Heils«)Okonomie | economy, plan (of
salvation). || j^» (h-^??) =- ^' '^''3'^, Allerheiligstes |
the holy of holies. || )L^a^9 /*. Biene | bee.
V*? Pf^' liigen j lie || %4(? liigneriscli | lying, false. ||
|ial^? Liige I falsehood.
^01?, \hm} m. Gold I gold. || ^n^ vel s^mJsJd pari.
pass. pa. vel af. vergoldet | gilt,
^oj, Vsoj, St cstr. 1:^09^ emph. ]Lsej Ort | place (8o)^eiov?
vel ^9?) pi. ^09, |^£ao9.
^f, impf. ^ojj, richteu | judge. || |£»» Gericht j court. ||
\xLy Richter | judge. || iL^, )Kr»r^, st. cstr. hjL^
Stadt I town.
^? ; P^ri' jT, /*• 1^? jubeln I rejoice.
ij, V»? »*• = h- *^*i^ Generation | generation.
s^^ mit Fiissen treten | tread down. Ethpe. pass.
%^j, impf. a, fiirchten j fear. || S-^J? furchtend u. zu
filrchten | fearing & formidable. I iLf, Ifti^^f f
Furcht, Verehrung, Gegenstand der Verehrung j
fear, devotion, object of worship. PL jzjl^f.
Glossarium. 147
]q^9 tn. pers. Damon | demon, pi )io^
v.? c. su/f. ex ^j et ::i^% 23.
^> 81, aber, namlicli | but, for.
wiax£i> wia format um pluralis vocis ^l]!] SiadiQXY].
U?, ^9 rein sein | be pure. || Part pass. |ij rein | pure.
yZj Eihpe. gedenken | remember. {| |J^o? Gedachtnis |
memory. {| p^, ]Ia} Mannchen | male.
U^o9 m. Scheidung | divorce.
>o?, lio? in. Blut I blood (;//. iiS?).
^9 ahnlicli sein | be like. Ethpe, ahnlich gemaclit werden |
be made alike. Pa, vergleichen, phantasiren | compare,
rave. || )ia:^9 Bild | likeness. || jia:^,!} olL in eben
dieser Weise | in the very same way.
i^h '^f/^/* ^) sclilofen I sleep.
)2^? /*. pL {.Liio? Tliranen | tears.
^^9 Ethpa, sich wundern { wonder. ^\h:^ )2^?i
Wunder | miracle.
wiJ?, impf, a, aufgehen | rise. Af. aufgeben lassen | cause
to rise, raise. || \LS} m. Osten, Licht, Erscheinung |
cast, light, epiphany. || ^-mS^, \^t^ ni. Osten | east.
I^j^o? tn. Schweiss | sweat.
]h)h]pl |v?9? Diestehi | thistles
^i9, impf u^ eintreten | enter. Eihpe. begrififen werden |
be understood. || |zaia9?&io Begreifbarkeit | compre-
hension. II \isoh} f. TcaXXax*^.
148 Gloasariuin.
^? trnpA u, iiben, lehren | practice, teach. Part. pass.
Pa. ^Iio geilbt, erfahren | practised, experienced.
)(n particula demonstrativa, siehe, hier | lo, here. || o«ffi.,
>*<ii /*., pi. tn. ^<tj(n, ^01 Pron, § 20. || ^^j^m dainals {
then. II zoaoi ebenso, Hhnlich | likewise, similariy. |{
%^(n daher, nun | therefore. || ^n, \ipm auf diese
Weise, so | in this way, thus. {! ^i, |ja m. dieser j this.
i;« /:, pi ^« § 20. II li^oi hier | here. || U« (v. ]LL)
zu dieser Zeit | at this time.
(Un) i^^oi ^'* Betraclitung | consideration.
)^(n m. Erscheinung, Phantasie | apparition, fancy. |;
U-^ phantastisch | fantastical.
^^901 Pa. fiihren, leiten | guide, lead.
)4a^?oi iSi(i>T7](;, Laie | layman.
|Io)n m. Glied | member.
^foi glanzend, herrlich | splendid, glorious.
^ '" xr l'
OOI, ^01 v. |0|,
ooi, v^oi ; ^01, ^^01 V. § 1«^.
)Joi sein, werden j be, become. § 48 b.
^ooi, pool m. Yerstand, Einsicht | understanding, in-
telligence, denotn. Pa. part. pass, einsichtig | in-
telligent, judicious.
09I 67u6deoic, sg. & pi.
<» P K
Glossarioin. 149
X fek P * .9
WrfOI V* 091 f ^^01) ^m»^^<n Y* foi»
Vi-^, iL^ei m. Tempel | temple.
ZOAOI, ^k..A£01, ^01 V. |01.
VIsIot, h. bl^n Pa. loben | praise. || Aph. \^] yerspotten,
verlachen | deride, mock.
^m Pn, geken | go.
()iooi) Aph, abwenden (die Augcn) | turn away (the eyes).
O . f* Kf> *(> .p N<f« A>fk ^
.01) Moi \ .qJoI) ■ .aJoi V> |01 \ t<^01, ^-kJoi V* O01.
.^01, /m/?/*. w, wenden, haufiger intrans. sich wenden
turn, more frequently intrans, Ethpe, gewendet
werden | be turned. Ethpa. umhergetrieben sein |
be driven about, be agitated.
iioo^cn, pi. liooVoi TO ap(o(ia.
anjujb?(n, et oL^Lfoi alpexixoi.
1^901, fJLOl y> |01.
o copula und, sogar | and, even. § 49 b.
^l Pa. versamnieln, zusammcnkommen | assemble,
meet. § 44 a. ||l2|>, st. c. z^, pi lzj.> h. nn? Vcr-
• • •
sammlung, Eirche | congregation, church.
^1, |Ldi tn, Zeit | time. || ^v» einmal | once. ||^^yjD...
r^ysi bald . . . bald | sometimes . . . sonictimcs. {| PL
150 Glonariom.
,^\ F&lle I cases. || F. ]ip\, yisiy Zoit | time. || PI.
wi klingeln | ring the bell.
(w^;]) Part, s^\ etf. \lr^ es geziemt sich | it is becoming. |
lotn \1^\ es h&tte sich geziemt | it would have been be-
coming. II iLr\ fn. Oerechtigkeit j justice. || \iAy\ /*.
Almosen j alms. || wa^>] gerecht | just
)(n] lauter, trefflich j pure, excellent || Adv, LX,m\ treiflich,
ziichtig I adv. in a pure and modest way.
h^\ Pa. ermahnen, warnen j advise, warn. || jzo^n] /*.
Yorsicht, Sorgfalt j prudence, care.
jJol Joch, Paar | yoke, pair; C«>T^v, CeSYoc. || denom.
Pa. vereiuigen j unite. || |Joo] m. Verelilichung |
^o] m. Pnmk, Pomp | show, state.
XI bewegt werden | be moved. || Ethpe. erschiittert
werden | be shaken. || ^o{ m. Bewegung, Erdbebcn |
motion, earthquake.
}io] § 3 h. nitK, ooacoTuo;.
\ho\ m. Faust | fist. || PL |5o] et rarius \z^o'\.
}jL] m. Waffen, Schmuck j arms, attire.
1^] siegen, gerechtfertigt werden | conquer, be justified.
]1q1] f. Sieg I victory. || ^\, \^] Sieger | conqueror.'
wi^] u. pr. Zacchaeus.
^.^l) Aph. glanzen, strahlen lassen | shine, radiate.
]^ <"] m. Strahl | ray.
Glossaiiam. 161
|snV} m. ^x^^) Gerausch,KIingeln|Doise, ringing. |{ )^^
(deesl apud PSm) et jzoi^)^ te/^m.
^] Pa. einladen | invite. || ^>v] eingeladen, bereitet |
invited, prepared.
^1 impf. a et Pa, singen, spielen | sing, play. || |j^)[vo
Psalmist | psalmist. |{ )^aio]:J Psalm | psalm.
^, |j] m. Art, Weise | manner, way. PL ^y^ \^y,
jj] huren | commit fornication. || jzolj] /*. Hurerei
u:iill, impf. a, sclireien | cry. || |zain:».po/*. Geschrei cry.
1^1, inip/\ a, vermindert, klein sein | be small, diminished. |
hoLy m.j lljoi^i, 1250:^1 /*. klein | small. || PL ^Vq:^],
^Vo:^'!, IzCIvoii; |2uVai}^ in KUrze | briefly,
'^l, ffnpf. w, aufrichten, kreuzigen | erect, crucify.
Etkpe. gekreuzigt werden | be crucified. || .jsulI} 1. i^or/
pffss, gokreuzigt | crucified. || 2. snbst, Kreuz | cross. |
]iaLii Kreuzigung | crucifixion. {{ ^ox] Kreuziger |
he who crucifies.
^^^1, impf. u, saen | sow. Ethpe. pass. |j ^5], ]i,^ m. Same |
seed. II PL ]pj\^ Uo^^ji Gemiise | seeds, vegetables.
jLh\, iz»i /. Faust I fist. PL ^V]; cf. \ho].
^ ^^
)i)J, pL )i(ll m. Glut, Gewalt, Angriff j violence, attack.
vnini Geliebter, Freund j beloved, friend. || \!k(il m.
Liebe | love.
1 62 GloBsarimn.
Pa, verderbcn | destroy. Kihpa. pass. || ^^l^Lali^, /.
l^^o^^Ajio verweslich | corruptible. || )/ai^aI^Sio P
Unverweslichkeit | incorruption.
L*, \[slZ Oenosse | comrade. || vI^Am Oefiihrtiu | com-
panion f.
L*, impf. u, einschliessen, zusammenbaltcn | enclose,
block up. II }-^^^^- Einschliessung, Belagerung | siege.
ji A )P^ 1, § 33. t^alr) jJ 7mal | seven times. || )^f
zusammen | together. || ]l -^ (rarins scribitur ^
]1m) sogleich I at once.
^^ sich freuen | be glad. || ]i^, l^e* ^- F^^^i^lc j J^Y-
\1J, m. Brust | breast. PI. liioL. et |I^\
jl,#, impf. u et a, umgeben | surround. || J^l^ si. cstr. pi.
praep. ringsum | round about. || jlyol Umkreis,
Zirkel | circuit, circle,
z^ Pa. erneuern | renew.
^il Pa. zeigen, beweisen j show, prove. || \i^LlAf.
Beweis | argument, jj jiolIajlAjiJ Beweiskraft, Beweis-
barkeit | force of argument.
|Ia^ m., pi )2oa'il Schlange | serpent.
I unterliegen | succumb. | Pa. besiegen, verurteilen
conquer, condemn.
MJLoI hciter, frcudig | gay, joyous adv.
sich erbarmen, schonen | have pity, spare,
feme sei es von mir j far be it from me.
Glossarium. 163
1^ ansehen | look at.
haZ weiss I white. /. \1hL^; l^v^a v^^U Xeuxocpaveic.
]yM selien | see. || Eihpe. erscheinen | appear. {| )o^ m.
Ansehen, Gesicht, Erschcinung { look, face, appear-
ance. II \lyM m. Gesicht | sight. || ]'ly^ /*. Erschei-
nung I apparition.
)^ sundigen | sin. || loCjL m., pi. ^oCjLSundenjsins.l
liL^L^/*. idem, ohne Plural (no plur.).
vaJu*., impf. u, wegraffcn, berauben | take away, rob.
Elhpe. pass. l^o^Li* Infiniiiv.
UL (§ 48 c.) leben j live. | ^, jU, f. \LL lebendig |
living. II Suhst. ^^!U pi. |L£J f. die Hebamme | mid-
wife. ll^-aiJ, \1L das Leben | life. (| > i ^o |^ )^?)-|{
jiaU /*. 1) Lebenskraft j vigour. 2) Tier j aniraal.
5^ C5^r. zcLJ. />/. lioxi (p. 32, n. 1). \\\LL^ Er-
loser I saviour, f. |&lil^ lebengebcnd | life-giving.
VLI Pa. stiirken strengthen. jS^^^jt^rt.pass. || V-mI, iLl m.
Kraft I strength, force. PI ]kl et saephis fioi^LiI
Truppen j troops. || 1:<^ stark, machtig j strong,
mighty (Zebaoth). |||ia!^AJ4S>o/'. Schwache| weakness.
>aa.i», hnpf. a, erkenncn j recognise. || li^iaaJ, st. cstr.
h^rxZ f. Weisheit, Erkenntnis | wisdom, knowledge. ||
>a.jLr weis I wise. hj;^^f\ t, adv.
Vp^ (y^^jl^J) m. Milch | milk.
tL., il^ f. emph. liCjLi; pi t^^^^', \^\ r^^, ]iili^^
suss I sweet.
154 Glosaariam.
L», impf. ti, mischen | mix. Pa. eiufiigea | insert, w^ui^
vcrmischt, zusainincnhiingeiul | mixed, coherent.
L» gesund, kr&ftig, ganz | sound, vigorous, whole.
L», itnpf. u, veriindern | change. {| -^"^^ praep. anstatt |
instead. || ^^-^"^ verandern | change. || Pari, pass,
.^<^I%^ verschieden | various. || i/^i^X^V^o: /.
(a ^jLI stark sein | be strong) stark machen,
aushalten | strengthen, endure.
1^:^ m. Wein | wine,
etc. 5, § 33.
I, mpf. .alj, sich erbarmen | have mercy. Ktltpe,
e^iXeouadai, Barmherzigkeit erlangeu | find mercy.
L. V. \1] § 19.
\aiZ m. unrein, Heide | unclean, heathen. || fzoAil /*.
Unreinheit, Heidentum | uncleanness, heathendom.
^, jlflLiIheilig I holy; Saioc; Bischof | bishop. Pl,\laJ,
^m1 Pa. beschimpfen | revile. || ]lulfn, Schande, Schimpf |
disgrace, insult. {{ (l^jui Gnade | grace.)
>ajfl-i*, impf. w, beueiden | envy {c. si), j| |^«^- m. Neid |
entbehrend | deficient. {| i^uLI -^Jkl melir oder
weniger, ungefiihr | more or less, about.
Pa, verbergen, bedecken | conceal, cover. || \iijAJl /".
Bedeckung | veil. | )Li.L*i |]? ofTen | openly.
w^lLI Pa, den Eifer locken, ermahnen I exhort, admonish.
Glossarium. 156
L» eifrig | diligent. Adv. ^puuL*. || iV^-*^- /*.
Eifer | zeal. || liol^bal^ /*. ErmahnuDg | advice.
, impf. u, graben | dig.
]^ spaltcii, ablinucii, Iicrausrcisseu | split, cut off,
pluck out.
yi., ]^ pi. ^^ (fi^) *»• Brust I breast.
)?o^ m. Schnitter | reaper.
vIm, iLlJ a pL ]h'\nZ Acker | field.
]±l'fZ m. Streit | dispute, contest.
w^jli., impf. t/, verwiisten | waste. || ^r)^, impf, «, zer-
stort sein | be destroyed. || ]J,iZ f. Schwert | sword. |
jid^alm. Wuste, Zerstorung | wilderness, destruction.
]lr^ m. Eidechse, Erokodil | lizard, crocodile.
pJ^'^ scbarf, scbnell | adv. sbarp, swift.
].1Z m.j pi. }JLJ Leiden | passion ; irddoc.
, imp/', w, denkcu, bercclmcn, scbtitzcn | think,
count, estimate. Ethpe. bei sichiiberlegen { deliberate.
^^sujLu bestimmt zu| appointed for.jjl^a^ Gedanke
thought. 11 ]L^1^, pi. ]L£Uk^ idem,
m. Gebrauch | use.
^n 1 J, ]4q!jlZ 1. adj. dunkel | dark. 2. subsi. Finsternis
iIojLi^iJ m. Sturm, Wellen | tempest, waves.
M iLȣ:I sorgfaltig, genau | adv. carefully, accurately.
• * <* • •
]t^ V. \u.\.
166 GloBsariam.
y>L», impf. H, Ycrsicgoln | seal. || |i^(L m. Siegcl, Zeiclicu
seal, token.
9 * Pm
|±)|4, i^ fn. Oerttcht, Sage | rumour, tradition.
\Aiy impf. (ij untertauchen (intr.) \ immerse. Elhpc,
untergetaucht werden | be immersed.
wa| gut I good. II F. \is4 ; waI adv. wohl | well. || \liQ4 m.
Seligkeit I blessedness, jj .ooLfio^ selig die — j blessed
are — . || Ul^o^, ]jl£)^ selig | blessed. ||.|^(4 (^
^^'^l bcreiten | prepare) Bereitung | prcparatiou.
p»o^? l^o4 ^ToifioXofia » exufioXoifia. jj I4alu4 A
Gnade | mercy.
yjoi fliegen j fly.
u4 Uberstromen j ovei^flow. Aph. anschwellen j increase.
]Maa4 m 6 t67uoc. uflLa^ Pa. btlden | form.
\Iq4 m. Berg | mount.
I^oi m. Zeitraum, Distanz | space of time, distance.
^ bcstreichcn | besmear. Pa. vcrunrcinigen | dciilc.
\ms4fn. ->) xd^ic. ^ja£4 Pa. ordnen, an — | order, arrange.
114, VllJ m. Knabe j boy. Pi. ^^ & ]1^.
^ ^<^J auflosen, verschmahen, zerstoren | dissolve, repu-
diate, destroy. H^AlIa^Verdcrben, Untergang j disso-
lution, destruction.
lia:^, ]loUa4 /• Unreinigkeit | uncleanness.
Ijslj, impf u, graben, vergraben | dig, conceal.
• 7
Qlossarium. 167
Pa. verunreinigen | defile.
)2^ irren, vergessen | err, forget. Aph, vergessenmaclien
cause to forget. || linTsI f. Irrtuin | error.
,_^, hnpf. a, beladcii sciu, tragon | be laden, bear.
^ v^ tragciid 11. gctragcu | bearing and borne. || ^,
|i:4 Last | load. Cum >..amj, vl*. Sorge (tragen) {
take care, see to it that — .
|jo^ T6pavvoc.
s^^, impf. Uy schlageu, treffen | beat, hit. || )^i ^[4^2^,
Augenaufschlag, Augenblickj cast of the eye, moment. |
).d|4 ^' Blatt I leaf.
]J4 verborgen sein | be hidden. Pa. verbergen | hide.
Ethpe. sich verbergen | hide one's self. || 1-^.^, /*., ph
]Kt'^\ Dunkles | hidden things, j ]l^f^ Infiniliv. \
\k1:^k1 /:, pi, a >jjj^ Schlupfwinkel { hole, ambush.
\\1 sich geziemen | become^ be seemly.
Vkl Pa. fuhrcn, herleiten | lead, derive. || jibai Iler-
leitung, Abstammung | extraction, descent. Aph,
wegfiihren | carry away.
y^Ma^il trocken | dry. || iLi-k^il /*. das Trockene | the dry
land. 11 ) A pi m. das Festland | continent.
A l^f /*•> P^' ^'rA, l^^f, *^^P- li^r^'f Hand I hand. I
I^Ijd I^Ijd allnuihlich I by degrees. || r* Vl zur Scite,
1 58 Olossarinm.
neben | at hand, beside. || ^9of§ 48 d. ^/Ibekennen,
preisen I confess, praise. {jlMoi A Bekenntnis, Dank-
sagung I confession, thanksgiving. 11 ^^oojT § 12
xll § 44 d, wissen | know. Ethpe. bekannt werden | be-
come known. Aph. kund thun | make known. || v«^
bekannt | known. PL oi fi^Xoi » Orakel | oracle.
\i:^ /*• Kenntnis | knowledge. || \:L^ m. Yerstand
mind. || (lo^ Kenner | connoisseur. || IiC^'^k^: vot]-
t6c, geistig | intelligent. || {I^^olio bezeichnend |
marking, denoting.
wrxfil § 48 g, 5, geben | give. || pj<4 ^^ selig preisen |
bless. Eihpe. gestattet sein | be allowed. || \ipm^ A
Oabe, Geschenk | gift, present.
?al /*. decima litiera alfabeti,
^ol, U^ol m. Tag I day. PI ^oLet \Li^.\^oL\im\xg\
of to-day. || j^^^mTv ^ V^ bis auf diesen Tag | till
this day. |{ >QiLf, \^^-\ m. Tag, im Gegensatz zur
Nacht I day, in opp. to night.
sjoycui herausreissen, erretten { pull out, save. || s.s]oLi.f
gerettet werden | be delivered.
oip, impf. a, entlehnen | borrow.
JLJil einzig I unique. (I^IEinsiedler I hermit. | ?q.12:^,
?al!:^o iillein, einzig | alone, only. Cum siiff'. pi.
[Vi;^] yif. VlLj § 44 heulen | howl, moan.
J^i mpf. a , geb^ren { bear, to give birth. Ethpe. pass.
Qlossarium. 169
Aph. erzeugen, hervorbringen | beget, bring forth.
^', 1^' Kind I child. || ik^ z^l^, Oeoidxoc. ||
ifal^ (^pass.) Kind | infant. {| )fa!:II (act) geniior.
ijv^aio m. Erzeuguug | begetting. || \^a^oA pi \1'^oa
/., h. hilijin. .
\:tll m, Meer | sea. PI. |^^^ || )2ial /*. Teich | lake. PL
]KK^C\ ll [i^kiT! /*. die rechte Seite | the right hand. {|
^^^ f- die 8iidlichc Gegcnd | the south country.
EUam ^^J I vJicui siidiich | southern.
1^ § 48 e, schworcn | swear. || |LLaio /*. (sg. et p/., cf.
de Lagarde, Orientalia 2, 9; Hoffmann, ZDMG.
32, 572) Eid | oath.
§ 44 saugen | suck. || Jf. {eiiam uiiof) saugen |
(watt^) sAtfcf Aph. hinzufiigeu | add. || \i^ol /. Hinzu-
fugung I addition.
1:^ § 49, fc(x;» wachsen | grow. Aph. hervorbringen |
bring forth,
w^cl ///;/i. verzehren, auflioren, v erschwinden | consume,
cease, disappear.
\loA^^ f- Sorgfalt, Fleiss | care, diligence.
. j-iu' impf, a, anbrennen | catch fire. Aph. anzUnden |
kindle. ] U^ Feuersbrunst | fire.
iJ[J schwor, leuor seiu | be heavy, dear. Pa. chrcn |
1 GO Qlossarium.
honour. || )-^f m. Ehrc | honour. || li^JL]' /. Last,
Tross I burden, baggage.
^H S^ osser werden | grow. Af. mehren, verherrlichen |
increase, glorify.
^P (^hD' Uh ^* Monat I month. PI. ^^|I.
^hol griin | green. || ^tLeAol /. das Griine | green. ||iJa2'^
Krauter | green herbs.
2JI erben | inherit. | )i^ Erbe | heir. [| i^oi^ /. Erb-
schaft, Besitz | inheritance, possession.
{l'^) /(p^.ausstrecken, darreichen | stretch out, tender.
(^^) liX, \ixZ f*, St csir. ilZ Sclilaf | sleep,
fui, ch. n?, h. nij.
s^lZ § 44 d, sitzen | sit. || VpZa^to tn. Sitz | seat. |{ ]jd1o1 fn.
Beisitzer | assessor.
9IZ Ubrig, besser sein | be left over, be better. || yjil ubrig |
left. II ^ '^tL mehr als j more than. | iili>o vorzuglich,
ausgezeichnet j excellent, distinguished.
^ 1 '' ^
]\1 § 48 f., beschuldigen, beschimpfeu j find fault with
scold. Cum ^£i.
^]ji §45, Schmerzen, Sorge haben | have pains, sorrow.
^).S, \^]2 Schmerz j pain, sorrow.
£^)i ncnilich, vorsteht sich, d. h. | namely, scil., i. e.
fJ\j]I billig, mit Aecht | justly, with reason, jj I^qj)! /'.
Gerechtigkeit j justice.
Glossarium. IGl
cfU, UU /*• Fels I rock.
vielleicht, mdglicherweise, nur | perhaps, pos-
sibly, only.
impf. u, untcrdruckcn | oppress, subdue. J*JlItj)c.
pass. II l^oa m., 6iuo7u6Siov, Scbemel j footstool. ||
]4ailAa&:^ A aX(ooi<;.
fS wenn, da, wahrend (c. pariic.) \ when, as, while. ||
ooi ^ ooi ebenderselbe | he himself. || o*'^ esgeniigt j it
suffices. II o^ ^ schon j already.
.ka, Uaui m, Priester | priest. || .SlL Pa, Upaxeueiv.
\kol m. Dorn j thorn.
^oi, {I^oL m. ^^ /*. jzCaIoI Stern j star.
(%.©) %-AAf Aph. messen | measure.
, jlla m. Natur | nature. || vols uatiirlich | natural.
pariicula enclitica opiandi, inierrogandi, duhitandu
h pariicula explanandi^ nemlich | uamely. || ;^of
Oder, d. h. | or, i. e.
%.a, p^, rariusXol ganz, all, jeder | whole, all, every. ||
^X^, - ^^^^ jedermanu | everyone.
Ua verhindern, zuriickhalten | hinder, keep back. Ethpe.
pass. II liu^oi/*.,/?/. )Ll}:^aa Nieren j reins.
^^sn*) itnpf. a, nachstellen | lay snares. || )j|.^ m. Hinter-
halt I ambush.
-^Isi Ethpe. traurig sein | mourn. || )^aa m. Priester |
Naitla. X.
162 Qlossarinm.
• r T%^ 1 I _ J ^5 A.^ II •»» *
Pa. benennen | name, designate. || ^oa m. Be-
nennung, Beinamen | name, surname.
)p2 m. Zither | guitar.
oOa, impf. u, Pa. versammeln | assemble. Ethpa. ver-
sammelt werden | be assembled. || lli2 m. Yersamm-
lung, Ilaufe | assembly, troop. || ^^oio m. Yersamm-
lung I assembly. || lLk.aL>, pi )LI^ /. Synagoge |
(uftd) wttsf Aph, ermahnen, tadeln | reprove, rebuke.
Ethpa. pass. \\ j^oittai^ f. Tadel | rebuke.
(las) parl.pass. ^ Yerborgen| coucealed.JlAu.^tt^hcim-
lich I secretly. Pa. verbergen, verhiillen | cover, hide,
conceal. || ajv^oa, (Iv^aa, pi. ]1ai^Ql fn. Tliron | throne.
9 § 42 beugen | bend.
D, ]IL pi. ]£L f. (hohle) Hand | palm, hand.
, (las 1) subsi. m. Hunger | hunger. 2) adj. verb.
hungrig | hungry.
^, impf. u, leugnen, verleugnen, abfallen | deny,
apostatise, revolt.
lpo*fSi pi. p9o*^ tn. h. l^d.
(oip) Ethpe. 01^^] krank sein | be ill || {ioi^ol m. Erank-
heit I illness.
(li.s)lJ^f Aph. verkiindigen, predigen | announce, preach,
xY]p6ooeiv.'|| )|oJ.a xTQpo?, Hcrold | herald. || \y^ v.
Pfll^i^afi et PSm, col. 1818 l^ji.
^^, impf. u ei a, herumgehen | go about. || ^^ ein-
Glossarimn* 163
gewickelt | wrapped. Ethpe. umgeben werden, ber-
umgehen | be surrounded, go round. Aph. benun-
fiihren | lead about.
uD'fSf \i'fSi f.j pL ^Ltt-^L Bauch I belly.
("Oo) Aph. argern | anger, offend.
(.-ajLs) Eihpa. anflehen | entreat. \ iSiajZaz (Nestor. |Laj[az,
codex mens \iaq.aaj) /*. Bitte | prayer.
w£)L), impf. u, schreiben | write. Ethpe. pass.; Aph. ver-
fassen | compose. {| ir>L> m. Buch, Schrift | book,
writing. |j ]kfJLs> f. Geschriebenes, Buchstabe | letter.
UoliiLaLo Schrift I book.
^zqI ei iLjulkoA, pi. ^'£al et iLluzoa, x^'^<^v, Eleid
dress, garment.
wAiila, \aiL f., PI. yiBil Schuiter | shoulder.
hiil Pa. bleiben, warten, aushalten | remain, wait, hold out.
{^ Ethpa. kampfen, ringen | fight, wrestle, exert
one's self. |{ ^oiJz m. Kampf | fight.
"^ praepositio directioniSj dativi, accusaiivi.
|J paritcula negationis: nicht { not. IlLs, |l? ohne | without.
v»^ § 4d, f. miide sein, leiden | be tired, suffer.
^lisJ, X^V^, h. ^Kbtt, aYYsXoc.
\t^'^ m. Herz | heart, pi. p^ et ]Zi£^.
z^ (sic, corHge p. 43, g) verdichten | condense.
164 GloMaiinm.
impf. Uy ergreifen | seize hold. || ;-^v haltend
)kj(i^ f. Weihrauch | incense. || )Sla^ § 25 Ziegel
brick. \ys^ V. ^.]
^^^^ xmpf. a, anziehen | put on. Aph. cum dupp. Ace.
einen mit etwas bekleiden | dress (act).
"^ ^ stammeln | stammer, prattle.
(.^ouliib) w£}k^ anzunden | light. || {iLfik^ /.; pi
]iL£ili<^ Flamme | flame.
o::^ particula negationis: nicht, nein | not, no.
Uo^ /'.; pi. Ui^ Tafcl I table,
wtui vei'fluchen | curse, p, pass. ^ i^< vcrflucht | cursed.
Za!^ praep. bei, zu | to, with (cf. Hoffmann ZDMG 32,
753, de Lagarde, Orientalia 2, 20).
)|2La^ m. ax'y)voiroi6c.
SnonS V. S-au.
|I^ ausloschen, austilgen | rub out, efface.
>cl1i^, I^-"^ m. Brot | bread,
pjjla^ adv. geziemend, passend | becoming, fitting.
wikll^, impf. u et a, beschwdren | conjure. Pa. be-
I-.* schmeicheln | flatter,
v:! thoricht I silly, foolish.
)'vv m., pi ]"j"^<':< Nacht | night. St. abs. |LlI ei
■XiS (opp. >aL.«f ).
ex bJ\ et V es ist, war nicht | there is (was) not.
• . F
Glossariam. 166
[U'Oal^ m. Yerwirrung | confusion.?]
^olil particula asseriioniSj gewiss, wahrhaftig | certainly,
)[^vi\!k tn. ScIiUler, Jiiugcr | disciple,
m. Zunge | tongue.
p « *> • ^p • *
^ interrog. (§ 21) was? wie? | what? how? > )io das,
was, als I that which, when. |^^v wozu? | whereto?
lioii.? warum ? soUte wohl ? | why ? might it be that ? ^L^
V. ^\ ^^ wozu das? warum? | wherefore? why?
]^ 100, § 3*3, ^z):^ 200.
^):»o § 45, Ekel haben | be disgusted with.
^o^io irgeud etwas, ti, ein Toil | anything, a part.
^n2>o gewandt, geschickt, king | instructed, skilled, clever.
Uo!^ ^* Mark, Hirn | marrow, brain.
]9Qio m. Myrrhe | myrrh.
h^ § 46, b, 1 sterben | die. || liosJm., sL csir. zoL) Tod |
death. || ]1q1:Jo sterblich | mortal.
]li^ schlagen | beat. || iLmj^, )V^^ f. ; pi. S'aq^ Schlag |
stroke, blow.
Ijiio erreichcn, kommen | reach, come. Pa, erlangen
reach (cf. lioffinann, ZDMG 32, 757).
166 Qloasarium.
K«k-v l_ ^_ x^ll.^P.*'*
■ r
Praep. wegen | on account of. || poiSfv! deswegen
on that account, therefore. || ^L^JlIo weil | because.
)J4J!i2 m. Regen | rain. || J^^ vom Himmelsregen be-
w&ssert I watered by the rain from heaven.
|Jji § 33, Wasser | water.
t^^ft'^^t ^^tropoliianus f actus est (BII. Gr. 1, 48).
|L^ fn. (ilXiov.
demiitig I humble. I '^ )^ '-^^ adv.
schon^ jetzt, hierauf | already, now, then.
V&ia2^ m. ZoUncr | Publican.
impf. u, (eine Frau) gewiunen | get (a wife), (cf.
G. Iloffmann, ZDMG 32, 751 n. 2). || 1^-^;^ zJ-Jiio
verheiratet | married.
Pa. sprechen | speak. Ethpa, gesagt werden { be
said.|||LS, Ifi^, St. c. l:^ f. Wort | word. PI. lis;.||
if^liri'ssn Yerkleinerungsworter | diminutives {PSm.
|LJo£u^). II IzooiX ^^v*"^^ (melius j^<^L.k^'j Theo-
logie I theology.
)L 1) fallen I fill. 2) voll sein | be full. Pa. erfUllen |
fulfill. Ethpa. pass. J^^Ila,} es ist voUbracht | it is
finished. || jfol^ Oool^) m. Fiille, Materie j quan-
tity, matter. ||v.^ll2iAlLo voll, vollkommen | full, perfect. |j
)7at'svi1sn |J Unvollkommenhcit | imperfection.
^»lLo V. ^p.
l:^ impf. ti, salzen | salt. Ethpe. pass. || v^^^ ]L
f. Salz I salt.
Glossarium. 167
,^1^ impf. u, raten | coansel. Ethpa. Rat halten, Uber-
legen | deliberate. Aph. 1) an die Spitze stellen | set
at tlie head. 2) die Herrschaft iibernehmen | take
the government. {| .^I::!^, ]t'<^l m. Eonig | king. |{
yln^Sv diminut, ]^'^\^adj.\\.p:^^ \^^ m. Rat |
counsel. '| 1% nNso f. Herrschaft, konigliche Majestat |
kingdom, majesty.
^ Praep. von | from, by. || yooii>^t>o v. >oo£Jiie.
^ fi^v, zwar I indeed.
^ wer? I who? aiiJ wcr ist?| who is?||^, lLiwas?|
what? oLo was ist? | what is? ^-£a!^, ]1Ll^ wozu?
warum? | wherefore? why?
)1^ zahlen | count. Eihpe. pass. {' ^la:>o m. Zahl | number. |
r^iLfi /. Teil I part. PI. ^io^ )ZQjiio.||v«£^ teilweise |
partially. I jiio, ]lx^ f. llaar, Saitc | hair, string. PL
ilLl^ Manichiier | a Manichee.
%xl Pa. 1 ) hinkommen | arrive. 2) hinf iihren | brings adduce.
|inmv V. .^^ ; )h4ko v. S.:^.
(1^:^) part. pass. )^, \1^ im stande | able. || ]1^ |j
es ist umnoglicli | it is impossible. ||^p»e wir konnen |
we can.
]L^1:>D /*. Mitte | middle (cum suffix, v*^:!^ et v^^^^,
[ieoooTYjc? G. HoflFmann ZDMG. 32, 752).
^?^ f. Egypten | Egypt,
bitter I bitter.
168 Glonarium.
Ipi, ^,410 § 33 Herr | Lord.
V^^ § 8 Wiese | meadow.
9^, impf. a, widerspenstig sein, abfallen | resist,
desert, revolt; cum sj^
^^ frech, ttbermiitig | insolent, proud.
l4a^*t^ m* Obergewand | coat, cloak.
^^, impf. u, abreiben, polieren | nip up, polish. ||
^£u^ gebildet | refined.
lio, impf. u, \) salben | anoint. 2) messen | measure. ||
Christus | Christ. || l^Lo^ /*. Mass | measure.
m. Fell, Haut, Schlauch | hide, skin, wine-skin.
>eoVo zu irgend cincr Zeit, cinmal | at any time, once. ||
)eol!« ^, ^oLa:^ von jeher | at all times, always.
Cum jl nie | at no time^ never.
Ij § 3 == h. K3.
zosp = iig. ve(p(60 » gr. xpox6SeiXo<;.
^lu m. Propliet | prophet. || ,^^4 J^thpa. weissageu
prophesy. {| IzolLj WeissagUDg | prophecy.
^cLsIiJ m. Quelle | spring, well,
p^ § 42 Ziehen, fiihren | pull, draw.
^ lang sein | be long. Aph. in die Lange ziehen,
warten | put oiF, wait. || |.3 lang | long. || ]^j m.
Zimmermann | carpenter.
^^ verabscheuungswiirdig | detestable.
Glossaritiin. 169
>eAj brttUen, heulen I roar, howl.
90O, impf. )kxj, hell werden | grow bright. Aph, leuchten
lassen, anziinden | cause to shine, kindle. Ethpa, er-
leuchtet werden | be illuminated. || ^ks, Adj. et
SubsL Licht, Leuchter | light, candlestick. || ]UqJ m.
Licht I light (st. csir. $000 ?). || )foo m. Fluss | river.
PI. liofou.
f2 unihergetrieben werden | be driven about (a vaga-
^ Ruhe haben | have rest. E(hpe. sich der Ruhe bin-
geben | enjoy rest. Aph. ausruhen u. ausruhen lassen |
rest (trans, and intr.). || j^>^?^ m. Ruhe, Erholung | rest,
recreation. | ]Lm1i /*. Ruhe | rest. || ^i^ part pass.
Aph. ausruhcnd, vcrstorben | at rest, deceased.
|jaJ m. Fisch | fish.
l?aj A Feuer | fire. PL Izojqj. || lZ|iio/". Leuchter | candle-
9)j Ethpe. Nasiraer werden | become a Nazarite.
iLi m. Thai | valley.
yi^2 Pa, erwecken | raise. Ethpa, pass, |' ^^-'<>^ Erwecker |
ho wlio resuscitates. || iLialj /". Aufcrweckung | rais-
ing (of the dead).
]jlm1 m. Kupfer, £rz | copper, bronze.
Alio, impf,Uj hinabsteigen | descend. ^j9^. hinabbringen |
bring down.
^, mj>/'. a et u, bcwachcn | watcli. Elhpe. bcwacht
170 Glossarium.
werden | be watched, f )?a5j m. Wilchter | watchman. |
|j^4lLd m. Yerteidiger | defender.
)^ m. Joch I yoke.
Uai m. Hinterlist, fietrug | fraud, deceit.
l^ttaS /. Schlachtung | slaughter. PL iLuli.
^a2j, lixJ zuchtig, keusch, ehrwurdig | modest, pure,
)Loa3 (m.f potius pro) j^Looj /*. Biss | bite.
Iw^vi m. 6 v6[A0(; (cf.deLagarde,Mittheilungen2,358n).
(|ju) P<i. versuchen | try, tempt. || polni m. Versuchung |
temptation. || )^^«^^^ m. Yersucher | tempter. |j ]i'^f^y
m. Probe, Erfahrung | trial, experience.
wAALj nebmen, erhalten | take, receive. || j^"^^ ^^^i sich
beraten | take counsel. Ethpe. geuommen, gew&hlt
werden | be accepted, elected. || ^^uxsj genommen,
hergeleitet | taken, derived,
t^ gegosscn | molten. )2iaa ^^veuxd.
vnwl V. ^A^.
ya^ impf, u, zersagen | saw. Ethpe. pass. |{ ][jaiL m,
sage I saw.
V i>a3, impf. Uy blasen, anhauchen | blow, breathe on.
Vaj impf. sSj fallen, sinken | fall, sink.
iL, impf u, hcrausgchcn, herauskommcn | go out,
come out. Aph. herausbringen (beim Rechnen, Sub-
trahieren u. Dividieren) | bring out (in reckoning). ||
jd m. Ausgang | departure, issue.
Glossariam. 171
, P ^ m -rvt • • P •• r
, pLAj A ^/* l^bjLflj Seele, Person | soul, person.
C. mff. ■= selbst | self.
]^ streiten | contest.
w£^, {'^fpA f^i pflanzen | plant. || ]^^^ f^^pl. iLs^ Pflanze |
>^^, Ethpa. triumphleren | triumph. || llS'^ Triumpha-
tor, glanzend, herrlich | triumphant, splendid,
9^, impf, a, singcu | sing. Pa. die Stimme modulieren |
modulate the voicc.||)^^QjLispeln,Lalien,Schmeicheln I
whispering, lisping, flattery.
ViSaj, liajftj /". weiblich, Weib | female, wife.
^, l"*^ rein, fein, kostbar | pure, fine, costly.
, impf. n, anliiiugcn, sich anschlicsscn, folgen | ad-
here, cleave to, follow.
ki, impf. u. schlagen (die Hande zusammeu) | clasp
(the hands together),
jlji w. Beil I axe (ostsyr. ^ K., westsyr. R.)
calj, impf. a, wehen | blow. || pl^j m. Strick, Netz |
rope, net.
liojj, li^itfLAj /!, St csir. Li^Mj Wehen, Atem | breath.
SkS, impf, § 48, g, 6, geben | give.
wsLj, impf u, an sich ziehen | attract.
172 Glossarium.
]\i, ]z\i f. dualis ^i^, ph ^fjS b. nm.
^atf, \sm m. Altester, Greis | elderi old man. Bariut wfiiv
part. II jzoiauLtf /I das Alter | old age.
)i^)jB m. doi^fAiov, Silber | silver.
Sjou^ impf. u, tragen | bear.
wttj^ dicht, haufig, v erschieden | dense, frequent, various.
slia^ impf. a, satt werden | be satiated.
1^, impf. a, glauben, urteilen | believe, judge. Ethpe.
gehalten werden, gelten | be estimated, pass for. ||
) |jatf m. Hoffnung | hope. || j^ojpimio f Meinung | mean-
ing. Il |jp:m^ Evangelist j evangelist. || ]lyD^f Unter-
halt, Nahrung | food^ means of subsistence.
,^, wachsen, viel sein j grow, increase in number. Aph.
wachsen machen, vermehren | increase, multiply, jj J^
adj. viel, hiiufig | much, many, frequent, ll^; f.
$L cstr. iU^, 1^U^»; >^ ^^^' sehr I very. [ ]lo\Z^
f Menge | multitude. |j I'Loi, st. cstr. iLoi Menge
pl», ifnpf u, icpooxoveTv, anbeten, grttssen, verehren
worship, greet, revere. |j)ja^ Gottesverehrer | he who
reveres God. || j^i^ verehrenswert | worthy of adora-
tion. II ]li^ f Anbetung, Vcrchrung j worship,
foLSOy impf a, zeugen, be- | witness. Aph. do. || lloj^jJ f.
Zeugnis | witness.
Glossarium. 173
]90La c. Mond I moon.
^ umzaunen | make a hedge.
y^ bccndigcu | finish. Efhpa. begrenzt, beendigt, ent-
halteu sein | be bounded, finished, contained. {| ^
adv. ganzlich, ttberfaaupt | totally, in general.
>atf impf. 2, legen, setzen, bestimmen | lay, put, order.
Eihpe, bestimmt sein | be appointed. || \\^^^ f. Schatz |
treasure. || )jL^>ott:>o ZUchtigung, Strafe | chastise-
ment, punishment.
I^otf tn. Pferd | horse. VI. )I«a» et |ia»a».
^.alx9, impf. u^ wegwerfen, zerstoren | cast away,
(|Atf) Pa. erwarten | await.
via Eilipa. verniinftig werden, einsehen | become wise,
understand. || vLo, |Ltt m. Thor | fool. || {iolLitf f.
Thorheil, Sluidc | foolishness, oirencc. || lldoio^/^.
Einsicht, Sinn, Yerstandnis | intelligence, sense,
^inwso, linmv arm | poor; f. IM'^wv.
r^tf} impf. II, schliessen, hemmen | close, hinder. Eihpe.
pass.j verstummen | be silent.
{\Ld) Aph. verwerfen | refuse, reject.
§ 48, g, 2, hinaufsteigen | mounts ascend. Aph.
herausfUhren | bring out. || ^il^an Auferstehung
(Christi) | resurrection.
174 Gloflsariom.
>aj0, \ilim. Gift I poison. PI. |iLi!^ Heilmittel, Farben,
bes. rote | medicines, colours, especially red.
iioff, Uio^ blind I blind. || liol:^/'. Blindheit | blind-
\im hassen, verabscheuen | hate, abhor. || \iittpl]]ii
ELasser, Gegner | hater, enemy.
\La laufen, angreifen, wagen | run, attack, dare.
1^9, tmp/.ii, besuchen,mustern, handeln | visit, inspect,
act. Eihpe. voUbracht werden | be completed. |{
|i^^ m. Werk, Sache, That | work, thing, fact.
I^Jsm. Haar | hair. P/. ]^.||)i|^ das einzelne Haar |
a single hair.
wAM part. .AAV et \A3ja es gentigt | it suffices.
|ltf, )JAtf m. Schrift, Buch | writing, book. || )^ m.
Schreiber, Schriftgelehrter | writer. Scribe. || \[jIso
m. Gelehrter, Grammatiker | a scholar, gramma-
]l(LAu m. Feind, Gegner | foe, enemy.
if^otf m. Schrecken | fear, terror.
\4*^ m. xepaia, Schrift, Linie | writing, line.
Mi*^tf adv, leer, umsonst | in vain, for nothing.
*L», impf.u, zcrstoren | destroy. Pa. decken, bedecken |
cover. II ]\ii m. das Geheime | the secret. || ^LaiI),
\^bja£i adv. hinter | behind.
Qlossariom. 175
impf, Cy maclicn, tluin | make, do. || JiS^, jj^ m.
Knccht I servant || ^s^^ )^1^ m. Arbeit, Wcrk |
labour, work. || ]io'j;p:I /*. Kneclitschaft | servitude.{|
ifnns m. Schopfer, Eunstler | creator, artist. ||
}4ajpa^ /*. Wirksamkeit | efficacy. || |^ t^^^ t (flidaX)
m. Unterwerfung | submission,
dicht, dick | dense, thick.
, impf, a, uberschreiten | transgress. Aph. ent-
fernen | remove. Eihpe, (Gesetz) iibertreten | trans-
gress (the law). II jLi., l-xi^ m. Obergang, Ufer |
bank, shore. || |;^^v hiniiber | across. || )^^^
von driiben | from the other side.
V^ m. Eilc I haste. Adv. \1^ cilcnds | in haste.
U^ m. Kalb I calf. PI. iL;^; f. iki^i.
^ Praep. bis | unto. || \iA solang nichl, clic | before.
V^^ bisher | hitherto. || ^^ bis dahin, so sehr
to such a degree.
\\\^m. Fest I feast. || ^^ Fest feiern | keep festivals.
• «
''^^j impf. ti, tadeln j rebuke. Eihpe pass.
)j^ m. Zeit, Zeitpunkt | time, moment.
Jjjjoi w. Hilfe I help. || ]Sl;:^ Heifer | helper.
joc^, impf. a, sich erinnern | remember (v^ = |) || |jJoi<^
m. Gediichtnis | memory.
176 Glossarium.
^ Pa. gewohnen | accustom. Aph. do. || jL^ ge-
wShnt I accustomed. || \^^ m, Gewohnheit, Sitte |
custom, use. || >a^ § 3 pariicula, scilicet.
So^kf Aph. ungerecht handeln | deal unjustly. || )1q:iI m.
Unrecht, Frevel | injustice^ crime. || S^, fiiL m.
ungerecht; Frevler | wicked, transgressor.
'^ Pa.etAph.9,\xfyfGckeu \ awaken. Eihpe. aufgeweckt
werden | be awakened.
)4o^a:I /*. Blindheit | blindness.
yL Ethpa. sich krMtig zeigen | be strong. || y^ ge-
waltig I valid.
\h^\L /". Ring I ring (Lag., Or. 2, 55).
)M>:I Windeln | swaddling-clothes (de Lagarde,
Orientalia 2, 47).
)^ m. Weibrauch, Dampf | incense, vapour.
^, \LL f. Auge I eye.
*^ Pa. hemmen, hindern | hinder, stop.
V:! impf, w, eintreten | enter. || |WC /. Sache, Ur-
sache | cause, reason. || jL^jIsi f. Eintreten | enter-
ing. II iLii, |i^ et iWsv m. Eingang | entrance. ||
j!iv!vJ zum Eingang gehorig | belonging to the
(ILu) Aph. in die Hohe heben j raise; cum ^ abfallen
von j revolt, rise against. Kthpe. hcrvorragen | be pro-
minent. II Vi! Praep, Uber | over. || ^ai^%.i[, ^Jv^;
zur Seite | at the side of. || ? V:! weil | because. ||
Glossariuni. 177
in die Hohe | upwards. || ) v^ der oberste
the Most High,
jsni'ss m. Jiingling | young man (p. 31b).
}.Nn\s tn. Welt, Zcit, Ewlgkelt | world, time, eternity.
|2^ w. Volk I people. PI. ^^^^^v
>a:I Praep. mit | with.
^L^, impf. a, eingetaucht, getauft werden | be im-
mersed, baptised. Aph. taufen | baptise. || )Jv^^
m. el )iL>oSnssn (K. ?) /. Taufe | baptism. || ifoiil
h. ^^10?.
)ha:I m. Miihe | labour.
(Asa^ m. Tiefe | depth.
r^:^) <^i'/- ^) wohnen | dwell, inhabit. || \SoS»o:L m. Be-
wohner | inhabitant.
VL^ antworten, sich untcrhalten, sich auflialten | answer,
converse, stay. || |iliil m. Orakel | oracle. || |Igli^
m. Monch | monk.
\xL f. coll. Schafherde | sheep (coll.)
) A^iC f., pi. ]^<C Traube | grape.
,i^ impf. a^ scheiden, sterben | depart, die.
jlk /. Wolke I cloud.
] -^f^C m. Kraut, Gras | herb, grass {PL sec. BA. jjami.).
^nms, |.nmi m. schwer | heavy.
10. § 33.
SiTcXouc ; varia lectio .q>s| =, v^Luuo de Lagarde,
Semitica 1, 25.
y »
1 78 GlossariunL
^11^ f^ m. Staub, Erde | dust, earth.
]1^ bek&mpfen, bedriicken | compel, oppress.
wsl:^ verbinden, herstellen | dress (a wound), restore.
^aa:^ impf. II, mit der Ferse treten, folgen | tread on
(with the heels), follow. Pa. untersuchen, erforschen |
investigate, examine. || l^^^y^ ;>/. |^^\ et jLLL^
Ferse | heel.
Ur^ f. pi Vj^ Hohle I cave.
)^^ et Va^ Westen | west || >^^^^ a^\
wkl^l^I nackt I naked.
%o^, ji^a^ unbeschnittcn | uncircnmciscd.
>cu^ schlau I subtil, cunning.
\i'^ f. Uett I bed. PL jLa pi.
>j!'^ impf. Uy fliehen | flee. Aph. in die Flucht treiben |
put to flight.
zu Falle bringen, verwickeln | entangle, turn
, ii?i/?/'. a, stark sein, siegen | be strong, gain. Eihpa.
gekraftigt werden | be strengthened.
^Iik bereit | ready; sequenie % vel ^ futuro signifi"
cando inserviU
sjLt/b^ alt I old.
I2?a^ /. Zaum I bridle. PI if "*'
'^^, inipf. a, begegnen | meet.
Glossariom. 179
^, i;^ m. Leib | body. || fzoS^/. Leiblichkeit |
the flesh, man's carnal nature. || ^^^z\ BH. Gr. 1, 48.
^ § 43 irren | err.
p^i, pi. \l'^a Ce^Toc, Joch I yoke, pair.
_i,^aias rs=s h. D'^ldCt).
^^ V * I I
blasen, hauchen | blow, breathe.
3 palatium.
>oad, t:>oaa m. Mund I mouth (c/'.]z]Ij PL )^T).
(wtts) Aph. uHuif (Tcetoai) raten, bestimmen | counsel,
advise (Ethpe. ua^zl). || uaaio uberzeugt, ent-
schlossen | persuaded, resolved.
^ol^^oa piscinae.
}j»)ai, utfoj^ w. 7c6poc. uooj^ %-a ^ durchaus I at
all hazards, come what may.
^ ausruhcn, blcibcu, Ubrig sein | rest, remain, be left.
jLok^ adv. entsprechend | according, corresponding
Vli m. Strick | snare.
\\li m. Topfer | potter. || \\li b^ 6oTpaxlvYj.
hlL Pa. graben, ausgraben | dig, excavate. || )L-i w.
Graben | ditch.
^ zerbrechen | break. || ]^ m. Backen | cheek.
oils, impf. a, kraftlos, dumm werden | become insipid,
lose the savour.
. ^<o, impf. ti, teilen | divide. Ethpe. sich teilen | be
divided. || ^s, ^^ m. HiUfte | half, middle.
180 Glottarium.
^^^9 oL^^ Mitternacht | nndnight. || |^^ /n'^N^
Mitte des Monats | middle of the month. || v^.^^«
zweifeind an | doubtful as to.
I«, impf. ti, arbeitcn | labor.
VLi sich wenden, zuriickkehren | turn, return. Ethpe. do.
Pa. zuriickgcbcn, antworten | give back, answer
{cum velsine |ial£^). Aph. zuwenden | turn towards. |{
\LdM /., St. c. hLii Gegend | country. || (IL Be-
kehrung, Neigung | conversion, inclination. || \11q1
Riickkehr, Antwort | return, answer.
■ i^i^^l^pl ^avxaoiai.
impf, u, abschneiden | cut off. Pa. verstlimmeln
I zerreiben, verkleinern | grind, crumble.
]^ Schlucht I gulf, ravine.
^^ Pa. erretten, befreien | save, deliver.
(wM^) Ethpe. heiter sein | be cheerful. || |^^ Passah
^, impf. u et Pa. befehlen | command. || )9a.A^ m.
Anordner | commander. || |j^aa m. Befehl | com-
>.Jal nutzlich, gut | useful, good.
)£^2^ /. Ebene | plain.
\\a fruchtbar sein | be fruitful. Aph. hervorbringen
, bring forth. || \\\im. Frucht | fruit. PL ^^\i.
Glo88arium. 181
]^?^ /:, pi. iJi^ Korn I grain.
):^o]l3 Umwurf, Mantel | cloak, mantle.
|l]|i m. Eisen | iron.
IzLp /. Vogel I fowl. Pi. 1L.V.
(sjBj^) Ethpa. einen Weg suclien, ttberlegen | seek a
way, deliberate. || \ii'^] Rat, List | counsel,
device. || (idS^oA Versorgung | management, pro-
vision. '
Jjxu^ airXcofJia.
^^s, impf. 7(, wiederherstellen, ersetzen, leisten | restore,
replace, accomplish. Ethpe. pass.
|«Do^ m. Befreier, Erloser | deliverer, saviour.
wA'^, imp/', u, trennen, weggehen | separate, remove
from, depart.
..juls, impf. Uj ausbreitcn | spread, extend.
Pa. er warm en | warm.
Pa. erkliireu | expound. Ethpa. pass. Vaj^aa Er-
klarung, Deutung | exposition, interpretation.
, imjyf. a, schmelzen, kochen | melt, boil, Tceirxa).
lis, 1^2^ m. Seite | side.
)iftj^ Wort, Ausspruch | word, sentence.
w^£«, imj)/'. a^ ofinen, erobern | open, conquer. Ethpe.
geoflfnet, aufgedeckt werden | be opened, un-
)^£fl {iz6xa^pa) Gotzenbild | idol; de Lagarde, Mit-
theilungeu 2, 354 n.
r r
182 Qlossariam.
.. !
Vs. wollen I wish, will. Ethpe. eifrig, begierig sein, be-
gUnstigen | be busy, anxious, favor. || }4ao^ A Eifer,
Ding, Sache | zeal, thing, cause. (jlIaj zos, ^
d<f laoTYjc II Vil^^ m. Wille | will.
va^, \Lol f. Finger | finger. PL ^Jb* et iLLi^.
iLuo^i m. Schmuck | ornament.
^9^ Schl&fe \ temple; xp6Ta9oc.
^m^ dlirsten | be thirsty. || )<ii^ durstig j thirsty. || |I<n^
m. Durst j thirst
^o^ Ankunft | arrival. || j^ol t^ Versammhingsort |
{, jagen | hunt.
\^o, m. Fasten j fast.
9? malen | paint. || Ip! tn. Maler | painter.
z! ausrufen, aufmerken j cry out, attend. || \lo[ tn.
Gcschrei | cry.
w»J^ Pa. schmiihen | revile.
j^" Praep. bei, nach | at, with, up to. § 49 h.
|i^ neigen | incline. -Pa. beten | pray. || | zo^^ /". Gebetj
I,, impf. ti, aufhangcn, krcuzigen | hang, crucify.
Ethpe. pass.\]^r^^ l) adj. der Gekreuzigte j cruci-
fied. 2) suhst. Ereuz | cross. || )i>al^^ Kreuziger |
he who crucifies.
Glossariuni. 1 83
>a^^, ]^'^l m. Bild I likeness.
liLallo^ /. Wunde | wound. PL iLii^©^.
^lito? m, Glanz, Strahl | splendour, ray.
|i^ Pa. schmaheu, Unreclit thun | despise, injure. ||
l^r m. Verachtung | contempt.
t^v '^ll ^' ^o^'g^iid&^^^i'ung I dawn.
r^I, IK- ^- V^eel I bird. PI Tf*;
V^m. Nagel | nail. PL |£^.'
]S^ spalton I rend asunder. Kihpc. gespaltcn werden |
be rent.
l/Q^U, liaiSi 1?) xiptoTdc (G. Hofifraann, ZDMG 32,
748 n. 1.)
vdo, impf. u, entgegengelien | go to meet. Pa. an-
nebmen, empfangcn | receive, accept. (\aio, jkjol
Gegenseite { opposite side.) {LsoaI^, si. c. V^Ido!^
gegeniiber | over against. {Lxa^f et lioaltf, ).l^saAtf
Gegner | opposed, hostile, enemy. || ]''^W^^kk1 an-
nelnnbar { acceptable.
), impf. u, befestigen, fassen | fix, mount (with gold).
Eihpe. pass,
io, impf. XI, begraben | bury. Ethpe. pass. || l^^ii m.,
fz-fAo f. Grab | tomb. || ]IqAd Begrabnis | bnriaL
cr. las^.
184 Glonariom.
plo i». Scheitel | back of the head, top.
yo^ Pa. Yorsetzen, zuvorkominen (reddit izpo Graeconm) {
place at the head, prevent, anticipate. |{ >a^^ ^ von
vorn, liingst | from before, long ago. || >o^ Praep. vor |
before. ||>e^ ^; } vo^ ^ ehe | before {co}\j.). ||
yi^ der friihere, erste | former, first. || )I:^|i
der erste | the first. Ph die Friiheren und Oberen |
those anterior and superior to us. || £b«l2>o,^ zuerst,
zum erstenmal | at first, for the first time. || (i:>o?al)
cum 1^ adverb, yj^^o:^ (cf. Vado!^) zuerst { at first.
ytJ^Q^ ^ vor Linger Zcit | long ago.
sjL^L Pa. heiligen | hallow, {j >^^ heilig | holy. || 1^90^,
ahs. et csir. ^^olo Ileiligkeit | holiness.
u^ Pa. bleiben, besteheu, dauern | abide, remain, last.
|Lo m. Stimme | voice. \:^\ Uas mit lauter Stimme | with
a loud voice. ^ Z|^ v. z^^.
ycLji aufstehen, bestehen | stand up. Aph. aufrichten,
bestimmen | set up, appoint. || ^zC^oi /'. Statur, Stufe,
Elle I stature, degree, cubit. {| li^oolo tn. Yorstandj
prefect || l^io^ /. Auferstehung | resurrection. ||
^loA^ m., Standort | stand, station.
)ialL m. Kanal, Teich | canal, channel, pond.
, impf. ?(, to ten | kill. Ethpe.pass. Pa. morden { murder, i
li{L2 m. Morden | murder. || |fa4uD Morder | murderer.
o klein | thin, small.
Glossarlom. 186
\4jo, impf, u et Pa. abhauen, abschneiden | cut off.
li^lu) m. subst. Gewalt | force. |^i^ ^, )pf^^ mit
Gewalt I forcibly.
wtfduD, \uLMji m. IIolz I wood.
\MJji xtddpa.
Vjl^ wenig, leicht, schnell | little, light, swift. Etiam
adv.\ ^<ln\ i'sn eU (xixpd.
Vai^ verdrehen, verkehren | distort, pervert.
\ixi erwerbeu, besitzen | acquire^ possess. ]Li begabt
niit I gifted with. |' |ilii wi. Rcsitz, bes. an Vieh |
property, espec. cattle.
)1d, ]1i1 m. Rohr | reed.
(:^o^^uuLo = alXdfJi.
|j&A Caesar.
\Ld ausrufcu | cry out. Cf. ji^. || j^Lo f. Geschrci | cry.
uflu&D zusammengezogen | restrained, drawn together.
^ verabreden | agree upon; Eihpa, pass.
\l^ rufen, nennen, lesen | call, name, read. Ethpe. ge-
nannt werden | be called.
]li^ cf. § 33, Dorf I village.
s^l^ impf. u, sich nahern, streiten | come near, fight.
Pa. herbeibringen, darbringen | bring near, offer.
Eihpa. herbeikommen | approach. || ]^^ m. Streit,
Krieg | fight, war. || vi^^oi) m. Darbringung, Gabe |
offering, gift. |j ^jq-.^ nahe, benachbart | near, neigh-
186 Glossarium.
Uljio^ Unterbrcclmng dor Redo | intorniption of the
^^, |j|^ f* Horn I horn.
\L^'^ f. Schadel | scull.
\Ld schwer | hard, t^^jcs adv. hart, rauh, heftig |
roughly, harshly. || liaLiJ /. Hiirte | harshness,
alt, Presbyter | old, presbyter.
^i) , ]\\'9 m. Geheimnis | mystery. PI. \yi\ (cf. de Lagarde,
Agathangelus 138, 139). li]9|^ ]1 dixooTaytoyYjxoc.
F, pi A\po angedeutet | signified.
^]t, ].£9 gross I great. PL \s^hor, iLs9oV Magnaten |
the peers, grandees.
^ liirinen | make a noise. {| jlio^Laut | sound. )iairL^
/. L^rm, Geriiusch | noise, sound.
'^\ Pa. wachsen lassen, ernahren | cause to grow, nurse.
iSJolrj]^ Amnie, Wiirterinnen | nurse, attendant.
%^9 sich hinlegen | lie down. || |L^a^|io /. Platz |
place. II %Ji^\ 4 § 33. || ^oX ein Viertel | a quarter.
wJ wUnschen | wish; impers. ^^ \^l mir ist er-
wiinscht | it is my wish. Ethpa. wLf-^f bestiirzt
sciu I be confounded. || ^..^9 crwUnscht, wiinscheus-
wert I desired, desirable. Ij ]lS^^f.pL Vergniigungen
pleasures. || ]L^ f. Begierde | desire.
Qlossarioni, 187
y^ zttrnen | be angry. Aph. zum Zorn reizen | provoke
to anger. || Ij^iq-^^ zornig | angry.
V^S |i^? /. Fuss I foot.
ysJ^ steiuigen | stone. Ethpe. pass. v. >as.i^.
if) laufen, flicssen | run, flow.
ws)i, impf. ti, verfolgen | pursue. Elhpe. pass.\\]laoih m.
Verfolgung | pursuit, persecution.
^mh laufen | run. § 48 g, 7.
lo) jubeln I rejoice. || ]]oh Jubel | joy.
W-.0?, jJc? c. Wind, Geist | wind, spirit. || ^1»( m. Aus-
diinstung, Geruch | scent, smell.
>o? lioch sein | be high. || ^^l erhohen | elevate. Aph.
auflieben, erheben | lift up. Efhpe. erhaben werden |
be lofty. II >e5 mJJ. hoch | high. || jzoio? /. Ilohc |
height. II jjs^i^tf der hochste | the highest.
]lo\ Speichel | spittle.
>ai9 lieben j love. || ]k^ y:^l gottliebend | loving God.
)^^ m. Freund | friend. {: |^v pi Barmherzigkeit
mercy. jjliaLo^^ do. jj ^j»^ barmherzig | merciful.
]^:^omI f. Licbc, Wohlwollen | love, kindness.
KK^^l freundlich j friendly. || '^o^s acL; ]^Q2lpass.
I Pa. die Fliigel ausbreiten, briiten | spread the
wing, brood.
( feme, abwesend | far away, absent. || {Jomo^ m.
Entfernung | distance.
1 88 Qlossarium.
i kriechen | creep. Aph. hervorbringen | bring forth.
|^[ coll. kriecbendes Getier | every creeping thing.
wA^f , \1a m, Kopf, Kapitel | bead, chapter. \Ji^^ y^oLo
v. yott. \\ \1jLI erst, best | first, best jj \±U m. Yor-
steher | head of an institution. ;| ]1q1U /*. Fiihrerschaft |
. leadership.] iJll^ Nestor. ljM (Ge, 1, 1. Job. 1, 1)
Anfang | beginning. ^uuJ^ ^ von Anfang (der Welt)
an I from the beginning (of the world).
^l sanft, weich I smooth, tender. |{ tj\ljll adv. all-
m&hlich I by degrees.
wn2i Pa. mischen | mingle^ mix. |{ ]Atoi Mischung | mix-
ture. II ]£.ns'^ /*. Wagen | chariot.
^i werfen | throw. Pari. pass. ^^ hingestreckt |
stretched out. Aph. hinwerfen | throw down.
l{:>o?m.Wink, Anzeichen |hint, sign. || ]ll\icl anzeigendj
)j9 denken | think. Elhpe. uberlegen, besorgt seiu |
consider, be anxious,
jliweiden | feed. J ]Ll, \1l,1 pi. fioilv Hirte | shepherd. ||
]u\l m. Sinn | meaning. !| )LiI.u /*. Meinung, Ge-
danke | opinion, thought.
^h et Eihpe. donnern | thunder. || {.il:^) domier | thunder.
^9, ^^? )J9^ =^ Krokodil | crocodile.
|v- '\ ]Lj^f m. Firmament | firmament.
\.A,h tadeln, vorwerfen | blame, accuse.
Glossarium. 189
>aj^, impf. u, zeichnen, bezeichnen | mark, indicate.
\:JLk,oi m. Zeichen | mark.
"^^^ Aph. freveln | be wicked. || ]Ll21 Frevler | wicked
person. || (1a.o^ m. Frcvcl | offence, wickedness.
U? yiph. den Weg zeigen, ermahnen | show the way,
exhort. ^1410 xaxtjj^iQTYjc. |j ]iaJu2|:i /. xati^j^TjOic. ||
\ilzl2i^ xaTir)j(o6|Jievo(;.
Vdii stottcrn I stammer.
•I'll v
• 7
]9]Ji m. Teufel | demon, devil.
%^ fragen, bitten | ask, request. || ]^<^<^ i, griissen
greet. Pa. sich erkundigen | inquire. Ethpa. er-
forscht werdeu | be examined. || ]l^]^ /. Fragc,
Wunsch I question, wish.
Pa. Friede schaffen | make peace. || ^^, )U^ m.
Friede, Ruhe | peace, quietness. || )^^-^^ Friede
schaflFend | peace-making; Xai6<;.
m. et irLil^ /*. Gefangenschaft | exile.
Pa. loben | praise. Ethpa. pass. (v. de Lagarde,
novae psalterii graeci editionis specimen, p. 35, ult.).|{
'^' riihmenswert | worthy of praise. || |^aX m.
Lob,Ehre | praise,glory ; 86$a. (v. ^iz). \\ IzLo^i /.
Lob, Ehre, Ilymnus | praise, glory, hymn. ||
adv. herrlich | gloriously. [|k .) H^^^ do.
7 T
190 Oloasarium.
)4l£l^ m. Stock, Scepter, Stamm | rod, sceptre, tribe.
7, § 33. II tiZ^o^ A pi i^o^ Woche j week,
a^, impf. u, verlassen, nachlassen j leave, desert,
pardon. {| \ia»A^ /. die Oeschiedene | she that is
divorced. || ){n^^r m. Verzeihung j pardon.
L m. Kind j child. || \\^'^- f. Miidchen | girl.
Aph. Sabbat feiern j keep sabbath. || ]\^^ fjpi
Sabbat, Woche | sabbath, week: Etiam]^m. sg.
impf. u, storen, verwirren j trouble, disturb.
Ethpe. pass. Pa. erregen j excite,
ij^ werfcn | throw. Ethpe. pass.
ilil Pa. schicken | send. Ethpa. pass. || V^i^LiJ^ ;/}. Gc-
sandter | messenger.
^ (lot) gleich, wiirdig sein | be equal, worthy. Ethpe.
fiir wiirdig gehalten werden | be found worthy.
Aph. fiir wiirdig halten | find worthy. || iJlloJ, adv.
gleiclimassig, zugleich | equally, likewise.
♦ r
sJS]^Jk0 V. wA)^.
\LaJ^ m. Fels I rock.
]io^ m. Mauer j wall. ||1, ^ v. ^.
uaZolA^ v. \.al^. II «^-^ V. i«^S^.
\LL^ tn. Druck, Qual, Folter j pressure, torment, torture.
'^11 Pa. zum Botendienst nfitigen | compel to go (as
messenger). |, v. '^\.
\!^ Aph. tiluschen | deceive.
|1a^ v. ^^, lASit4> V. 1&2^^i^.
Gloflsarium. 191
Aj4 finden, auffinden, k3nnen | find, find out, be
able. Eihpe, gefunden werden | be found. || - --'^^-
gefuuden | found. || ]LmLa, f. Auffinduug | invention.
^;^jL2ao, {liiAio m, Wohnung | habitation, dwelling.
h^Ai ruhen | rest.
)L^ aufboren, ausruhen | cease, rest. |[ >v^"^ |^^^"
Rube I rest. .^^ ^, | Ts Z ^ et Vi^Cumd plotz-
licb I suddenly. {| )^Vu^ p? ohne Aufboren | without
ceasing, (dc Lagardc, Syinniicta 2, 100.)
]^^ (oxeXexov?) Leichnam | dead body, corpse.
>--^^ ausgezogen, nackt | bare, naked. || |^-^^ m.
subst. Apostel | apostle.
.4l1L^, Impf. H, Iicrrschcn | rule. Kihpa. Ilcrr werden,
siegen | become master, overcome. |l jijl^aaD m.
Herrschaft | dominion.
>ex!:L^, impf, a, voUstandig sein, zusammenstimmen
be complete, agree; explicit Ethpe. Uberliefert
werden | be delivered. Pa, vollenden, erfiillen |
finish, fulfill. Aj)h. Uberliefern | deliver, hand down. |i
Ivi'sA^ m. Friede | peace. || jsn^oj^ m. Vollcndung,
Ende | completion, end. || ) ^<^ ^"^ v fur immer | for
ever. || i^^lv^v^J /. Verrat, (Jbcrlieferung |
treachery, tradition.
>ajC, )^^ m., pL . ^sl^ Name | name. || okil^ nennen
192 Qlossarium.
call. Eihpe. genannt werden | be called. || tuiLLo
beriihmt | famous.
\1:^ Himmel | heaven. § 28 c.
|jQ^ Heller | farthing.
y r
fett I fat.
Lk0^ impf. a, horen | hear. Eihpe. pass. || j^ai^ m.
Horer | hearer. || y&t^ulM^ et \h»^ilj^ das H5ren |
the hearing.
Pa. hineinlassen, hineinschicken | let in, send in.
i Pa. dienen | serve. || \La:<LJ1 f. Dienst | service.
Sonne | sun.
; jU f., PI. liX Zahn | tooth. || iili. m. Schfirfe |
|1^, )fia-i, f'i St, cstr. fiii^ Schlaf | sleep. ( / ^^.)
.SZ Pa. bewegen, entfernen, (aus demLeben) scheiden |
move, remove, depart (this life).
\iM, \hxZ f. Jahr | year. || PI. ^ii4., jIIa..
(,j^) Ethpa. gefoltert werden (foltern) | be tortured
(torture). || \[iZ m, Folter j torture.
^a£^ Pa. foltern | torture. || |»alaj^ et \LSj^1 Wiirgen,
Erdrosseln, Foltern | strangling, torture.
()v^) Ethpa. durch Reden erfreuen, erz&hlen | gladden,
recite. II \L^1 /*. Geschichte | history.
UL^, ypi^ /. Stunde | hour. || PL ]^\ \jLoi v. 1<n.
* r
Glossarium. 193
I arbeiten | labour,
liolaj^ /. Beiulieit, Lauterkeit | purity.
Pa, druckeii, demiitigen | oppress, humble.
schon sein, gut maclien | be beautiful, do well. ||
schon I beautiful.
(\a^) ^pf^' triiuken, bewiissern | give to drink, irrigate.
L4., impf.Uy (weg-)tragen | bear (away). || jLJ
Sorgo tragen | take care, sec to it tliat. ||
tragend | bearing. Kihpc. weggetragcn, wcggefulirt
wcrdeu | be carried off.
t Ohrfeige | box on the ear, chastisement.
^ Ethpa. versichert sein | be assured. || \hy^ m. Wahr-
heit I truth. ||hh^ wahr, fest | true, firm. || h^\^^
adv. sicher | certainly.
)^ aullosen, cntlassen, weilcn, wohnen | loosen, dis-
miss, abide, stay. Ethpe. befreit werden | be de-
livered. Pa. anfangen | begin. || ll-^ m. Auflosung |
solution. II ].Aal m. Anfang | beginning. || {io^^ /.
Essen | meal. || jitL^^ Lager j camp. || IzCf ^ Trom-
peten j trumpets.
\ib'fJi f. Stamm, Familie j tribe, family.
X:^ Licht I light.
VsH^ m. Best I rest; "a^o etc.
\^^l^- et "jkaS, /*., pL ]K<r^. Eette | chain.
L^ 6 § 33.
Nosilo. K
194 Glossarium.
v*2L4.f, ifnpf. \L^ trinkcn | drink. || vtzL^, V^fiuk^ m.
Gelage | banquet
)iC«)^^ pL \s1\bS0 Fundament I foundation.
^ mitteilen | communicate. || ^2oLk,\ teilhaben |
participate. || Vala^^-Genosse | companion.|| \1o1'1q1
Gcmeinschaft | communion, fellowsliip.
impf, u schweigen | be silent.
\ i»^<^
l^Jli, \ll Fcigcnbauui | tigtrce. ri. |ili, dc Lagarde,
Mitthcilungcn 1, 58.
"^z, impf. u, suchen | seek. || Eihpe pass. |^^z /.
Untersuchung, Frage | investigation, question.
lf?i, l?li m. Kraut | green herbs (b^OT).
U>oo(nz nh Tiefe | depth.
9<nz sich wuudcrn | wonder.
uAoi adv. wiederum | again. || ]1qj^2 A Bekehrung.
Bene | conversion, penitence.
010 z h. '^iip[,
]lol m. Stier | bull. || ]lhoZ f. Kuh | cow.
I^o^z m, Grcnzc | border, frontier.
£Li#i, IxiIl et t^z Praep, untcr | under (§ 49h).
^ 2uiiiil2:^ II \liLul dor untere j the lower,
^^z v. ^^.
Iz vertrauend | trusting.
Glossariam. 195
Vorwurfe machen | rebuke.
)]z aufkaugen | hang. Ethpe. pass.
iiilz 3 § 33. II ]1q1L:^jL a Drcihcit, Drciciiiigkcit
\(^1 m. Bewunderung | admiratiou. || oi^z bewun-
deruswert | admirable.
^1 adv. dort | there.
liiSz 8 § 33.
\pol A^ugcnbraucu | cyc-brow; v. ^j^.
.i et Ethpe. rauchen | smoke.
^z m, Seeungeheuer j sea-monster ; x^to(;.
jjz wiederholen | repeat. Pa. erziihlen | narrate. ||
]il2l zweit I second.
]h\nol /'. Falls trick j snare.
^2, impf, a, stelien, fost sein | stand ,» be firm. Pa.
feststellen, ordnen j fix, order.
^hz 2 § 33.
>a^9i erklaren, iibersetzen | expound, translate. Eihpa.
'^jZ, \^hl tn. TliUre | door.
^Jz gerade, recht j upright, straight. || ^u-l^fz adv.
reclit I right. || Urxa-i ^U 6pd68oSo?.
^z 9 § 33.
Priniad by W. Drugulin, Lttlpsig.
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